Never knew

A/N this is just a one shot that was floating around in my head. Very short and maybe not as good as it could be but it was just driving me insane! Hope you like it!

Arthur and Merlin never knew that every time they gave each other a look from across the room, others saw it.

They never knew that every time they left a feast early that everyone knew.

Neither were aware that every time they stood away from the crowd, fingers entwined somebody saw.

Arthur never knew that every time he snuck out into the grounds to meet the only love in his life his father always saw as he watched from his stone balcony.

Merlin had no idea that Gaius heard him tip toe past him every night as left to meet Arthur.

Arthur never knew that Morgana knew how he felt about Merlin before he did.

Merlin never knew that it broke Gwen's heart every time Arthur walked into the room and stole his attention away from her.

Because they never knew this they never knew that everyone that they loved, that was important to them was fine with it, they were just happy for them.

So you ask 'why is it they never knew?' well the answer is simple, they never knew because all they ever saw when they were together was each other and that is all they would ever see and all that they ever wanted to see.

Told you it was only short. Well? Cheesy as it gets, right? Well if you liked it or not let me know, I like reviews!