What did I wanna do here? Well, I wanted to write a high-school styled fic. Why? B/c I loved those horror movies and psycho movies that deal with high-school. Adam is a jock, and a jerk. He fucks who he wants, takes what he wants, and gets aways with everything. Jeff is the town weirdo, a freak and a reject (fucking original-- yeah, I dun care) He's obsessed with Adam, and Adam loves taking advantage of him. But, after Adam finally goes too far.. Jeff decides he's had enough of Adam always getting his way. Dark, and not for the squeamish... like 'Captive' :P DON'T OWN NOTHING!!! Just playing. Not making cash!!!
AU, OOC, non-wrestling, strong language, graphic hardcore sex and rape, alcohol use, and Violence. Kidnapping, bondage, torture, murder, and mayhem to come later on. All that I am known for ;) Let's go!
Chapter one/ 'Bottled Up'
Rated; M/ L, S
"It's you that I adore, you'll always be my whore... you'll be a lover in my bed, and a gun to my head... We must never be apart.."-- Ava Adore, The Smashing Pumpkins.
Adam sat in the darkened living room. Beer in his left hand, his right resting on his knee. It was the weekend. He was attending a party, especially for all the seniors. This one was different; it was bring a 'pet' freshman week. How nice. He had brought one. His 'pet'. Slutty little bitch was somewhere. Probably fucking his brother, Jay. Adam growled, reminding himself to kill Jay later. Adam brought the rim of the bottle up to his lips. Sighing at the steam that came off the top. He was about to take a drink when Jay came down the steps.
"Where the fuck is Jeff?!" He snapped, glaring at his younger brother.
Jason Reso was younger than the 18 year old Adam Copeland. By one month. They had the same dad, different mothers. Jay turns 18 in three weeks.
"I dunno where your little cockslut is." Jay snapped.
Jay grabbed a beer and plopped down in the chair next to the couch where Adam was sitting.
"What the fuck did I tell you, Jay? You're not to refer to him as a cockslut. He's my cockslut. That means only I can call him that." Adam warned, his hazel/green eyes locking with his brother's light blue ones.
Jay scoffed, running a hand through his short blonde hair, "Whatever. His brother is my cockslut anyways." He sighed.
That got a laugh from the taller man. "You wish. Matt's smarter than his baby brother. He wouldn't come in three feet of you." Adam smirked, taking a long drink of the beer.
"We'll see about that. I got him at homecoming. His ass is mine." Jay declared.
Adam tossed back his head and laughed louder, "Oh, shit.. fuck, Jay.. That's a fucking good one! If you did succeed in getting Matt Hardy.. yeah, big fucking 'if', then your ass would be the one to be fucked, dear brother."
Jay pointed to himself. "Imma top, Adam. Don't fucking forget that, you faggot."
"Watch your fucking mouth, queer. And go find Jeff. My dick's fucking hard." Adam commanded, scratching at the back of his long blond hair.
His brother rolled his eyes. "When the fuck isn't it? Go find him your own fucking self. I ain't your damn cockslut wrangler." Jay snapped.
Adam reach over an smacked him in the back of the head.
"Hey, what the hell..? Man, fuck you." Jay, recoiled away from Adam defensively.
"Pussy." Adam smiled, tipping the bottle up once more.
"Fuck you." Jay rubbed at the back of his head, where Adam had hit him.
"Yeah.." Adam stood up, tapping his fingers on the side of the brownish glass bottle, "You'd fucking like too, bro."
"That's sick and you're fucking twisted. Take that shit elsewhere." Jay folded his arms, his eyes narrowing as he watched Adam leave.
Adam headed for the stairs, tracing his fingers along the banister as he went. If he found Jeff up here with some other guy, he'd fucking hurt him. Adam smirked, nodding at Randy Orton as he made his way through. Randy was on his amature wrestling team. Fuck, the boy looked fucking good in that tight singlet. Too bad the tall brunette, was wearing dark jeans and a black Affliction shirt. Randy stared at Adam, blue eyes shining.
"Hey, man, you seen Jeffro?" Adam smiled.
"I think he's up here somewhere. I saw him come up a few minutes ago, right before I headed up here. You haven't seen.." Randy stopped and stared off into the distance, "Nevermind. He is soo fucking dead.."
Orton excused himself and ran off to kill his boyfriend Cody Rhodes, who was not so innocently dancing with Ted Dibiase, jr. Damn football players. So fucking horny.
Adam smirked. That problem could be solved with a threesome. Everything could be solved with a threesome. In fact, maybe he could coax Jeff into one with his dear protege. Maybe even with Adam's brother.. Adam licked his lips, thinking. Hell, he could probably make Jeff fuck his own brother for his amusement. That'd be hott. And he could watch, maybe tape it. Adam made his way down the hallway past students. Some he knew, like John Cena, 'aka' his old nemesis. What the fuck was he doing here? He went to a rival school, was on a rival wrestling team. Hell, the only man besides Matt to give him more grief. Cena just sneered at him as he walked past. Fucker better not say a word. He's in too good a mood right now. Cena didn't, just continued to talk to some random kid. A kid by the name of Evan Bourne, he thinks. Wasn't that freshman Matty's fucktoy? Adam snickered. Ooh, drama. There may be hope for Jay after all. He couldn't just continue fucking Chris and be fucking happy. Damn, Irvine must be holding out on him. Still, Chris struck Adam as a top as well, so no wonder Jay wants to top? Adam laughed to himself at that thought.
Jeff stood in the hallway, tapping his foot, eagerly. Eager to get to use the bathroom. He'd been standing in line forever. He peeked around the side of him. In front of him must've been a hundred people. Jeff sighed. Tossing his long, blue/blonde/green/purple dyed hair to the back.
"Hey, watch it, Hardy!"
Jeff turned around, his emerald eyes landing on John Morrison.
"S..sorry.. John.. I wa..sn't looking.." Jeff muttered.
"Be glad you're Edge's whore." Morrison snapped.
Jeff swallowed and blinked. Slowly, he turned back around. He was glad Adam, or Edge, as he was called when he wrestled, didn't hear that. Johnny would loose his pretty long brown hair, and those rockstar good looks. That was the only good thing about being, as John and everyone else said, Edge's whore. Jeff nibbled on his bottom lip. He didn't know why Morrison was even at this party. He was a damn junior.
"There you are, Jeffrey." Adam called.
Morrison smirked as the tall blonde approached. Adam glared at him. A warning not to say a word.
"I was wondering, Adam; would you ever be interested in pimping him out to me and Miz for the night?" Morrison said it anyway. He didn't give a shit if Adam killed him for it.
Adam smirked. "You're a bottom, Mor. Miz knows that."
Morrison scoffed. "Oh, fuck you."
"Sorry, Johnny, Jeff is all mine tonight. Get your own damn freshman." Adam turned back to Jeff, "Let's go, Jeff. Now."
"I gotta pee, Adam. That's why I have been standing here for three fucking hours." Jeff stared forward. The line moved up like one dude.
"I don't give a shit if it's been three years. I said, let's go." Adam grabbed his arm and jerked for him to follow.
Jeff whimpered and stumbled after Adam as he led him to a room.
"In." Adam shoved Jeff inside the room. It was all clear.
"Adam.. shit, y'coulda let me piss!" Jeff shouted after he regained his balance.
Adam slammed the door behind him. Jeff watched him as he held the bottle up to his lips, finishing the beer off. Adam set the bottle down on the bedside dresser table. Ignoring Jeff completely as he surveyed the bed. Ugly fucking stuffed animals adorned the pretty little bed, made with the baby pink sheets and sham-covered pillows. Adam smirked before swipping all the shit off the bed in one quick motion. Jeff watched as the little stuffed elephants and kittens and doggies flew to the floor. One tumbled and landed against the bookshelf upside down.
Oh, yeah. Jeff had been in that position. Adam made him. It wasn't that he didn't love getting fucked by him. He did. What he hated was how Adam treated him. Like property, like a whore. Hell, Adam had even pimped him out. Adam growled, tossing away the covers and to the floor. He was sure that whomever used this bed, was going to know someone got fucked in it.
"Take 'em down, Jeff." Adam said bluntly.
"I have to pee." Jeff growled, his teeth clinched tightly together.
"You will hold it. If I wait on you to get out of the bathroom, my dick will never get relief. I'll be an old fuck who needs viagra to get it up. Now, while I'm good and young and virile; take down your pants." The older man commanded.
"Can't I just blow you? I'm still sore from.." Jeff blinked, trailing off.
"C'mon, Jeff, a little double-penetration never killed anyone. Stop fucking complaining. It was fun watching Chris fuck your ass. Don't tell Jason though. He'll get pissed and I dun wanna share you with that two-timing cocksucker." Adam smirked. Jay and Chris cheated on each other a lot. It was actually pretty fucking funny.
Jeff swallowed. "I'll suck you hard.. please.. gimme a few days to heal.."
Adam sighed, he pulled a tube out of his pocket. "I have lube. I promise, no more threesomes without it. That was wrong, making you take two dicks up your tight little ass without this. I'm sorry. Now, take 'em off and bend over the bed. I want your pretty little legs spread and your ass in the air.. by the time I count to three... One.."
Jeff shivered, working on his belt quickly.
"Two... Two and a half.." Adam wet his lips, watching him get the zipper and shove them down his hips.
Adam halted letting him pull them off.
Then his lips split into a sinister grin. "Three.. Aww, Jeff.. times up."
Jeff sighed. Yeah, he figured that.
"Turn around and get on your knees on the bed. Do it now." Adam said calmly enough.
"Please, Adam.."
"Let's go.." Adam trailed off, pointing to the bed.
Jeff nodded, shivering a little. Adam made him wear this fucking mesh top. He wore a jacket, but Adam took it as soon as they arrived.
"Turn... Oh, that's so good. You have such a fuckable ass. Such slutty little hips." Adam taunted, watching him slowly turn around and crawl onto the bed.
Adam groaned, his cock straining hard against his jeans. Seeing Jeff spread out, his pretty little asshole still red and raw from their last encounter. Adam's eyes darted over to the long-necked beer bottle. He licked his lips at the grand idea that just popped into his head. He took hold of the bottle, and strolled over to Jeff.
"Further apart. I want you nice and wide." Adam growled, popping the top of the tube.
Jeff flinched when he felt the coldness of the lubrication being spread between his cheeks. Followed by Adam's thumb poking at his tight entrance. Jeff took hold of the backs of his knees, holding himself apart further and lowering his hips down on the bed. Jeff gasped as Adam's thumb slid inside, probing in and out in an attempt to relax him just enough to make fucking him bearable.
"Ooh, yes.. you're soo fucking hott.. but, this may be a bit cold.." Adam purred.
"What may be.. cold.." He didn't get a chance to ask.
Jeff shivered as the head of the bottle poked his entrance.
The younger man whimpered. "Oh, god.. please, Adam.. don't.."
Adam placed his left hand on Jeff's lower back, pressing down firmly. He could already feel his cock leaking. The sight of Jeff wriggling, chills all over his flesh, his ass splayed so nicely.. it was oh, so delicious.
"Shh.. it's okay, Jeffy.. it's not as big as you're gonna get here in a minute.." Adam pushed the bottle on past the tight, raw pucker.
Jeff responded with a troubled whine. "Stop.. please.. let's just go.. I'll suck you off on the way home.."
Adam snickered. That was cute, Jeff bargaining with road head.
"Aw, Jeff.. don't you like being fucked by me anymore? You whine and complain an awful lot. I'm beginning to think you don't love me." Adam 'pouted'.
Jeff bit down on his bottom lip. Oh, shit, that's not good. "I'm sorry, Adam.. I want you to fuck me, please... I'm just cold.."
"That's better.. now, ask me nicely." Adam commanded softly. He twisted the bottle's neck around inside of Jeff's opening. Literally 'screwing' it all the way inside.
"Pl..please... A..Adam.. fu..ck.. me.." Jeff's teeth chattered. It may have been from the cold, or that the fucking bottle made his asshole hurt more.
"You're gonna be a good boy and take it?" Adam asked, still twisting the bottle in and out of Jeff's ass.
Jeff whimpered, "Y..yes.. Adam.." He groaned again when Adam pulled the bottle neck all the way out.
"That's a good boy, Jeff.. just hold still.. this'll feel good." Adam panted, his voice laced with lust and pure horny aggression.
Jeff cried out as the neck of the bottle was shoved back inside. Not as easy as it was first put in. Adam twisted it around as he pulled it out, before plunging it back inside. Adam watched fascinated as he fucked Jeff with the bottle. Seeing him bleed just a little bit, still hurting from the threesome. It was such a pretty sight to see the neck of the bottle sliding in and out of his boyfriend's ass. Sounded so good to hear the whimpered whines and cries.
"Y'like that, Jeff? That feel good?" Adam rubbed his thumb across Jeff's back as his hand still held the younger Hardy down.
Jeff's teeth chattered, "Y..yes.. A..Adam.. uhm.. f..feels.. g..good.."
"You want my dick now? Huh.. Want my cock fucking your ass?" Adam growled.
Jeff nodded, swallowing thickly. "Y'huh.. please.. f..fuck m..me.."
"Tell me that you want my dick.." Edge taunted.
Jeff groaned, "I want y..your.. dick.. inside me.. please.."
Okay, fine. Maybe it did hurt a little. But the damn bottle neck was too short to prick at anything that would make it feel better. It was an added comfort to know that Adam wanted him. Craved him enough to taunt him the way he did. There was that sick part inside fo Jeff that liked it. The sane parts just felt dirty. To have two sides constantly battling what's right and wrong; that's to be human.
Adam jerked the bottle out and tossed it to the floor. Jeff shuddered, hearing the sound of Adam's pants coming unzipped.
"Adam.. please.. be easy.." Hardy whimpered.
Adam grinned, it was too cute. Be easy? Fat fucking chance. Adam leaned over and took hold of Jeff's hands, raising them above the young man's head. Jeff instantly grabbed to the other side of the bed. Digging his painted fingernails into the pillowtop matress. Edge stroked himself, warming his cock up first before he pushed the head past Jeff's entrance, not stopping even when Jeff arched up and screamed. Adam pushed him back down on the bed and held him as he set a rough pace. Thrusting in and out of the younger Hardy. Every moan and cry only bringing him closer to climax. Jeff shouted out as Adam brushed his prostate. He buried his face on the bed. Only to have Adam turn his head back to the side, petting hair out of Jeff's face so he could see that agonized look painting his features.
"Ooh, yeah.. y'like that, bitch.. fuck, you're so tight.. love fucking you so fucking hard..." Adam taunted.
"Adam.. please.. at least jerk me off.." Jeff whimpered, struggling to get Adam's hand off his head as it held him down.
"You're liable to fucking piss on me." Was Adam's excuse. Though it was a shitty one.
"I.. w..won't.. I swear.. please.. I'm so hard.. just for you.." Maybe the slutty approach would help? He knew how Adam loved that whiney little pout.
"Fine." Adam growled, pulling out roughly. "But, if you piss on me, you know what you'll get."
Jeff grunted as Adam flipped him over to his back, spreading Jeff's legs apart as wide as they'd go. Adam jerked on himself a couple of times, aiming the head of his cock at Jeff's entrance, tapping it on his asshole a couple of times just to tease him. The blood mixing with that little bit of cum leaking from Adam's dick looked so fucking good. Adam sighed at the sight. So hott. So fucking hott. Jeff held his breath, groaning sharply as Adam slid back inside, then pulled all the way out.
"Oh, yes.. bitch.. you fucking like that.." Adam drove back inside, loving that little gasp Jeff responded with.
"Adam.. I wanna come..." Jeff whimpered.
"Beg me to fuck you harder." Adam pushed Hardy's head to the side, toying with him.
Jeff jerked his head back and looked up at him, pleadingly. "No... no.. please.."
"You want it? Do as I say."
"H..harder.. harder.. oh, god.." Jeff winced as Adam drove his cock into him harder, deeper, rougher.
Adam leaned over top of him, taking hold of Jeff's head as he fucked him. Mashing their lips together and kissing him hard as he wiped those little tears away from the corners of Jeff's eyes. Adam's lips went to the side of Jeff's face and over to his neck, biting his skin a bit.
"Beg.. Jeff.. c'mon.. I love when you beg.." Adam coaxed, licking up his neck.
Jeff shivered. "H..harder.. ohh, god.. harder.. harder.. HARDER!!" He managed through little gasps and sobs, finally screaming as loud as he could.
Adam twisted his fingers in Jeff's hair, issuing another cry as he raised up. He wrapped his fingers around Jeff's cock, stroking him hard and fast. Nearly painfully.
"ADAM!! SHIT! Too.. fucking.. hard.. please.. stop..." Jeff's eyes rolled backwards as Adam hit his prostate again sending him over.
Adam smiled wickedly, watching Jeff tremble and quake all through his climax. His emerald green eyes shut tight, his face so beautifully crunched up in pain.. in pleasure. Jeff was so fucking angsty, it was gorgeous. Adam squeeze the tip of his cock, milking the last drop before releasing Jeff's cock and laying down as far on top of him as he'd go. Jeff timidly allowed himself to wrap his arms around him, holding onto Adam as he pounded him. Jeff blinked open his eyes as Adam started sucking hard on his neck.
"No.. Addy.. do..don't.. Matty'll see.." Jeff whined.
There was somewhat of a slurping sound as Adam raised his head up. "Matty needs to understand; you're mine. Not his. Mine." He licked his lips and went back to Jeff's neck.
Jeff closed his eyes. No need in arguing with Adam. He always gets what he wants. Jeff bit on his tongue. He could hear Adam moaning and panting. Feel him sweating, even though it was fucking cold. He could feel Adam's hot breath on his neck. His lips, his tongue, his teeth.. hell, Adam's whole mouth on his skin. His cock stabbing him, bleeding Jeff. It fucking hurt. And he loved it.
"Oh, shit, Jeffrey.. ooh, fuck.. ah.. damn it.." Adam sighed, a soft groan escaping his lips as he filled Jeff full.
Jeff stared up at the ceiling. Rubbing his hands on Adam's back. Holding to him tightly. He still had to fucking piss. And now, he had a fucking hickey, that he'd have to endure taunting for.
I missed Evil Addy, hehe.. This is more Arrogant prick Addy. (I get to write Sweet Addy in 'Cotton Candy' and 'POV', and Angsty Addy in 'Sold', and Conflicted Addy in 'Ride'.. shesh, he's fun to toy with) It's been a while since I was in school. So if anything is a miss, I am sorry. My middle school years were dark and twisted, so, I can imagine how high school would've been. I didn't go. I was home-schooled and all my friends thought I was soo lucky. They were right :P This is mostly big major AU. So, Jay is Adam's brother by a different mother, with the same father, that will all be explained later. I'm rewriting the 'superstars' history a bit, b/c they are not big wrestling names in here.
This is an odd challenge for me, so please bear with me. Randy, Adam, Jay, Chris, Cena, Matty are all seniors (12th grade) Ted, Morrison, Miz are in the juniors (11th grade) Jeff, Evan, Cody-- all freshmen (9th grade) I always have to confuse. Even myself ;) Well, that's the way I'm writing it. With superstars ages, it's hard to match them up right in high-school fics (cause I realize that Jeff is older than Randy, and so is Mor, and Miz and Randy are the same age... not in this story though). So, I'll let you know as I go. It's fake, for fun and fantasy as usual. This one will get and be dark, like 'Captive', and I hope to get darker than 'Captive'. Okay, 'nuff rambling, tell me what you think :)
Named after 'Ava Adore', by The Smashing Pumpkins. I dun own that either.