I made changes to the whole story grammar wise.

Chapter 1

I just got back from the village and everything seemed okay. Walking to the gates the guards Hagane Kotetsu and Izumo perk up greatly. (A.N I'm not sure if this is right.)

Kotetsu grinned. "I'm glad you're back you had me worried."

A brown hair and tan skinned chunin laugh scratching his scar which became habitual to him. "Am I that bad of a ninja."

Izumo elbowed Umino Iruka in the side. "Of course not. It just that nobody expected you to be back on the field again."

Umino Iruka. Status: Chunin, teaching at the academy. Iruka wave his arms around and said, "Oh no this is a one time deal. I only went because the Godamine was having a hard time choosing a ninja to do the mission , so I voluteered and now after today I'm going back to work."

"Where are you going?" Kotetsu ask wondering why Iruka was a rush.

"Lady Tsunade, told me that as soon as I get back report to her immediately." Iruka always a had a sense of responsibility. He always follow thing to the direct words. He was kind and patient, yet very stern it was a wonder why he made chunin and became a teacher a year after.

"Lady Tsunade out to be ashamed of herself sending her best teacher on the field." Kotetsu pretended to be upset. Then he added on the sly side. "You can always do what Kakashi do and make her wait a few hours."

The look on Iruka face was priceless. "Never! I would never do something as make the Hokage wait. It's wrong and disrespectful. It's a wonder why Kakashi- sensei is even alive."

They all laugh, but it was an edge on it like they were all hiding something.

"Well I better get going." As Iruka went toward the office his demon stirred. It wasn't enough, it wasn't enough. Going out on the mission didn't help quiet his demon except it made it worst. Maybe I should take one more mission and go after a missing nin and hopefully it'll quite my demon.

As I got to the Hokage Headquarters the minute I stepped on its land I felt something wrong. Very wrong. But being a chunin I pretended I was a little oblivious. Walking toward the office I felt the danger level rise. And then that's when it happen, a ninja came out of nowhere, and tried to hack his head off. Iruka ducked as the hatchet become in lodge in the wall.

Iruka rage sparked to a whole new level, yet he couldn't have been anymore happier. "Jeez," he said rising upward not even bothering to get into a defensive move which shocked his attacker. "If you wanted to have my head you should've do it like this." At that moment Iruka own weapon slice right through the cut him the right shoulder all the way down to his heart slicing that in half. Iruka had this craze look in his eyes and he wanted more. More death, more blood because it wasn't enough. His demon been starved for years and he wanted food. Human flesh did things nicely.

"Iruka- sensei." Aloud voice came hallway. Iruka was snapped back to his old self and he threw the carcass over his shoulder and met up with the loud voice so they wouldn't see what happened.

"Iruka- sensei." The bundled of blonde joy ran to him and tackled him. "Howwasyourmission? Arehurt?Wasitasucess?" The boy asked that entire question at the same time that if it was anybody else he would've had to repeat the question all over again.

"My mission was find Naruto. I have a couple of bruises and yes it was a success." Naruto smiled and let go of me. I noticed how tall he was and realized that it was now my turn to look up to him. "I have to go turn in my mission report and discuss a few things with the Hokage. So how about Itchiraku later." The boy beamed and ran off at the speed of light. I was so glad that he went the other way. He would go on a rampage of freaking out.

I better hurry up and explain this to the Hokage. Something wasn't right about that.

Knock, knock. "Come in," the Hokage said. Iruka came in bowed waiting to get permission to speak, but blew sky high.

"Lady Tsunade, I notice something was wrong when I stepped on the premises and when I entered the building I was attacked by a ninja..." He stops when he actually looked around and noticed who was in the room. Ibiki the T and I specialist, Kakashi the copy ninja, and a few anbu's that I can only guess who they were and the Hokage had a questioning look that made him wonder whether what just happen just was a set up. "I think I'll just leave." Turning around to leave the copy ninja already beat him to the door. Iruka weigh his option: I could always use the teleportation jutsu, but I can end back where I started. Or I can pull ranks on them and probably end up with glares. I sigh I guess I should play it out for awhile. Maybe I'm reading into this too much.

I turned to the Hokage who gave me a look that said I had a lot of explaining to do. Crap.