How Could You?
Chapter One


Slowly her eyes opened. She winced. Her body felt like a million bricks had fallen on top of her.

Suddenly she felt slight pressure to her wrist. Warmth.


That deep, raspy, boyish tone was unmistakable. It brought a smile of relief to her chapped, bruised lips.


A wooden cup was suddenly put to her lips, strong arms pulling her stiff body into a sitting position. She felt the cool sanctitude of water touch her lips and she parted them willingly, greedily slurping the liquid allowing it to slide down her dehydrated throat.

She sighed with relief when the cup was removed. Her vision slowly came into focus.

He leaned over her, gently laying her back down on what felt to be a pile of furs. Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. The expression he wore.. She couldn't read it. It looked to be a mix of anxiety, relief and anger.

Why was he angry?

"Yeah, its me."

His voice sounded far off, even though he was leaning over her, not even two feet away.

What was wrong?

"Whats.. wrong?" She whispered softly, afraid she had done something wrong to upset him.

Memories of the night before came flooding her mind and a shudder of utter humiliated heartbreak coursed through her. Her eyes burned... Tears gathering.

"Thats whats wrong!" He suddenly boasted. Rage glittering his bright blues.

Her eyes widened as she flinched back, fearful, her body trembling slightly. She hiccuped.

"For days I've been caring for you, coming in here to see you delirious. Crying constantly. The only thing you keep muttering is 'why', 'how' and that damned mutt's name!"

She laid there, cringing away from him as more tears trickled down her cheeks.

She hadn't meant to upset him. She closed her eyes tightly, raising her arms to wrap them around herself. Her lips trembled as she bit her bottom lip, trying to conceal a whimper.

"Aw Kagome, I'm sorry..." He moved to sit on the pile of furs. She felt arms encircle around her and crush her to his chest, which she now realized was bare. She blushed faintly, blinking the tears away to stare up into his face.

"It just pisses me off to see you upset. Over him. And judging by how I found you... Hes' really done it this time."

You could say that again...

His statement brought on fresh tears as her body shivered, trembling as she choked back a sob. The arms around her tightened, a low growl rumbling from his chest. She went rigid in fear.. But the angry growl suddenly softened. It began to sooth her.

"Its ok Kags, I'm here now..."

He lowered his face to dip into her hair, ignoring the thick stench of Inuyasha surrounding her. His large hands rubbed her back. Moments later, she stilled, lightly whimpering every few seconds. The tears dried.. And she sighed.

"Thanks Kouga.."

She pushed lightly at his chest, her fingers twitching as his muscles flexed on reflex. Her cheeks once more tinting a soft pink hue.

"So, are you going to tell me whats going on?"

She looked up to his face, her lips trembling again, but tears refused to gather. There were no more. Her eyes averted his in shame. In humiliation.


"What did that asshole do this time?"

She brought her hands up to clasp around her eyes, closing her eyes tightly. Her body shivered, shuddering in disgust as the images refused to give her relief. They plagued her relentlessly. The sounds of Inuyasha's moans... Her right hand clasped over her mouth.

"He betrayed me..."

Kouga's eyes widened. His hands gently grabbed her shoulders as he shook her lightly; Causing her to look into his shimmering sapphire eyes.

"What happened Kagome...?"

His voice was tender, understanding.. She was lost in the serene depth of its volume.

"He... Sesshomaru... I.."

She looked away. Her eyes once more closing tightly. It was so... humiliating! That her own husband. Her mate should deceive her and sleep with a male but.. With his brother no less!

"Kagome, what..?" His bushy brows furrowed together in confusion. He grabbed her chin and turned her head, tilting it upward to force her face in his direction. "You gotta look at me Kags.."

Slowly her chocolate pools opened. They shimmered with raging humiliation. He examined them.. Showing her she could trust him. His palm moved from his chin to mold the shape of her cheek. He held his hand there.

Her head tilted into his hand. She needed the comfort.

"I caught him.. With Sesshomaru.."

She took a deep breath. Her body broke out in tremors. Her breathing becoming ragged. Her heartbeat slamming against her ribs.

"They were doing... horrific... Sinful things. Oh Kouga, they've been sleeping together! I don't know how long, but I caught him! I know its happened before! I'm so embarrassed! Humiliated! I don't know what to do! Oh kami--!" A finger was suddenly pressed to her lips; Instantly silencing her.

Her eyes rose to lock with his. Hateful. Disgusted, hateful rage glittered amongst his glorious, bright sapphires. His body began to tremble and Kagome's eyes widened in fright. Her arms wrapped around his torso, her face burying into his naked chest. She held tight.

"T..That low life half breed... I.. I was so foolish to accept his supposed 'love' for you and let him take you for his... mate," He choked on the word. A vicious growl ripping from his throat, "I will MURDER him!"

"Please... Don't.."

His eyes widened as he gazed down at the frail woman clinging desperately in his arms. She gazed up at him. Sorrow evident in her features.

"Shiiko.. needs a father.."

"Then I will be the father! That damned, disgusting mutt doesn't deserve a family!"

"Kouga.. Please.. Stop.." She whimpered helplessly causing the wolf to cease his growling. His raging shouts... And come to a calm reserve.

"You still love him, don't you?"

She gasped, shocked at how.. crudely he'd stated it. She glared slightly at him.

"How can I not? I am married to him, mated to him. I trusted him Kouga. For years. I bore him a child... I cannot help it.. Humiliated, betrayed and horribly upset yes.. But it does not change how I feel for him."

This arose a sudden.. Urgent question within the wolf and his heartbeat grew frantic. His expression anxious. His grabbed her chin and forced her to continue to look at him as so she could not look away.

"Are you going to go back to him?"

She pulled at his hand. Futile. She was a feeble human. Her eyes averted from his but a small almost bark of a growl caused her eyes to lock onto his, slightly widened and fearful.

"I-I don't... know.."

"DAMMIT KAGOME! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?" He exploded. She flinched.

"K-Kouga.. There is a lot.. to think about here. Shiiko.. Shes only four! I must think of her before myself."

"I already told you I'd be her father. I'd make a ten times more honorable father than that disgraceful half breed!"


His rage diminished immediately. Calming.. He sighed and stared at her face. She could always calm him. Anything to make her happy. He despised seeing her frown.. Saddened. He wanted her happy. Always smiling.

"Look.. I'll stay for a few days. But.." She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "I have to get Shiiko first..."

Seemingly satisfied, he released her chin and nodded. A slight smirk gracing his dark tanned features. Was that a cocky gleam she noted in his eyes? Oh boy..

"Alright. Come on."

He stood up from the bed, without asking scooping her up into his arms bridal style. She gasped, wrapping her slender arms around his neck.

"Where are we going?"

"Hot spring. You stink."

She glared weakly at him, her legs kicking.

"Put me down, jerk!"

The wolf merely laughed, turning to leave his den. Hakaku and Ginta looked up from there perch above the large rock that concealed the cave that was his den.

"Kouga, where are you off to!?"

"Out. Stay here."

The two scoffed, but sighed. Being left there once again to a boring afternoon of absolutely nothing.


"Otoo-san, where is Okaa-san?" The child anxiously tugged on his hakama pants, whimpering as her lips trembled.

The silver maned hanyou bent down to lift his daughter effortlessly into his arms, brushing the dark hair from her porcelain forehead before planting a kiss.

"Shes fine, Shiiko." He said. It was all he could tell her. He didn't want her worrying. Didn't want her scared.

"But where is she?" The child demanded impatiently, squirming in her father's hold. She grunted, jetting her bottom lip out in an annoyed pout.

"Shes... making a surprise for you, squirt. So be quiet now, or I'll ruin it for you." He lied.

Shiiko's eyes brightened and she smiled, lightly squealing. She nodded obediently when Inuyasha held a finger to his lips. He set her down and gently patted her butt. She ran off outside to play with her friends.


Later that night when Shiiko was sleeping, Inuyasha stole away to the night. Within the forest. He arrived at the usual meeting spot between him and Inuyasha.

It had been almost four days since Kagome's disappearance.

He sniffed the area thoroughly. Yes. Definitely Kagome's scent.

He narrowed the scent down to a tree. It went off into a weak trail, the scent fading due to the time lapse of the night. He took off into a run, following the scent obediently until he came to a screeching halt.

The scent cut off abruptly at the cliff's edge. His eyes widened.

"No..." He whispered brokenly. His chest constricting.

Suddenly a new scent attacked his senses. This scent caused his nose to wrinkle, yet relief shown reluctantly on his features. He clenched his fists, grinding his canines together. A low growl rippling through his clenched teeth.

Kouga.. That bastard..

"Looking for something?"

The hanyou flung around to come face to face with his elder brother. Inuyasha snorted and averted his golden eyes much like the male's before him.

"What're you doing here Sesshomaru?"

"Do I need a reason to visit my little brother?" He whispered sarcastically. A hint of humor lacing his emotionless voice.

Inuyasha fidgeted. "Look.. I don't have time. I have to go find Kagome."

A lone brow rose in shocked curiosity. He dare defy him? Deny him? Blasphemy. His heartless eyes narrowed, piercing the hanyou who averted his gaze.

"Don't turn you're eyes from me, Inuyasha."

Immediately he looked up, eyes locking on with his brother's.

"Did you're bitch run away?" The older sneered. Inuyasha's hands clenched into fists.

"Don't call her that!"

Sesshomaru growled, appearing before Inuyasha faster than he could blink. His clawed hand clasping around the hanyou's throat, walking to their left before slamming his back up against a tree.

"You seem to have forgotten you're place, hanyou."

Inuyasha's eyes were wide with fright, yet defiance. He struggled against his brother's hold. Sesshomaru's other hand pulled at the ties of Inuyasha's hakama, the pants falling to the ground, leaving his lower half bare to Sesshomaru's burning gaze.

"Allow me to remind you."

His hand reached out to grasp roughly onto the hardening shaft, squeezing possessively. Inuyasha trembled, eyes closing tightly. The hand around his throat easing its grip, slightly. Sesshomaru began to stroke the hardened flesh, slowly.... His soft hands gliding along his member with slow even strokes.

"Say that you want me." He demanded. Inuyasha kept quiet, eyes closed tightly. Cheeks flushed.

His breathing grew haggard. Heart racing... Breathing heated and heavy.

Sesshomaru squeezed harder causing the hanyou to yelp in pleasured pain. His hand quickening in pace causing his younger brother to shudder, a guttural groan leaving his lips.

"Say it Inuyasha. Say it or I'll stop."

"I want you..." He whispered breathlessly, bucking his hips needily into his brother's hand.

The youkai grinned. He pulled his hand away onto to shove Inuyasha around, making him face the tree he had momentarily been pinned against. Sesshomaru growled dominantly, his hand going to the back of Inuyasha's throat and shoving him forward, making him bend forward. His hands coming to hold onto the tree for support.

"Sesshomaru.. No.."

It was too late. The great youkai had already released his engorged, throbbing member, probing it at his brother's entrance. Sesshomaru held firmly onto Inuyasha's waist as one hand came up to grip a lock full of white hair just as he thrust deep into the hanyou, earning a howl of pain from his younger sibling.

Sesshomaru smirked. He would not be gentle. Would not give him time to adjust. He moved at a steady pace. Growling with immense pleasure. His eyes glinting red. He yanked harder on Inuyasha's hair, causing the hanyou to yelp. Inuyasha grit his teeth together as his claws dug into the tree. Tears burned the contours of his eyes. He panted.

"Sesshomaru.." The pain was slowly dwindling into an inexplainable, uncontrollable, unfathomable pleasure.

He whined. Sesshomaru howled his release, falling forward onto Inuyasha's back, panting. Catching his breath he pulled away, letting go of his brother who fell to the forest floor weakly. Whimpering.

"Next time, remember you're place." He growled threatening. Asserting his dominance over the other before turning and stalking away, tying the sash to his hakama pants around his waist.


Thank you all for reading~!

&& Tell me what you thought!