Yeah we all saw, or even heard of the episode, oh well, there is nothing we can do now, except hope for the little hints of Liley that we always get. But this will be my take of what Miley and Lilly were thinking throughout that episode (What I Don't Like About You if you have not seen that episode this might be a spoiler). Also I'm not sure if this will be a two-shot or a three-shot I'm iffy on it. And I wanted this out of my head, while I still write my other story. So please enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

This is Miley's POV.


Thirty one days, four weeks, one month, no calls. I've been gone, away, working. Hannah Montana got a role offer that I could not pass up: Indiana Joannie and the Curse of the Golden Cobra. Long hours, countless memorizing of lines, and dramatic stunts, it was a long month, yet Lilly and Oliver have not called me since I left.

Before I left we were fine. At first Oliver was bummed on how I "always have great success" and he lost at something he went for, so I wasn't going to go for it, but we fixed that once I heard Chase Crawford was going to be starring beside me. Hey, I had to do it that guy is supposedly sex on legs, in many of other girls' opinions, but to me he is just a pretty face. He was nice on set and great to kiss, but it was nothing.

I've always felt nothing and never felt anything. Why? Well the thought alone scares me, she scares me. I don't think I'm bi and I'm pretty sure I'm not gay, but there is just something about her. Her, Lilly Truscott. I'm attracted, lusting, crushing, fantasying, anything else you could think of, to Lilly. Yeah she is my best friend, my go to girl, but I want more than that. It's weird. I see no one else nor do I want anyone else. I dream of her, I want her. No other boy or girl could touch her. I love her flaws and all, yeah that's cliché but it's true. In my eyes, heart, and mind Lilly Truscott is perfect.

You could only imagine the craziness that could happen if word ever got out I liked a girl. I'm suppose to like guys, society tell us, guys are hot, society tells us, guys are…not what I want, but society does not tell us that. Society looks down on it, shoves it under the rug and steps on it, forgotten. I don't want to like Lilly, or fall in love with her, but I am. Love knows nothing: age, gender, time, love only knows love. So I'm stuck, trapped in a world, which won't let me be me, even though that is all they shove down your throat. Stand out, be yourself, follow the beat of your own drum, hypocrites. I don't even want to think what my family, friends, and especially Lilly would say if they knew. I don't want that pain, hurt, guilt, disappointment, I could not handle it. So I'll live a lie and continue to live this lie until I die.

But back to Lilly and Oliver, this is one of the greatest things that ever happened to Hannah and they didn't phone me once while I was away. Am I hurt? You bet. A lot can happen in a month. I like to be updated, I like to know what is going, face it no one likes to be left out. But I feel like Lilly and Oliver kinda did. Did I do something? Do they even know I'm coming home? Do they care? Are we still friends?

I hang up my phone for the thousandth time as I make my way up my drive way, to my home in Malibu. I complain to my Dad how inconsiderate Lilly and Oliver are being and he says something about raising me. My thoughts are too jumbled to care or listen so I just go inside, only to be hit with a surprise. Balloons and a banner with "Welcome Back Miley" are around the house and I hear two voices mixed as one welcoming me back home: Lilly and Oliver. A smile spreads on my face as Lilly comes running towards me and fits perfectly into my arms. I pull her close and take a whiff of her hair, apples. My smile grows but I pull away, not wanting anyone to get suspicious, so I move to Oliver and hug him. We break apart and start chatting about the movie, while my Dad talks and goes up stairs. I decide to break away talk from the movie as I wonder what happened during the month that I was gone. "So uh what have you guy's been up to?"

Oliver makes a noise like "what" and Lilly joins on in, as they talk about the beach, the mall, more beach, more mall, and one day that it almost rained. Is it just me, or are they acting slightly different? I lean over and look the picture Lilly took the day it almost rained and I commented on how much I missed my beach and shockingly Rico's overpriced food. Lilly chimes in saying I should get changed and we could all go together, but not before her and Oliver make a gross comment about exploding nachos. Ahh back to normal. I hug them one more time, Lilly squashed between Oliver and me, and then I turn to go to my room. When a thought struck me and I knew I had to tell Oliver and Lilly, but little did I know turning back around was one of the worst things I could have ever done in my life. Lilly and Oliver in lip lock and I knew I stopped breathing right along the time my heart shattered. My draw dropped and I quickly cupped my mouth with my hand, preventing the shriek I wanted to bail come out.

I bit my tongue and when they pulled apart, I hid behind the wall, listening in on there conversation. They weren't going to tell me, they figured I kept my Hannah secret, they can keep their own. I turned away upstairs, not being able to bear anymore, and went to my room. I slowly closed my door and walked quietly to my bed. Ten, fifteen minuets, that's all I have. Ten to fifteen minuets to cry. I sat in my bed and felt it sink with my weight. My whole body still in shocked after what my eyes saw and ears heard. I knew Lilly and I would never be together, but I never thought Lilly and Oliver would ever get together either. They, they annoyed the heck out of one another didn't they? They fought all the time, like, like brother or sister, or really close cousins, but boyfriend and girlfriend. It just doesn't add up. I have this undeniable need to throw up.

I feel my breathing start to shake, my body goes numb, and hot tears flow down my cheeks. I'm hurt. Lilly could never like me, Lilly and Oliver are together, Lilly and Oliver are going to keep this a secret, and when they finally decide to tell me I have to be happy and go along with it. How? How can the brain tell the heart to stop? How can a brain overpower the heart? How can my feelings for her subside and eventually no longer last? How am I going to be able to do this?

It just seems wrong y'know? It's like the Three Musketeers but not. They never dated one another. Well I guess this explains the month of them not talking to me. But what will happen to me? The last time Lilly had a boyfriend, Lucas, I was ignored. Now I'll be ignored by both of my friends. Who will I hang out with? I don't want to be a third wheel, but I also don't want them to be together. Maybe just maybe I could end it, yeah sounds selfish but our friendship is at risk, and that is one thing I do not want to lose.


Lilly, Oliver, and I are at Rico's and while Oliver went to go get drinks, I decided to pop a few hints on how they could tell I knew that they were dating, since they think I was going to wig out about it. "Any who, since, my wig out days our over anything you want to tell me, girl to girl," I shift closer into my seat so I could lean in towards Lilly. "Best friend to best friend." Hey I had to play the best friend card okay? Lilly looks at me apprehensive and stumbles over her non-words, before she looks away and spots Oliver.

"Hey look Oliver's here with the drinks, boy have we missed you." I pull away disappointed, when did Oliver get so fast? He's usually slow. Oliver then realizes that he forgot straws, and slight hope jumps inside of me again, but Lilly pulls him back down. "No we don't need straws."

I'm annoyed. So I just spill out my guts. I start to talk about how considerate and cute Oliver is and my response was a loud 'what!' mostly from Lilly. "Yeah…y'know what, you, you guys should date…and then not tell me about!" My face grows serious as I look between Oliver and Lilly but my eyes rest on Lilly.

Lilly grows defeated and slouches in her seat. "How'd you find out?"

I sit up and express my feelings. "Maybe the next time y'all want to keep a secret from me y'all shouldn't have a spit swap in the middle of my living room Lilly-POP!" Seriously Lilly Pop might as well shorten that to Lollipop, and for Lucas she was Lillypad, in my opinion stupid nicknames.

"See I told you she would freak." Oliver comes into the conversation making a hand gesture towards me. Of course I'm freaking out. I like Lilly, I can't have Lilly, you got Lilly and both of ya weren't going to tell me about it. Then I look at Lilly. And my heart hurts, she's hurt. Maybe I shouldn't have had an outburst like that. I'm sorry Lilly. My own selfish greedy heart hurt her, because my heart wants her, but her heart doesn't want me. Maybe I didn't think this through. Maybe she is happy with Oliver, maybe apart of loving someone is the fact that you let them love whoever they want, it may or may not be you, but if their happy, you should be happy, because you want the best for them.

But I can not say the real reason I was freaking out. I have to lie and I have to give up, I can't break them up. "I'm only freaking because you guys didn't tell me," Then I did the second worst thing in my life. "I'm happy for you." Lilly aww's and my attention is drawn to her, fear is out of her eyes, but something else is there, I just can't read it. Now that I'm back to my 'normal' self I ask how they got together. And that starts an argument. Radiohead or Coldplay, ice skating or the movies, they are fighting, and I have a strange feeling I just might end up in the middle. I get up and walk towards them; hopefully I can get them to stop. "Look, I'm sorry I brought it up, who cares."

Lilly then makes a comment on how Oliver is twelve and he swiftly moves towards me. "Miley will you please tell that one to grow up!"

"That one!" Lilly pulls Oliver away from me and she now is the one standing next to me. "Wait you forget my name now too? C'mon Miley lets go." Lilly reaches out and grabs a hold of my arm loosely but I'm able to pull back from her grasp and she looks at me with shock and concern. They broke up because of me and this time it was unintentional. No matter how bad I want to go with Lilly and be with her I can't. I don't want to choose sides. I started this now I have to fix this.

"You guys please stop fighting, this is ridiculous." I do my best to recapture their moment but neither of them wants it, they walk away, and I'm left on the beach alone, until mid-night. Apart of me is happy, but my guilty conscious side is sad. I shouldn't hurt others for my own happiness. They have to get back together.


It's been three days and Lilly and Oliver have not talked to each other and I'm stuck in the middle. I was forced to choose a side. Lilly's or Oliver's. I can't do that. Their both my best friends I can't choose. It's like peanut butter and jelly, it's not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly, its just peanut butter, and if you just eat the peanut butter you're stuck with a sticky mouth, so then you need milk. Lilly, Oliver and I were the peanut butter and jelly with a glass of milk, the perfect combo. Now the jelly has left the peanut butter and the milk has to decide which one they want to be with. It's not right. Y'know this whole thing could've been avoided if they just didn't start to date.

I make my way over to the Rico's where Lilly and Oliver are sitting at opposite ends. They both make gestures for me to sit with them, but in the end I choose to sit with Lilly, with Oliver threatening me that I won't get his nachos. Lilly then acts like the twelve year old mocking Oliver that she is my favorite. "'Cause I'm her FAVORTIE!!!" I interrupt telling Lilly that we are better than that and she should cool it. "Fine, but only because you chose me."

Lilly rests her head on her hand and she then stares into my eyes and I'm slightly intimidated but intrigued. Lilly is smiling and she looks so cute, beautiful, and hot at the same time, I just wish that I could kiss her. "And I'm also choosing you to come see the first rough cut of Indiana Joannie." Lilly gets all happy and excited, but sadly she is totally unaware of I'm about to do. I then make an excuse that I should tell Oliver why I did not pick him and she reluctantly agrees.

I walk over and talk to Oliver, yet somehow boosted his ego, because he thinks I chose him over my best girlfriend. I just stare at him as he praises himself, him too totally oblivious to what I'm about to do. I can't even believe what I'm about to do.


I have invited both Lilly and Oliver to my house to see Indiana Joannie. But it's not the Indiana Joannie they are thinking of. Its one I made and edited myself. I'm dressed up like Lilly and Oliver and I show them how absolutely stupid they looked. They occasionally look back and forth between each other as the movie plays, then it is over. "Look I don't know if you are meant to be a couple," Cause Lord knows I don't want that, but I want us to be good and happy. "But I do know you were meant to be friends, please I do not want to watch you through that away over this fight." I couldn't help but look at Lilly the entire timing, I guess 'cause in away I was saying goodbye. We can't and never will be together. Goodbye Lilly I will always care and love you.

Lilly and Oliver agree. Then they get a mushy, claiming they missed each other and that they were sorry, then they leaned in for a kiss, which I stopped. Hey, it will take time for me to get used to them being boyfriend and girlfriend, them kissing is a totally new step that I'm not ready for yet. Lilly and Oliver then leave happily, with his arm around her shoulder. I'm all smiles that is until they leave and I cannot help but feel regret for what I had just done.


Two weeks, no need to break that down, I'm sure all of you can do that. Lilly and Oliver are happy and I'm miserable. What I feared happened. Majority of the time I'm with Lilly and Oliver I'm ignored, so I'm pretty much on my own now. I don't hang out with them that much anymore, but its okay I don't even think they realize it.

I don't think they realize anything but themselves. They didn't realize that they are so wrapped up in each other their grades are slipping, they didn't realize that Hannah had two concerts, three interviews, and a meet-and-greet, they didn't realize that I'm miserable, they didn't realize that Lilly's parents are fighting, and might have a divorce, they don't realize anything.

I'm outside, sitting on the roof, my usual spot when I'm bummed. My eyes are watery, my nose is stuffy, and I'm starting to get a headache from all the crying. It's better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. Well I loved and lost, but I was not loved in return, so how does that work for me or does it even work? I sniff again as I lean my body back and look at the cloudless, starry, sky. If only I could wish on one and have it come true.

"Miley?" My eyes widen and I strain my hearing. Lilly? "Miley?" I spring forward, probably hurting my neck, and look down toward my deck. It is Lilly. Once my eyes land on her she smiles, I smile in return, although I'm frowning on the inside. Her voice is quiet and innocent she steps forward and looks up at me. "Hey." I don't respond I just smile. "Can I come up?" I nod. Lilly starts to climb only to have trouble, which seems shocking considering she is a totally athlete. I move down and offer her my hand. She grabs on tight as I try to pull her up. She then uses her other arm to wrap around my neck and I use mine to wrap around her waist to help pull her up. "Thanks." She is slightly out of breath as she moves over to my side and sits down.

"N-no problem." I don't want to look at her anymore. I don't want to see and be reminded of what I lost. I adjust myself then lean back down like I did before to look up at the stars.

"Miley?" I don't respond. "Miley? Please?" Lilly takes my hand and squeezes it. "I know you are upset, I know you better than anyone Miles, and I know you are starting to feel left out when you are around Oliver and I and I'm sorry. Please look at me." I don't, my hand is limp in hers so she squeezes tighter. "C'mon Miles," Lilly shifts she lies down propped up by her elbow, slightly hovering over me, and with her other hand traces my right cheek as it glides up to push my hair back. "I haven't heard your voice in forever, talk to me Miles."

I sigh. "Lilly…" I sit up taking her with me and as we sit she moves closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Miley I'm sorry, look I don't want to lose you, you are too important to me," I slightly smile. "But Oliver is important to me too," It's gone. "I could not thank you enough for what you sacrificed and what you did to get us back together." I don't move and finally I pull my hand away from her grasp. Lilly lifts her head off my shoulder and I'm sure she is looking at me with concern. "Miley?"

"Lilly, w-we need to talk." I shift away from her; it's too much to bear I cant do this anymore.

"O-okay." I look at her and I can see worry in her eyes. "About what?" Her voice starts to crack and tears from in my eyes.

"Lilly I-I can't do this anymore. I love you and Oliver, but this," I motion between her and I maybe she will get a clue that I don't just love her I'm deeply in love with her. "This is too hard; I just can't do it Lilly."

Lilly's eyes move frantically as they look into mine and a line of water draws up in her eyes. "What? Do what be friends?" I nod my head and she swallows hard. "No," she croaks, I'm barely able to hear. "No Miley no." Tears ready to fall in my own eyes.

"Lils," She closes her eyes as I use her nickname and the tears pour. "Lilly," she opens them. "I'm sorry, I know that you care about me, but Oliver has become your life, practically your whole life, you have turned oblivious to everything, and I just feel like I'm not in it, so why pretend that I'm not, why not make it real?" I look away and bite my lip, I cannot stand the pain I'm giving her.

"Okay, well I'll stop, Miley I'll, I'll-" Lilly is lost, scared and confused.

"No Lilly." I turn to look at her and grasp her hands, she holds on tight, as if I'll keep her from falling. "Maybe Lilly, maybe some day, but right now you are with Oliver, and when you could learn to not make him apart of your whole life, we can try again. But not until then." I wanna walk away but I just pull her close in a hug and she latches on. She buries her head in my neck and she cries softly. We were best friends we were closer than anyone, to just throw all that away hurts. I close my eyes and tears fall as I rub Lilly's back and whisper to her, telling her everything will be alright, and that we will be okay.

She pulls away and sniffles, I reach forward and wipe away the stray tears, and she closes her eyes. "I'm going to do it Miley. I'll fix everything; get my grades up, everything. I'll get you back Miles."

I give her a weak smile, just to show her everything will be okay. "I'm already counting the days Lil." She smiles slightly and turns away from me. She climbs down off the roof and turns to walk away.

"I'll see you soon?" She asks with desperate eyes. Maybe right now this is for the best, maybe we are better off this way.

I nod. "Never goodbye, only till next time." She nods and I did the third worst thing ever in my life, I let Lillian Anne Truscott go.


:'(. Awww. Next will be Lilly's POV, then maybe a third chapter I'm not sure yet, I think that I will leave that up to you guys'. Well till then. :).