An Instance of Insanity

Grimmjow glared at the Kurosaki brat, his heartbeat pounding his ears, his adrenaline rushing so fast he could taste it in his mouth. It was that feeling. He always got it when Ichigo stared at him with those goddamned eyes. It was that feeling again. Sometimes he just wanted to rip out whatever part of his brain produced the feeling and crush it.

"I hate you, Kurosaki." No I don't. "I want to tear your fucking spine from your back." I want to kiss you senseless. "You piss me off." You make me weak.

Perhaps the Kurosaki brat saw the indecisive look in his eyes, because he stopped, giving Grimmjow enough time to crush him against a nearby wall. Those eyes softened, watching him long and hard. They kept doing this over and over and over. It's not like they needed to. Their battles had ended in enough stalemates. But Grimmjow couldn't just stay away.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Grimmjow's eyes widened at the soft tone Ichigo had taken. He hated it when Ichigo used that tone. It meant he wanted to finish. And he couldn't end it, not yet. It stung something inside him when Ichigo took that voice. The 6th quickly masked over the hurt with a glare, growling.

"Shut up!" He hissed. It was that feeling again. The one that had him raving mad. The one that made him stupid. Always around Kurosaki Brat. He thought, perhaps, if he killed Ichigo, the feeling would go away. But he could never do it. Ichigo watched him, not at all worried that Grimmjow had him by the shoulders, at his mercy.

It was that feeling again. It was welling in his stomach, growing deeper. His heart was beating too fast, as though aching to escape from the cage of his ribs. If Ichigo noticed the way he was feeling, he didn't let on. He simply kept watching. He wanted to scream and cuss, but he didn't know what to say. So he opted for glaring.

It didn't faze the brat though, and he hated that even more. It made the blood crash in his ears. Before he even knew what he was doing, his lips were pressed against Ichigo's. And he could taste. Every detail was slowed and warmed. Grimmjow could feel energy wriggling inside him, making his stomach drop. But is wasn't an unpleasant feeling. He didn't bother to wonder why he wanted to be kissing Ichigo. He hadn't before, and he wasn't about to start.

When he backed away, those goddamned eyes were wide, flashing, stunned. Before the brat could say anything, Grimmjow took off. That would be his first and last instance of insanity. He couldn't allow himself to feel like this anymore.

But he knew it was pointless. He would be back. And he would want more. And he would be compelled by the feeling that tore at his every breath, and kept Ichigo's name on the tip of his tongue. He hated it. He hated feeling like this.

He couldn't complain. It's not as though he could stop it. Clearly, stomping Ichigo to death wouldn't work. And his own heart was missing. But he liked opting for denial.

It was just that one time.


woo! Haven't written Grimm x Ichi in a long time!