Hey! Congratulations! You are now reading my first actual Fan Fic! Ya! Anyway, the story is pretty much told in first person, except for a few chapters which will be told in third, but I don't expect you to see any of those real soon. And, even more important, the story is told through the eyes of an O.c. Also, throughout these little blurbs before and after the chapters, you will come to realize I am a Simon Cowel of everything, so don't stop reading for just that reason. And now, my Rabid Readers, lets begin our tale with a little prelude…



If you had all the power in the world, would you trade it for love, to be loved and to love another?

I would, if only I had that chance. I would give every cent, all my strength, both physical and mental….

If only I could…

Just to be near them again, to see their faces, to feel something besides hatred, to be me again…

You're maybe wondering who I am now, well I believe that its time I told you, but be warned, for my story is not for the faint hearted, or for anyone looking for some light reading to pass the time. But even though a tale like mine should never be told, things need to be remembered, mistakes need to be made right…


Hatred. Lust. Rage. Pain. These words all come to mind when I think of my life, this terrible tale of who I am, a monster hated by all caged inside me, a demon with such an intense, evil aura sealed deep into me, into my soul. Feared by the world, loved by none at all. I live on the outside brink of humanity, one infinity's edge. For this demon, whom I know as Norainubuchai, was sealed into me when I was born, and because of this, I was left by my parents, abandoned.

And to this day, I am branded by this seal, a constant reminder to all of my dark past, and even darker future. As I glimpse into a pool of water, when I spy my reflection, sometimes its not me I am seeing, but my darker self mirroring me back. Am I even my own person? Or are me and Buchai closer than I thought, our souls interwoven into one being, a demonic creature of the damned, made only for the destruction of others? Is there anyway I can truly be at peace with myself, anyway I can love and be loved by others? My inner aspects at war with each other, constantly trying to engulf me in a deep, dangerous power. I try to control it, but the power, tempting me with its evil, enticing voice, its to much to take, beckoning me to my demise…

Then, somehow, I was saved from my own demise, if it wasn't for Them, I don't know what I would have done, They pulled me away from a darkness leading me away from what I truly wanted. These people stuck by me to the end, and ill never let them go, even for the thousands of years I will live after this, they will be closer to me than my own heart….

But I'm getting ahead of myself, for who can really tell where a tale begins or ends? So lets watch my story unravel from these truly grim beginnings….


So what did you think? I know this chapter was really short and didn't really explain anything, but it will get better, I hope. I also want to say please leave a review, I'm not kidding, even if you read no more of it because it bores you, leave a review, I do not care. At least, not very much….