Annabeth's POV
It was a beautiful day: the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the sky was colored rich, velvet blue without a single cloud hovering amidst.
And I was absolutely miserable.
Stupid! I thought to myself. Why the heck did I listen to Percy? Another camp, he says. It'll be fun, he says. But no, because I'm stuck on stupid bus with the stupid bus driver trying to entertain us!
I was riding to Camp Getaway, having listened to Percy and his "oh so awesome" idea. Seaweed Brain had insisted that I needed some "chillaxing" time, but when you're on a Greyhound with a 50-year old man singing "The Wheels on the Bus", you can do anything but chillax.
At least I can settle down at camp. I thought. Besides, Camp Getaway can't get any worse than this, right?
Five hours later, the bus dropped me off in the rural part of Nevada. Actually, it was what most would call the middle of nowhere. Honestly, there was nothing but grass and tumbleweeds around me. I looked around, then shrugged and stared off in one direction.
"Percy better come pick me up," I mumbled to myself, "or else that wad of kelp is dead fish."
I sat down in the dying yellow grass and took out my book on Greek architecture. It was really interesting, and I was so intrigued by the literature that I didn't realize that a big red, rusty truck pulled up next to me.
It was when a familiar voice called out my name that she looked up…and groaned.
There was Percy Jackson sitting in the passenger seat of the pickup truck, smiling and waving like a fool. Next to him was a big, burly man who must've been one of the camp counselors. He looked jolly and had a big belly, kind of like Santa Clause, except he had brown, greasy hair and no beard. He seemed nice enough, so I opened the rear door of the truck and hopped in.
"Hello," the man greeted me, "I'm Mr. Tolland. Call me T, or Mr. T, I don't really care." He looked at me with bright, humorous eyes. "You must be Annabeth. I've heard a lot about you from Percy." I gave Seaweed Brain a stern glare, in case he said anything bad about me. "Don't worry," Mr. T chuckled, "you seem like a nice little girl to me."
"Nice to meet you, Mr. T and I'm sure that your camp will be a lot of fun!" I smiled, although I didn't particularly mean it.
"Oh, you introduce yourself to the camp counselor," Percy butted in sarcastically, "but there's not even a 'hi' or 'hello' for me?" He looked at me hopefully.
I sighed, "Hello, Seaweed Brain, nice to see you again." I put extra emphasis on the word nice, because, honestly, it wasn't all that true.
"Nice to see you too, Wise Girl." Oh, so it wasn't very nice to see me either? Well, whatever.
The truck started with a jolt, and I decided to put on my seat belt, because I had no idea how Mr. T drove, and I didn't want to be flung around like a rag doll in this car.
The entire ride to camp was quiet, except for the occasional question from Mr. T. This camp counselor was ok, but I kind of missed Chiron. He was cooler and better. Oh well.
We arrived at the camp an hour later, and let me just tell you it looked nothing like Camp Half-Blood. Camp Getaway was a lot more like a normal camp: the cabins were made out wood, the mess hall was actually covered, and there was an extinguished camp fire with logs surrounding it. It was the perfect summer camp...for mortals.
As Mr. T lead us to the regristration office, I pulled Percy aside.
"This is your idea of fun?" I inquired.
"Yeah, we finally get to go to a normal camp." he replied.
"Are you telling me you like this camp better than Camp Half-Blood?"
"NO, of course not!"
"It sounds like that."
"Aw, come on, Annabeth, I know you're just messing with me."
"What if I'm not?" I smiled slyly.
He pointed a finger at me, as if to say something, but at that moment Mr. T called for us to catch up, so he left it at that. I felt good. I had outsmarted Percy once again, although I wouldn't call that much of an accomplishment.
We ran up to the one story building, and I signed into Camp Getaway. What fun this would be.
I got my cabin number from the activities director. I was in Cabin Brune. I guess they name their cabins. I wondered what that meant and silently hoped that I was all alone in my cabin.
Percy offered to lead me on a tour of the large camp, and I (rather reluctantly) agreed.
First, he showed me the mess hall, which was right next to the registration building. It was a large, wide wooden building. The double doors were glass, and there was a sign on it. Ug. We would be having chicken tacos for dinner. So much for choosing whatever we wanted to eat.
Next stop was the fireplace, in the dead center of the camp. Honestly, there wasn't much to explain, or see for that matter.
Then, there were the bathrooms, split up, girls on the right and boys on the left. The girls' bathrooms were painted pink and actually looked clean and comfortable. The boys', on the other hand, was painted a dark blue and reeked of sewage. Yuk.
Afterwards, Percy showed me the play area. There was a little kid's playground, complete with multiple slides and a whole row of swings, and some children that were younger than me were playing on that. There was also a track, a volleyball court, a tennis court and a basketball court. I turned my attention to a bastetball game that was in play. Apparently, it was boys against girls, and the boys were kicking the girls' butts off.
I soon found the reason why.
He was tall and muscular, with chocolate brown hair and eyes deeper and bluer than the ocean. He smiled a warm smile every time he scored, which happened often. He could make Aphridite's kids at camp take a run for their money. He was...(sigh) amazing.
My head dropped back down to earth when Percy called out my name and snapped his hand in front of my face. "What?" I asked, annoyed that he had waken me up from a dream so perfect.
"What were you staring at?" he inquired.
Ignoring his question, I asked one of my own, "What's his name?" and pointed to the basketball court.
"Which one?"
"The really hot - I mean, the guy that keeps scoring." I stammered.
"Jack." I was surprised to hear such bitterness in his voice. "Now do you want to keep going on this tour or do you want to stare meaninglessly at him."
The rest of the tour...well, actually, from the play area, Percy lead me right to the cabins, showed me the Brune cabin and left, muttering something about rafting down the river. I felt bad, but how could I have known that Percy hated this Jack kid so much? I stepped into my cabin, feeling worse every breath I took.