This is the fourth and final installment of the Lover's Universe Series. I don't know if I'll add some drabbles of the characters lives later but for now it's over. This is the longest story in the series.
I wanted to get all the important character's points across. This series started out as a PWP but I can never make myself write a story without plot. I know that it is quite sad.
I apologize if there are any mistakes in my stories because I don't have a beta nor have I ever had one. I'm just using spell check and my own brain.
So without further ado I give you …
Lover Mine
Draco Malfoy paced back and forth in the tent. It was a beautiful cool September morning but he felt sick to his stomach. He was going to marry someone he didn't love.
Hermione Granger was a good friend and he knew that he could make a good life with her. His parents had been urging him for years now to settle down.
Hogwarts had ended some ten years before and at twenty eight Draco knew that he should settle down.
He wanted to be with his love but he knew it was impossible so he would do what his parents wanted and marry a woman to continue the Malfoy line.
His parents didn't approve of Hermione because she was a muggle but she was the only one he could trust and who knew that he was in love with their friend Harry.
She insisted that Harry felt the same but Draco couldn't bring himself to believe it.
He would marry Hermione and he would try not to think of what could have been.
A sudden draft caught his attention and made him turn to the tent flap where Hermione stood in a flowing sheer dress.
"That's not your wedding gown, is it?" Draco cast a critical eye on the sultry sheer material.
"No Draco, it's not", Hermione strode purposefully into the room. "I can't marry you. I'm- I'm in love with someone else. It's Pansy. She loves me too", she blurted out.
Draco stared at her in shock. "'Mione, It's our wedding day. I- you- you can't leave me like this. We had a deal. Wha- what about Harry?" He stuttered in a very un-Malfoy way.
"I already told you Draco. Harry is in love with you too. All you have to do is open your eyes to the truth. I'm sorry about letting this whole thing get so far but I can't do it anymore. Pansy found me last night. She told me how she felt and she said that I shouldn't have ever let you talk me into this. We're good as friends, Draco. As lovers, we aren't even attracted to each other. Please don't make this harder than it already is. The wedding is off, it shouldn't have started to begin with", She said with a flourish and exited the tent with a swirl of silky fabric.
Draco sank down into a chair in shock. The wedding was off. What was he going to do?
What would he say to everyone?
Hermione had obviously only shown up to tell him that it was over and she had no intention of going in front of their two hundred guests with him and apologizing.
He buried his suddenly wet eyes in his hands.
He hadn't loved her but it still hurt to be jilted.
A creaking floorboard jolted him and raised his eyes once more to the tent flap.
A ray of sunlight lit on the obsidian hair of the object of his affection.
Harry Potter stood shifting from foot to foot and peering nervously around the lavishly furnished green and silver preperation tent.
"Are- are you okay?", Slanted emerald eyes peered at him from behind adorably crooked glasses before resuming his ceasless persual of the room's contents.
"I- I heard what Hermione said. She had no right to leave you that way. You deserve so much better", He fixed suddenly hot eyes on Draco's face.
He found himself flashing back to what Hermione had said about Harry feeling the same way he did.
"Better, Harry? Like who? Who would want to marry me? Who could I trust to be by my side?", He stood and crowed Harry against a mahogany dining table.
He watched in fascination as the other man's eyes widened and his pupils dilated.
"I- I don't- know", Harry stuttered, hands coming up to ward Draco away.
"Really?', Draco slid even closer grasping at Harry's hands and extending them behind his head.
"Wh- what are you doing?", Harry blinked wide eyed up at Draco, "Hermione just left you, aren't you sad?, He tried to distract Drcao hoping he didn't feel the tremors going through his body.
"I never loved Hermione and she never loved me. We made a pact to marry each other if the ones we loved never felt the same", Draco tilted his head and marveled at the silver flecks in green eyes that were closer than he had ever seen them.
"That's- That's-" Harry shivered helplessly as Draco slid an elegent hand around to cup Harry's neck and bring his face close.
"What are you doing!", He jerked back and Draco tightened his hold on the delicately arched neck presented to him.
"Finally seeing what's right in front of me", He brought his head down and oh the kiss was sweet.
It tasted like vanilla, warm and familiar with an edge of cinnamon that grew as he slid deeper into it.
Harry moaned as Draco kissed him. He couldn't help himself. It tasted so good, like everything he had ever wanted.
He slid his hands into silken blond hair and lost himself in chaste kisses that tasted good and then dirtier ones that tasted even better.
Draco's hands slid all over and Harry felt himself start when hot hands brushed his quivering torso.
"N- no!", Harry wrenched himself away an tried to ignore the aching cold that replaced Draco's heat.
Sliver eyes were molten with desire as Draco licked his lips. "Why'd you stop me? It's what we both wanted".
"I won't be a replacement for Hermione", He stood firm even though he wanted to melt a puddle on the floor.
"I can't- I won't survive if that's all this could ever be", He spoke candidly. He turned to leave, "You have to things you have to do. There are a lot of people sitting out there waiting for a wedding,"
"Then let's give them one", Draco stepped closer once more to the bright eyed raven haired man.
"I know that you probably don't love me but all I want is one chance. I love you Harry Potter and i'm willing to spend the rest of my life making you happy, if you'll have me", He grasped Harry's trembling hands and stared deep into his tearfilled eyes.
"You- you're serious? You love me?", Harry leaned into the warm broad chest of the man he loved.
"You mean you didn't know? Everyone could tell how I felt about you. I was only going to marry Hermione because I thought I could never have you, that you were straight."
"Hermione told me that you loved me too but I couldn't bring myself to believe that I would be so lucky", He explained as he ran his hands down Harry's back.
"I love you too", Harry smiled radiantly at the blond hairedman. "I thought that you would never want me, that we could only ever be friends. I wanted you though, ever since we became friends at Hogwarts".
"We've wasted so much time already let's not waste a single second more. Marry me Harry?", Draco got down on one knee and pulled out a black jewelry box. "I've been carrying this around for what seems like forever", He opens the box to show a platinum ring with an emerald solitare and two small diamonds on the sides. "I always dreamed of a day when you would accept it from me."
"Oh!", Harry felt tears of happiness running down his face and he threw himself at Draco. "Yes! Yes! I would love to marry you! I've been waiting for this moment for all my life".
The wedding had gone on as planned but many people were surprised when Harry Potter came down the aisle.
The Wizarding world forgave Draco Malfoy that day.
He must have changed his ways if he made Harry Potter smile so brilliantly.
He must be good if Harry Potter loved him enough to marry him and shock all of his friends and family.
Harry was the only person who called him Drac.
Harry was the only person he let take over his life, hijack his house, and go head to head with his parents.
Working his cock in and out of Harry's slick, tight asshole, Draco moaned, rocking Harry's body with every forward thrust.
The mattress groaned; Harry groaned louder, calling his name, clawing hands pulling the sheets untucked.
He liked to take Harry face-to-face, watching those emerald eyes darken with need.
Harry looked gorgeous, suffering through intense sexual pleasure, chest and cheeks red, lips parted, head back.
After ten years of fantasy, there was nothing like the real thing.
Fucking harder, pounding in - - impossible to stop, god, it was impossible to slow down, his cock needed to be deeper, deeper, god - -
Draco pumped Harr's erection, squeezing it, tugging it, milking out clear drops of pre-cum, making Harry cry out louder, making Harry's fingers dig into his skin and urge him closer, deeper, inside.
Harry's body was perfect. Defined abs, hard pecs, firm thighs. Sweetly curved ass. Gorgeous dick coming up from that sexy tangle of dark curls.
His hands moved over Draco like they were doing more than touching for function, for the sake of sex; they learned, explored, admired, worshipped.
As Draco thrust faster, hips locking into rhythmic motion, every muscle working, Harry called his name again, dragging one hand up his back, arching.
"God, Drac, fuck me, do it, do it, harder." An aching groan, and Harry tensed, blunt nails scratching his flesh. "Fuck me, I'm coming, I'm - - god, yes, yes, Drac, harder, harder!"
Draco fisted Harry's cock, jacking it through spurt after spurt of thick pearly liquid, as his hips pistoned and his erection slammed deep, balls slapping Harry's ass.
The sight of Harry's orgasm, the splatters of liquid, the sight of Harry in ecstasy, back arching and muscles flexing, the sound of Harry's pleasure, loud groans and shocked cries, sent a sharp thrill spiraling through Draco's body.
Heat rushed him; his hips stuttered as Harry let out one final cry of satisfaction, and bliss rushed through him, spilling deep into Harry's body while guttral cries of ecstasy left his throat.
"Mmm." Harry shifted beneath him languidly, relaxed, rubbing a lazy, appreciative hand over his back. "I love you."
"I love you too", Draco slid close and Harry opened to him for a kiss. It was soft and wet, warm and languid.
Draco rested on Harry's body, skimming his fingers over sweat-damp skin, his cheek on Harry's shoulder.
"I'm glad we decided to get away for our honeymoon. You're awfully possesive", Harry looked up laughingly at narrowed silver eyes.
"Well people will have to learn sooner or later. You're mine… my lover", He shifted closer sliding hot hands down his husband's perfect body.
"Again?", Harry looked wide eyed up at the shifting blond.
"For you? Always".
Voila! It has been finished and just sitting in my computer for like a year or so now. Super sorry for that but at least I finally posted it huh? Review?