Never Mention

Chapter 5:

"I knew he wasn't stupid like Dumbledore thought." James mumbled still smiling.

"Dumbledore didn't think he was stupid, remember? He said that he told Henry to expect this." Lily replied sharply.

Harry jumped up at this. "So you really are my parents? I mean, my adoptive mom and dad confirmed my suspicions, but it's would obviously not be the first time they lied to me."

Lily frowned and stood walking slowly to Harry. "It was dark times Harry… If we didn't give you up... who knows what might have happened. And we always knew you'd come back to us." Harry looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"I think I always sort of knew…I mean I had these weird dreams and well I looked nothing like my par… Kelly and Henry."

"Harry, call them your parents." James said and Lily nodded. Then the bell rang and first year Gryffindors started storming into the room.

Hermione Granger smiled when she saw Harry already in a desk. Lily knelt in front of him and took his hand in her own warm, "we can talk later if you want Harry… if you want to see pictures or something… well I always have this one." She reached into her pocket and handed him a folded piece of paper before leaving the room.

Harry looked at the photo; it was of him and his parents. He was in their arms that they were smiling and waving and his mom gave him a kiss on the forehead every once in awhile.

Suddenly had the urge to tell his mother he wasn't mad and him and his father or his little sister, that they just wanted to keep him safe. So he stuck up his hand.

"Yes Tardy?" He asked with a slight smile.

"May-may I be excused?" Harry asked.

James's smiled faltered. "Of course, you have a lot to digest, Harry I think it is best if you go for a breather."

"Harry didn't eat a thing! He got a letter from his parents then stormed off." Ron said but Harry ignored him and left the room.

Harry left the room and went straight to the owlery. Getting parchment and a quil he wrote his family.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Yes I'll still call you that; I know who my parents are now. I've spoken with them but my mother still wants to talk later. I don't know what to do, so I'll ask you this… what happens now?

Love from your son


Harry gave the letter to Hedwig and he flew off.

That night at dinner Harry received an owl back.

I don't know baby, I just don't know… I think we need to talk to Dumbledore.


A/N: I AM SOOO STUCK!! Plz people, story ideas? Grrr, I have no clue what do!!! Help me pleeeeease!!!!!