Across the Sky: A 28 Weeks Later Fan fiction.

Rating: T

Summary: A story about what could have been…

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me! This story is for entertainment purposes.

Authors Note: I was not impressed with the second movie so I've decided to write a wee little one-shot (more of a ficlet really) and it is definitely AU.

The title from this story is from the Emily Autumn song, Prologue: Across the Sky.

Please let me know what you think! Please keep your criticism constructive!


Scarlet said it was only a flesh wound, but she was leaning more and more of her weight against Doyle and when she stumbled over a loose chunk of sidewalk her legs buckled and she pitched forward.

"Scarlet!" Tammy cried, Andy quickened his pace to keep up with his sister.

Doyle went down with Scarlet, catching her under the arms before she hit the ground. He was thrown momentarily off balance, and his face crushed into her neck. Scarlet's hands reflexively tightened around Doyle's neck and waist, pulling him into an embrace.

"Major -" Doyle began.

Scarlet let out a grunt and tried to get back on her feet, Doyle felt a tremor wrack through her body.

"Easy," Doyle pulled back, and without thinking brushed Scarlet's tangled hair back from her face.

"I'm okay," Scarlet snapped, but her voice was tired. Doyle gave her look that called bullshit and she sighed.

Although the bullet had just grazed her leg, the gash was still deep and she was afraid of infection. She was covered in soot and grime and soon they all would be in the middle of nowhere with only a basic med-kit at their disposal. Scarlet was certain there was a suture kit in with the gauze, she just hoped that the vial of morphine hadn't been destroyed in the chaos.

The adrenaline was ebbing from her body. Before there had only been a dull ache but now Scarlet's leg was throbbing. It felt hot, like someone was jabbing a hot poker into her thigh. Bad sign.

Scarlet closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Never in her life had Scarlet ever thought that her fellow soldiers would be the enemy. But the quarantine had been breached, code red.

Code red, the implications ran through her mind. Scarlet took a sharp in take of breath, it physically hurt to think about it.

She looked at Doyle, she knewq where he had been during the outbreak but she did not let her mind dwell on it. He had proven himself trustworthy.

"We need to get cover," Doyle's voice brought Scarlet back to the present. The alley-way stunk of mildew and decay and the infected could be bearing down upon them at any moment.

As if he could feel her gaze, Doyle looked at her and gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Blue eyes, they shone more brightly, now that his face was marred with dirt and sweat. Up close, Scarlet could see that his mouth was set into a tight line.

She looked at his rifle and swallowed. She would only let her mind creep at the edges of that train of thought.

He had been with them, hiding in the old mechanics shop, he had helped them this far. He had helped them, that was what she had to remember.

Absently Scarlet remembered his comment from before, about blood making him nauseous and the corners of her mouth quirked at the memory.

Doyle thought she was returning his smile and widened his grin. "We have to move," he said, Scarlet felt his breath on her neck and she nodded. "This might hurt," Doyle said. Scarlet didn't know what he was talking about, until she felt the shifting weight of being lifted to her feet. Scarlet let out a hiss and Doyle secured his arm under Scarlet's shoulders.

Suddenly Andy cried out: "What is that?"

It took Scarlet a moment to notice the gray that was slinking into her line of view. Her stomach dropped to her feet and she felt light headed for a moment before Doyle jerked her to the left.

"Move!" Doyle commanded, "move, move, MOVE!"

"Where!?" Tammy screamed, "There's no where to go!"

"Down the alley to my left," Doyle commanded, Andy took his sisters hand, "you two go first, we'll be behind you." Tammy didn't hesitate before breaking into a run, Andy was lagging behind, looking over his shoulder trying to keep his eyes on Doyle. Andy let out a cry as Tammy jerked him into the alley after her.

Scarlet cursed and grit her teeth, she looked behind her. "They won't be far behind," she said softly.

"I know."

Together she and Doyle loped into the alley, it reeked of garbage but she could see the light at the end; Tammy and Andy were quick. Scarlet took a deep breath and looked at Doyle, he caught her eye.


The unspoken word passed between them, they careened down the alleyway, it felt like Scarlet's feet were barely touching the ground, but she knew that was the exhaustion. She felt her thigh muscles spasm and the burning in her lungs.

Tammy was waiting at the edge of the alleyway and Doyle nearly stumbled into her. Scarlet scanned the abandoned street.

"It's coming!" Andy screamed and pointed frantically.

"Over there!" Doyle cried, and for a moment his military resolve had slipped away, and he sounded shrilly desperate. Scarlet followed his gaze, and saw the silver hatchback. It was a long shot, but the only option they had.

Tammy and Andy made a run for the car, while Doyle and Scarlet hobbled behind them. Scarlet grit her teeth and set her feet firmly on the ground. The pain was excruciating and black dots swam in front of her eyes.

"Scarlet," Doyle cried as she pitched forward.

He was trying to grab for her but she pushed his hands away. She would be damned if she was going to be useless.

She swallowed down a scream and took a step forward; it didn't hurt so bad a second time. Her scream finally clawed its way out of her mouth in a whimper. She and Doyle were only a few meters from the car.

It was too easy. It was too easy. This was all too easy.


She heard Tammy's cry just as Doyle shoved her forwards.

Scarlet couldn't catch her balance and toppled onto the ground. She turned but before she said a word she saw them. Shadows gathering in the alley, down the street. She heard the familiar pop and the concrete garbage can in front of her exploded.

"Come on," Doyle was along side her, slipping his arm around her waist. He was holding her so tightly it pinched. "That was a hell of time to decide to be a hero," his breath was hot against her face but this time she managed to help pull herself to her feet and when he pushed her forward she was ready and Scarlet allowed herself to be carried by the motion, she put her hands out in front of her and fell against the passenger side of the hatchback.

Tammy was screaming and her voice was choked by tears so it was incredibly difficult to understand what she was saying. Then she heard the noise, it was like someone was tearing paper in two.

They had to get the car started.

"Andy," Scarlet called, sticking her head into the opened passenger door. "Are there any keys?"

"Keys?" Andy sputtered.

"Keys, in the ignition." Scarlet was surprised by how calm her voice was, she couldn't open the door her hands were shaking so badly and her heart was pounding painfully in her ears.

Andy disappeared from view and Scarlet finally managed to open the door. She fell into the seat and looked up just to see Doyle peering in the passenger side window. What was he doing? Why was he just standing there? Maybe the door was locked, Scarlet reached over and fumbled with the lock, only to find that it wasn't locked. She looked up through the smudged glass to see Doyle shake his head. The shadow of his fingertips brushed across the window and he then he was gone.

Doyle's words flashed through her mind, "hell of time to decide to be a hero".

"No!" Scarlet cried.

"What's wrong?" Tammy wailed.

"Keys Andy!" Scarlet barked.

"H-here!" Andy pointed to the steering wheel and Scarlet could have wept with relief.

If Doyle was doing what she thought he was doing… she pursed her lips and tried to ignore the pressure behind her eyes. She didn't have time to think about why Doyle was outside the car instead of inside.

She turned the keys and the engine burped but did not come to life. The sound of Tammy's shrieks filled the car, and Scarlet tried again.

Suddenly, the car started moving and Scarlet felt a moment of euphoria, only to realize that the car hadn't started. Doyle was pushing the car.

"Shit!" Scarlet cried, "Come ON!" She turned the key once, twice and then finally the engine turned and the car roared to life.

Scarlet let out a shout, which turned into a scream when the passenger door flew open and someone whose arm was engulfed in flame leapt into the passenger seat. Scarlet swerved the car in surprise and Tammy, in a moment of seeming clarity stopped shrieking and began pummeling the … the thing with her hands.

"Go!" Came a muffled cry and Scarlet obeyed, slamming her foot onto the gas petal. Whatever was crouched in the front seat was trying to avoid Tammy's assault and in so doing almost flew out of the open door into the street.

For a moment Scarlet was only aware of the shadows that were disappearing in the rearview mirror.

"It's me! It's alright! Stop hitting me – Ow!" Tammy had a solid right hook that handed just under Doyle's right eye. Scarlet glanced over and swerved again because instead of pushing the horrible thing out of the car, Tammy was slapping his burning arm with her hand, trying to put out the flames. Doyle slammed the car door shut and grabbed Tammy's flailing wrist with one hand, he turned in his seat and faced her. Scarlet's mouth opened in a gasp of surprise that turned into a shout when Doyle grabbed the steering wheel and yanked it to the right.

"Eyes on the road Major," Doyle said and Scarlet looked away quickly, she bit her lip, trying again to distract herself from the pressure behind her eyes. Stupid, she mentally chided herself, as hot tears spilled over her cheeks. She quickly glanced at Doyle and fumbled for the medical pack that was still slung around her shoulder.

"Andy, can you help me?" Scarlet asked, and Andy leaned over the driver's seat and helped Scarlet free herself of the medical bag. "Tammy," Scarlet said glancing in the rearview mirror. Tammy looked up, her eyes were wide. "I need you to do me a favor," it took a moment but Tammy finally nodded. "Can you tell me if Doyle's coat is covering the burn?"

"I-I," Tammy stuttered.

"Some of it will have burnt away, but I need you to check carefully for me, can you do that?"

"Okay," Tammy said shakily.

Scarlet waited for a moment, "Tammy?" Scarlet asked, silence followed as her answer. "Tammy?"

"The fabrics all burnt away," Tammy finally replied.

"Okay, Andy, there should be Second Skin inside of my med kit, it's in a blue box," she could hear Andy rummaging around in her pack and she resisted the urge to turn around. She had to keep driving; she had to find somewhere that they would be safe.

"Found it!" Andy declared triumphantly.

"Tammy," Scarlet began.

"I know what to do," Tammy said quickly, "I took first aid two summers ago." Tammy snatched the box out of her brother's hands and tore it open; she glanced at Doyle's arm. The burn covered the top of Doyle's forearm in angry red splotches. Tammy looked at him and he winked, she couldn't help but to smile as she opened the first bandage. She carefully took Doyle's arm in her fingers and placed the 2nd Skin over the largest of the blisters. She felt a jerk and Doyle hissed out a short breath. Tammy made quick work of the rest of the burns and when she was finished she pressed a quick kiss across Doyle's forearm.

"I'm sorry," Tammy blurted, "that's just what my mother…" she felt her voice catch in her throat, "used to do." She finished her sentence in a hushed tone.

"You don't have to apologize for that," Doyle said softly before turning back to Scarlet. She was clutching the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles were white. When he reached out to lay a hand on her shoulder she jerked away.

"Don't ever do that to me again," she hissed taking a sharp right. She slammed on the breaks, as a large grey cloud of gas billowed before them.

"Turn, turn," Doyle barked, and suddenly a sound like firecrackers exploded behind them.

Tammy screamed, "They're shooting!"

Scarlet didn't think before she skidded around another corner and spotted something, a tunnel.

"A tunnel!" Tammy cried, "are you kidding me?"

"If you have a better idea," Scarlet muttered as the car skidded into the dimly lit subway tunnel.

"Shit!" Doyle cried as they bounced down the stairs, Doyle clutched the consol "let's hope this piece of shit manages to hold together!"

"That's not funny!" Scarlet grunted as they finally reached the last step. She cut the engine.

"Let's go."

Silence was the first thing that Scarlet noticed when she got out of the car.

The silence was unnerving; it was the kind of silence that made your ears ring, the kind of silence that haunted. It was damned unnerving, that's what it was. Tammy latched on to the back of Scarlet's shirt and Doyle grabbed Andy's hand.

Scarlet opened her mouth, and promptly clamped it shut. There was nothing to say, they had to somehow make it to the stadium, safety.

There was only one thing that kept Scarlet going, at least they were together.


End Note: I wonder if anyone will notice any similarities between this story and 28 Days Later, it's pretty subtle but it's there!

If I continue this story, it will be like my story Closer to Fine, a series of stories loosely based on the movie. Thanks for reading! I hope that you enjoyed it!