Author's Note: So recently, I've been having some really bad writer's block. I blame University for turning me into a piano playing zombie! (Yes, I am a piano performance major.) Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story. I FINALLY have the story outline ready so, I should be writing more regularly now. :)
Chapter 2 :Interior Decorating with Sword and Blade
"Rise and shine Meta Knight, sir!" shouted the two apprentice knight to their master. They pulled their master out of the bed, who surprisingly still slept with his mask on. They carried him off to the castle entrance and kicked him out. As the gate slowly closed, they waved to their master.
"It would be nice if they allowed me to use the washroom, but no matter," said Meta Knight to himself as he began to walk toward Cappy Town.
"Getting Meta Knight out of the castle, checked," said Sword, drawing a red check mark in his to-do-list that he began to keep. The list would contain all the duties they would normally do when Meta Knight was around.
Blade exited a nearby washroom and adjusted his armor. "What are the plans for today?"
"According to the list, we have to monitor the Waddle Dees as they switch their shift with the daytime guards," replied Sword.
"Shall we head to the weapon storage room?"
Sword and Blade walked out of their room and into the long corridors. The dark torch-lit hallways made it seem as if the sun never rose from the sky. A few housekeeping Waddle Dees pushing a dining cart dashed through the two knights. Blade quickly snatched a muffin from the cart and began to eat it.
"Hey, this muffin isn't half bad," said Blade.
"Hmm, we should grab some more when it's lunch time," said Sword.
Suddenly, they heard King Dedede shout their names from afar.
Sword sighed. "Let's see what that mediocre penguin wants from us."
Blade nodded. They quickly ran toward the throne room. Once they were directly in front of the king, kneeling before him.
"What is it your majesty?" asked Sword.
"I have a little favor for you two," said the King.
"This is not good..." whispered Blade.
"I purchased some new furniture and I want you two to redecorate my entire bedroom. Now scram and hurry it up!"
"But sir, we are already assigned to watch over the Waddle Dee guards!" objected Sword.
"Them Waddles Dees are fine. Now I told you to get to work!"
Sword and Blade stood up and dragged themselves out of the throne room. They began to walk to King Dedede's master bedroom. Once they arrived at the door to the King's room, Blade placed his hand over the door knob, slowing opening it. A strong odor escaped through the door. Sword and Blade coughed violently and slammed the door shut. They sat on the floor.
"Don't tell me King Dedede took a large dump again," said Sword.
"Well, that's why we are going to get a plumber for this," replied Blade.
"Unfortunately, the plumber refused to go in there," interrupted Waddle Doo. He walked up to Sword and Blade.
"What about the Waddle Dees!?" shouted Sword.
"Yeah, the housekeeping Waddle Dee is supposed to do the cleaning, not us!" shouted Blade.
"They all caught a cold. We cannot allow them to go inside the King's room," replied Waddle Doo.
"Then why don't you go inside and clean!?"
Waddle Doo looked at his imaginary watch. "Look at the time, I gotta go help the Waddle Dees to their positions!" He quickly ran away. Sword and Blade sighed.
"Well, you have any bright ideas?" asked Blade. He looked to his side and Sword disappeared all of a sudden. As soon as Blade turned around, a broom stick flew to his face. He fell to the ground. Sword picked up the broom stick and looked down at Blade.
"Sorry about that," apologized Sword.
Blade rubbed his forehead and slowly stood up. "What are we going to do with a broomstick?"
"Clean up the crap in his bedroom and bathroom. We have no choice, man."
Blade sighed. "So we are just going to give in to that rotten penguin?"
"Yeah, pretty much. We need to keep our job. Now let's get this over with." Sword handed Blade a gas mask. They both placed the gas mask over their helmet and walked into the room.
A thick haze blanketed over the room. The floor was covered completely in trash, including rotten half-eaten food and dirty plates. The two knights walked into their room. Their feet would immediately bury into the trash.
"How thick is this!?" shouted Blade.
Sword held the broom stick up-side down and stabbed it into the trash. More than half of the broomstick would sink into the trash before hitting the floor.
"About two feet thick. This is impressive," said Sword.
"Spreading the cold germ into this room should be the least of his concern..." mumbled Blade.
"Meta Knight!" shouted Tiff. She spotted the masked knight walking across the bridge and ran over to him. She was carrying a book in her arms.
"Greetings, Tiff. How is your sibling and Kirby?" asked Meta Knight.
"Oh, they're doing great. My brother is just fishing with Kirby right now. I'm just looking for a place to read quietly."
"I see. Come, follow me." Meta Knight wraps himself in his cape and turns around. Tiff immediately followed him.
It would be a long walk across the field, surrounding the great castle, but they would eventually arrive at a lone tree. Meta Knight sat under the tree. Tiff felt slightly hesitant, but she shook her head and sat next to Meta Knight. She opened her book and began to read.
"You enjoy detective novels, I see," said Meta Knight all of a sudden.
"It's too bad I'm the only one in Cappy Town who enjoys reading a good book. Everyone thinks I'm no fun because I'm such a loner."
"Ah, but there is nothing wrong with being on your own. Life is not always about surrounding yourself with people. You will never discover who you are until you separate yourself from those people and explore the world on your own. It is the only way to know your true potential, your true desires, and your true strengths."
"But, that isn't what people say to me. They encourage me to be around more people and make more friends."
"They also speak the truth, Tiff. There are times in which you can be alone, but there will also be times in which you need to be with others. I am not always the lone star warrior that you think I am. I had fellow star warriors assist me during the great war. You must also remember that we had fellow star warriors who helped us infiltrate Knightmare's lair.
Kirby may have defeated Knightmare on his own but he would have never made it to his lair without our assistance. Tiff, communicating with people is important because it helps you build connections. You cannot always do something alone."
Tiff stared at the open field for a moment, reflecting on what Meta Knight told her. She then faced Meta Knight and smiled at him. "You're right Meta Knight. I should be with my friends more, but for now, I want to read this book."
Tiff continued to read her book.
"That is fine with me," said Meta Knight. He stood up and wrapped himself in his cape. "Have a nice day Tiff." Said Meta Knight before walking away.
"I don't think we can clean this up with just a broomstick," said Blade.
"You're right," replied Sword. A light bulb lit over his head. "I got it!"
Sword immediately ran out of the room. After a few minutes, he broke through the door with a large vacuum he rode on.
"You broke through his door!" shouted Blade.
"The cleaning closet have everything."
Blade hopped onto the large vacuum. Sword pressed a button and the vacuum began to suck up the trash. It would only be a few minutes before all of the trash disappeared, revealing the heavily stained carpet.
"This is just gross," said Blade, staring at the carpet.
"Yeah, seriously. We need to do something about this. This is just absolutely disgusting," said Sword.
Sword left the room and returned with a carpet washer. He turned it on and began to walk around with it, leaving a trail of clean carpet behind. Eventually, the carpet would be so clean it would appear to be new. Sword smiled at his accomplishment.
"You know, we can be great housekeepers. I mean look at this, we turned this dump into a room of true royalty," said Sword.
"If only royalty wasn't such a jerk," replied Blade.
"Well, I'll agree with you on that, but now let's get to actually redecorating the room."
Sword and Blade would begin hauling the old furniture out of the room. They carried most of the larger furniture together. As they were carrying a large drawer out of the room, a dining kart slammed onto the drawer. Two Waddle Dees ran after it and began picking up some of the food that fell to the ground. Some of the food splattered onto Sword and Blade.
"Hey, what is wrong with you!?" shouted Blade.
Sword ate a muffin that landed on top of his helmet. "I appreciate the snack."
Blade grabbed a muffin from the wrecked dining cart and ate it as well. "This is pretty good. You guys make good muffins, you know that?"
Sword and Blade dropped the furniture and walked back into the room. Unfortunately, the furniture would block the two Waddle Dees from going any further into the hallway. The Waddle Dees grabbed onto the furniture and used all of their might to lift up the furniture, but they were unable to lift it.
Sword and Blade continued to move the furniture, replacing it with the new one. In only a matter of an hour, all of the furniture would be replaced with more elegant wooden furniture. They would even rebuild a new bed for the king. Once they were done, they stood proudly at the center of the room.
"That was some fine work, Blade."
"Yep, we should definitely be proud."
Sword sighed. "And now for the bathroom."
"I have an idea," said Blade. He hopped onto the vacuum. "Open the door."
Sword opened the door. Blade immediately turned on the vacuum and it began to suck up all the trash and even the crud within.
"Nice one!" shouted Sword.
Sword and Blade walked into the bathroom and began to polish it. Once that was finished, they began to repair the door and return all of the equipment to the storage closest. They returned to the king. The two knights were smiling behind their helmet, proud of their accomplishment.
"So we finished redecorating your room," said Sword.
"We even cleaned up the place for you," said Blade.
King Dedede jumped out of his seat and pushed the two knights out of his way. He left the throne room.
"You know, we did something nice for King Dedede and he still pushes us around!?" shouted Blade.
"Eh, screw the fat penguin. I'm going to take a nap for the rest of the day," said Sword.
King Dedede marched to his bedroom. The two Waddle Dees continued to attempt to lift the old furniture out of the hallway. King Dedede entered his room and looked around.
"Wow, they sure did a fine job. I may as well give them a raise," he said as he continued to walk around. He then stopped as soon as he found muffin crumbs on the floor. "Those stupid knights dare leave a mess in my room!?" shouted King Dedede all of a sudden.
He stepped out of the door and smashed the furniture the waddles were trying to carry. "Go get the vacuum and clean up this mess!"
The two Waddle Dees jumped up and ran toward the supply closest. They returned and broke through the bedroom door with a large vacuum, but the bag would be near ripping point. The Waddle Dee turned on the vacuum and sucked up the crumbs.
Suddenly, the bag tore open and exploded. Trash and crud filled the entire bedroom. King Dedede walked up to the two shaking Waddle Dees.
So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed the story! And yes guys, poop was also covered in his room. I'm not the one to make toilet jokes, but this was too good to resist.