
Bella's POV


"More new born's haven't we had enough of them" Jasper shook his head

" I guess not," I mumbled

Looks like we have another problem again.

"Well, are they coming here?" I asked franticly and held Nessie closer to me.

"No, by the time they are here and gone we wouldn't be able to catch up with them" Edward shook his head.

"Oh well, lets just forget its too late now and I really don't want to fight some dumb new borns now" Rosalie huffed.

"Ya" Jacob agreed which was weird, but he was probably worrying about Nessie too no one wanted her hurt.

"I think Jasper did a pretty good job" Emmett complimented, trying to get us distracted.

"No I think Rosalie did better, Daniel almost peeded his pants!" Alice laughed.

"I still think Jazz," Emmett shrugged

"Rose!" Alice argued.

"Hey Jasper is your husband you should be cheering for him!"

"Rosalie is your wife too!"

Emmett looked pretty mad right now, so did Alice, I backed away a little, these two were the worse when fighting.

"I bet the boys could bet you guys in everything!" Emmett declared

"Hah!" Alice snorted, "You guys would be to easy to beat," she hissed.

"Is that a deal then? An all-out prank war?" Emmett threaten

"Oh, its on" she smirked

"Oh it's already been on!" Em shouted, we all rolled our eyes from Emmett's corny catch-fray.

Alice ran over to us, "we have to prank then good, Bella use your shield" Alice looked to me. I nodded and pulled my shield over all of us girls, Edward grimaced.

'Sorry Edward' I mouthed to him. I really didn't like to fight against him; I could see that in his eyes to.

The guys ran out of the main building, we huddled around and spoke in quite voices.

"What are they going to do?" Rose asked Alice,

She shook her head, "I can't see anything ahead".

So it was a fair game, Edward couldn't read our minds and Alice couldn't see anything, I wonder if Jasper would try to do anything to us.

"Anyone have any ideas?" I asked, looking around.

"We could do something with food?" Nessie suggested, "since you guys hate it so much, it won't really work with Jacob tho," she frowned.

A small smile lit Alice's face, "yes that could work, we could dump it on them, something sticky so it would be hard for them wash off"

So that was our first plan, we ran to the kitchen and raided it.

"What's Jell-o?" Alice asked Ness raising her eyebrow.

"Its this colorful goopy stuff, it would be sticky" Nessie shrugged.

Alice put it on the counter and looked for more stuff.

So far we had, honey, peanut butter, molasses (this stuff is really thick and brown-its gross!), Jell-O, and jam.

We emptied the jars into four other bowls—one for each of us. The stuff was gross, thick and rank smelling.

"This is going to be awesome" Rosalie smiled evilly.

We were each going to get our husbands; we grabbed the bowls and ran out of the hall.

"Were do you think they are?" Emmett asked Edward.

We were sitting in trees and the boys would be walking under our path very soon.

"I don't, Emmett" silly boys! We were right above you guy. I smiled.

"One, two, three" Alice mouthed to us, the boys were a little behide but it takes a while for this stuff to drop.

They stopped under our tree, "you guys smell that?" Jasper asked them sniffing around.

They looked around and then looked up slowly--like in a horror movie and the victim realizes the monster is above them.

Then, SPLAT! The gob came down on their faces and covered their whole body.

"ARUGH!! WHAT THE ****!" Emmett shouted at us. We had to muffle our giggles but it became too much, it was just soo funny to see the guys covered in brown goop. We fell out of the trees laughing Nessie had tears running down her face, I took unnecessary gasps of air to try and calm my self.

"Very funny" Jacob snorted and took an experimentally lick. "This stuff doesn't taste half bad" he shrugged.

"Coming from someone who eats anything " Nessie rolled her eyes then laughed harder.

"You guys might have got this one, but watch out" Emmett threatened using the 'we'll be watching you' hand sign.

They backed away slowing away from us still facing. I smiled but it quickly turned into a frown, we had something bad coming for us.

Jaspers POV

We walked away slowly then ran back to the guys cabin.

"Ugh, this stuff is disgusting" Edward grimaced.

True, it was really sticky, smelly and I don't think it would come off with just one shower.

We changed our clothes—that was the best we could do now—and then gathered together to plan.

"Ideas?" Emmett asked us.

We all thought a few idea's came to me but they weren't the best.

"That's a brilliant idea Jasper!" Edward smiled.

Huh? What had I thought?

"What is it?" Jacob pushed.

"We could take or replace their clothes," he laughed.

Oh ya, that idea. If it did work and they found out we were going to be in a lot of crap.

"The consequent will be huge" I reminded everyone.

"So?" Emmett said shrugging

"Lets do it" Jacob agreed.

So this was our plan, we would sneak into their cabin—all from different directions—and scope their bags. Taking only their best clothes.

I ran south and made a loop heading to their cabin. I snuck inside; Em and Ed were already in there.

I dug through Alice's bag it was pretty easy to spot, aside from the scent; it was pink and very expensive.

I took her favorite pair of shoes--her red leather one, and her best's tops, jeans and dresses. And a few of her bags and accessory's. With them in my arms I gave a smile and a thumbs up to the guys then ran out. I ran fast, very fast, I got to the cabin in time before they caught on. I dumped them in a bag, tied it up and ran out of our cabin again. This time I headed for the forest; I looked around until I spotted a very large tree. I climbed it up, and at the very top I put the bag of clothes on a branch.

I relaxed in our cabin, closeting my eyes and sending out waves of calm.

An ear-slitting scream was heard from the west, Alice.

"Run!" Edward shouted.

We jumped up and flew from the doors laughing all the way. Soon I heard the sound of running, Aw crap. I pushed faster.

"Jasper!!" I heard from be hide, a large wave of madness with it.

She was gaining, I heard the air whooshing and then she was on my back. Alice took me down she sat on my stomach looking me sadly in the eyes.

"Jazzy-poo! Why did you guys take all of our stuff?" she whined

"Because you girls dumped human food on us" I smiled and flicked her nose.

"Please just tell me it ok!"

"Yes, its fine, you might have to look a bit first" I chuckled.

She jumped off me madly and huffed. She gave me a heart-breaking look and then dashed off.

I frowned,I hated when my wife was sad, even if it was just a prank. The others girls had run off to find their clothes.

Emmett looked sore and so did Jacob. Nessie and Rosalie were very fond of their clothing too. Edward was happy and a little lustful. Ha, I bet Bella didn't care too much she probably just used this as an excuse make-out with him.

He shot me a dark look, oopsy!

We ran back and plopped down on our beds. Were did all the humans go any ways? I would have thought they would have headed to their cabins after we scared them. Oh well!

"You know its not over yet," I told everyone.

"I know" Emmett smiled.

Of course, I rolled my eyes.

TADA! This one was kid of short; it was really just a filler. Ill get back to the main point soon. Well I hope you liked it! :D oh and HAPPY EARTH DAY!!! we planted some trees! Ah yes- I don't own twilight I can only make then do odd things but I still don't own them-not yet at lest! MAWHAHA! :o he he…. Well I hoped you liked it! tune in for moreee sooooooon!!!! Plz Review
