Naruto grunted as he shouldered his book bag. Looking over his clothes he scowled. He was wearing black jeans, red and grey short sleeve shirt, grey hoody about two sizes too big for him and black nikes, his alabaster white skin mocking him. Running a hand through his blood red hair he sighed in annoyance and irritation.

His amber colored eyes hardened as he took a look at the date on the calender but softened as his gaze settled on a picture nestled in the corner of his mirror. A man and a woman happy as can be. The man had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing red shorts and a grey tank top, his arm around the womans waist. The woman had long red hair reaching the small of her back and amber colored eyes. She was wearing a short sleeve black t-shirt and a grey skirt. Both smiling and looking at the other in a completely loving way, a sheer look of utter devotion to the other. Putting his pointer and middle fingers together he kissed them and pressed said fingers to the picture. "Love you mom, dad. I'll see you when I get home." His voice was solem and grave making him seem older then 17.

Making his way from his bedroom to the kitchen he ran over a quick mental checklist of what he had to do for the day. 'I have to turn in my essay for english and history, tune my guitar before music class. I almost forgot we had to play our composition project to the class oh and I have to study for the test in spanish in study hall.' Upon reaching the kitchen he grabbed his car keys, iPod ,his wallet and a bagel to munch on for his ride to his school. After leaving a note for his brother and sister he locked the door. Unlocking his corvette he tossed his bag to the passenger seat and started the car. Pulling out the drive way he sped off towards his school.

Opening his cell he put his blue tooth head set on before dialing and pressing talk. Two rings later there was an answer. "Naruto bro! Whats up?"

Naruto sighed again. His best friend Yugito was too cheerful in the morning. He didn't understand how she could be happy so early in the morning(a/n its 8am he thinksit too early) "Yeah , Yugito I'm going to get straight to the point ok? Todays the anniversary and I need you to keep people off my back today. Espescially The Banshee" he said in a flat tone. Naruto knew even though he couldn't see her reaction he knew she flinched. The Banshee or Sakura as her friends called her had a habit of trying to piss off Naruto.

"Yeah no problem man. Besides we have a score to settle with her remember?" Naruto nodded absently. They did have a score to settle with her and should she some how slip past Yugito and annoy him, well it won't be pretty.

"Perfectly. Wait for for me out front?"

"Dumb question to ask" Yugito scolded him in a sisterly tone. "DUH! Of course I will. How far are you from school?"

"Five minutes tops. I'll talk to you then k? bye." Naruto clicked his phone closed and set it in the hoody pocket. Five minutes later he pulled into the student parking lot. Grabbing his bag he noticed Yugito waiting for him on the stone steps leading up to main entrance. He crossed the court yard in long strides. When he was three feet away Yugito ran and glomped him almost knocking him off balance. Before hitting the ground he grabbed the metal railing going up the middle of the stairs, using it as leverage to get them standing straight again. "You know as much as I adore the little ball of energy you are, that gets really annoying really fast." Yugito blushed lightly clinging to his arm tightly as they walked into the schools main foyer. Narutos good mood was destroyed as he saw The Banshee and her posse approaching. Quickly rounding a corner Banshee and company passed not noticing either of them.

"I'll meet up with you at lunch. We have to split or we'll be late for first period." Yugito let go his arm and patted him on the shoulder softly. Before she could walk away Naruto grabbed her pulled her back to him and kissed her forehead. Yugito blushed beet rad and was shocked silent.

"I don't know what I'd do without you. I want you to remember something ok?" Yugito nodded her head. "Two things actually. You mean more to than what you know" Yugitos blush darkened heavily "and two you don't have to be a million different people to please everyone. As long as YOU are happy that's all that matters. I'll see you at lunch." Naruto hugged her once before walking towards his first period class, english.

Naruto rushed to his locker and putting away everything he didn't need for his first four classes. Stuffing the binders, note books and his pencil case in his draw sting bag and slamming his locker closed he barely made it before the tardy bell "Nice of you to join us Naruto" the teacher drawled. The english teacher looked to be in his twenties with black hair reaching her shoulders. Her attire consisted of a black skirt, a red polo and black high heel shoes. Her red eyes stared expectantly, waiting for him to explain for him to explain his near tardiness.

"Sorry Mrs. Yuuhi. I was speaking with a friend in the hall way and lost track of time." It wasn't a total lie really. He was talking with Yugito who is his friend.

"See to it you are here on time from now on."

"Yes m'am. I'll try to be punctual next time." He trudged towards the back of the class and took his seat. Naruto sighed drawing out his english binder from his draw string bag and removing his english essay on Shakespear and how he affected english literature.

"Now I would like everyone to remove their essays and pass them to the front of the room. I will be around to the collect them." The kids passed the forward most finished, some just barely finished adding the last sentence. When all the essay were in the front row they were collected and placed on the teachers desk. "Now today we will be discussing Romeo and Juliet. Does anybody know anything about Romeo and Juliet?" Naruto raised his hand tentatively. "Yes, Naruto?"

"Romeo and Juliet is a story of two people who love each other. But they are the children of two family who despise each other with a passion. They wed in secret only the Friar Lawrence knowing. Juliets parents force a marriage on her and she refuses to marry the man they picked, the County Paris. After refusing to wed Paris she is disowned by her parents" Naruto said in a steady voice. The class, teacher included stared at him. "What? I liked to read."

"That is a very good explanation Naruto. You got the main points dead on. However you left out a few little key details but got the general summary right. Now can anyone, besides Naruto, tell me what genre the play is?" Sakura raised her hand this time. "Yes Sakura, please enlighen the class."

"Romance with a touch of tragedy"

"Right on the money. Now someone explain tragedy. Preferably someone who hasen't answered" No one rasied their hand except Sakura. Mrs Yuuhi sighed silently. "Yes Sakura?"

"Narutos life!" The class went dead silent. All the students eyes widened and Naruto raised his hand.

"Yes, Naruto?"

"May I be excused from the room Mrs. Yuuhi?" Naruto asked in a cold voice. The teacher nodded. Putting his english binder back in his draw string bag he flipped Sakura off, mouthed 'bitch' and stormed out of the room. No one said anything as Naruto slammed the class room door closed. All the students gave Sakura a look of pity. Around the school NO ONEpisses Naruto off and gets off without punishment. Take for reference Uchiha Sasuke. The retard spread a rumor that Naruto was gay. Needless to say after tracking the rumor back to Sasuke, it wasn't very pretty. Naruto broke his nose, fractured his femur and cracked a few of his ribs.

"Haruno, office NOW!" Sakura tried arguing her innocence but the teacher would not hear any of it. As she left the class Mrs. Yuuhi handed her a slip of paper to give to the principle. Sakura snatched it glaring at the teacher.

Naruto seethed as he ran along the second floor corridor. Stopping in fornt of a class room he knocked politely. A man in his late thirties answered the door. "Yes? How can I help you Naruto? I don't see you till fifth period" the teacher asked. The teacher in question was wearing a green button down shirt black dress pants and black dress shoes. His shoulder length brown hair was tied in a rat tail. His brown eyes staring at Naruto questioningly.

"I'm sorry to bother you and interrupt your class Mr. Umino. Can I speak with Yugito for a moment? It's very urgent." Mr. Umino nodded and motioned Yugito into the hall. "Thank you Mr. Umino this will only take but a moment" Naruto said ushering Yugito around the corner. When they were out of the teachers sight Yugito pressed him to the wall behind him.

"Okay what has your knickers in a knot?"

"I need my box of rings from your locker. Remember how we said The Banshee wouldn't be stupid enough to piss me off today?" Yugito nodded still not connecting the dots. "Well we were wrong. I need my rings because one way or another she is going to learn her lesson." Yugito sighed and motioned for him to follow. Reaching her locker she quickly put in the combination and opened it up. Shifting some notebooks and binders aside she pulled out a non-descript black box. Slipping the box into his hoody pocket he appeared to loosen up a tiny bit.

"Wait for me before you do?" Yugito asked giving him the puppy dog look. Naruto raised an eyebrow as if to say 'don't I alsways?'. Yugito nodded at his unsaid accusation. "Point taken. See you in third period actually. Remember you me and Kiba are performing our thing today for Mr. Hatake?" Naruto grunted in response.

"Your forgetting about me" a voice behind them said. Naruto and Yugito turned around and grinned. Behind them was a boy about 16 with red hair and jade green eyes. He was wearing blue jeans, a black muscle shirt one size too big for him, white nikes and a red hoody with a demon image on the back of it.

"No we're not Gaara" Yugito pouted childishly. Gaara raised a thin eyebrow at Yugito. "You're no fun Gaara. Learn to lighten up. Like Nar..?" Yugito trailed of as he rummaged through her book bag. Normally anyone would be miffed at someone going through their bag but Yugito wasn't as Naruto normally asked her to keep things in her bag for him(i.e his rings etc..). He sighed contently dragging out his cigrattes.

"I'll lighten up when you ask N.." Gaara was cut off as Yugito slammed a hand over his mouth. Naruto remained oblivious to this as he was putting his smoke in pockets on his person.

"See you guys third period. And Gaara? Lay off her not like you'll actually ask out K.." Gaara did the same thing Yugito did to him. Yugito got a coy smile on her face.

"Oooohhhhhhhh... Itty bitty Gaara has a crush! Isn't that just adorable Naruto?!" Yugito slammed her locker closed and patted Gaara on the head as a parent would a small child. "And here I thought he was gay. Seems I was wrong" Yugito giggled like a school girl.

"Not the first the first time" Naruto muttered under his breath. Unfortunately Yugito had heard him.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" she demanded turning on heel to face Naruto.

"Exactly as I said. It isn't the first time, not the last, as ere is to human" Naruto said nonchalantly. "I'll see you two later and Yugi? Let off ok?" Naruto gave her a hug before stalking back towards the stairs towards the first floor. Running down the stair case and out the double doors he bolted for the english room. "Sorry Mrs. Yuuhi for bolting like that" Naruto said giving a low bow. Thee teacher only waved it off and motioned for Naruto to take his seat. Naruto did so and layed his bag on the empty desk beside him. Grabbing the box from his hoody he laid it on his desk and opened it retrieving his rings and slipped them on. The people around him cringed as he took the box out knowing Sakura was SO going to get it.

"It is understandable Naruto. Now can anyone, in their own words, explain how the play ends, include implications and context in your answer." No one raised their hand except Naruto. "Yes, Naruto?" Subtly she took out a tape recorder and pressed record.

"In the end Balthasar goes to Mantua and tells Romeo Juliet is really dead, instead of being asleep. Romeo isn't aware that Juliet is dead because Friar John failed to deliver the letter from Friar Lawrence as Friar John was helping the sick and the paranoia that he might be sick they refused him entrance into Mantua. Romeo buys a fast acting poison from an apothecary for forty ducats. The apothecary wouldn't have sold it to Romeo if he wasn't as poor as he was. He even said "My poverty but not will consents it". After purchasing the poison Romeo rushes to Verona. While this is happening Paris and his page are heading to the Capulet burial vault to lay flowers for Juliet. Paris tells the page to whistle should he see anyone coming. Romeo appears at the burial vault with tools to pry open the the vault. Paris confronts him telling him to give himself up. Romeo refuses and they fight. Romeo slays Paris and continues into the vault stopping before Juliet. He pours the poison into a cup and drinks it causing his death almost immediately. Juliet wakes up to find her husband and Paris dead, blood sprayed all over the vault. She notices the cup and curses Romeo for drinking the poison and tskes his dagger and stabs herself." He paused to catch his breath before continuing his explanation. "The page alerts the watch and the watch alerts the families to get to the vault quickly. The chief watch tells his men to scour the ground and arrest whoever they find, Friar Lawrence is arrested. When Lord Capulet and Montague get there they are informed their children are dead. The Friar, Friar Lawrence, confesses everything they were never told. The letter Romeo gave Balthasar before leaving Mantua confirms the Friars story. Along comes the Prince and he yells at the family Lords. He say, in context, this is what I warned you about. The Lords of the families realize he is right and apologize to the other. Lord Capulet gives Lord Montagues Juliets wedding dowry, while Lord Montague says he is going to a raise a statue of pure gold in Juliets form." Everyone was speechless, Narutos explanation was so detailed that the teachers jaw was on the floor( a/n not really but figuratively). "Too much?" he asked. She pressed stop and sighed contently. Finally a student showing some prowess.

Shaking herself for her stupor the teacher shook her head. "NO! It was a very good explanation. Every detail is right on the money. I have no idea why you aren't in the honors courses" Mrs. Yuuhi said. Naruto shrugged his shoulders non-chalantly putting the box back into his hoody pocket.

"Too much effort" he said. All the students had a dead pan expression on their faces. Taking a look at the clock he let out a quiet sigh. He still had five minutes left in class. "That's why I'm not in honors Mrs. Yuuhi.

"Now for homework tonight all you are write a one page eassay on who you think is responsible for Romeo and Juliets death. When the bell rings may I speak with you Naruto? It will only take but a moment of your time?" she said. Naruto nodded absently as he set his chin on one of his palms, the other hand drummed on the desk in a bored manner. The bell rang and everyone but Naruto rushed out the class. He leisurely picked up his stuff and got out of his making his way towards the teachers desk.

"What can I help you with Mrs. Yuuhi?" he asked not in the least interested. She pulled out the tape recorder she used to record his answer and laid it on her desk.

"I'm recommending you for honors classes. You have the potential to go farther than you are and you know more than lead on. You SHOULD be in honors classes" she said in a strict tone. Naruto quirked an eyebrow but siad nothing in response.

"Ok, anything else you wanted? Cuz I'm going to be late for History" Naruto said in a mock nervous way. The teacher frowned at his sarcastic tone of voice. Grabbing a pad of hall passes she dismissed him as her next period students were starting to file on. "See you later teach" he said glancing at her over his shoulder before striding out of the room.

Naruto made it two minutes after the bell rang to his History class. He handed the hall pass to the teacher before taking his seat next to Gaara."Good Morning" the teacher said. Said teacher had shoulder length purple hair and brown eyes. She was wearing black jeans that clung to her like a second skin, a blood red t-shirt and open black zip up hoody.

"What's so good about it?" Naruto asked before any of the other students could say anything. "It's like yesterday and it will be just like tomorrow. So I ask what is so good about it?"

The teacher frowned at him. 'This kid has issues'she thought frowning darkly. A smile spread across her lips. "POP QUIZ! THATS WHAT!" she yelled grabbing a moderately big stack of stapeled papers. All the students, save Gaara and Naruto, groaned in protest. "Relax will you whiners? It's only on famous people during the Scientific Revolution and what they contributed to it" she said in a normal volume range, unlike her previous statement. After passing them out she said they had twenty minutes and they could begin. Naruto finished in five as he photographic memory. Then a kid two or three rows behind him finished. Shikaku or something like that, he didn't really care. He laid his head on his desk willing time to speed up. "Times up, pass all your papers forward" the teacher.

"Ms. Mitarashi can I have one more minute?" one of the students in the front row asked. Ms. Mitarashi shook her head negative. The boy in the front row sighed before putting his paper with erveryone elses. She collected them and placed them on her desk in a manila folder. "Now who remembers what we were discussing yesterday?" A boy in the back room raised his hand. "Yes Kiba?"

"We were discussing Copernicus, Galileo and the Roman Inquisition" Kiba said peering over his reading glasses.

"Good and how are those three connected Shikamaru?"

"Copernicus had the theory that the sun was the center of the universe. However instead of publishing his research he kept it to him self as his theory went against the Church's teaching. One century Galileo comes along and proves Copernicus' theory fact. He went around saying the Catholic Church was wrong. The Roman Inquisition was a make shift court for the Catholic Church, the purpose for prosecuting people who were against the church or were trying to disprove what they said to be fact" Shikamaru said not looking up from the manga he was reading.

"Correct. It is good to see some of you actually study. Now today we will talk about..." Naruto drowned out her lecture and the rest of the class. Instead of doing something productive with his class time he was drawing in the sketch pad he pulled from his draw string bag.

Class ended and Naruto rushed to the second floor. Naruto made it to the music classroom with five minutes to spare before class started. He took his seat beside Yugito after grabbing his electric guitar from the instrument closet. Kiba and the rest of their group joined them as they had to decide which song they would be playing for their group project. "So which one are we playing? Bleed it out, Arterial what are we playing?" Kiba asked.

"I say Arterial. All in favor say I" Yugito said. Three out of the four(Naruto Yugito Gaara) of them raised their hands. "By majority rule Arterial is the way to go" Naruto scowled at Yugito.

"You only like Arterial because of my singing voice" he said in a scolding tone. Yugito put on a face of mock innocence.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I just really like the lyrics and the guitar." Gaara and Kiba snickered as they watched Naruto and Yugito squabble. "And you two" she turned on heel to face them "will shut up or do I have to tell the girls swimming team it was you two who took pictures of them in the locker room?" Kiba and Gaara paled as the threat hung. The two shared a look and wisely shut up.

"You know Yugi that wasn't nice. Although nice use of black mail. Anyways you three go grab your instruments Mr. Hatake said we would be doing the groups in the auditorium." The other three nodded. Gaara grabbed the portable drum set the teacher kept in the class and Yugito grabbed her bass guitar.

"Hey what about me?" Kiba whined. Naruto glared at Kiba and he shut up.

"Your back up vocals in chorus' three and four remember?" Naruto snapped irritably. Yugito layed a hand on his arm and Naruto sighed tiredly. He made a motion with his eyes toward the clock and Yugito nodded in understanding. A minute later the teacher appeared in the door way fixing her glasses on the bridge of her nose with her middle finger balancing a book in the other. She looked to be in her thirties with red hair and black eyes. She was wearing a black polo shirt with the top two buttons undone exposing a gold chain with a gold locket on it, a black skirt and black high heels.

"Hello class. Mr. Hatake is out sick today so I will be covering for him today. If you all will follow me to the auditorium we can proceed with your project presentations" she said grabbing a clip board and heading out the door. Everyone followed the sub hoping to get to know her. When they got to the auditorium everyone took a seat, groups sitting together. Now who wants to go first and get it over with?" she asked. Kiba raised his hand from the back of the auditorium.

"We'll go first Ms..." Kiba trailed off just realizing he didn't know the teachers name.

"Kitsune, Kyuubi Kitsune but please call me Ms. K" Kyuubi said giving Kiba a small smile. Kiba blushed and motioned his group toward the stage. Naruto griped under his breath as he trotted on stage with the rest of his group. Yugito strummed her guitar and frowned as it was out of tune. While tuning her guitar Naruto plugged his into the amp and strummed hisguitar. His was slightly out of tune and he tuned it quickly. He strummed a cord and nodded satisfied with the pitch.

"Alright Yugi start off with bass" Naruto said adjusting his guitar strap around his shoulder. Yugito nodded and struck a chord and her fingers and flashed over the guitar strings. Then Naruto and Gaara jump in the fray. Naruto played a few notes before stepping up to the mic and started singing.

I know you can't recall anything at all or why we're standing here.
The day you figure out your words had crumbled just below your feet

This is how a mountain gathers, purposely directed shadows.
This sinking ship has information that will tear us apart

Along the way we learn things too hard.
Whisper out the way to stop my heart

Naruto stopped and played a instrumental part with Yugito and Gaara before stopping again and singing again.

The things you used to say before the day I used to care at all.
It's in the fingertips, I caught you looking; hazing down on me

This is how a mountain gathers, purposely directed shadows.
This sinking ship has information that will tear us apart

Along the way we learn things too hard
Whisper out the way to stop my heart

Along the way we learn things too hard
Whisper out the way to stop my heart

Naruto stopped singing again and all instruments cut out except Naruto and Gaara. Naruto's hands flew over the chords at an extremely fast pace that the people in the seats couldn't keep up with him. Not even the extremely skilled guitar players!

Along the way we learn things too hard
Whisper out the way to stop my heart

Along the way we learn things too hard
Whisper out the way to stop my heart

Vocals and all instruments cut out except Naruto's guitar. He did a quick solo before cutting it off ending his groups presentation. There was silence for a total of five seconds before everyone, except Kyuubi, was on there feet applauding them. Naruto raised a hand and everyone in the audience was silent. "What, no applause Ms. K?"Naruto asked sarcastically. Kyuubi shook her head letting out a quiet laugh.

"No need to inflate your already huge ego little brother" Kyuubi said marking his groups grade on the clip board. "Both you and brother are too egotistical" she said giving Naruto a knowing look.

"BROTHER?!" everyone, except the group on stage Naruto and Kyuubi, in the audience yelled simultaniously. Naruto and Kyuubi blinked in unison.

"I didn't tell you guys?" Naruto said scratching his chin thoughtfully. "I thought I did. Oh well" Naruto shrugged his head and the people in the audience sweat dropped at Naruto's non-chalance. "Anyway you got my flute in your car? I need it for later" Naruto asked. Kyuubi nodded and dug through her pockets before tossing him her car keys.

"Yeah, it's on the back seat. Grab it on your lunch period." Naruto caught the keys in one hand while the other unplugged his guitar from the amp. Naruto shook his head silenty.

"Your just jealous brother and I inherited mom and dads instrumental and vocal talent" Naruto smirked seeing the look on his sisters face. Kyuubi stuck her tongue out at him childishly. Both siblings shared a quiet chuckle at their audiences reactions. The rest of the groups came and went on the stage to perform their pieces. As the third group went up Naruto laid his head on Yugitos shoulder closing his eyes sighing. "These people are horrible. They have no ear for rhythm or harmony" Naruto muttered under his breath. Yugito nodded in agreement absentmindedly running a hand through his silk smooth red locks. No one seemed to notice this but Kyuubi who had a sad smile on her face when she glanced in her brothers direction.

"Seems your begining to heal dear brother" Kyuubi said in a whisper to herself. Groups continuing going up and Kyuubi scoring their performance. Before long the bell rang and everyone filed out of the auditorium back towards the music room to put the instruments away so they could scoot to their lunch period.

Naruto hurriedly put his guitar in its case before storing it in the instruments closet before rushing out the door ahead of everyone else and headed toward the faculty parking lot. He stopped before a 1967 Shelby GT500. The body was a cobalt blue with a black racing strip on both sides of the car. Pressing the unlock button twice Naruto opened the driver side back door and drew out a black case. Tucking said case under his arm he locked the car and headed toward the courtyard where he knew Yugito was waiting for him with both of their lunches. He rushed to the music room again knowing his sister had to mark the group grades in Mr. Hatakes grade book. He tossed the her the car keys and Kyuubi caught them not even looking up from the grade book. "Thanks sis. I'm going to be a little late home tonight" Naruto said standing in the door way.

"You know it isn't healthy, you know that?" Kyuubi asked glancing at him over the rim of her glasses. Naruto shrugged his shoulders and cocked his head to one side.

"I have no idea what your talking about sis. I was only going to stop by the grave on my way home. How is that unhealthy?" Naruto asked, a bit of edge on his voice. Kyuubi got out of the desk and strode over to her brother. When she was in front of him she wrapped her arms around him and rested her chin on his head.

"I just worry about you" Kyuubi whispered. "That's my job as your older sister. Along witrh my duty of telling you I approve of your choice" she finished with a playful tone.

"Approve of what?" Naruto asked disentangling himself from his sister giving her a confused. Kyuubi gave him a look and Naruto just shook his head. "I won't risk asking her. Should she react negatively it would destroy me and all that has healed would re-open" Naruto said sadly, running his fingers over the engraving on the case under his arm. "And that would further vastly increase my gap with people versus as you've seen the gap dramatically diminish. I don't want to lose her like you me and bro lost mom and dad." Kyuubis eyes softened immensely as she wrapped her brother in a tight embrace.

"You don't trust your feelings do you?" Kyuubi asked. "Or do you not trust people?" Naruto stiffened as his sister said the second part. "I know from one look at her she loves you as much as you love her. But from that one look she's scared about doing the same thing as you are. Just ask her out for a cup of coffee or something. Have I ever steered you wrong before?" Naruto gave his sister a knowing look. "Okay besides that one time but that was an accident. Just trust me on this will you?" Kyuubi pleaded giving him puppy dog eyes. Naruto sighed knowing his sister would annoy him until he said yes.

"Fine I'll ask her but still.." Naruto trailed off not completing his sentence. Naruyto disentangled himself from his sister before rushing out of the music room and ran full speed toward the courtyard, the black case clutched tightly in his hands. He ran down two flights of stairs and about eight hall ways before reaching the courtyard. "YUGI!" Naruto called across the courtyard. Yugito rose from her seat under a sakura tree and waved him over. He trotted over at a sedate pace. "Sory I'm late. Had to get my flute and ask my sis for advice" Naruto said sitting next to her.

"You know what I say" Yugito said folding her hands behind her head. "Better to be a hour earlier than a second late, but that doesn't really apply now does it?" Yugito chucked giving Naruto a small smile. Naruto shook his head chuckling.

"I suppose it doesn't. So what do we have?" he asked unlocking the black case and withdrew a elegant flute. It appeared to be made of sterling silver with a 14k gold riser, a silver plated body, pointed key arms, offset G, a split E mechanism and engraved lip plates and keys. Yugito layed a cafeteria tray with a slice of pizza on his lap, hers beside her already half eaten. "A little music for the lady?" Naruto asked immitating an english accent. Yugito held back a laugh and nodded. "So it be" he said putting his lips to the flute. He started playing a light happy tune, it was a relatively short piece but she clapped when he finished. Naruto laid his flute back in the case and started eating his pizza while they chatted idly about nothing in particular.

"So when do we go after banshee?" Yugito asked grabbing their trays as students began filing back into the school.

"After school. I'm going to find her, seperate her from her group saying I want to apologize for my earlier actions and I'll bring her around the back of the school and we'll strike then" Naruto said spinning a pencil between his fingers. Yugito gave an approving nod and withdrew a glasses case from her hoody. Opening it instead of glasses inside of it instead were eight rings. Quickly slipping the rings on they both stood up simultaneously grabbing their lunch trays and set them with the rest as everyone filed in the school.

"It works. See you then." Yugito gave him a hug heading towards the second and third floor. Naruto stolled at a leisurely place down the hall and entered the last class room on the left, the geometry class. Taking his seat at the back like all his classes he took out his geometry binder and flipped open to the notes section. A minute later the teacher came in balancing his lesson plan book in his left hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

"Good morning class" the teacher said laying his lesson plan on his podium in front of the class.

"Good morning Asumai-sensei" all the students, except Naruto who was writing the notes heading, responded. Asuma frowned noticing Naruto was ignoring everyone.

"Something on your mind mr. Namikaze?" he asked. Naruto picked his eyes up from his paper and gave Asuma a weird look.

"No, of course not Asuma sensei. What gave you that grim impression?" Naruto asked cocking his head to the side. Asuma gave him a curious look before starting the days lesson. It was factoring binomials and trinomials with and without perfect squares. Naruto took to it immediately and finished the worksheet twenty minutes after Asuma finished giving them notes. Naruto raised his hand.

"Yes Naruto?" Asuma asked coming over.

"I'm finished sensei" Naruto said laying his head on his desk. "Check my answers if you but they're all right" he yawned. Asuma took out his calculator and did out the problem since he had to make a key and had yet to do so. Asuma double checked Narutos work and was shocked to find he was right on all accounts.

"Why are you not in honors?" Asuma asked running a hand through his jet black hair that was slowly begining to turn grey.

"You know" Naruto started "your the second teacher today to ask me that question. Now my answer to your question is that it would require more effort than I normally use and work is more time consuming therefor destroying my social life which I have gone to exstenive lengths to establish" Naruto responded in a drawl. Asuma sweat dropped and scowled.

"You know more than you let on" Asuma stated in a dark voice. Naruto shrugged his shoulders innocently at his statement.

"Maybe, maybe not but you do know having relations with your co-workers is against policy sensei" Naruto drawled grabbing his bag and walking out the door as the bell rang. Asuma paled that one of his students actually knew he was going out with the english teacher, Kurenai Yuuhi.

'This kid definitely knows more than he lets on'Asuma thought bitterly. He schooled his face as his fifth period class started filing in. Naruto ran up the flight of stairs and trotted at a brisk pace towards his favorite class, art. He was the first one in the class so he took out his sketch pad and ecided to draw for the few minutes before class started. As students started to trickle in they crowded around him trying to get a look at what he was drawing. Several people gasped when they saw it.

In the picture a man and a woman wer sitting under a blooming sakura tree with some of the blossoms swirling around them. The man was laying against the tree with his eyes closed, a contented smile on his face. The woman was laying on the mans chest, her head in the crook of his head and her arms wrapped around his waist. Strangely enough, some of them thought, that the man and woman looked uncannily like Naruto and Yugito but people disregarded that. "What's all the racket over here??" Umino Iruka, the art teacher asked breaking the kids apart.

"They wanted a look at work of art sensei. That is all" Naruto said laying down his sketch book on his desk. Iruka glanced at it and shook his head in amusement at the implications Naruto had drawn into the picture without realizing it.

"Alright everyone to their own seat. We have a lot of work to do today" Iruka shooed everyone around Naruto to their seats. "Now today we're going to be working on portraits of your classmates. Now I want everyone to pair up and start" Iruka made everyone pair up before saying "now! The portrait is due at the end of class and will be graded as a quiz." Some of the students groaned while others didn't care. Naruto picked a red haired girl who was writing on a piece of sheet paper.

"Tayuya, I believe? May I work with you? I would also, as a piece of friendly advice, advise you to put away your sheet music lest you want Iruka to confiscate it" Naruto said taking a seat across from her. The girl, Tayuya, frowned and stuffed her half filled piece of sheet music in her music folder.

"Why not?" Tayuya responded drawing out her own sketch pad. "Do you mind going first?' she asked grabbing a mechanical pancil from behind her ear and clicking the top of it making sure lead was in the tip.

"Of course not. How would you like for me to pose?" Naruto asked laying his sketch pad down on the desk beside him.

"Can you look out the window with a sort of thoughtful look on your face with your chin on your palms with both elbows on the desk?" Tayuya asked. Naruto did as aked and remained in that position while Tayuya drew his portrait, which Tayuya thought looked more like a profile. When she finished she told him he could move. Naruto nodded stiffly cracking his neck in the process.

"Please place a palm on your cheek and give a half lidded look like you were looking through me" Naruto said grabbing his sketch pad. Tayuya gave him a bored look and did as asked. Naruto nodded to himself and started drawing. While he was drawing he noticed more of the girl. Big silver eyes, loose short sleeve t-shirt, black jeans and a tatto of a celtic knot wound around the celtic cross. "All right I'm done. Do you want to see the final product?" he asked writng the date at the bottom right hand corner of the page and underlining it several times. Tayuya nodded and passed her portrait of him over while he passed her his. Naruto raised an eyebrow at her portrait of him in amusement while Tayuya had released a quiet gasp at he caught the most miniscule detail. "Good work" he said giving Tayuya back her sketch pad.

"Like wise Naruto. You have a sharp eye. Years of honed writing music?" she asked grabbing her portait and giving back his. Naruto nodded and grabbed a non-descript manila folder and tossed it on Tayuyas desk.

"What gave you that guess?" he asked in a sarcastonc voice. "Yeah, I play all differnent kinds of instruments" Naruto said pulling on a tab and a packet of three or four pieces of sheet paper came up. "All compositions I have made myself." Tayuya gasped and went slack jawed at the folder. There was at least nine packets of at least three pages minimum, the most reaching about seven. "So may I see compositions you have made Tayuya? I would be most intrigued" Naruto said immitating an english accent.

"Sure" Tayuya chuckled tossing him the folder she had tossed the half written sheet earlier. Naruto let out a low whistle. Ten compositions although fairly short, only really two pages per.

"Mind if I borrow this one?" Naruto asked plucking a composition that was two and a half pages long.

"Only if I may borrow this one" Tayuya responded plucking a three page composition from the manila folder. Both nodded their consent and gave the folders back to the other, sliding the others compositon into the see through front of their music binder with a quick note jotted down on who to return it to the next day.

"Ok everyone time is up. Please put your name on the back of your portrait and get back to your seats. We will be taking notes as soon as I collect your work" Irukas said as several students groaned, not nearly finished at all. He quickly went between pairs collecting portraits stopping only seconds at each group glancing from the person and the picture before nodding to himself. He stopped between Naruto and Tayuya pointing at each of them and motioning for them to pose. Tayuya did hers and Iruka noticed Naruto got every detail down to the look in her eyes and the ruffles of her clothes. Then he pointed to Naruto and Naruto did his pose. Iruka came to the same conclusion Tayuya did, it looked more like a profile than a portrait. "Nice work you two." Iruka clapped both of them on the shoulder before wandering to the next group.

"You know on second Tayuya, you can keep that composition. I know it and can play it in my sleep." Naruto read over the composition Tayuya let him borrow quirking an eyebrow. "May I ask you a question?" he asked giving her a confused look. Tayuya blinked in confusion and cocked her head to the side.

"Sure" she said slowly. "What is it?"

"Is this supposed to be a sad piece? There's a lot of low notes and splits" Naruto asked reading over the second page of the composition.

"I don't think it's a sad piece. It's just an emotional piece. I wrote it afer..." Tayuya trailed off, her getting misty signifying she was caught up in her own memories. She snapped out of her daze a second later and continued what she was say "... an accident my family got in. That was shortly before before I learned to play. It just serves as a reminder of mortality, I suppose" Tayuya finished in a low voice. Naruto remained silent finally understanding why there was a lot of low key notes.

"Sorry for asking. I didn't expect to hear that. It sounds like you've had your fair share and more of traumatic experiences" Naruto said in a quiet voice laying one of his hands on Tayuyas. Tayuya was shocked at his action, although not showing it outwardly. "If you need someone to talk to at any time I'll listen. I might not understand but you can talk to me okay?" he asked patting her hands softly. "Friends?" Naruto asked.

"Sure. Your nice enough, so why not?" Tayuya responded. Naruto gave her a warm smile. "You doing anything after school?" she asked.

"As a matter of fact I am." Tayuya deflated at that. "But" Tayuyas ears perked "you could help me and friend Yugito out with something if you want to" Naruto said. Tayuya gave him a curious look as if telling him to explain. "You know my reputation around school right?" Tayuya subconsciously flinched, Naruto frowned at this. "Well you know Sakura Haruno right?" he asked.

"I have EVERY class with her save this one" Tayuya said still not understanding what he was getting at. "That girl never shuts up. Fawns too much over the gay Uchiha" Tayuya huffed. Naruto chuckled quietly. "It isn't funny you know!" Naruto made a motion for Tayuya to calm herself and she did taking a deep breath.

"She pissed me off today and well, nobody really likes me pissed off but pissing me off today is like signing your own death warrant" Naruto said begining to sketch something in his sketch pad. "See today is the anniversary that my parents..." Naruto trailed off, his eyes misting over. Tayuya seemed to understand by the look on her face. Naruto shook himself from his memories a second later. "Anyways Haruno signed hers so me and Yugito were going to make the warrant almost true" Naruto whispered so only Tayuya could hear.

"I would be delighted to. About time somebody decided to put the wench in her place" Tayuya responded with a touch maniacal glee glinting in her eyes. Naruto shook his head inamusement.

"We're going to get along very well. Meet us behind the school after last bell rings. We've made a plan already. You take the bus home right?" he asked. Tayuya nodded that she did. "Well when all is said and done I'll give you a ride home okay?" Naruto asked giving her a small grin. Tayuya blushed slightly and shly nodded. "Well we'll see you after school Tay-chan" Naruto smirked seeing Tayuyas blush darken and look away from his face. Taking his art materials from the seat he headed back to his assigned seat.

"Now today we'll be taking notes on the great painters of the Enlightenment. We'll first be talking about..." As class proceeded Naruto kept glancing at Tayuya. He caught her looking at him a few times but she blushed and hurriedly looked away. As the bell rang Naruto wrote a quick note and dropped it on Tayuyas desk as he walked out of the class. Curious as to the contents of the note she opened it. It simply said to call her parents and tell her some friends needed help with work from one of her classes and she was staying after school to help them. Tayuya chuckled realizing Naruto thought ten steps ahead. Grabbing her note book and sketch pad she headed to her locker.

"Hey Tay, didn't know you were tight with Namikaze-sempai" a voice behind Tayuya said causing Tayuya to jump. Turning around she sighed in relief, it was only her best friend Kin Tsuchi. Tayuya gave a her a look and turned back to her locker and grabbed what she needed for the night before slamming her locker shut.

"Oh, you mean like you are with Nakamura-sempai? Naruto just asked me to help him with something" Tayuya said ignoring the look of absolute shock on her friends face. "Anyways, I'm going to be late so yeah later." Taking advantage of the moments of her friends shock she bolted through crowds and corridors before bursting through the back exit.

The first thing she noticed was a girl her age leaning against a sakura tree. Her hands were crossed behind her head and her eyes were closed, a look of content on her face. "So your the one Naruto-kun said would be helping us today. Glad to see there are others who can't stand her" the girl said lazily cracking an eye open and gave Tayuya a once over. "So what's your name?" she asked.

"Tayuya Akado sempai. May I ask your name?" Tayuya asked. The girl scowled and opened a blue eye lazily again giving Tayuya a look.

"Names Yugito Nii. Drop the formality will you Tayuya? I'm only a year your senior. Seems Naruto-kun is a good judge of character" Yugito muttered the last part to herself. "Anyways if Naruto-kun trusts you enough to help us out I have one thing to say" Tayuya got nervous as Yugito got and walked over to her "WELCOME TO THE CLUB!" Yugito exclaimed in a school girl squeal. Tayuya sweat dropped and went slack jawed.

"Are you okay?" Tayuya asked after peeling her jaw from the ground. "Are you high or something cuz your wigging out?" Yugito sweat dropped and patted Tayuya on the head.

"It's okay everything will be explained once we take of business" Yugito said smiling slightly that looked absolutely insane. "Anyways if we're going to be working together in the future we'll need to know each other. You already know my name. I like hanging with Naruto-kun, reading, music, drawing and I guess from now on hanging with you. I hate fan girls, fan girls, fan girls, and when my car stalls. In the near future I hope to publish a book I'm writing now" Yugito said drawing a bottle of water out of thin air. Tayuya gaped at the spectacle. "Oh yeah I can do magic too. You might want these." Blinking once Tayuya saw a pair of brass knuckles made out of steel with engraved runes around the knuckles joints spelling out pain. Tayuya slipped them on and noticed they fit snugly.

"What do you mean 'the club'? I'm confused" Tayuya said. Yugito sighed.

"Of kindred souls. Naruto lost his parents, mine were murdered and if your here something similar happened to yours. He has this.. gift I guess it is for finding people like him." Tayuyas eyes widened a fraction of an inch in realization. "I see you realized it too. But it is a double nladed sword. Upon finding another kindred they are linked emotionally" Yugito moved to lean against the school.