Disclaimer: WARNING! If you do not like yaoi, or any shape or form of it, DO NOT READ THIS FIC. There will be boy/boy action (not in the first couple of chapters...gotta introduce the characters and such...) and if you likey, you no lookey. Got it? Good! Also, I don't own Static Shock, I just own this fic's idea and stuff like that. All characters belong to Kids WB and DC.
Chapter 1: The A.I. Named Gear
It was a refreshingly cool summer evening when his package had finally arrived. Virgil Hawkins had waited since the summer for "it" to arrive and now, the day had come. The young man had spent every day of the past summer counting down to the delivery date when he had finally received a notice in the mail. When the delivery man came to his house, it was on a Friday and the delivery couldn't have come any sooner.
Virgil Hawkins was a 19 year old African American student who attended the local community college. Though he could afford to go to any prestigious college due to his straight A grades, he decided to stay close to his family by attending the local community college. The short distance helped him save money for his computer and helped with saving up for his next project: finding an apartment. He had wished that he wouldn't have to depend on his pops so much, but the older Hawkins didn't mind at all.
An excited cry of joy flooded the Hawkins residence as Virgil carried his package up to his room. He placed the box containing his order on the ground and started to open it. He tore off the bubble wrap (which he would save later to pop, as he did have some childish tendencies) and stared dead straight at a computer monitor. It took him a while, but Virgil had finally purchased his own computer. He had worked the last semester of his previous school year and the following summer to save enough money for it. Even though his family wasn't necessarily poor, Virgil insisted that he would buy the computer from his own pocket. He did not want to put another financial burden on his pops or his sister.
Just when he was enjoying the peace and quiet, his sister walked in and said, "Virgil, I thought I heard a little girl squealing...Oh wait, it was you!" A young woman of 22 years was standing in the middle of his doorway with her hands on her hips. Sharp yet warm dark brown eyes glared into Virgil's back.
Virgil rolled his eyes, glared behind his shoulder at his older sister and snapped, "Shut it Sharon, I'm busy." The younger of the two continued to unwrap the rest of the computer. He placed the monitor on a desk placed in the corner of his room and placed the rest of the computer with it when he was done with the last wrapped piece. Sharon laughed as she watched her younger brother practically drool over his newest piece of technology.
A smile crept onto Virgil's lips as he finally finished setting up his new computer in his room. The young college student had been working for a whole hour coordinating his computer and entering his personal information. Dark brown eyes widened excitedly as he watched his computer reboot and the log in feature appeared on the screen. He clicked on his user icon (which was a chibi cartoon of the Green Lantern, Virgil's favorite super hero of all time) and typed in his password. Seconds later he was greeted by a little melody, and a strange-looking character on the bottom of the right hand side of the screen. It took Virgil a minute to realize this little character was the special feature of the computer.
When he had bought the computer, the dealer had explained to Virgil that it was installed with an A.I., or Artificial Intelligence. The line of computers that the dealer was selling was from Alva Inc. and was one of the most top-notch computer companies in the world. Alva Inc. had created a "smart computer" which enabled the user to interact with its computer through not only through keyboards and mouses, but from verbal commands. Alva's computers were one of the most sought out electronic devices on the market nowadays. To be even around one would make the geekiest computer nerd wet themselves. His computer was a thin, blackish purple computer with a lightening bolt on the backside, and it was custom-built made just for him. The A.I. however....
"Good evening ...How may I assist you?" the A.I. said softly as he looked up at Virgil through the screen.
The A.I. was a pale skinned boy with silky short blond hair. Virgil couldn't tell what his eye color was because there was a strange light green thick glasses in front of his eyes. He supposed the glasses helped the A.I. configure the computer's data. Most of the A.I.'s body was covered in a dark green body suit that covered all of his body to the sides of his face. Electric green lines covered his arms and legs. They shined and made the boy look like he had popped out of a Tron movie. Judging from the looks of him, if he were human, he would be the same age as Virgil.
"Well, this is definitely interesting," Virgil grinned as the A.I. only stood there listening to every word he said. As Sharon walked across the room to stand behind Virgil, a smile graced her lips as she looked at the character on the screen.
"He's cute! I want a computer like this now!" She giggled as the A.I. blushed slightly and rub the back of his head awkwardly.
Virgil rolled his eyes once again and continued to speak to the A.I., "So, you're the A.I. of my computer huh?"
The A.I. nodded, "Correct, I am the living portion of your computer. I was created to do as you command."
Sharon made a impressed noise as Gear opened a window next to him that had all the instructions of Virgil's computer. "So, what's your name?" asked Virgil.
"My name is Gear. I was named by Mr. Alva, my creator." Virgil made a perfect "O" formation with his mouth as "Gear" explained who he was and what his functions were from the window he had opened. "I am to serve as a database for any information you wish for me to store. Also, I may also connect you to other computer systems and enable you to interact with others through a wireless internet system." Virgil nodded as Gear closed the window and walked over to the other side of the desktop to where a file that had a special firewall installed in.
Virgil watched as Gear started to run a scan through the file. He was extremely impressed by how his A.I. had already started to work. "Can I ask you a question, Gear?"
The A.I. stopped and looked up at his user, "Yes Mr. Hawkins, what is it?"
Gear noticed his user's face getting closer to the screen. The electronic being stared in confusion as Virgil stared down at him, amusement gleamed in his eyes. "Rhetorically speaking, what if someone would like to download certain explicit activit---" He was cut off with an extremely hard punch to the head and Sharon glared down at her younger brother. Gear tilted his head to the side as he watched the two humans bicker with each other.
"Virgil Hawkins, you are absolutely NOT downloading porn! Do you hear me!?" Sharon shrieked angrily, "And you are certainly not going to make Gear do it!"
Shielding himself from Sharon's now playful slaps, Virgil cried out, "But I'm grown up! I can download whatever I want!"
"Yeah, tell that to Daddy, or better yet, you can fully explain yourself when you get kicked out of the house for such lewd things!" The two males flinched at Sharon's tone. A soft laughter came from the computer and Gear smiled brightly up at the two.
Sharon crossed her arms and glared at the two of them. She suddenly pointed straight into Gear's face through the screen, "If I catch even the slightest hints of you helping Virgil downloading porn, rest assured, I'll---"
"OK! Annoying sister is going out the door!" The young woman was suddenly being pushed out of the room by her younger brother. Virgil slammed the door in Sharon's face as he finally closed and locked his door. He heard his computer laughing at him as he leaned against his door, listening to his older sister yell at him from behind.
"May I ask? Who was that woman? Was she your mother?" A loud laugh escaped Virgil's lips as he sat down in front of the monitor.
"She's far from it. That's actually my older sister. She's a pain in the ass." Gear nodded and a window suddenly appeared onto his screen. "What's this Gear?"
The blond jumped slightly and smiled, "Oh, it's just a notice saying that your firewall has been will need to reboot your computer to activate it, Mr. Hawkins." Gear suddenly tensed as Virgil frowned, "....Is....Is something the matter sir...?"
"Don't call me that anymore..."
"Don't call you what Mr.--"
"Don't." Gear was becoming very uneasy with Virgil's tone. He didn't want to displease his user, but he didn't know what he had done to make him so--- "Call me Virgil. You really don't need to call me Mr. Hawkins. I mean, you can call my pops that..."
Virgil blinked, "Oh, my dad....You can call my dad Mr. Hawkins, just please call me Virgil. What your calling me makes me feel so...so old...." A soft laugh escaped Gear's lips.
"Alright Virgil, now would you like me to do anything else for you at the moment?"
"No, it's fine. I'll reboot now to install the updates...Um...Gear...? What happens to you when I turn off the computer?"
Gear smiled as Virgil became concerned, "I'll be fine Virgil. I simply go into Hibernation mode. Sometimes however I will be awake and will be monitoring the computer while you are away and I'll be running diagnostics. So please don't worry, everything will be fine. The new firewall will protect the system from going under attack from a virus." Virgil slowly nodded as Gear started to reboot the computer himself.
"I'll see you in a few Gear, I'll need your help with a paper that I'm writing about the Malbury vs. Madison case."
The blond's eyes widened, "Oh? You're studying law?"
The darker male grinned, "Yep, I'm going to be a lawyer one day. I'll tell you more about it in a few."
"Alright then, bye Virgil."
"Bye Gear."
And the screen went black, the computer had finally shut off.
Loved it? Hate it? Well then, tell me what you think. Review please! Critiques are welcomed as well. FLAMES WILL BE LAUGHED AT! Special thanks to poisonstripes for being my Beta for me! Love you!