Touched by An Angel Bloopers
Tess: Andrew isn't here.
Monica: Where is he?
Tess: On a mission.
Monica: Dammit, Andrew! Not again!
Tess: Another assignment complete. Good job, angels.
Monica: Wait... what do we do when the end of the world comes and all life is destroyed?
Andrew: I quit.
Monica: Can he do that!?
Tess: Yes. It's just like suicide, Monica. Before God can fire you -you quit.
Little-Girl: Did you die then become an angel or were you just born an angel?
Monica smiles: How about you find out the hard way?
Tess: You have been touched by an angel.
Monica: More like slapped.
Crazy-Natalie-Paciant: I don't want your help, Andrew!
Andrew: Then it's over.
CNP: Are you breaking up with me?? Is the angel of Death breaking up with ME??
Andrew: Psst, Monica, say hello to the nice small green man with big black eyes.
Monica: Ehem, Welcome to Earth...
Alien: Take me to your leader.
(Actual lines from episode in series)
Heart-attack-Bob: Are you the angel of Death?
Andrew: Yes.
HAB: Then why have you been following me the last few days?
Andrew: Because you're going to die and the paramedics will not arrive on time.
Furfaidz: I just got done watching "Toughed by an Angel." I'm going to Hell. Anyway, review with happy faces!