Chapter 4

Christmas Day!


I woke up to find I was in Edward's bed with Alice jumping on top of me shouting something about Christmas. I groan and pull the quilt higher over my head just to have it yanked down again, I try swatting her away but she grabs my arms and drags me out of bed.

"Comeee on Bellaaa its Christmas wake up Bellaaa!!!"


"Fine then I'll get Edward to wake you up, Edwarddd!!!" I open my eyes and find that beautiful face in front of me and being a major klutz, I somehow manage to trip on thin air and fall into his chest. I feel his body move as he chuckles

"Bella if you wanted a hug you could have just asked"

"Shut up" I mutter the words into his chest, he pats me on the head.

"Wow I forgot you were so grumpy in the mornings" He pulls away from me slightly and kisses me, I feel my heart slam against my rib cage desperately trying to escape why does he have to be such a good kisser.

All too soon he pulls away from me I stare into his topaz eyes not wanting to look away.

"Merry Christmas Bella...ok Alice I believe she's awake now" I stare at him with wide eyes because I've forgotten how to speak damit, luckily Alice saves me and drags me to her bedroom to get ready.

Somewhere downstairs I hear Jasper shout

"Yess my cold is gone, ha I'm free wooohooo Merry Christmas!!!"


"Yess my cold is gone, ha I'm free wooohooo Merry Christmas!!!" Jaspers voice drifts upstairs.

"Shut up Jasper! You'll wake my favourite human" Rosalie is too engrossed with playing the playstation 3 to even notice I've entered the room, that is until I throw the snowball I've been holding at her.

It hits her in the back of the head aww crap why did she move I'm one dead vampire, she rips the console from the tv and throws it at my head. I step out the way as it smashes against the wall

"Aw Rose why did you do that"

"Emmett Cullen I'm going to kill you" I laugh because that's all I can do oh god I'm gonna die, she shakes the ice from her hair.

"Come on Rose baby it was just a bit of fun, no harm done"

"Emmett you idiot" I give her the sad puppy dog eyes, irresistible. She walks over to me at a human pace her hips swinging in her low rise jeans.

I shut my eyes expecting to be thrown through the window but instead she places a hand on the back of my head and pulls me towards her. Our lips meet and move in a perfect harmony I wrap my arms around her, ha I knew couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes.


I place the last one of Bella's presents with the others, under the tree we cut down last night. Taking a step back I admire Emmett, Rose and I's handiwork quite good compared to last year, it looked like an explosion in a Christmas factory the phone rings but my hands are full.

"Bella could you get that while I put this away" I store the box labelled decorations back in the closet before making my way back to the front room. Seeing Bella's dejected face I am instantly at her side comforting her.

"Bella what's wrong"

"That was my mum on the phone, her and Charlie can't make it to dinner because of the snow" She sighs sadly I pull her into a hug being careful not to crush her.

"Don't worry, I've promised to make this a Christmas for you to remember so be happy ok?"

I'm glad to see a smile on her face. "Let's get the rest of them and open the presents"


Alice practically throws herself at me as she rips the paper off her present and see's the dress she's had her eye on since last week.

"Oh my god Bellaaa I thought this was sold out thannkk yooohhh!!"

"It was because I brought the last one" I giggle at her excitement over a dress.

I had received a Nintendo wii from Edward, a rockband band pack from Emmett, a wii fit from Jasper, some wii games from Rosalie, a new pair of converse from Alice and tickets to see an upcoming baseball game from Esme and Carlisle.

Emmett unwrapped his present from me, and held up the dress I had brought for him. The confused look on his face set me off giggling.

"...Umm thanks Bella...I love's...its beautiful..."

"Remember last week when we were in the mall, and you saw that dress and you said you wouldn't mind if someone brought you that for Christmas..."

"O... yeah thanks" he grins at me "Hey this gives me an idea, who wants to prank Mike Newton." Edward's sitting next to me on the couch so I see the shocked expression cross his face.

"Emmett it's Christmas...can't you leave the poor boy alone for one day" the room is suddenly cast into an eerie silence, all eyes trained on Edward before he slaps a hand against his forehead. "Wait...what am I saying of course, what's the plan!? "

"I'll tell you as soon as Alice glams me up." Judging by the smile on her face Alice probably foresaw this ages ago. They both left the room at vampire speed, before I could even ask Emmett what he meant.


They returned to the room about 20 minutes later, Emmett must have seen my eyes widen in surprise because his booming laughter fills the room. He's wearing the dress Bella got him for Christmas along with some stockings, a pair of boots, a brown wig and lots of makeup.

"Ok be truthful how do I look?"

"Emmett you look like a creepy transvestite with too much makeup."

"Perfect!" I can't help but chuckle at his appearance. "Now for the plan"

Bella and I are in the tree closest to the house so she can hear what's going on Jasper, Alice and Rosalie are positioned a few trees back we had left the cars back at the house because the snow was to deep and Mike and Jessica will get suspicious.

Safely concealed in the trees I give Emmett the signal, he approaches the two of them just as Mike smashes a snowball in Jessica's face, they both jump when they hear the high soprano voice Emmett puts on.

"Mike! Baby how are yah"

"...Umm fine." The confusion set into his features is evident as Jessica makes her way over to Mike, the disgust on her face is not concealed well enough.

"Mike who's this!" I stifle a laugh

"I don't know..." he shrugs.

"Mikkeeeyy! What do you mean you don't know me, we were together all last Saturday!!" I feel Bella shake with laughter next to me as Jessica's mouth drops open in shock.

"Is this true Mike?" her voice is venomous.

"Course it's true he was at my house the whole of last Saturday hun"

"Mike Newton you told me you were looking after your sick grandma, you dam liar!" She whacks him across the head and stomps away through the snow, as Mike calls to her like a helpless animal.

"Wait Jessica...I've never seen this man...woman...thing before in my life" he runs after her like a dog chasing a stick. Emmett calls after them

"Stop lying to yourself Mike Newton, I know where you live!" they disappear back inside Mike's house.

Bella, who is practically in hysterics next to me, almost falls out the tree luckily I have a steady arm around her. We all leave our hideout in the trees and make our way over to Emmett, as he stands there and grins like an idiot.

"So, how was that?" Alice, who is laughing so much, can't even get the words out of her mouth.

"" Jasper manages to say the words between laughs.

"Umm I agree" I chuckle, I look to Bella her brown eyes are focused on something that's not entirely there she's smiling sadly. I may not be able to read her mind but I can tell she misses her family, I let out a sigh.

"Emmett you really are an idiot" I turn to see Rosalie and Emmett having a make out session, which is looking very wrong considering the fact Emmett is still dress like a transvestite. I clear my throat letting them know we are all still here.

"Why don't you go change back into your normal clothes Emmett before someone see's you and...probably arrests you for looking like that, I'm going to take Bella somewhere" She looks at me when she hears her name, but before she can ask where we're going I lift her onto my back and move into the forest at vampire speed.


I've been asking Edward where we're going for the past 5 minutes now but all he's done is chuckle at me. Even when we get to the part of the forest closest to my house I still don't understand where he's taking me.

I begin to feel the nausea from moving so fast set in so I shut my eyes tightly, but when I feel we've stopped moving I open them. I notice the familiar Christmas decorations that are in my front yard but, I don't register that this is in fact where I live until I see Charlie's police cruiser parked in front the house.

Edward sets me down gently onto the ground I stare at him puzzled

"Edward...why are we at my house?"

"Bella, I may not be able to read your mind but I can tell you miss your family, I want you to be happy so I want you to spend the rest of Christmas with them." He gives me that crocked smile again.

"Edward I..." My protest's are silenced with a kiss, I stare at him stunned as I feel the tears build up in my eyes but...I'm actually quite happy. He gathers me in his arms and lays a kiss on my head.

"Thank you Edward" He chuckles.

"I'll be in your bedroom by 9, bye I love you"

"Bye Edward, I love you too" I cross the street but when I turn back he's already gone.

I knock on the door a few seconds later my mother opens it, I see the shock on her face as she bundles me into a hug.

"Bella what are you doing here! How did you get here? I can't even walk through that stuff, I thought you were at Edward's house?" At first I don't answer, just hold my mother tight as I feel the tears well up again, I guess I'm just happy to see her.

Well...unfourtunatly that's the end of Christmas, sorry that ending was kinda crappy my imagination has gone on holiday :]
I've actually realised that I've been spelling Emmett's name wrong for the whole story but anyways...
Thank yooh for all your review's people I'll write another story for you soon :D