A sunrise unlike any other
Before Laura and Scott had showered and changed the party was underway. As Scott left his room he could smell the barbecued ribs and hear his brothers laughing and splashing in the pool. He felt giddy as he took the scenic rout by the guestroom.
"Wow!" Scott commented in a near gasp when Laura stepped out of the room wearing a blue satin Polynesian dress and no shoes, her hair was styled with a mother of pearl comb but her birthmark was well covered. Then the reflection from her hand caught Scott's eye.
Without saying another word Scott took hold of Laura's left hand and guided it to his elbow and the two walked side by side to the pool area.
The closer they got to the pool the quieter everyone became. When they reached the patio John, Gordon and Virgil got out of the pool and stood silently looking at the couple while Allen and Tintin stayed in the pool but came to the side resting their arms on the edge and looking up at Scott and Laura.
"I thought you said they didn't know," Laura whispered.
"They're guessing." Scott whispered back but there were enough eyes on Laura's hand and the sparkly thing on her finger that made it clear that the guessing was over with.
"Well you two," Jeff spoke up with a grin on his face as he moved in close. "You've got everyone's attention you might as well make use of it."
Scott and Laura shared a glance and a giggle before Scott took a deep breath and sighed.
"I have agreed to assist Laura in her work. I will be helping set up and develop the communications system she will need and trying to manage some of her business affairs so that she can focus on, healing the world and doing her part to make it a better place.
But, , , before anyone claims the pilot seat of Thunderbird one, I will be doing all this from Tracy Island between rescues where Laura will work and live with us, as Mrs., Scott Tracy and commute to her new surgical center two to three days a week."
Shocked but happy faces filled the gathering.
"As soon as you all teach me how to fly," Laura added before cheers drowned out any thing that could have been said.
Jeff stepped forward with a hug and a kiss on Laura's cheek, "Welcome to the family." He then gave Scott a good pat on the back.
John came at Scott from the other side and threw his arms around him with true joy and happiness for his brother. "I knew you could work it out, At least you managed to make the announcement before I went back into space." John then moved on to Laura with the same excitement giving her a hug.
"When are you going back to the space station?" Laura asked as they were hugging.
"In the morning," John answered, "Thanks for working things out so that I didn't have to hear the news over the radio."
Laura got a stunned look on her face and turned to Scott.
"He is alright to go to space isn't he?" Jeff asked in response to Laura's look.
"Yeah," Laura responded, "Yeah he's fully recovered. It's just—"Laura focus her attention back on Scott, "Could we, Maybe-" Laura shrugged her shoulders.
"You mean get married before he leaves?" Scott wondered if he was truly finishing her sentence. He had to admit that he kind of liked that idea.
"That's impossible," Penelope added her two cents worth in. "She'll need a dress, time to put a guest list together, get the invitations out and before we can do that we'll have to decide where to hold the wedding and -"
"I have a wedding dress," Laura interrupted Penelope, "It's in the trunk in my room. It was my mother's and my grandmother's before her." Laura offered as an explanation to all the surprised looks she was getting.
"I don't really have anyone else I would want to be here," Laura added as everyone was looking at each other, silently contemplating the task set before them."
"I have my family here," Scott added with growing enthusiasm, "I really don't want to invite everyone in the address book. Just us, would be fine, perfect in fact." He then turned to his father. "I would really like John to be my best man."
"Well, let's go see if that dress is going to fit." Onaha said excitedly, as she took Laura by the arm and started toward her room.
Jeff looked at his eldest son with a bit of skepticism then shaking his head, "Let's go see what we have to do to make everything legal."
"What about the wedding cake and the flowers?" Penelope called out as everyone was dispersing.
"First things first, Penny, first things first," Jeff called back and continued to his office and computer.
The heirloom dress was designed with features to adjust the size, making fitting a simple task but it was in desperate need of a date with an iron or at least a hot rock.
Onaha gathered the dress into her arms and headed out to take care of that task as John stopped by to collect Laura.
"We found a place online where we can get the marriage license but we need your information." John informed.
"I'll be right there," Laura called out then sat on the foot of the bed stunned. "What kind of information?"
"They're asking for name, social security number and parents." John listed from memory. "Oh and they need an address of residence."
"I forgot who they told me they were." Laura gasped in panic, then in desperation she turned to a trunk and opening it up started throwing its contents to the side till she reached an envelope in the bottom. Franticly opening it she scanned the papers she pulled from with in.
Finally she let off a relieved sigh and held the papers to her chest.
"It's here, I'm safe." She whispered to herself she then picked up a small ring box and clutching it in her hand followed John with Penelope on her heels.
"Okay the dress is something old now we need something new." Penelope rattled on as she walked along side Laura and John.
"What do you mean by that?" Laura asked seeming offended by Penelope's words.
"You know," Penelope was confused by Laura's statement. "Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue."
"Isn't that some superstition thing?" Laura asked almost remembering.
"It's a tradition," Penelope declared.
"Well I'm getting a new husband does that count?" Laura questioned.
"It's supposed to be something you wear," Penelope clarified.
"A new ring then," Laura showed off her left hand still moving to keep up with John. "As far as an address I only have a mail box with the foundation will that be good enough."
"Now what about something borrowed?" Penelope continued.
"I think that should be fine." John answered, "With your lifestyle you wouldn't have anything else."
"What are you going to borrow?" Penelope hounded.
"Aaa, Can I borrow Thurman to give the bride away?" Laura answered in frustration as John hid his chuckle with a cough.
"No, I mean yes, you may borrow Parker, but what about something to wear?" Penelope grew in frustration, "We'll deal with that latter. What are you going to wear that is blue?"
"I, I don't know, can we deal with that later too?" Laura fought to control her response.
"Oh, of course dear," Penelope conceded, "I have plenty to work on for now."
Laura gratefully ducked into the main office where Scott and his father had just finished adding in their information. Laura plopped her official registration for the Mikealson foundation on the desk. Inside was the information created for her when her alias became official.
"I assume you plan to marry Laura Linstone," Laura looked at Scott to make sure she was correct.
"That's the person I proposed to, by name if I remember right." Scott clarified with a smile. He had learned about her birth name but he had also learned who she had become with the freedom that came with her new identity and that was the person he wanted to marry.
"That's right you did." Laura responded taking a calming deep breath. "Sorry, the wedding planner has me a little rattled."
Everyone smiled as Jeff copied Laura's information into the computer.
"What name do you plan to go by after you're married?" Jeff read the question out loud.
"Ah, I need to keep my maiden, well, a, alias." Laura looked at Scott, "Tracy is a wonderful name, it's just that my licensees are in that name and I've built a reputation under that name. When I say Linstone they have often heard of me and will work with me better."
"Understood," Scott answered.
"No offence taken here," Jeff reassured. "You have a very good reason to keep your maiden, um, alias."
"You can still introduce me as Mrs. Scott Tracy, if you want to." Laura looked at Scott.
"I do want to and I will." Scott answered taking Laura in his arms.
"Here's another decision you two have to make," Jeff turned his chair away from his computer. "Since this is a private island and I'm the owner of record, I can legally perform this wedding or we can find a religious leader of your choice."
Laura looked at Jeff in surprise as she contemplated what her preference might be.
"That brings up interesting possibilities when you get to the, speak now or forever hold your peace, part." Laura smirked then looking Scott in the eyes, "I'd much rather have your Father perform the ceremony than someone I've never met before."
"Same here," Scott confirmed.
"Okay," Jeff typed his name in the blank provided feeling several different emotions as he did so. "Now, do you want me to find some ceremony online or do you two want to write your own?"
"Both," Scott spoke quickly. Then looked at Laura who had tears streaking down her face. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Laura smiled beneath her tears. "You're just so lucky to have such a wonderful family to support you and stand beside you."
Scott pulled Laura close letting her hide her tears in his shoulder as he looked to his father with tears forming in his own eyes. "I am learning to be more appreciative of them, thanks to you."
"Do all of you boys have your tuxes cleaned and ready to go?" They heard Penelope calling from the hall.
"Do I have permission to tranquilize her?" Laura asked giggling into Scott's shoulder.
"Are we sure Allen hasn't out grown his?" Penelope continued.
"I'll hold her down for you." Scott volunteered.
"I'll take care of Penny," Jeff took the problem on himself. "You two decide where on this island you want to be married and what time." With that Jeff got up and went to have a little talk with Penelope.
"Standing next to you," Laura said looking up at Scott.
"Hu?" Scott questioned.
"That's where on this island I want to be married." Laura explained.
"How about in the great room," John suggested, "Then Parker can escort Laura down the spiral ramp."
"Sounds fine with me," Scott answered indifferently.
"Same here," Laura echoed.
"How about we get married at sunrise?" Scott suggested, "The beginning of the day to symbolize the beginning of a new life together."
"I like that idea," Laura smiled then sobered. "Will it be alright with everyone else?"
"We'll handle it just fine." John spoke for everyone else.
"Okay now what else do we need to decide?" Scott questioned with a sigh.
"Aren't I supposed to give the ring to the best man?" Laura questioned. "I've only been to just a few weddings in my lifetime."
"I'm not a real expert on this either but I think you can do it that way or you can give Scott's ring to your maid of honor." John hesitated.
"Jeff Do you know what the women are supposed to wear? Is there any kind of a color scheme here? What about flowers?" they heard Penelope calling.
"I guess I better take it," John surrendered accepting the box from Laura and stuffing it in his pocket, "It sounds like Lady P. has enough to worry about."
"I better give you Laura's wedding band," Scott agreed. "Before I loose it."
"And I better go borrow something blue that will go with my dress before Penelope has a conniption fit." Laura cringed, "I sure hope your father can calm her down a little."
"Virgil, do you know how to play the wedding march?" Penelope called out again. Clearly Jeff wasn't having one hundred percent success.
Laura managed to get all of her clothes back in the trunk and the trunk off the bed. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and her long hours of taking care of all of the burn patients were catching up with her. She just intended to stretch out and rest for a few minutes then she would help get everything ready.
"Dr. Linstone, Dr. Linstone, you need to wake up now."
When Laura heard her name called and felt the gentle shaking of her shoulder she arose quickly grabbing for her stethoscope.
"What's the crisis?" Laura asked as she shook the sleep off.
"I beg your pardon,"
"What patient did you wake me up for?" Laura clarified then Onaha came into focus and behind her was hanging the freshly pressed Wedding dress. "Sorry, I guess I fell asleep. Thank you for waking me."
Laura took a moment to look at the wedding dress and her eyes began to tear up. "It's really happening isn't it?"
"Come on let's get you ready." Onaha smiled as she took the stethoscope from Laura and sat it back on the bedside table.
Laura checked her watch and realizing she needed to hurry, ran for the shower.
John was going over a checklist for the best man that Penelope hand given him.
"Tuxes, Check" John read the list out loud, "Limo?" Both John and Scott started laughing instantly, reminded of what Laura called Thunderbird 3, "It's loaded and ready to go but I don't think you and your bride are going to be on it when it does." John managed to get out through his laughter. "I'm already taking Brains and Gordon with me do I need to take everyone else too so the two of you can have a honeymoon?"
"You could take Lady P with you," Scott joked, "Pretty please."
"What are your honeymoon plans?" John asked.
"Ah, we still have to make them." Scott admitted.
"Sorry to rush you guys," John apologized.
"Don't be." Scott took his brother by the shoulders, "I can't think of anything I want to do differently. If it weren't for you and your well worded 'thinkers' I'd . . . well I don't know where I'd be right now."
"And if it weren't for you and your Dr. Linstone that makes house calls to anywhere, I might not be at all right now." John brought up a new perspective. "I literally owe you two my life. I better get back to this checklist."
"OH no!" John groaned bring panic to the room.
"What?" Scott asked with his eyes wide open.
"I didn't throw you a bachelor party. Now it's too late." John continued to groan.
"I think it was too late the minute we decided to get married before you left." Scott started laughing easing John's tension. "Do you realize we've put this wedding together in less than eight hours."
Scott sat back in wonder. "In fact I have gone from wondering if I was ever going to see her again to getting married in just under four days. And dealt with a major disaster in addition."
"When you put your mind to it big brother, you work fast." John shared Scott's amazement.
"I have to, to keep up with Laura." Scott commented then shook his head in wonder again. "How did I get so lucky to find someone like her?"
"You're both lucky," John complimented his brother. "I can't imagine any two people more suited for each other than you and Laura."
"Me neither," Jeff surprised his sons. "I never could have guessed any of you boys would find someone that was such a perfect match. But then I've had trouble imagining you boys being old enough to get married. I've been hearing laughter in here, I hope you two have everything underway."
"I forgot the bachelor party!" John lamented again.
"You'll have to plan a boy's night out when you finish your next tour on Thunderbird 5. I'm sure Laura will approve." Jeff offered a conciliatory plan.
"It's just as well we couldn't find a girl in a cake on the island anyway." John sighed.
"I don't know about that, a couple of hours ago I could have found a hand full of people who would have loved to stuff Penny in a cake for you." Jeff revealed through clenched teeth.
John and Scott burst out laughing realizing that they would have helped if their father had let them.
"I've got one more thing to do then I'll get ready and meet you back here," Jeff spoke with a smile. "You better be for getting Prince Charming here dressed it's going to be time before you know it."
"Okay the list for the wedding day." John started reading again. "Make sure you have the rings." John picked them up and made sure they were in the boxes. "Check. Now make sure the groom brushes his teeth."
"Good idea," Scott agreed, "I'll go take care of that now."
Laura showered so quickly that you would have thought that there was a patient waiting for live saving surgery. She was just starting to get dressed when someone knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" Onaha called out as she helped Laura pull her slip over her head.
"Jeff Tracy, Could I please speak with Laura for just a second."
"Just a minute," Onaha called out then quickly helped Laura into a robe.
"I've been informed that you are in need of something borrowed and something blue." Jeff started as soon as he was allowed entry. "I thought this might fill the bill."
Laura looked at his outstretched hand to see a necklace of strung pearls with a pendant of two blue hearts hanging in the middle. "It's beautiful, Mr. Tracy, thank you."
"It belonged to my wife before she died," Jeff's emotions were starting to get the best of him. "It feels fitting that you should borrow it today."
Laura's eyes started to tear up too. "I'm sure she's not far away today. I am honored to wear this and I will give it back, so that your future daughters-in-law may have the same honor." Laura gave her future father-in-law a hug then he left to get ready himself.
"Shirt buttoned straight, check, pants on, check, shoes shined," John continued down his checklist as Scott stood in front of the mirror laughing and fighting with his tie. "Check, shoes tied, check, tie tied straight,"
"I'm working on it," Scott called out his voice revealing his frustration. "I can't figure out why this is so hard today. I've done it hundreds of times."
"Must be wedding jitters," Jeff announced his presence, "I had a difficult time getting mine tied too. Here let me give you a hand." Jeff stepped up to his son and quickly had it tied to perfection. "Is combed hair on that list John?"
"No but it needs to be," John giggled.
Scott looked in the mirror again and had to agree.
One by one the brothers gathered in Scott's room, each in a tux and yes, Allen had out grown his. The hem of Allen's pants was completely let out and still they were too short but Scott didn't care, he was just happy that they were all there.
"Are you really going to let Dad do the Wedding ceremony?" Allen questioned, "What if he starts telling stories about when you were in diapers?"
"I didn't think about that." Scott came to attention looking slightly worried.
"Hey, that's an idea," Jeff teased.
"Oh well, it doesn't matter as long as he pronounces us husband and wife I don't care what else he says." Scott surrendered. "I'm more worried about an emergency coming in before we're married.
"Okay, it says here that the best man is to see to it that there is a fast car gassed up and ready to go just incase you change your mind." John read from his list. "Will Thunderbird 1 do or would you rather take Thunderbird 3?"
"Neither," Scott answered above the chuckles of his brothers and with out reserve, "I'm not running, I'm in this for the long haul."
Laura stood in front of the mirror smoothing the front of her dress. It felt strange and totally wonderful but still like a dream she feared being woken from. Tintin was wearing a dress that she had admired from Laura's trunk and Onaha and her husband were wearing formal attire from their native land. Penelope had changed clothes three times and Laura was just glad she wasn't fussing over her at the moment.
"Sunrise in ten minutes," Parker announced, "Are we nearly ready maladies?"
"Eek!" Penelope screeched before grabbing an article of clothing and running to put it on.
Laura motioned for Tintin to let Parker in while Onaha placed the necklace around her neck. While Parker stood crying Tintin and Onaha worked together placing the veil with its tiara on Laura's head. Penelope finally entered the room dressed and knowing this outfit would have to do. It was time.
Onaha and Penelope moved to pull the veil over Laura's face.
"No," Laura stopped them. "I have always wondered what the bride was hiding under her veil. I have nothing to hide from Scott. What ever he doesn't now know about me it's just because I haven't remembered or had time to tell him. I'm not hiding behind a veil."
Penelope must have been tired because she didn't offer the slightest resistance.
Onaha then stepped in to the hall and returned with Laura's bridal bouquet made from a mixture of native plant life and houseplants. Mingled among the flowers were the paper butterflies on wires that Scott had made to decorate her room when she returned to Tracy Island after her Grandfather's funeral.
"Oh Onaha!" Laura gasped, "It's perfect, absolutely beautiful." She then noticed that Parker's boutonniere was made from a native green with a brightly colored paper butterfly.
Penelope went ahead to prepare for Laura's entrance followed by Onaha and Tintin to keep her from doing anything to ruin the moment.
Alone in the room Parker held his elbow out for Laura to take hold of. "Ready milady?"
Laura grabbed a lace hanky and took hold of Parker's elbow giving a nod to show that she was.
"Fab one is on the beach ready for take off milady." Parker informed with the cutest smile Laura had ever seen from him. "Just in case you change your mind."
"Can I truly make him happy Thurman?" Laura revealed her last and only hesitation.
"I've never seen master Tracy happier milady and I believe the best is yet to come," Parker answered wiping a tear from Laura's cheek with his white gloved hand.
The wedding march started to play and Parker gave Laura one last look before guiding her down the path leading to her future husband.
The four brothers lined up in the great room next to their father. Scott being the closest and John next to him making one last check that the rings were in his pocket. Virgil was playing the piano while Onaha, Tintin and Lady Penelope lined up on the other side with Kyrano behind and to the left of Mr. Tracy. Behind them the first rays of the sun were painting the eastern sky with the brightest and most beautiful of colors. Brains was moving around the room with a camera trying to capture every detail for the Tracy archives. He was planning to edit his pictures in with the security camera later.
At the end of the march Scott eagerly took Laura's hand and turned facing his father. For the first time he could admire the sunrise and was glad he had suggested the time.
The music stopped and Jeff realized he was next. He felt nervous and uncertain, and then he looked at Scott and remembered this was his son. Laura was perfectly happy with construction paper butterflies in her bouquet, he was sure they would be happy even if he mispronounced a word or two or was less then completely formal. He decided to enjoy this moment to the best of his ability.
"This is an opportunity, a great honor, one that I never expected to have. Yet here I am standing here trying to say the words that will change the life of my first born in ways I know he can't even imagine right now. I have been remembering my wedding day and even pulled out the old photo album last night." Jeff's eyes were starting to moisten but he kept speaking. "I hope that the two of you are as happy together as I was with Scott's mother, the mother of all my sons.
Laura, I admire you for the life that you have fought to build for yourself, a life of caring, compassion and service to others without thought for your own comfort. You have labored long and hard for the betterment of mankind and with great success.
I am so, moved, by the honor and respect you show to my son and the concern that you have had for his happiness and well being. I am thrilled that you have agreed to be part of our family.
I am so pleased that you and Scott have chosen to go into this marriage as partners, teammates as it were. That approach will, in my opinion, bring about the best results.
Scott and Laura wanted to say a few things to each other as part of this ceremony. I believe now would be a good time. Scott I believe the ladies first rule should apply here."
Scott and Laura turned to face each other holding hands around the bouquet. Laura licked her lips and chewed on her tongue then took a deep breath.
"Scott, you have respected and honored the choices that I have made and the life that I have chosen. I have been made a better person because you have been part of my life. The joy and happiness I have felt at your side is so far above what I ever thought possible.
Right now with all these witnesses to keep me in line, I pledge to honor your choices, to support you in the life you have chosen. I will remain near your side to assist where ever and when ever I can, to keep your work going forward just as you are assisting me."
"Wow," Scott said wiping his eyes with the back of his hand after a moment of silence let him know it was his turn. "This was my idea wasn't it?"
"As I have been reminded of all the times you and I have crossed paths over the years, I can't remember a time when I didn't admire you. I've seen you when you were feisty and defiant, barking out orders like a four star general and still as tender as a rose petal. I've watched you take totally terrified children at a time when we didn't know what the next seconds would bring and cradle them next to you like they were your own and give them hope. I've watched you save the lives of people others wouldn't even notice and be totally thrilled with a payment of a paper butterfly. You have talents that could easily bring you fortunes far beyond what you already have, yet you go forward day to day showing compassion in places where people from our world don't even know is there. You could live in a palace yet you've lived in tents. You could have a limo at your beckoning call, yet you've walked along side cows for days and fed the children along your path with the milk.
It is you, that have made me the better person than I was before you entered my life. My brothers can vouch for the change you've made in me. They thought I was terminally ill there for a while." Scott and his brothers snickered at the memory, "You've taught me to appreciate the family I too often take for granted, to enjoy each day in a way I never have before. This whole world is better because you are in it and I am so honored that you have given me a chance to share in your life and offer what little I have to help move the work and lifestyle you've grown to love forward.
I marvel at the love you have left that you give to me and pledge, in front of these witnesses, who would love to get me in trouble, to continue all the rest of my days to treat you with the respect that you deserve and to work at your side for what ever good I can do."
"That did it," Jeff said through his tears when he was sure his son was finished. There wasn't a dry eye in the room and sniffles were heard from every direction.
"Because I want to do everything I'm supposed to, to ensure that this marriage is perfectly legal, there are some words I want to read, if someone could lend me a dry hanky so I can be able to read them."
John was quick to step forward, his best man checklist included extra hankies.
"Thanks John." Jeff said as he dried his eyes and positioned his note cards.
"Do you Scott Reginald Tracy take this woman, Dr. Laura Linstone, MD to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, To love, respect and honor as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"Do you Dr. Laura Linstone MD take my son, Scott Reginald Tracy, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, To love, respect and honor as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"May we have the rings please?" Jeff proceeded.
John stepped forward and handed Laura's ring to Scott and Scott's ring to Laura then took the bouquet from Laura to free her hands.
Scott fumbled with the ring dropping it once before he got it on Laura's finger.
"That's your grandfather's ring," Scott exclaimed reverently as Laura placed it on his finger only able to nod her head to confirm his statement.
After admiring their rings for a moment both Laura and Scott turned toward Jeff.
"With these rings and by the authority I hold due to ownership of this island, I pronounce you husband and wife." Jeff wiped his eyes again. "I believe the next order of business son, is for you to kiss your bride."
When Scott and Laura stepped apart again the room erupted in cheers as nearly everyone swarmed the newly married couple.
Before the group was finished hugging and congratulating each other, champagne corks were popping and a cart was wheeled in with a cake. Laura recognized it as Thurman Parker's fabulous triple layer double fudge cake. There was no fancy white icing or little dolls on the top but it was chocolate and Laura couldn't have been happier.
Scott and Laura traditionally cut the cake and fed each other before sharing with everyone else and the champagne was poured and passed around.
"My I have your attention," John stepped forward for his last formal act as best man. "I believe it's my job to give the first toast. I'm glad someone figured out how to get this girl into the family and I can't think of a more deserving nut case to have her at his side then my big brother Scott. When Laura gave me Scott's ring to keep track of for this main event I noticed a small note tucked inside of the box it was in. Not knowing any better I read it and then realized that it was a privet note and wished I hadn't. As last night rolled on I haven't been able to get the words of that note out of my mind so if I may beg Laura's pardon I feel that it is very appropriate for this occasion. Laura offered a nod and warm smile so John proceeded.
The note read: 'You have chosen your love and love your choice and the whole world is the better for it. May you find the peace, joy and happiness you so deserve.'
"Amen," Jeff added with emotion in his voice. He had recognized the ring on Scott's hand as one that was given to astronauts back before his days in the space program. He would have to explain its significance to his son some day. The real joy for Jeff was that he hadn't lost his son today he had truly gained a daughter and he could only imagine what changes were about to take place on the island.