Timeline: TYL

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (If I did, hohohoho. It would be a Yaoi show my friends.)

Go easy, this is my first Reborn! Fic. :3

Chapter One

The Prince is Bored

Bel laid on his bed, the silky sheets below him on his soft, giant bed. Of course the prince would have a luxurious room. He sat in the usual clothing, throwing one of his knives in the air and catching it. Over, and over. Something was wrong here. He was a prince, and he was bored. This was simply unacceptable. Someone should entertain him. The only person in the mansion right now was Squalo, but what fun was he? Of course. Squalo always got annoyed by Bel. He could bother him, and he was going to. He quickly jumped off of his bed, and headed to the room next to his, Squalo's. He thought about knocking, but realized he didn't have to, he was a prince.

"Ushishishi… Squalo-kun?" he whispered sadistically, entering the room. "Squalo-kun. The prince is bored." for once, he didn't hear a retorting 'Voiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!'. It was silent, which was strange. He realized the moron was fast asleep on his bed. Bel walked over to the edge of the bed, and sat in front of it, at eye level as he peeked through his messy long bangs. He decided some sadistic fun was ok, and began throwing knives around Squalo's bed, preparing for when he woke up. He then placed himself at the foot of the bed where he had been first, and waited. He became even more bored, and then crawled onto the bed, and starting carving 'Bel was Here' into Squalo's arm. Heavy sleeper, obviously. Bel found this entertaining, and got the even more sadistic urge to lick clean the newly made cut. Bel slid his tongue along the cuts he made in Squalo's arm, satisfied by the slight moans he heard coming from Squalo.

"VOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Squalo boomed, throwing Bel off of him, almost making him fall of the bed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"The prince was bored…" Bel gave him a hurt puppy expression, or at least part of one considering you couldn't see Bel's eyes.

"That gives you the right to start cutting me?!" Squalo yelled.

"We would've fought anyway, so I thought I'd get a head start. Besides you seemed to like it Ushishishishi…" Bel licked blood that dripped from his lip.

"You're sick, you know that?" Squalo pulled his sword from under his pillow. He always slept with it, for obvious reasons such as he lived with a freak. "Voi, if you're going to bother someone, bother anyone but me!"

"But you're fun to bother, Shishishi… I get a reaction out of you~" the Prince laid lazily on the foot of Squalo's bed, taunting him to argue and fight. He was less bored now that Squalo was awake and kicking, also now pointing a sword at him. Remembering what wires were where, Bel jumped off the bed as Squalo swung his sword, and dodge wires, taunting Squalo to come through them.

"VOOIIIIIIII!" Squalo yelled, charging. "Don't run from me, moron!" Squalo's eyes widened as he ran into wires that cut through his clothing and entered his skin, making him bleed as they got deeper. He immediately went back over to the bed, squinting his eyes to see the wires surrounding him.

"Ushishishishi, you should know better, Squalo-kun." Bel laughed his unique laugh, taunting Squalo more. Bel's eyes shifted to the clock. He couldn't play anymore, everyone else was coming back which meant he had to stop bothering Squalo.

"You can take down the wires."

"VOOI!! I didn't do this, you can clean it yourself!" Squalo yelled.

"A prince doesn't have to do what he doesn't want to, Shishishi.." Bel left the room, clearly he had satisfied his bloodlust.


"This is why you taunt me, prince?" Squalo whispered into the ear of the boy below. "You want this?" He smirked, as Bel dripped with sweat, he was bleeding. Cut up from Squalo's sword Bel was. And he was loving it. The way Squalo's hands traced Bel's chest, trailing over every detail. His tongue scouting over every wound he made. "Royal blood… tastes good."

Bel woke, sweating. His eyes shifted around the room in confusion as to what just happened. It was… nothing more than a dream. A masochistic dream, and an odd one at that. He never wanted a thing like that from Squalo. Though years ago he thought about it for Gokudera because their fight entertained him so… But never had he thought about Squalo that way. The prince was frustrated, and princes shouldn't have to be, Bel fumed to himself. Sure someone such as Bel wouldn't mind pleasure like that, but… it seemed ridiculous. Disgusting; because it was a member of Varia, not to mention it was Squalo. The prince loved to toy with his enemies, slicing them up for his own eyes entertainment. He laid on his bed, still sweating.

"Superbi Squalo… how annoying." Bel frowned, turning over to fall back asleep.


Short for beginning, sort of an introduction.

I have no idea where I'm going but I'm going to figure something out! =3
