Ron was not a happy man.

For the past twenty minutes he had tried everything he knew to get that jar off the table; spells, curses, and even pulling it off with his bare hands. Nothing prevailed through his obviously futile attempts.

He had to face the facts, sleep with the bloody thing next to him or pick it up and chuck it out the window. Well option one was defiantly out of the question. He could barely be ten feet from a spider without having a panic attack, so he would probably have a heart attack sleeping next to one.

'The couch!' the one thing he could always fall back on! He could get around this after all.

'Shit,' he thought 'No I can't do that, neither of us will get a goodnight sleep without one another. Well at least I wouldn't.' He sat on the edge of the bed and put his face in his hands. There was no getting around this one. Sighing, he got up off the bed, and headed back downstairs, into the kitchen where Hermione was starting dinner.

"Okay…fine, you win!" he said flopping himself down in a chair, "There is no way that thing is coming off or that I'm getting around this."

"So what are you going to do?" she asked from her spot at the stove. Flicking her wand to get the water boiling, she turned around to face Ron. She raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner and stared at him, "Well?"

"What do you mean 'well', I don't have a bloody choice now do I?" he said standing up "Come on then, I'm not gonna' have nightmares about this thing, it's getting chucked now! Let's go, come on," he said ushering his wife back up stairs.

Ron stood there, looking at the hideous beast in the jar before him. It just sat there, not moving, staring with its beady eyes. This was it, the do or die moment.

"Are you going to pick it up or just stare it to death Ron?"

"I'm mentally preparing myself Hermione, don't get your knickers in a twist."

Ron heard her snort from behind him and say "Right, mentally preparing." He stepped slowly toward the glass jar, shutting his eyes as he went. Closing his eyes wasn't the smartest idea though. He not only stepped on one of Rose's toys, he also ran into the nightstand he was headed for. Feeling around, his hand landed on the lid of the jar and his body gave a slight shiver. He let out a long, drone out sigh and squeezed his eyes shut even tighter.

"Good job, you've taken so long that the muggles have discovered the wizarding world," said Hermione with sarcasm.

"Oi! I can take s much time as I need. This was your lovely idea, and you don't have to pick it up with your bare hands!" Ron said, still keeping his eyes shut tight.

He slowly twisted the lid off and set it beside the jar. Opening his eyes cautiously, he glanced down in the jar. The spider's leg moved and Ron flipped.

"Okay, never mind, I change my mind, I don't want to do this," he said very quickly.

"Ron you are so close, come on, don't give up now…" Hermione encouraged.

"No, I'm sorry, your husband is a coward, I just can't do it."

"Well okay…but you don't want people to take the mickey out of you if this gets out," she said with a hint of a threat in her voice.

Ron stood still, "You wouldn't do that Hermione, I know you," he said.

"Yes, but you also said that I wouldn't stick that jar to the table and I did that. But don't worry; I'm sure it wouldn't be to bad if it got out. It's only…hmm…Harry…George…Charlie…Percy…Ginny…Bill, oh and Bill will surely tell Fleur…and—

"Alright! Fine! You win again Hermione, I'll do it," he said in an uproar. He turned back to the jar; slowly he moved his hand down into it.

"Ok quick, go open the window," he said. His breaths were quick and labored and every now and then a groan of agony would come out, causing Hermione to laugh.

"Alright, she's all yours Ron," she said holding back a laugh.

'Oh dear Merlin…' that was the last words out of Ron's mouth before he plunged his hand down all the way into the jar, grabbing the spider.

"AHHHHHHH!" he screamed as it wiggled in his hand. Sprinting to the open window, he chucked the spider out. He raised his hands to his face, checking them out to make sure it hadn't clung to him or bitten him. Once he saw that there was nothing there, he quickly shut the window and fell back onto the bed.

"See, now that wasn't so horrible was it?" Hermione asked softly, trying not to laugh at the scene that had just gone on before her. She sat down on the bed next to him.

"Horrible? Hermione, that was terrible! It almost bit me!" he cried.

"Merlins pants Ron! It did not try to bite you; you didn't give it time to bite you! In fact, I don't think I've ever seen you move so fast in all the time I've known you," she laughed laying down next to him, "Thank goodness I put a silencing charm on Rose's room."

"Please, I'll do anything, I won't scream like a girl every time I see a spider and call for you. I'll kill it myself, just please don't make me touch another spider. I beg of you Hermione," he pleaded.

"Okay deal," she said shaking his hand, "But you have to keep you word or we start from square on again." She pointed towards the glass jar.

"Done," he said squeezing her hand in agreement.

"See, now your learning how to face your fears," she said quietly as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I suppose, but one thing, no more surprises," he laughed.

"Oh but I have one more for you Ron—

"No Hermione, one surprise is enough for today, maybe tomorrow. I don't think I can handle another—

"I'm pregnant."


Haha it's done! Horray!
For those of you wondering if his reaction to
the last part was good? YES IT WAS!!
Your extra cool if you review
& once again thank you to my friend Alex for the story idea
