The Time Has Come
Durza sat motionless in his room, having told Eragon to go practice swordplay with Arya and Saphira taking Galzra away for his own lessons allowed Durza to contemplate the thousands of thoughts running through his head, even though Galzra was in his head and talking to him the whole time. Already Durza could feel the bond between himself and Galzra strengthening.
Durza stared at the wire thin scratch that ran along his sword. As he held in sword in his hand, his gaze moved to the remains of Galzra's shell. Having an idea Durza leant over the pommel of his sword and slowly murmured the words of the Ancient Language, as the words were spoken the pommel of his sword split, opening a hole at the join of the blade and pommel.
Taking the shell Durza severed it with magic to two equal sized pieces placing each of either side of the gap he spoke words of power once again. The metal of his blade and pommel trapped the shell within the sword. Lifting his blade Durza turned it so the shell could be easily seen even while the sword was within his grip.
"The power of magic will never cease to amaze me"
Durza turned and looked into the blue eyes of Elise.
"At least that's what I think"
A small smile pulled at his lips "It will never cease to amaze me either"
Instead of answering she stood in silence for a long moment.
"I will accept the position of honour that Nasuada has granted me"
"The best of leaders are those who start young Elise" Durza answered as he stood "you have great future in front of you."
"Owe? So you can see into the future? Exactly how you do know this Durza, how can you tell?"
A wave of curiosity washed over him.
Whilst smiling Durza said "I've lived long enough to have a reasonably good idea on what the outcome will be on many things and your case is no different."
"Then just how old are you?" smiling she added "or should I say how young?"
Unable to stop himself, he laughed "you wouldn't believe how young I am"
"This will take awhile won't it?"
Still smiling Durza said "Accept that I will not be telling you my age"
"Follow me" he said as he passed her while strapping his sword to his waste.
As they walked Durza asked "What made you reconsider?"
"Dad" was her simple reply.
Instead of answering he thought it best to let her continue.
"He spoke to me not long after you left. I was afraid and you caught me off guard." She lowered her head "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise Elise, not when you haven't done anything wrong"
"So, where are we going?"
"I think you should meet Eragon and Arya. As the new leader of Farthen Dur you should make yourself well acquainted with them."
As they walked onto the training fields, Durza spotted Eragon and Arya competing against each other, each battling to gain an advantage. As Durza and Elise neared Eragon and Arya paused in their duel and approached them.
"Eragon, Arya. This is Elise. She has been appointed Farthen Dur's new leader, by Nasuada."
Eragon stared at Elise "But isn't she a little young?"
"Aren't you?"
All eyes turned to Elise.
Glancing at everyone then back to Eragon she said "from what I've been told or know, you were only 15 when you became a rider and no more than 16 when you defended Farthen Dur. So are you implying that I'm too young simply because I'm a girl?"
Dumbfounded Eragon said "gender has nothing to do with it. You have a choice, I didn't. So much responsibility when you're not prepared or ready is painful."
"Well I believe I am ready to take on this responsibility. And like you, I'm not alone" she answered with a smile.
"You have a quick and clever mind Elise" Arya said "you'll make a fine leader"
"Thank you Arya and Eragon. Your advice and support is helpful" then she smiled at them.
After their short introduction they said their fair wells. Durza called over a messenger, he informed him to escort Elise to her father's forge.
"She seems capable of being a great leader" Arya spoke first.
"I was hasty and didn't think before I spoke" Eragon said.
"Well don't forget Eragon, you still have much to learn. Even the eldest being alive is still learning, it never ends for anyone" Durza answered
"Saphira and Galzra are returning"
As the two dragon's landed Eragon and Durza spoke with their dragon's. Durza knew exactly what Galzra had been doing with Saphira as their link grew stronger.
Saphira and Eragon then instructed Durza and Galzra that they wanted him to repeat everything either of them had learnt back to Eragon and Saphira.
It is important the both and not just one of you understands what the other learns. Because it will be your duty and ours to instruct the next generation of riders since we no longer have Oromis and Glaedr here with us explained Saphira.
"Fair enough, that's a good idea" Durza answered
Indeed agreed Galzra.
"We have been here for two weeks now, our aim has been achieved and better yet. Durza is the new rider. This means we no longer have to train the new rider. Once Galzra is big enough to fight in air it will be two riders on either side." Arya looked around the group, all listening intently "with the same knowledge of the ancient language"
What of Shruikan? He is much too old and powerful for me to battle Saphira said.
Before anyone could answer Galzra spoke using Durza as a mouthpiece. The only way that I see as giving us a chance defeating Shruikan is if we remove Murtagh and Thorn first. As Saphira said, it will not be possible for her to battle Shruikan alone, nor could I defeat Throne alone. He is an adult every battle we do, we must battle together. Or else we will not win. That is the only solution I can think of.
Silence spread through the five of them as they thought about what Galzra had said. Until Saphira spoke once again I have been your teacher for about two weeks now and you continue to impress me beyond my expectations. What you speak of is very true and no one here can argue against it. Eragon, Durza, Galzra and I must fight together when we face Murtagh and Thorn and when we face Galbatorix and Shruikan.
"But we must hope that we can isolate Murtagh and Thorn and this time we must end them" Arya said.
"No! Murtagh is under Galbatorix's control, he cannot stop himself fighting us."
Little one, did you not listen to Murtagh at the battle of the burning planes? He agrees with Galbatorix, he is not only under his control but he is also battling with him. I apologise Eragon, but Arya is correct. Saphira spoke softly to Eragon.
Letting his shoulders drop he reluctantly agreed.
"But how long do you think it will be before Galzra is old enough to be able to make a difference in battle?" Durza questioned
"I think a couple of months and he will be able to have an impact on Thorn. But Shruikan, no, he'd be the equivalent of a fly. We'd have to wait a few years before he could have any effect on Shruikan. Saphira will be able to battle him, she will be faster than Shruikan but he will be much stronger, a single blow could put Saphira out of the fight." Arya answered.
The three continued to discuss possible ways on how they may be able to fight the king and Murtagh for some time, but Galzra and Durza discussed their own alternatives in their minds.
What Arya said is right, I've seen Shruikan; he is much too large for Saphira to defeat alone.
What if she didn't have to fight him?
I don't follow.
You know the Name of the Ancient Language, if we somehow separated Galbatorix and Shruikan from each other, wouldn't you be able to free him from Galbatorix's control?
Hmm, yes I could but it would take some time. But how would we separate them from each other?
After the two thought separately for a long time Galzra proposed a plan.
If Eragon, Arya and Saphira went and caused problems somewhere that would cause Murtagh and Thorn to meet them and we flew in to the open out of range of magic users but in sight, Galbatorix would command Shruikan to pursue us and bring us back to him.
Galzra, Shruikan would easily catch us; we would not be able to escape.
I would have a head start and I only have to get just far enough away from the city so that Galbatorix can't get there in time.
I don't think it'll work. Galbatorix never goes anywhere without Shruikan. We'd have to fight Galbatorix.
Before either could talk again their thoughts were interrupted.
"Durza, would you be able to increase Galzra's grow rate? As Galbatorix did with Thorn?" Arya asked.
Looking horrified Durza stared at her "out of the question, I will NOT put Galzra through what Thorn has been through. You don't understand how much pain and confusion Galzra would be put through."
"But it would give us a chance"
"No Eragon, Galbatorix knows what is right and what is wrong. But he has doesn't recognise the suffering and the negatives of doing that"
"What do you mean?"
"If I as to increase Galzra's growth rate, it would be helpful. But it would hurt Galzra and me in a way you can't understand. His mind would never grow beyond a certain point." He looked around the group. "Haven't you noticed how Thorn always seems not to understand? He just does?"
Coming to a decision Durza slowly looked at Eragon and Saphira.
"Eragon, Saphira come with me. It is time you learned. Afterwards we must return to the Varden"