It had been two months since Kelsi's birthday. Two months since her and Ryan had made love for the first time. Since then, they had made love a total of 8 times, each time getting better than before. Her dad had left a month ago to drive to Las Vegas and she hadn't heard from him since. Honestly, she didn't care. She loved being free of the beatings and abuse. Her friends had noticed a dramatic change in her behavior. She was smiling more and wanted to hang out more.
Kelsi walked into school on a Friday morning, a smile on her face as she approached her friends.
"Hey Playmaker!" Troy grinned, being the first to spot her.
"Hi guys!" Kelsi waved at her friends as she stood next to Ryan's side. Ryan wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead.
"So, I was thinking, do you guys want to go ice skating tonight? To celebrate our first day of Thanksgiving break?" said Gabriella.
The gang nodded their heads in agreement.
"Yeah that sounds like a lot of fun!" Kelsi said.
"Great, how about we go out for dinner at 6, then skating at 8?"
The gang all smiled in agreement then headed to first period.
The final school bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Kelsi walked out of her 8th period class and headed to her car. When she got to her car, she saw Ryan leaning against it and she smiled at him.
"Hey Beautiful, how was your day?" Ryan walked over to her and placed a kiss on her lips.
"It was great. How was yours?"
"Good, so listen. I was wondering, would you mind if I maybe came over? We could have some alone time before we met with the gang?" Ryan raised his eyebrows at her and winked.
"You're ridiculous Ryan. But yeah. I'd love you to come over." Kelsi and Ryan got into her car and she started the drive home. Once there, they walked up her short drive way and into her house. Kelsi was about to close the door when Ryan pushed her against it. He pressed his lips against hers and let out a slight moan.
"I've wanted you all day." He whispered quietly.
"Hm, it seems like you've been in a bit of a predicament then?" Kelsi giggled as she ducked under his arms.
"Hey!" Ryan yelled as she walked out of the room.
"Be a good boy and you'll get rewarded." Kelsi smirked over her shoulder.
"Oh, you're in trouble now!" Ryan laughed as he ran after Kelsi. She shrieked and started to run around the house as he chased her. Gizmo was barking, his tail wagging wildly as he followed closely on Ryan's heels. Kelsi ran into her room, Ryan right behind her. He tackled her and they landed gently on her bed. Ryan shifted his weight so he was directly on top of her and placed a kiss on her lips.
"Well, you've caught me. What are you gonna do now?"
Ryan smirked at Kelsi as he leaned down for a kiss.
Ryan and Kelsi walked up to the gang's table, hand in hand.
"Well, look who's late." Said Chad, "And where have you two been?"
Ryan and Kelsi muttered something as they slid into the booth, "Don't even go there. I do not want to know what my brother was doing with my best friend." Said Sharpay.
After the waitress took everyone's orders, the gang started telling stories and laughing. Once their food was eaten and the bills paid, they got up and went their separate ways to drive to the ice arena. Once there, they got their skates and headed towards the ice. Jason, who played hockey with the Wildcats Varsity team immediately, took hold of Martha's hands. He skated backwards with both her hands in his helping her maintain her balance. Troy and Gabriella skated onto the ice together followed by Sharpay and Zeke. Chad was clinging to the wall for dear life, his legs splaying underneath him as he struggled to stand upright. Taylor stood next to him, trying to catch her breath from laughing so hard.
"Stop laughing Taylor!" Said Chad, "Help me!"
Kelsi and Ryan got onto the ice and laughed as they skating passed Chad and Taylor. Chad had finally managed to stay upright, but as soon as he let go of the wall, his legs went out from underneath him and he fell on his butt with a smack. Kelsi looked around the ring and smiled. Her friends were laughing and having a good time. And so was she.
"Are you sure you can't stay tonight?" said Kelsi. They were sitting in Ryan's car in her driveway. Outside, it had started to rain and thunder and lightning.
"I wish I could honey, but I have to go home. I have to take the ACT tomorrow, remember?" Ryan smiled at her. Kelsi sighed and curled up in his arms, her head resting on his chest, "I love you."
"I love you too, honey."
Kelsi shut her front door quickly. The wind and the rain had really picked up. She sighed as she took her jacket off. She really wished Ryan could've stayed. She walking into the living room and saw Gizmo cowering in the corner.
"Gizzy, come here boy. It's just a storm. You're alright. It won't hurt you."
"Oh, it won't?" said a deep voice from the corner of the room. Kelsi turned around and screamed.
Ryan pulled into his garage and was about to get out when he noticed Kelsi's purse sitting on the floor. He chuckled to himself. Looks like he got to spend more time with her. Just as he was about to pull out of the garage, Sharpay appeared.
'Where are you going?" she demanded.
"Kels, forgot her purse, I'm taking it to her."
"I wanna come!"
Ryan rolled his eyes, there was no fighting his sister.
"Dad!" Kelsi screamed, "What, what're you doing here?"
Lightning flashed and lit up the room. She looked in her dad's hands and saw he was holding a knife.
"What's that for daddy?" she stumbled backwards.
"Just for some unfinished business." Her dad grinned at her, his face lit up by lightning. Kelsi kept backing away when she tripped and slammed into the ground. Her father laughed and raised the knife to strike. Just as he was about to bring it down, Gizmo jumped on top of her, growling. Her dad hesitated for a moment before bringing the knife down, burying it to the hilt in Gizmo's back. Gizmo cried out in pain as the knife was removed from his body. Kelsi screamed. Gizmo didn't give up though, he kept his teeth bared at the evil man and kept protecting his owner.
"Stupid dog." Her dad then repeatedly stabbed Gizmo. The whole time, Kelsi was sobbing. She just couldn't believe this was happing. After the 10th stab, Gizmo fell to the ground, his chest no longer moving.
"Your turn." Kelsi's dad smiled, he kicked Gizmo's body to the side as he approached her. Kelsi was crying hysterically. She had no idea what to do. He raised the knife to bring his final blow to her when all of a sudden he fell to the ground. Kelsi opened her eyes, Ryan had tackled her dad to the ground and the two of them were now wrestling to the death.
"Shar! Call the police!" Screamed Ryan. The two continued to fight. Fists were flying and the carpet was getting stained with blood. As police sirens filled the air, Ryan stumbled backwards. He looked down at his stomach to see the knife sticking out of it. He fell to the ground as the police flooded into the living room and apprehended her father.
I'm sorry? I've had so much happening in my life, but here it is. Review please!