A/N: I would like to thank everyone who has reviewed and read this story! Especially all of you who have stuck with me through the end! While Ginny may have recovered I have not as of yet, but I hope to.

I am not sure when I will start the sequel. I may start tomorrow, I might wait a while and take a break. I probably will start soon as I am inspired right now. Whenever I do upload the sequel, I hope to see some more of your wonderful reviews!

And no without further ado, the last chapter – the Epilogue – of Summer of Secrets.

Warnings for this chapter: cutting mentioned

Disclaimer: I own the Summer of Secrets, not Harry Potter, though I wish I did!


True to her word, Madam Pomfrey released Harry after one week in the Hospital Wing. To everyone's amazement, two weeks after the battle, Harry's magical restores were healed. He was able to perform simple spells, though it would be a while before he would be strong enough to cast harder ones.

To ensure the students' safety, Professor Dumbledore had extended the term by one week. Now the students were congregated in the Great Hall before they filed into the carriages to leave Hogwarts.

"My dear students, another year is over, and unfortunately a number of us have since passed. I would like to take this time to remember the fallen. Of Gryffindor house: Mary McDonald, Delaney Anderson, Ritchie Coote, Jack Sloper, and Geoffrey Hooper. Of Hufflepuff house: Wayne Hopkins, Zacharias Smith, Kevin Whitby, Eleanor Branstone, and Branson Summerby. Of Ravenclaw house: Stephen Cornfoot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Su Li, Lisa Turpin, Vance Bradley, and Stewart Ackerly. And of Slytherin house: Pansy Parkinson, Travis Harper, and Malcolm Baddock.

"Let us have a moment of silence for these fallen students." Dumbledore folded his hands and bowed his head.

A pin could have dropped in the Great Hall and everyone would have heard it. Ginny was crying, quietly, by Harry's side. Delaney Anderson had been her dorm mate, as had Mary McDonald. Ginny had been close to Delaney, though Delaney did not know about Ginny's self-injury.

Finally, Dumbledore looked up. "I extend my hand to all students who are graduating this year. You are always welcome at Hogwarts. I hope this will not the last time we meet." Dumbledore rose. "Have a good summer!" The students filed out of the castle silently.

Harry silently helped Ginny into one of the threstral-pulled carriages. Unfortunately, many students could now see the thestrals. Ginny frowned at Harry's solemn expression, but didn't speak until Ron, Hermione, Nena and Draco had joined them.

"Are you all right?" she whispered.

Harry nodded. "Yeah."

Harry wrapped his arm around Ginny's waist and pulled her close. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed, content.

"How're you doing, mate?" Ron asked quietly.

"Good," Harry told him. Hermione raised a doubtful eyebrow. "Really, Hermione, I'm fine."

"You're not blaming yourself?" Hermione asked.

"No, I'm not." Harry shook his head. "I know that those people sacrificed themselves so I could kill Voldemort. Without them, it wouldn't have been possible."

"That's very wise, Harry," Nena complimented.

"Thank you." Harry smiled.

A few minutes silence followed. Finally, Draco cleared his throat. "Nena and I actually have an announcement to make."

Nena looked up at him, smiling widely. "Draco asked me to marry him. . . ."

"And she said yes," Draco finished.

"Congratulations!" everyone exclaimed.

Draco and Nena may not have been together very long, but no one was surprised to hear Draco had popped the question. It was obvious that they had fallen in love hard and fast, and that they belonged with each other.

"When do you think you'll get married?" Hermione asked.

"Sometime after Nena graduates. Now that I don't have to worry about my father, I can finally relax and be happy," Draco explained.

"That's great, Draco," Ginny told him.

The six teenagers continued to talk about their futures as the carriage rolled down to Hogsmeade.


Once on the train, Harry and Ginny excused themselves. They wanted time alone before they had to part, so Harry could return to Privet Drive. Dumbledore wanted Harry to return one last time, so not only could he get his remaining belongings, but also so he could be safe while the Death Eaters that had escaped were apprehended.

"Will you be all right?" Ginny asked as she settled down into Harry's lap.

"I will be. I'll be even better as soon as I'm with you again." Harry snuggled his face into Ginny's neck.

"I'll miss you," Ginny murmured.

Harry turned his face towards hers. "I'll miss you too."

Harry kissed her softly, pulling her closer to him. Ginny turned in his arms so that she straddled his lap. She licked his lips. Harry immediately parted his lips to allow her access.

They spent the rest of the train ride snogging, and just holding each other. When the Hogwarts Express finally pulled up to King's Cross Station, they met the others on the platform.

Silently, they all walked through the barrier into the Muggle world. The Weasleys, the Grangers, the Dursleys, and Nena's parents stood waiting for them. As Draco's father was killed and his mother in Azkaban, he was spending the summer with Nena. Nena and Draco bid the others farewell, planning to meet up at the Burrow sometime during the summer, before they left to greet Nena's parents. Hermione embraced Harry and Ginny before she kissed Ron and went to join her parents. Ron waved goodbye to Harry as he went to see his parents. Ginny turned to Harry.

"We'll be together soon." She assured him.

"I miss you already." Harry sighed, resting his forehead against Ginny's.

"I know, but I promise I'll write every day. Hedwig's head will be spinning she'll be going back and forth so much." Ginny smiled.

Harry couldn't help but smile back. "She'll be up to the job."

Ginny stood on her tip toes and kissed Harry tenderly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Harry returned the kiss.

Smiling at him fondly, Ginny kissed his cheek before she followed her brother over to her parents. Harry sighed. One month until he would be with her again. One month until his life would officially be perfect.