Mosspath: again, another lame name for a chapter! Sorry for the long update, again. But I did say at least 4 reviews before I would. This is about Ashfur and his sense of betrayal, but I do have to say YAYAYAYAYAYAY. I have come to the end of Icanhazlolcatsplz list of ideas. No offences, and thanks. please keep them coming in though! O, and I changed it slightly, very slightly! Teehee!

Disclaimer: guys, haven't you got the point. Do I really need to do this each chapter. I still don't own warriors!

Love and Betrayal!

I look back on my life in ThunderClan, and think how could I have wasted my life with such a weak, pitiful Clan of soft kittypets, and monstrous rogues. I now that I should have done something about Firestar and his weak kin a long time ago. But, unlike them, I stuck to the Warrior Code like a spider to its web. But now, I sit in the Dark Forest watching KittypetClan become weaker, and even more pathetic than they already were. I wish I could go back down to that weak Clan and try again. I think back to my life in ThunderClan, and ponder how it all went wrong. It was because of Firestar and his weak, pitiful kin. I feel betrayed...

I think it all started when the cats from the sun-drown-place returned. I had missed Squirrelflight, or Squirrelpaw back then, but never really knew why. Until I saw her so close to Brambleclaw. They seemed so fond of each other, and I could only feel left out. I one of the only cats my age without a close she-cat as a friend, basically a mate. I know I am quite a but older than her, but I still can't see what she sees in Brambleclaw. He is a strong and worthy warrior, but what about me. I am older and more mature than him. I fought in many more battles than him, and am I really good hunter as well as fighter! But then my rage spread further. It wasn't just Squirrelpaw now, I was beginning to dislike all of Firestar's kin.

I think what made it worse was when we got to the lake, and Squirrelflight began to drift away from Brambleclaw. This was my chance, I thought, I would get her back and I would make Brambleclaw pay! I tried to hang around the new warrior as much as possible, go hunting with her, be on the sme patrol, sit near her in the camp clearing; anything to get her attention. And hurt, so much. I tried so hard to get her attention, to get her to notice me. But no, all she ever noticed from me was the creepy way I was hanging around her like a lost puppy. And that's how I felt, especially as the two love sick cats got together again. I still couldn't see what that dirty she-cat saw in that tom. He's the son of Tigerstar, he's rotten to the core! I thought to myself.

I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved with Hawkfrost and his scheming, but I was mad, I was annoyed, I was going to do anything possible to get them to notice me, no matter in what point of view it was! I helped to plot plans on getting rid of Firestar, I helped hi think of ways to get rid of him. And when we did have a plan, I was the one that made it all work! But no, again they got in the way. That meddling Brambleclaw finally saw his good side. He saved Firestar's life, but his good side came at the wrong time. It made Squirrelflight's love for him stronger.

I felt empty. I had no mate, not even a she-cat I was close to. I felt so alone and incomplete. I felt as if I was the only one like it and who felt like this. I never thought of Thornclaw, he didn't matter to me, I didn't care if he felt like me, I was just so vain and mouse brained at that time in my pitiful life! But I carried on, I carried on with my tediously empty and boring life! I helped the clan, I was the best warrior and fighter I could be; I hid my secrets close to my chest, waiting, waiting for the right time to pounce and get revenge!

Again, my plans went wrong, again I got distracted. Firestar, that kittypet-food-eating excuse of a cat, finally realized that we did need a deputy. At the time he called that meeting, I was so glad that I had been on my best behaviour, that I had been the best warrior I could be for the last several moons. But then more hate for his fox dung kin came when that silly medicine cat apparently had a vision just as he was about to announce the deputy. I knew I was one of his prime choice, but what a coincidence that Leafpool suddenly had a vision. Brambles encircling the clan, or whatever she said, what a lot of crow food! she may be a medicine cat, but I lost all respect for her and her kin at that moment. Of course it wasn't a real sign from Star Clan. Her sister had just gotten close to Brambleclaw again, so if he was deputy, there would be even more respect for Firestar's retched family.

My one chance to prove to prove myself! My one chance to gain power! I wasn't power mad like Brambleclaw's family, I wasn't top of ThunderClan and kittypet like Firestar and his blood, I was just a good respectful warrior. But no, they wanted power for themselves. They wanted rule over ThunderClan so they could do anything they wanted. As Firestar said Brambleclaw's name, it hurt, badly. I felt like something venomous had bitten me, and that venom had turned to hate and loathing! I would have been a great deputy, and then a great leader. I wouldn't have made the same mistake again of tricking Firestar. I would have tried to get into his good books so the clan would look up to me when I would have become leader!

As the moons went by, my admiration grew for Brambleclaw. He may be that cheating she-cats mate, but he was a good deputy and a loyal warrior, and my loathing for him subdued, but poor Squirrelflight. It only got worse for her. And then, even more pain stabbed my heart when I heard she was expecting kits, when I heard that they were hers and Brambleclaw's. O Squirrelflight, we could have been great together, we could have been so close, but you chose him, you made the wrong choice, and your going to pay. Those were the thoughts going through my head. Those three kits could have been mine, they could have been ours...

Even though I hated her, and still do, I still loved her, but the detest I felt for her is so much stronger. Even in the dark forests, where everything is dark and lonely, I long to hold her, and feel her ginger pelt brushing against mine. Though, it should be especially here, as I have seen no one and heard no-one.

When I saw the kits, my hating didn't actually increase, it slackened. It was just the sight if the three small innocent bundles of fluff. There was something about them that drew me to them, almost as if they were special. Perhaps it was me thinking that they could have been mine, or the fact they were the kits of the queen I love. I don't know what it was, but those few special moments didn't last long. After that, things changed. I didn't hate Brambleclaw at all any more, but we became quite good friends, and I admired his courage. But the hate had to go somewhere, and as there were three more cats in the clan, I directed it straight at them and their mouse brained mother.

But, as usual, I kept my loathing quiet, and only gaze them the evils when I couldn't hold it in any more and I knew no cat was watching. But I then had the chance to take it out on someone without doing it too suspiciously. I do feel a bit sorry for that golden tom now, as I took out all my anger, all the pain I had felt onto him. Lionblaze, 'paw' back then, was to become my apprentice. And I knew I could get to him and free my loathing with out too many odd glances. I scolded him as often as possible, I tended to slip out my claws every now and then during battle training, and when no-one was nearby, I would have cuffed him over the ear with slightly unsheathed claws and extra force.

But then one day, I could hold my anger and betrayal out no more. Lionblaze wanted some extra battle training, although he had already received his warrior name. It was fine by me! Lionblaze had developed a unique, but some what familiar style of fighting, and he was lean and strong. I told him to attack me, and he did, with force. He ran straight at me, before leaping straight in the face. I was ready for him, and I slipped out my claws ready to slash at his unsuspecting body. But he must have seen them, maybe it was the sun, and he saw the glint on them. But in mid leap he swerved away from my ready paws. I turned to see him behind me, leaping on my back. I missed him, and he began clawing at my back. We were both playing dirty, until suddenly Firestar arrived. We both immediately stopped the fighting, although regretfully.

Most of my fury had been taken out, but I still had so much left inside me, that it burnt. I wanted to slash and claw at something to get rid of it, though I know that the fighting probably just gave me more hatred. I was mad at Firestar, I wanted to leap at him, and make him feel so sorry for stopping me, but I knew my time would come, and I held my over flowing anger in. We were both punished. Lionpaw was treated like an apprentice, and was given some apprentice duties to keep him busy, while I was confined in the camp for a moon. I was annoyed, like I usually am, but I kept it down, my time would come.

But then it did. I had the perfect opportunity! Fire had ravaged through ThunderClan territory, and the camp had burst into smoke. Firestar's kin, Squirrelflight and her kits, were always acting like heroes, and stayed behind in the camp to help the queens get out. I swiftly followed Firestar's orders and left camp, but didn't head to the old two leg nest like the others. I knew where they would leace the camp. The camp entrance would be up in smoke by the time they could leave, so I knew they would try climbing up the least steep side of the camp. And they did. The four heroes had gotten the queens and kits out of camp, and they were heading to safety. But I had set a trap.

I waited for the queens and kits, made sure they were safe. But, when Squirrelflight and her annoying grown up kits were about to leave, I shoved some dry debris onto the main bit of fire blocking their way. There was a branch that they could climb over, but as soon as Squirrelflight was safe, I leapt out, and took control of the branch. I would let the warriors kits go on one condition. I did this because I wanted to get my own back, I wanted to get revenge. I wasn't angry with Brambleclaw, I was angry with her. So, the best way to get at her, or any she-cat that was a queen, was to get at the kits. I said I would knock the branch into the main part of the fire, I said I would kill them if she didn't follow my condition. But then, as usual, my plan went wrong. Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze weren't hers.

I think that was the moment when my life was about to become doomed. I knew her terrible secret, and was an even greater threat to her than before. I let them go as I knew there was no point in injuring them physically despite the few burnt pads and scorched fur they had gained. I saw the shocked and stunned faces of them all, and I knew my plan hadn't worked to some extents, but they were worried and scared, something I was hoping they would be feeling. But I now had the power, and with the coming gathering I could have destroyed them, Squirrelflight and those three cats who were supposedly her kits. Although she said she didn't love them, I knew she did. I would tell all the clans, they would be driven out of ThunderClan, and I would have had my perfect revenge.

My plan may have gone wrong that day, but I was already hatching anything devious one to get rid of the scum in ThunderClan. I just needed to get rid of Squirrelflight, and then my plan would take control of it self and I could have lived a normal life again. But no, on the night if the gathering, I was out, just going for a walk near the WindClan border. But there was an ear-splitting pained yowl. It had come from a cat, and that was all I knew. I scented ThunderClan and turned around wandering who had made the noise, and where they were. No one was there, but suddenly something shoved my with such force, I was sure they had broken some of my bones.

My ears were ringing, my side aching and my mind buzzing. What was happening? I was too stunned to react and defend myself. And then I saw them. They left at me again and knocked me into the stream. I tried to yowl out but my head had smacked a large stone, and I couldn't seem to form the words. They weren't taking any risks. Everything had already blurred, and my head was ring and throbbing, and so was everything else in my body. They plunged my face downwards into the icy cold water. I gasped for breath, but only water came in. I couldn't do anything about it, so I let them finish me off. I was aching, and I knew I was dying. I knew I would soon be dead. Thepain was immense and I felt everything slowly drain away.

As if feeling my pain, I had felt their weight on me as they bent forward to deal the death blow. But before they did, they whispered something almost inaudible. A whole sentence, almost a small speech, and it had calmed me. But then the pain became unbearable as I felt their teeth sink into my unguarded throat. I uttered an almost silent yowl, though I wasn't sure if had actually been loud or not, as my mouth and ears were completely submerged and I was half dead at the moment.

But suddenly, the pain had gone. I had shut my ears and closed my mouth to stop the water getting in, but now I opened them again. I was alone in a starry field, until the silver specks of Silverpelt that hung in the inky sky swarmed down around me like angry bees. "Ashfur, I am shocked, but you know as well as I do, that you have broken the warrior code many times for no prevail of your clan. You can longer watch over your clan mates with StarClan or look after and show your loyalty for ThunderClan, so you are officially no longer a member of Star Clan, and will become a cat of the dark forest!"

It was my mother, Brindleface, speaking. I was shocked and hurt, and saw a similar look of sorrow in her face. I may have been surprised, but somehow, I knew I would never be able to make it to Star Clan. But this dark forest, I had never heard of it, and I was scared...

And there, my life and it's sense of betrayal. I am stuck in an eternal world of darkness and misery, forever on my own, with no prey, no light; no nothing. I know I deserve it, but I hate it. All because of that lying, cheating she-cat. I long long and yearn for everything that this place lacks, and I feel that what's left of my spirit and hope is draining away from me slowly. I almost wish I hadn't done everything that I did to ruin my fate, but I know that I had almost achieved what I had longed for, worked for and risked for so hard.

But I do appreciate one thing. I can see back down on what's happening, and I see that ThunderClan is rotting like an apple, from the inside out, and there is a traitor, who has committed even greater betrayal than I have. Also, in death, my fellow clan mates actually appreciate me. They think I am a brave, strong, and even a handsome warrior! To late! I keep hissing to them, though I know they wont and cant heat! I only take in the real warrior's appreciation, I don't want any of the kittypets' words of praise! But my murderers words, they chill me, but keep me some of what is left of my hope. If they have done something as bad as kill a cat, maybe I wont be the only one here, though I have guessed that it is difficult to visit other cats of this domain. I think back on their icy breath and the last words I heard alive:

"Die, you crow-food scum...! And don't you dare breathe again..."

A/n I know, another odd ending.

YAYAYAYAYAYAY! Nearly done all of the requests posted. Just 3 or 4 more, hopefully more as you will review in with them. Don't have much to say except from any in accuracy. Please do not complain about it, and just send in reviews on your thoughts of this one-shot! I hope you liked it. Same applies, 4 reviews before next update!
