Okay warning first off, Jacob is basically a horrible character in this story, so Jacob fans beware. That aside, here is the sequel, not great I'll admit and took to long to write, I rewrote this about twenty five times until it finally started to flow. Hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Chapter 1 - 3 Years On.

Bella had been gone for three days and I was starting to get anxious. Starting? Okay I wasn't fooling anyone, I was anxious the moment she left, I just wanted her back here, safe with me.

Edward, Alice yelled through her thoughts I had a vision, I was thinking about going to see Jade, her 21st birthday is coming up and I wanted to surprise her, but I couldn't find her, her future is gone, I don't know what happened, but I haven't seen her for awhile.

"What about Bella?" I snarled.

"You know I haven't seen her future since she changed," Alice rolled her eyes.

"Dammit," I growled, breaking the TV remote in my hands. I'd forgotten about that her ability had strengthened, now nothing worked on her unless she allowed it.

"She'll be fine, you know that, she's strong," She placed a comforting hand on my knee.

"Look for me, I'm going after her," I commanded and she quickly allowed the vacant look to cross her face. Nothing happened in her head, just darkness. "Jacob". I shoot up from my seat.

"Edward, think about this," She yelled after me.

"Alice, my future disappears if I go after Jade, and it disappears if I go after Bella," I hissed. "What would you do if there was a possibility of losing Jasper and you could help?"

I felt my phone in my pocket and rushed to answer it. Bella's name showed on the screen. "Bella, love, are you alright?"

The voice on the other end chuckled. "I knew I could get her here, with the right amount of persuasion".

"Get the hell away from her, or I will rip you to shreds".

"I'm not interested in hurting her, but I will if I have to, so here's the deal, you have until midnight to get here, after that on every hour I will rip one piece from her and burn it, I suggest you hurry," the phone went dead.

"I'm coming with you," Alice stated, I knew there was no point arguing. "I'll call the airport on the way there".

"Don't bother, I'll hire a private plane, we only have until midnight before he starts tearing her apart," the thoughts stung and even at vampire speed I could get to the car fast enough.

* * *


I was stood in the corner of a small cabin glancing down at the sleeping girl on the bed across from me. She was once a beautiful girl who was full of life, now she looked like she was clinging to it by the tips of her fingernails. She was gaunt, I wondered how long he'd been keeping her here.

I walked back to the door. "You are such a jerk Jake, what happened? You were never like this".

"You were the one who changed Bella, and he made you, I needed you to get him here".

"What about her, you kidnapped Jade for what exactly? And by the way could you at least give her some decent food, it looks like you've starved her," I growled at him.

"I needed her to get you here, it's not my fault it took you three years to listen to the note," he glared.

"And what makes you think I won't take her and run, or better yet kill you?"

"The pack is already in place Bella, you run they'll catch up, you attack me, they'll come running," he sneered at me.

"Can you just get her something to eat, please," I used the same method of flirting I'd used on the beaches all those years ago.

"Fine, I'll get something for her".

I sat waiting for hours until I finally heard her voice. "Bella?" She mumbled.

"Shh, don't strain yourself too much," I said softly placing myself on the bed next to her.

"I knew you'd come, but you shouldn't have, this was his plan, he's going to kill Edward," she sobbed sitting upright.

I ran my hands through her hair. "Sweetie, Edward would happily sacrifice your safety for his, I know you don't want that," I chuckled slightly, "I know from experience that he won't have it any other way, just don't worry about him, he's strong, I'm strong, we can handle the pack".

The door opened with a thud. "Here," Jacob threw a pizza box at me before resuming his position.

"Oh thank God, he's only given me enough to survive since I've been here," she mumbled as she opened the box.

"Well when we get out of here you can eat whatever you want, what do you want first?" I smiled hoping to distract her from this situation.

"Erm, I'm thinking chocolate cookies, or brownies, or a big cinnamon bun, oh yeah that's what I want first," she grinned. I laughed as she devoured the entire pizza, she must've been extremely hungry. "I feel like I've been even hungrier recently".

She gasped and my head shot up as I heard the hint of a fight in the distance. "He's here," Jade sighed.

I pulled her close to me, "He'll be fine, come on, if Jacob's gone, we'll go help him, I'll keep you safe".

And there it is, chapter one, hope you enjoyed. Please review, I love reading them.