Thank you williewildcat! ;) hehe, this chapter explains more as to who the nemesis is!
Here it is - the final chapter.
Chapter Four
We walked through the jungle for what seemed like miles, following in the wake of the natives - at least we hoped it was the natives we were following, judging by the trail they had left us. Dean kept checking with both Castiel and I, and as far as we both could tell we were heading in the right direction.
Dean and Sam were both sweating in the heat and even Castiel had removed his trench coat and jacket, white shirt sticking to his back and to his sides. Both Cas and I had our wings unfurled but held close to our bodies, to avoid the feathers getting snagged upon low hanging branches and vines. The air moving across the feathery surface was enough to keep both of us cool, even a little bit.
Soon, we reached a clearing, drawn ever onwards by the sound of rhythmic drumming, steadily getting louder, the closer we got. Once again, Dean checked with us to see if we were at the right place, and both Cas and I confirmed it - both of us sufficiently familiar with Bobby's presence by now, to know that the elder hunter was in fact, in the clearing.
Neither of us were prepared though to see the sight we beheld, when finally we reached our destination.. The clearing before us was crowded with the bodies of the native people, the source of the drumming somewhere over to our left. It disturbed the air enough to the point of near distraction, and I tried to block it out as best as I could, as did Castiel.
I folded my wings again, hiding them from sight, at the same time as Castiel hid his. Both Castiel and I stood in front of both Sam and Dean, protecting them with our angelic presence should they need it. It would be a puerile hope indeed to think they wouldn't need us, but it didn't take long for such hopes to be dashed.
We were noticed.
A voice rose above the noise and confusion, drawing attention to where we stood shaded amongst the trees and the bushes at the clearing edge - and the voice was one I recognized immediately.
I exchanged a look with Castiel, reaching for his hand once again, feeling comforted when he took mine, enclosing my fingers with his warm ones again.
"Lillith!" we both said, and behind us I heard Dean mumble out a curse.
Sam remained quiet, and I got the brief thought that should it come to it, would Sam side with us, his brother and two angels, or would he side with Lillith, fellow demon in arms and the sudden thought perturbed me more than I thought it would, more than an angel really should. If you're not really sure who exactly is at your back, I guess it was only natural to feel that perturbation.
I felt Castiel's mind reach out to mine with soothing clarity, trying to tell me with his presence not to worry, to calm me with his presence in my head, and I drew out a breath, a sigh, feeling some of my anxiety leave me with the presence of Castiel with me. I was grateful for his very presence, despite the fact that I could detect his own doubts, his own fears. In a way this helped, knowing that he was just as scared as I, because I wasn't alone in feeling this way.
As always, I had Castiel.
Once again, I heard Lillith's clear voice rising above the crowd, rising above the drumbeats, silencing one and all, as she alerted the crowds surrounding her of the presence of angels in their midst. She called attention to our very presence, pin pointing our location to within a few feet.
"Angels walk amongst us - beware!" she said. "They invade our meeting, taint our space with their very presence. Bring them to me, so I can assess what to do with them!"
"No!" both Castiel and I said, waving the native people back and away. "We walk alone and unaided!"
"So you angels are of one mind! How quaint! How amusing!" came Lillith's voice, as we walked in amongst the people, proud and untouched, with Sam and Dean having no choice but to follow in our wake silently.
We drew nearer and stopped as one in front of Lillith, whose small childish body oozed such potential for evil, it was quite scary to behold.
"We have met before, haven't we? Although you, you are a new angel, or newly returned to angelic status!" Lillith said, narrowing childish eyes in my direction. Am I correct?"
"Yes, that is correct, but it should be no concern of yours, Lillith," I said, coldly. "Everyone needs a nemesis, Lillith and we are yours!"
"So you do speak alone? How sweet!" Lillith said.
"I can. And I do tricks as well," I said, and I felt Castiel's amusement at my remark roll through me.
"Angels have the aptitude for sarcasm, how ... surprising!" the deceptively childish demon said, eyes widening in surprise.
"Not as funny as Uriel," both Castiel and I said, in unison. "He is the funniest in the garrison!"
"Again with the joint speaking! Are all angels this joined in thought and speech?" Lillith asked, staring intently at us.
"No, other angels are not, but we are that way!" Castiel said. "Not that it is of concern to one such as you!"
Lilllith rocked back on her heels in childish glee, before saying - "I think I might just keep the pair of you as pets! You amuse me! Here, angels, go fetch!"
And she threw Bobby's hat upon the floor in front of us.
We both stared hard at her, our hatred of the demon in front of us, turning our gazes hard and unforgiving.
"What have you done with Bobby, you bitch?" Dean offered from behind us, sounding just as angry and hate filled as both Castiel and I felt right then.
"Ah, so the humans can talk? Hello, Dean, it's nice to see you again, you silly goose! Glad you could join the party! And you Sam! Do you want to play with my pet angels? They're very pretty! Look at them!" she giggled, as she came forward to play first with the feather of Castiel's I had strung about my neck, before turning to play with Castiel's tie.
I pushed her back from Castiel with just a thought, growling out as I did so - "Touch him again, and I kill you!"
"Possessive little thing aren't you?" Lillith piped, in amusement.
"When it comes to Castiel, I am gladly so!" I replied.
"Do not rise to her bait, Shekinah!" Castiel warned, although he added a silent thank you at my words.
"Shekinah? Such a pretty name! It suits you!" Lillith said, as she pranced about us on childish feet,
"You make a mockery of us! You're a stain on the face of the Earth!" I said to her, angrily.
"And I suppose I should bow to ones such as you, should I? Like the humans do?" the demon asked, as she turned to Sam and to Dean. "Like these two do?"
"Enough, bitch, now tell us where Bobby is, or I'll set the angels on your demonic ass!" Dean growled out at the demon.
"So you are in command of the angels?" and the demon began to laugh. "How cute that angels follow the word of a human. How .. degrading!"
Both Castiel and I raised our hands, a light glowing from our hands as we prepared to smite the demon from the face of the Earth for the insult she had purposefully delivered to us. Much as both Castiel and I liked Dean, neither of us would consider taking orders from him, obeying him outright. It was not right for an angel to bow to a human.
"Castiel! Shekinah! No! Wait! At least until she tells us where Bobby is!" Sam warned, sharply, raising his own hand to calm us down.
Neither of us dropped our hands, neither of us dimmed our power, but still we both nodded at Sam to continue. Sam watched us for a short time, before becoming satisfied that we would not smite her - yet.
"Tell us where Bobby is, and you will not be harmed by the angels!" he said to her, softly, as though really talking to a child, instead of the aeons old demon.
"Do you think the angels scare me so very much, Samuel?" the demon laughed openly in his face.
"If not the angels, then I will pull you from the child!" Sam countered, raising his own hand, palm facing outwards to the child.
At that, the first flicker of doubt passed across the child's face, and I think the demon housed within was truly scared at that - at least a little bit scared. I did not dare take my eyes from her to judge Sam's seriousness, but I was betting against everything I had that he was.
Maybe he did have our backs after all.
I could feel Castiel's power bolstering mine, merging with mine, so the white light flared and joined between our two open palms, ready to be pushed into Lillith at a moment's notice. I willingly let my powers be merged with his, feeling a tickle at the edge of my mind as our thoughts coalesced, overlapped - and the feeling was not unpleasant. I welcomed him in, feeling warmth spread through me from the contact, and I stepped closer to him for strength. I trusted him implicitly to know when the time was right to unleash our combined powers, just like I trusted him implicitly in all other matters. I trusted him more so than others - even Dean and Sam.
Lillith glanced over at us, at what we were doing, and her eyes widened at that.
"You wouldn't ... " she said, stepping back from us, face betraying nothing, but her eyes telling all.
"We would!" both Castiel and I said in unison.
I think the sight of us alone convinced her of her own dire straits. To stand against two powerful angels with powers combined such as ours would spell suicide for her and she knew it.
She screamed out a phrase in Bantu at the native people, sending three of them off into the jungle. Five minutes later and they had brought back a groggy, yet still very much alive Bobby Singer between them.
Dean and Sam took the elder hunter from them, reverently while Cas and I stared Lillith down into submission. For a moment, the child took over and she began to cry, before Lillith regained control and made the vessel stop. That made me satisfied - not because we had reduced a child to tears, but that we had found a chink in Lillith's armor that we hadn't known existed before, and that may be useful in the future.
"Go, Lillith! Go back to the pit from whence you came and never let us see you again!" Castiel said, angrily.
The demon vanished, leaving behind her former followers, confused and dazed, no longer bound by whatever hypnotic device she had placed on their minds. Slowly the light from our angelic powers faded, leaving the sunny day dark in comparison. Although necessity had required it, Castiel did not withdraw fully from my mind, seeming settled in there for now. Surprisingly, I did not see this as the invasion or the intrusion that others would - merely a comfort, and he could feel that.
Bobby blinked owlishly at us, still a little groggy, still too groggy to say much more than a simple thank you. Both Castiel and I bowed at the hunter in deference but remained silent.
"Remind me never to piss you two off," Dean muttered, with a good-natured glint in his eye.
Sam merely shot us an uneasy glare, but remained noticeably silent.
Both Castiel and I remained with the Winchesters and Bobby, until we knew they were safe and out of danger once again. Then we left their sides, deeming it safe to do so at last. We made a stop at my old house on the way, the one that I had used while human.
It wasn't long before we were up in the bedroom, free of clothing and on the bed. Castiel looked down on me in wonder, as he slowly nudged my legs wider, before lowering himself onto me. He didn't move at first, didn't do anything at all, and I reached up to stroke his face wondering if he was all right. I didn't speak aloud, but still he knew what I was thinking.
"I love you, 'Kinah!" he said, and the shortening of my name was the most wonderful thing I'd heard in a long time, as well as the words themselves.
"I love you too, Cas," I said, just as softly, as I stared back up at him, hypnotized by his dark blue eyes.
His lips were parted in a small half smile, as he thrust into me roughly, eyes half closed in pleasure, moans falling from his lips as he continued to thrust into me. I met his every thrust, clinging to his back and urging him to go harder. He complied, beautiful eyes fully closed now, as his true self showed fully once again, wings outspread, and entangled with mine, as my true form spread out to meet his. I could feel his pleasure, feel his trust, and his love in those moments, as surely as he could feel my mirroring emotions. I ran my hands reverently over his body, tracing tickling wingtips across his skin, moaning in pleasure when Cas followed suit, running sweaty palms gently over me and trailing wings across me wherever he could reach. I could feel myself drawing nearer to my climax, and I rode the waves of bliss willingly, giving myself over to Castiel so completely, I was no longer sure where I ended and he started. I don't suppose it really mattered any more.
I came, tightening around him and shouting his name, before streaming words in Aramaic into the air around us, mere moments before Castiel himself came, releasing himself deep inside me, and crying my name in pleasure. He continued thrusting into me on the last vestiges of his orgasm, before he withdrew gently, to cradle me in loving arms on the bed.
Our true forms retreated back into our vessels once again, and I snuggled languidly into Castiel.
"I could lay like this forever," I murmured into Castiel's chest.
I felt him drop a kiss onto my head, before he replied - "So could I, 'Kinah, so could I!"
No more was said, as there was nothing that either of us could say without spoiling the moment, and I watched as Castiel slowly drifted into sleep, eyes closed against the world and lips half parted in slumber. I leant forward and pressed a goodnight kiss to Castiel's soft lips, before settling comfortably down into his arms, to drift slowly off into sleep myself...