A/N: So another story begins, I was inspired by a whole bunch of songs that I recommend to all of you! (They will be the chapter titles but the band will be there too, so look 'em up if you feel inspired.) I already have quite a bit of this written, as the chapters are incredibly tiny... Read & Review, brownies with rainbow chocolate chips will be offered for kind reviewers! ^_^
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note. Not even in my wildest dreams (cause in my wildest dreams L and Light are having sweet lovings and I'm too busy drooling to even fathom owning that awesomeness)
I also do not own the songs that I have been inspired by, or the small amount of lyrics/paraphrasing that I have included! Although that would be pretty cool, cause at least then I'd own something-but sadly, I do not.
Well I do own this sweet Manga book "How to Read" So I guess I almost-sorta own something Death Note? (...okay yeah, so maybe that doesn't count, but I do own this plot! muhahah!)
Read & Review darlings!
The Damnation & Salvation of a God
Chapter One - Save Yourself
-Stabbing Westward-
The boy lay on the stairs, watching the light coming in through a dirty window in this dusty old warehouse. It was his death place; no death bed was here to comfort him, nor anyone to hear his last confessions, only these cold stairs and the puddles of blood surrounding him.
It was laughable that this self-proclaimed God, this well-loved boy, this OCD-neat freak would die in a hell-hole such as this warehouse. Light shuddered and smoothed his hair down with a semi-clean hand.
The blood pouring from his body was warm, the stairs freezing but the body Light resided in could barely detect either of these temperatures...
He knew he was close, it was time.
Looking up he saw a strange sight before him; a dark silhouette stood behind the beam of heaven pouring into the otherwise empty room. An angel for Kira? The shadowy figure stepped forward, and the sight was more shocking than any angel ever could be.
It was L, and L was about as much of an angel as that brat Mello had been.
"Why are you here, L?" the words came out in a whisper, his usual honey-like voice failing him. L watched the boy with dark eyes, pity in his stare. Kira scoffed at the look.
"Don't you dare pity me, L." L smiled a bit, a smile that spoke volumes about how little Kira knew.
"I don't pity you, Kira. I pity the boy you consumed, the Light-kun I used to see. But he's not here anymore, is he?" L shook his head, answering his own question.
"No, Light-kun appears to have gone." L looked sad at this realization. Tears formed in his bottomless black eyes, but they didn't fall.
"Can you even hear the bells, Light?" The 'kun' finally forgotten, Light smiled and leaned his head back. He closed his eyes and listened, faintly the sound of a large bell ringing could be heard, slowly followed by the jingling of smaller ones.
"Yes, I hear them." he breathed lightly, so that he could continue to hear the chiming grow louder. L's head snapped up to look at the seemingly-innocent face of Yagami Light, a small smile was present on the lips of the cold-blooded murderer.
"You can?" L licked his lips nervously, waiting for a reply. Light's eyes opened up drowsily, his response almost lazy.
"Of course I can hear them. I may be dying but I'm not deaf-ha, yet." L smiled at the boy's morbid humour. He had missed this, missed this banter and the sight of Light's smile, his real smile.
"I missed you, L." Light whispered out, his words surprising both L and himself. L nodded in response.
"Well, that was to be expected. All you had for company was an apple-loving Shinigami and-" L shuddered lightly at his next words "-that screechy fangirl Misa-Misa." Light laughed again, but held his side as he did so; his blood was starting to turn cold.
"It wasn't just because of that. I missed you, not just your intelligent conversations or capable mind. I missed you." Light stopped talking, suddenly realizing how much he was revealing, how weak he sounded.
"Is there a reason you stopped by, L? Or is this just for old times' sake?" Light's voice was growing weaker but it held a bit of contempt in its depths, contempt only L could read.
"Light, I cannot save you. I couldn't even save myself. But there is still time for you. You-you can still save yourself." The words were spoken in a strange half-rush, an infamous thumb rising to L's soft, pink lips as he finished. Light watched the strange man before him; obviously he was a hallucination, but...what if he was real-and more importantly-telling the truth? Light nodded a bit, L wouldn't lie about something like this, would he?
A dark voice, red eyes and a hunger that could never be sated spoke up within Light; 'Of course he would, Light. He's lied about everything else, hasn't he? Lied about it all, even lied about catching you. He let you be taken by a less than worthy opponent and now you're just going to trust him? Trust L?' Light tried to shake off the words, tried desperately to stop hearing them spoken. But he had been telling L the truth earlier. He was not yet deaf. Not to the voices, within or without. Gritting his teeth, he looked up into L's eyes for a way to read them, to see if he was telling the truth.
It was getting hard to see though, his eyes were growing heavier.
L stepped forward, sitting down gently beside the dying God. One pale hand coming up to smooth down Light's hair in a fashion that Light would prefer.
"Thank you." Light said absentmindedly, deciding to take a leap of faith.
"How do I save myself, L? How is that even possible?" the words were coming out softer, but L could hear them perfectly.
"You trust me, Light. Trust is the first step, and then the rest will come as we go along."
The voice within screamed with anger, 'This is preposterous! He's lying, deceiving- he just wants to make a fool of you, just wants to trick you before you finally leave his grasp. Don't give in Light, stay here. I've been with you all this time, stay here Light. You must fight him!'
The anger in that voice gave Light a bit more time to live, the will was strong, but with this strength a toxin, with this will came hatred.
"Why should I trust you, L?" The voice was harsh and brutal, the words were spat up at L and the older man could feel Kira in its inflection.
"Because Light-kun you know me, you know that we are equals and not even I would lie about-all of this." His hand fluttered a bit at his final words, before coming down to smooth out Light's bloodied clothing.
"I know that you're just as damaged as I am, with Kira lurking inside your very soul. I can see him, even now Light. I know you can fight him, but it's all up to you. I just need you to try to trust me. But can you trust me, Light?" Light sighed a bit and felt his final breathes approaching.
On another note he could practically hear Ryuk in his head, laughing as he fulfilled his first promise to Light-to Kira.
A hand came up to cup the young boys face, black eyes met amber as a sudden rush of pain erupted in Light's chest.
"Do you trust me, Light?" Then soft lips claimed his for a full second, the pain in Light's chest growing drastically.
"L. I..."
Finally the last of the light died from Light's eyes, his body being held tightly by the deceased raven-detective.
The words slipping from his lips; his final confession spoken on his laughable death bed to his one and only friend.
"I-I do."
A/N: Soooo....What did ya think? I am hoping you all know the song, it was a pretty popular one. I had it playing the entire time I wrote it because it felt right and if you notice I use some of the lyrics from the song. I love how inspiring music can truly be. Plus that was pretty fluffy right there for LxLight times. I tried my bestest to capture the true characters, especially the whole Light/Kira bit going on (although I gave Kira more of a seperate voice) :)
Love it or hate it? I'd love some feedback! What'd ya think of the first song and chapter?
If I get some feedback sooner rather than later I shall post the next chapter within the week!
(I'll probably post anyway cause I hate those pesky author threats, but please just take a minute-or 5, lol- to tell me what you thought)
Zilander Kat