AN: Sorry!! It's really late but it's finally done, please enjoy!

The sun was burning brightly in the sky above her head; a slight breeze lifting her brown locks off her shoulders. Sonny surveyed the scene in front of her. Two wooden picnic tables were pushed together to form a larger one. She saw two people covering the tables with a long white cloth and weighing it down to keep the wind from blowing it away. She recognized the two at the table to be her best friend Lucy and her newest friend Tawni. Both girls spot the curious Sonny and wave her over. Uninhibited Sonny immediately runs to her two friends engulfing them in a hug.

"What's going on?" Sonny questions the two girls standing before her.

"Party silly!" Tawni laughs

"Now let's go help the others," Lucy says as she grabs Sonny by the hand and drags her away from the tables.

They walk towards a parking lot where a few cars were parked side by side. Nico and Grady step out of a green jeep wrangler and shout greetings to Sonny, Tawni, and Lucy.

"There's more stuff in the back seat," Nico said to the girls

Sonny then noticed what the boys were carrying. Each had canvas bags in their hands; taking a peak revealed that they were filled with picnic foods. Feeling no need to question it, Sonny followed Tawni and Lucy's lead and helped carry the remaining bags to the picnic table.

Looking at the abundance of bags Sonny took in her surroundings again and noticed more people were there. She recognized everyone there. Her friends from Wisconsin were there mingling amongst her celebrity friends. It was perfection.

Perfection was then interrupted by a large black Silverado backing up into the picnic area. It stopped feet from the table and its engine idled as the driver stepped out.

Craning her head to see who had just arrived, she was shocked to see the perfectly groomed hair of Chad Dylan Cooper. Surprisingly she found herself excited and walked over to the new arrival.

"Hey hun!" Chad said as he wrapped his arms around her and Sonny easily reciprocated the gesture. She felt herself blush as he kissed her cheek lightly. They separated from their hug but Chad kept one arm wrapped gingerly around Sonny's waist.

Nico walked up to the pair and began speaking to the male half. Sonny was pleased to hear no contempt in his voice. They small talked for a minute before sonny began to pay attention.

"So you need help getting it down," Nico asked.

"Yeah man, thanks," Chad answered genuinely. "Be right back." He said as he lightly squeezed her hip before following Nico to the truck.

The two boys opened the back hatch and jumped into the truck bed where a big barbeque grill was safely tied down. The two began undoing the constraints while Grady and two others that she recognized to be her friends Brian and Jason from Wisconsin were on the ground ready to haul out the grill when ready.

The rest of the day flew on by. The boys bonded over hotdogs and burgers, while the girls caught up on the latest gossip. Soon night fell and Chad's truck, which had not been moved after they took the grill out, doubled as their radio.

Everyone was in one group now, lying on the grass, just talking. Sonny was huddled with Chad under a green blanket. Tawni was lying on Nico's chest as he twirled her blonde hair with his fingers subconsciously while Lucy and Grady were busy giving each other flirty eyes, but not actually acting on it. Sonny let out a giggle as Chad snuck a kiss on the top of her hair.

Wiggling herself to look up into Chad's face, she gently went in for a kiss, Chad reading her mind met her halfway.

Correction, this was perfection.

A sharp knock on the door caused Sonny to wake with a start. She fell of the couch narrowly missing the glass table by inches. Grumbling as she stood up she went to answer the door. Looking the peephole she saw Tawni waiting impatiently for someone to let her in.

"Who is it?" Sonny asked playfully.

"Sonny oh thank God you're alive!"

"What? Of course I'm alive," Sonny said swinging the door open quickly.

"Well you didn't answer any of my calls or texts, what was I supposed to think?" Tawni said inviting herself in.

Sonny followed the blonde to the kitchen where she sat at the island.

"So are you ready?" Tawni questioned seriously.

"Ready? You just woke me up, what time is it anyway?" Sonny said glancing behind her at the wall clock. "Tawni, its only noon, the movie starts tonight, how much shopping are you planning on doing?"

"Just the usual; I figured we could hit up Sunset and Robertson blvd. Then the mall where the movie is playing."

"Um ok just let me get ready first, we should stop by Starbucks too I need my caffeine fix"

Sonny showered quickly and threw on a pair of dark gray skinny jeans with a purple baby tee and matching gray vest, she tied her purple DC sneakers and grabbed her black coach bag. She stole a glance in the mirror before locking the door behind her.

After stopping by the local coffee shop, the two girls headed out for a major shopping spree. Five hours and three shops later, the girls found themselves at a small restaurant outside of LA. They ordered some food and took a rest.

"I had this amazing dream last night" Tawni gushed revealing her dream about winning best dressed at every major award show.

"I had a bizarre dream last night," Sonny confessed.

"What was it about?"

"Well you were in it and so weren't Nico and Grady, and Lucy and all the rest of my friends from back home—"

"I was in it!"

"Yes Tawni, but I wasn't finished yet"

"Oh ok, go on then" Tawni said as she gestured it with her hands.

Sonny laughed a little before continuing her dream. She relived everything down to every last detail.

"Wow that was bizarre, me and Nico, like that'll ever happen,"

Sonny rolled her eyes at her friend before launching into another explanation as to why her dream was bizarre.

"So you don't think it was weird that Chad and I were together and happy,"


"But why?"

"You guys are meant to be, no matter how hard you fight it, you both belong with each other," Tawni said firmly causing the argument to die on Sonny's lips. "You both have changed each other whether or not you realize it. You are not the same girl that you were when you came here, he's made you tougher and stronger. He showed you that you need that rough skin to survive out here in Hollywood, whether that was his intention is yet to be seen. You don't realize how you've changed him either. Before you The Falls and So Random were in a huge blowout, it was really nasty. You've turned it into a less nasty version of that."

"How do we know that it's because of me?" Sonny interjected defiantly.

"Because Chad ran things, and now he's turned down the intensity, when was the last time the falls pulled a prank? Sonny you know that I'm right so don't try to deny it,"

Sonny remained quiet as she thought about what Tawni had said.

"Change of plans!" She suddenly cried out.

"Wait what?" Tawni asked confused.

"Mackenzie Falls is shooting today right?"

"Um yeah they should be done soon though," Tawni said glancing at her watch.

"Let's go then," Sonny said as she tossed a twenty dollar bill on the table top and ran out of the restaurant.

Tawni followed suit and tossed her own money into the center of the table. She apologized to the waiter on her way out and found Sonny at the car.

"Where are we going?" Tawni demanded.

"The studio, now let's go!" Sonny said snatching Tawni's keys from her hand and climbing into the driver's side.

Slightly scared by Sonny's intense demeanor, she quickly got into the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt. Sonny sped out of the parking lot and found her way onto the highway. Sonny carefully obeyed the speed limit as she weaved through traffic. The pair arrived at the studio twenty minutes later. Sonny drove around looking for a familiar car and once she found it she carefully parked Tawni's car blocking the other's exit.

Sonny sat quietly in the driver's seat as she stared at one of the many doors from the building they know as the studio. Tawni didn't dare speak to Sonny, she saw the look in her eye and felt it better to not interrupt a girl on a mission.

Movement came from one of the doors as dozens of teens spilled out laughing loudly. Sonny was quick as lightning as she opened the car door and walked up to one of the teens.

"Tell me why," Sonny said while she looked him right in the eye, but keeping a good ten feet of distance between the two. "Tell me why Chad."

Chad looked into her eyes for a moment before answering. There was no hint of malice just of questioning. All of the other teens stopped in their tracks to watch the scene unfolding before them. Tawni soon joined them in their gawking.

"Because I love you," Chad answered finally.

Sonny was not expecting that answer. She was not also expecting what happened next.

Chad blushed, showing weakness in front of those who knew nothing of a weak Chad. A warm feeling swelled in Sonny's heart as a smile involuntarily broke out onto her face.

Sonny then closed the distance and lunged at Chad. Chad caught her and held her to him as their lips met in a kiss. The stunned audience slowed disappeared around them before they could take notice of them.

"I love you" Chad repeated.

"Really Chad, really?"

AN: And the clichés never cease. Ok so now I'm done with my very first SWAC story and I would love to hear what you all thought, so please review!

Now it's time for my Thank You list, so here it goes!

Dessdemona, ninaaa36, ALittleMind, Is you heart in the game, Mia Kyra Callwel, YuYu, DiceRox09, lover143, methegirl, VMsuperfan, Sonny at Twilight, sonnycentral, solosinger1, readergirl12345, inugomegirl, All-American Dork06, XxMissHyperxX, Musicfreak-Twilight, Sweet-angel-592, bethyboomarch2, lucky-starz06, percabeth97, BeautifulDisasterXo, NikkiLuvsWolfs13, angels., b-Kaz, ride2night – thank you all to reviewing you are all seriously amazing!

I also want to thank all those who put this story on alert and favorited it!

One last thing, my poll deadline has been extended; you have until June 21st to vote so please do!