Aki: Last chapter coming, people.

Me: I bet you are glad that it's almost over, huh?

Aki: Yep, although people like it, I hate it.

Me: Have your way.....

Aki and Yusei walked back to Satellite. Together. Aki was happy and confessed about what she did. Yusei forgave her though. When Aki saw Mikage, she said, "Nice trick," sarcastically. Mikage couldn't help but just laugh. A glad laugh.

"You actually believe me?" Mikage asked surprisingly. Aki didn't answer. That's because Jack answered for her. "Only a bitch like you would believe her," he interrupted. Aki glared at him. Luckily she is in good mood today, if she isn't, she would probably kill him. Even if it is in front of Yusei and Mikage.

"Yes, and your stupid enough to tell me that." She shot back. Jack pretended he didn't care. Aki's cellphone rang as she opened it and said hello smoothly.

After a few words, she quickly threw a "I gotta go," and left.

After a few hours, it was the evening. And it was perfect for Aki and Yusei. Back to the beginning, they were at Jack's front porch and was gazing up in the sky. And yes, the stars were the only things up there.

"I like that one," Aki said, pointing at a bunch of stars all around. It was the shape of all round circle. "Yeah, that one is cute." Yusei asked. His hand reach into his pocket and inside was something that has a shape of a circle.

"Aki," he started. Aki turned his way and stared. "Yes?"

"Here!" I blurted loudly. If I threw it in her hands, she can't reject. At least, I think so. She stared at what's in her hand. A ring. A ring is in her hand. She looked at me. I blushed madly. I got rejected once and can't get rejected again.

"Do you mean it?" she asked me. Her voice was quiet and so was mine. "Yeah," I replied. There was now silence between us both. She finally giggled. "So, is it yes or no?" I asked. She laughed and said, "On one condition," she started. She was still giggling so hard. She stopped by now and said, "You have to do it the real way." I groaned in my head.

But I did as I was told. I bent down and asked, "Will you marry me?" She laughed all over again. Finally she started thinking. I got nervous, last time I got rejected, I don't want to get rejected again.

"Yes!" she finally said. I smiled and stood up, kissing her. It was true and now I'm happy. Very happy.

It was the day of the wedding and now Aki was dressed in a beautiful white dress, walking out the door. In her hands were a great flower bunch. She smiled at me and threw it up in the sky. But then the wind blew, making a few flowers drop down. In the hands of Jack Atlas. Jack, who was now suprised, blushed. Not to mention that Mikage got the other half.

As Aki laughed again( She is very happy that day), Mikage and Jack just stared at the sky.

And now, a perfect ending to a perfect day.

Now, I feel so bored so I want to say some thanks:

Thank you Karla Leung, reading my stories and giving me compliments.

A big thank you to my reviewers!!! Thank you so much!!!!

Some thanks to my friends on , kaykay3o1 and Lucarly.

And a thanks to everyone who read this story in the first place. Thanks!

And a thanks to..........

Nathan P. and Kiernan Woolbridge!!!!!!


Thanks everyone....really......I think Karla is happy that I finished this story. As Yusei said, "A perfect ending to a perfect night." I'm so glad I finished this.

But still, I accept reviews. So if you like this story, please review. I accept compliments and suggestions. Mainly I get suggestions so I like compliments a lot.

Hope to see ya in review!! Oh yeah, by the way, it was terrible of me to make Jack and Mikage got the flowers. But hey, I'm a fan of Carly and Jack and Mikage and Jack.

Bye, and one more thanks to everyone!!

Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!