"Her mysteries"


14th century

"The elders and the parliament from the Great four kingdoms, have decided that all alice-users should stop using and relying on their own alices; thus, taking away the alice in each of alice-users for our own good and for all the common-good." a man said, holding a scroll in his hands. The people who have heard what the man said gasped and murmured. "The elders from each of the four kingdoms shall gather here, today, to do the ancient ritual." he added, folding the scroll and leaving the stage.

Then, an old man in his late 50's stood up and faced the crowd. They all stopped talking and bowed their heads as a sign of respect for him. "We know that this is hard for all of you to accept. But if we do not stop using our alices, I'm afraid that she'll never stop. This may be the greatest sacrifice that we alice-users should do." the old man said sadly, he was the king of the land.

Just then, the big door opened. Several men and women came walking in, clad in black cloaks. They were about to do the ritual when suddenly, a woman came in. The crowd gasped when they saw her. The woman, about 45 years-old, had a murderous look in her eyes. "So, I suppose you're planning to this stupid ritual. Hmph!! Don't you think you all are too exaggerated?!" She said.

"Leave now, Menllin!!" the king ordered.

"What if I don't want to?" she mocked.

"Then I guess we also have to take away your powers then!! Guards, Close the doors!!" the king ordered and the knights followed.

"Whoa whoa whoa. . .Why would you include me?! I don't think this is too appropriate for you to do, Zyon!" she taunted, black tornado formed in both of her hands.

"I'm getting bored!(the black tornado disappeared from her hands as she put her hands down) I guess I better get going!" she said, but the doors were locked. She smiled evilly and looked back at the king.

"You'll regret everything, Zyon. I guess this is the story of Leira, am I right? It really did happened! But remember this, Zyon. I curse your granddaughter to be like your wife! A stupid plain writer she is. But, in the 21st century, her first story will come true! What happened in our history and today shall happen again! Her story will bring misery in all man-kind! Try using your alice of changing it, and that will bring more trouble to all of you! " she exclaimed and was captured by the knights. She, too, was included in taking her alice. The king sighed and looked at the cold floor, thinking of everything that happened before. He looked at the elders(men and women in black cloak) and he nodded his head. They continued doing the ritual and after doing it, all the alices of the alice-users have vanished into thin air.

"Arrgghhh!! You'll regret doing this!! Give me my powers back, Zyon!!" she exclaimed, while being dragged away by the knights. The king ordered them to throw her away in the dungeon.

21st century

-Sakura Residence-

It was 5:56 in the morning.

"Not again! Why do I always dream of that?!" a certain brunette asked herself. Her name was Mikan Sakura, 13 years old. She had an auburn hair that reached her waist and chocolate hazel orbs. She stretched her arms as she yawned, she looked at the clock on her bedside table and,

"Oh NO! I'm late!" she brunette almost screamed. She stood up, fixed her bed, ran to the bathroom, then brushed her teeth and took a quick bath. After taking a bath, she dressed up, ran downstairs, went to the dining room and ate her breakfast with a quick flash. She wiped her mouth after drinking her milk. She stood up, grabbed her bag and ran towards the door.

"Bye ma! Bye pa!" she said while going out of the house. "Take care." her parents said.

-Alice Academy-

She walked inside of the classroom, greeting everyone as usual.

"Mikan! Come here!" the twins called out namely Anna and Nonoko. The curious Mikan walked near them. They were actually looking at the students passing by the hallway, in short, they were at the classroom's door. Suddenly, a guy with cerulean eyes and spiky-blonde locks passed by. He was a bit tall, handsome and every girl's dream boy. His name is Ruka Nogi, 14 years old and Mikan WAS secretly admiring him. The moment Ruka looked at Mikan, she hurriedly went back to her seat, leaving the two girls dumbfounded. Anna and Nonoko followed Mikan when the guy left. "Ayhiee. . .She's blushing!" the two girls teased.

"Stop it you two!" Mikan hissed back, covering her blushing face with her hands.

"Want some pictures of him?" a cold voice said. Mikan saw the 5 pictures on her table and looked up to whoever placed it there. It was Hotaru Imai, her BEST friend, who placed it. Hotaru was known as the ice-queen for her cold attitudes. She had an amethyst eyes and raven hair that reached her shoulders.

"T-tha--" she was about to get the pictures when Hotaru grabbed it, fast.

"5000 yen. . .for each!" she smirked.

"Such a meanie!! It's all yours now, I don't want it anyway!!" she exclaimed.

"You sure?" Hotaru asked, waving the pictures in front of her.

"Y-YEAH!!" she said, pouting.

"It's your choice, I guess I should sell this to his fan girls. I'll be rich!" Hotaru said, dollar signs on her eyes.

"Anyway, Hotaru. . .does. . .he know?" Mikan asked out of the blue. Hotaru looked at her for 5 seconds before answering her question.

"Well, from what you're showing him, I bet he knows." she answered and Mikan stood up.

"Oh NO!" she exclaimed.

"I-. . .I-I'll just go s-somewhere." she added and walked out of the room. No one was at the corridors when she went out. It seems that everyone were at their own respective classrooms, preparing for their new lessons. She sighed as she continued walking, her full attention was at the cold floor. Suddenly, she accidentally bumped on someone. She snapped back from reality and bowed her head.

"Gomenasai. . ." she blurted out, not looking at that someone. She gasped, when she realized that it was Ruka who she bumped onto. He stared intently at her hazel eyes but she decided to look away. She continued walking slowly but she stopped when Ruka said "Wait!". She looked back at him, shyly.

"Y-Yes?!" she asked. Ruka walked near to her and said, "Mikan Sakura, right? From class1-A?" he asked.

"H-. . .H-Hai." Mikan answered.

"Is it true? That you have a crush on me?" he asked again, but this time, Mikan didn't answer. She didn't know what to say, speechless.

"That means you're a first year high school student. Well, I'm a second year. But uhm. . .(he looked at her from head to toe) You're pretty, but, I don't like girls like you. It's disgusting on my side, though. I prefer beautiful girls with experience. I could see that you're not one of them. Sorry bout that. I'm just being frank with you." he said and walked away.

"You're pretty, but, I don't like girls like you It's disgusting . I prefer beautiful girls with experience. I'm disgusting?!" she thought and tears started to form in her eyes. She cried and ran inside the CR. No one was in there, too, so she didn't enter one of those cubicles. She sobbed. She didn't expect that Ruka will insult her that way. Suddenly, she heard the door open so she stopped sobbing.

"Baka. . ." the voice said. She smiled, but she can't help but cry. She knew it was Hotaru and perhaps her friend know what happened. Hotaru hugged her, she never saw her Mikan cried like that even before they met.

"You were right Hotaru, he's a bad guy after all." Mikan said, hugging her friend back.

"You should have listened to me before. I told you he wasn't worth it." she replied back, breaking the hug.

"I should leave you for a while, have some time alone." Hotaru said. Mikan nodded and her friend went out of the CR.

"I promise,. . .I won't fall again! Guys are all the same. . .Maybe, I should just be a writer someday and I won't fall again!" she said to herself. She wiped her tears and washed her face. She went back to the classroom and everyone looked at her.

"Where have you been, Ms. Sakura?!" Mr. Jinno asked.

"Oh-oh!" she whispered and chuckled nervously.

"Detention after class." the strict teacher said and Mikan's jaw dropped.

"B-B--But--" she was cut off when, "Do you have any complaints, Ms. Sakura?" he asked and Mikan pouted. She went back to her seat, forgetting the insult she received this morning.

"Mikan, are you okay? What happened to you? Your eyes are puffy. Did you cry?" Anna asked in a whisper. She smiled at her friend and shook her head, "I'm fine." she answered back.

The bell rang, signalling that it was lunch time. Everyone went out of the room except for Mikan and Hotaru.

"Are you okay now?" Hotaru asked coldly.

"Almost, if it weren't for the detention!" Mikan whined which made Hotaru giggled, a little.

"So. . .any plans?" the ice-queen asked again.

"What plans?" Mikan asked back with a confused look on her face.

"Try looking for another guy? Continue admiring him? Move on? What?"

"Hmm. . .3rd choice: Move on! I decided to just continue pursuing my dreams and concentrate more on studies!" Mikan said happily and raised a fist on the air. The ice-queen glared at her.

"Studies? You? Unbelievable!" she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Big meanie!. . ." Mikan muttered and sighed.

"I should have listened to you before. . .I'm ugly and disgusting, that's what he said!" she added. Hotaru just looked at her, listening to what she's going to say next.

"So, I promised myself that I wont fall again! It hurts you know. . ." Mikan said, stuttering.

"You know what, what you felt for him is not love. Just a simple crush. So if I were you, I wouldn't promise anything like that to myself. I mean,. . ." Hotaru said.

"Whoa. . .Hotaru, the cold person in the whole academy, is giving advice to her stupid friend! Hahaha. . ." Mikan laughed out loud, but she stopped when Hotaru gave her a death glare. She grinned and chuckled nervously.

"Kiddin'" Mikan said and made a peace sign.

"I don't even know why I'm wasting my time on listening and giving advice to someone like you!" Hotaru said, being cold again.

"Oh c'mon Hotaru, I'm just kidding! Anyway, thanks! For listening and. . .What were you saying again?"

"Shut up!"

"Mou,. . ." Mikan pouted.

"Take it back if I were you." Hotaru said.

"But. . .you know that I don't break any promises. Once I made a promise, I always fulfil it."

"It's never to late to take it back, you know."

"B-but. . .NO! I will never break it!" Mikan said and stuck her tongue out.

"It's up to you, then. Who knows if a new guy comes here and captures your heart." Hotaru said, walking out of the room.

"Hey! Hotaru, take that back!" Mikan shouted, following her friend.

After classes, Mikan went straight to the detention room. She did what she was told as punishment. After that, she went straight home. After dressing up and eating dinner, she went to her study table inside her bedroom. She opened her notebook, starting to think of a plot of what story she's going to right. It took her for about 3 weeks to finish the story. She put a special lock on it and kept it hidden under the mattress of her bed. She didn't want anyone to read it,she didn't know why.

"Hey! This past few weeks, you've been busy writing. . .something. . .mind to tell me what is it?" Hotaru asked.

"Nah. It's not even important, you know." Mikan answered.

"it's about my weird dreams."


"She wrote the story. . ." a guy said.

"Story?!" a woman asked.

"Yes ma'am." the guy answered.

"Continue watching her, we can't let what happened in the past to happen again." the woman said, the guy nodded and walked out, leaving the woman alone. Just then, another guy came in, but he seemed to be older in his late 50's.

"Zyon." the woman said as he saw the guy.

"Any updates, Leira?" the guy asked.

"Your granddaughter. . .wrote the story. . .Just like what Menllin said." the woman answered.

"Do we have to continue the agreement?" the woman added.

"Of course! We can't let Kyomori and Ayaka be disappointed. They have been our long time friends." the guy exclaimed.

"But we can't force the kids to do what they do not want to do." the woman answered back.

"I know, but this is for the best. I'll tell our son and Yuka that everything's settled. You know that we are doing this for everyone's good." the guy answered.

"I know. . .but. . . We can't let her get pregnant. I've heard that that boy was such a playboy and he had many girlfriends. We do not know if he had touch on one them."

"She wouldn't get pregnant that easily. They will do that after 11 years, and I hope that everything will be settled when that day comes." the guy said.

Chapter 1: "Three Signs"

3 years later

-In Italy-

A 17-year-old guy was staring at the small window. He had a crimson red orbs and messy raven hair that makes him look. . .H-O-T, as the girls say. His name is Natsume Hyuuga. Natsume and his parents were on a private plane. Their destination: Japan. Natsume sighed. He didn't want to leave Italy. He had his reasons though.

1. Italy was the place he loved.

2. He could do anything in Italy that no one could stop him, even his parents.

3. Fun. He had so many girlfriends and he would always hang out in the bar.

4. Everything was perfect in Italy.

And lastly,

5. He had his own place away from his parents. He was only forced to leave Italy, for some business.

"When will I get back to Italy?" he asked his parents coldly.

"When we finished our business. In the mean time, you'll be studying at the Alice Academy. Your uncle owns it and your cousin is there too." his father said.

"Could you just tell me what the hell is that stupid business?" he asked again, annoyed.

"You'll know when we get to Japan." his mother said. He wasn't close to his parents. In fact, he hated them. Since he was a kid, his parents didn't pay much attention to him. They were always busy for work, work and work. They always work and that they have forgotten about their son. But what he didn't know, they were only doing it for him, for his own good and his future. If it weren't for them, he wouldn't be alive, but if it weren't for them, he wouldn't be a cold person. He rolled his eyes and looked at the window again. The plane started to take off and hours later, they will reach Japan in no time.

-Imai Residence-

"What happened to you? Have you eaten something or do you have fever?" Hotaru asked, looking at the 55 story papers her baka friend made. Mikan giggled.

"I'm fine Hotaru. I just remembered the promise I made 3 years ago." Mikan answered.

"You look addicted to it." Hotaru said.

"Well I guess I am addicted to it. After all, this is what I want." Mikan smiled.

"Are you sure you really wanted this?" Hotaru asked making Mikan confused.

"What do you mean? Of course this is what I want." Mikan answered with a puzzled look on her face.

"I'm talking about the promise that you won't fall again." Hotaru said, eyeing Mikan. Mikan kept quiet and turned serious at what Hotaru said.

"Y-Yeah. . .I guess. . ." she answered and smiled, bitterly. She stood up and roam around Hotaru's room, while Hotaru was reading one of her stories. Mikan looked at the photo frames, on top of the drawers. Her eyes widen in shock when she saw a guy that looked exactly like RUKA.

"H-Hotaru. . .wh-who i-is this g-guy in the p-picture with y-you?" Mikan asked, stammering.

"Him?!" Hotaru asked as she stood up, walked near Mikan and looked at the picture.

"Him. . .He's Riko." Hotaru answered, sadly.

"Riko?!" Mikan blurted out and Hotaru just nodded.

-Alice Academy-

It was 7:30 in the morning when a 16-year-old brunette was running down in the big corridors. She woke up late again as usual.

"I'm late again! Please, Kami-sama. . .Not Jinno-sensei. . ."she prayed in her thoughts.

Suddenly, while she was running, she accidentally bumped on someone again. She fell on the cold floor, making her short skirt flip up. She hurriedly put her skirt in place and stood up.

"Gomenasai. . ." she bowed her head and picked her things up.

"Watch where you're going,. . .polka-dots." a cold yet masculine voice said.

"polka-dots?" Mikan asked in her thoughts. A vein popped out in her head, her eyes widen and she clenched her fists. She stood up again, ready to face her opponent.

"YOU BIG PERVERT!!" she screamed at him, her face was red because of anger.

"Shut up, you ugly big-mouthed girl!" the guy hissed back.

"Look who's talking. I already apologized but you're here insulting me. Who the heck are you, anyway?" Mikan exclaimed.

"Like I care. You're the one who bumped on to me, it's your fault then, not mine. You're asking me who I am? Tch. I'm not interested to get to know you well." the guy said arrogantly.

"Well, I'm not interested on knowing you too Mr. Arrogant. Whoever you are." Mikan shouted and walked away.

"What a day I'm having." Mikan/Natsume muttered under their breaths.

Mikan entered the classroom. She sighed in relief that there was no teacher yet.

"Ohayo gusaimas!" she greeted everyone.


"Morning Mikan-chan." her classmates greeted back except for Hotaru. She attemtep to hug Hotaru but she failed, when Hotaru pushed her away.

"Baka. . .Stop doing that." she said.

"Hotaru, you're so mean!!" Mikan hissed back going to her seat.

The twins, Anna and Nonoko went to where she was seated.

"Ohayo Mikan-chan." they both said in unison and Mikan smiled at them.

"We were just talking about signs that we read." Anna said.

"Signs?" Mikan asked.

"Hai! Signs. Signs in finding your soul mate." Nonoko answered.

"Hehe. . .Sorry guys, but. . .Not interested. 100% sure, it won't happen." Mikan said.

"Oh c'mon Mikan, just for fun." the twins pleaded.

"Okay?" Mikan said.

"How many signs then?" Nonoko asked.

"3 signs would be fun." Anna said.

"Yeah. Sure." Mikan said.

"Then, hmm. . .The first sign will be. . .Ah! The first guy who enters that door, except for the teachers of course, will be a positive match for Mikan-chan." Anna said.

"What?!" Mikan exclaimed.

"Don't worry Mikan. It's only for fun, though."


Then, students of class 4-A went back to their places when the first teacher entered the room.

"Good Morning my lovely students!" Narumi-sensei said cheerfully. Half of the class greeted him, while the others didn't.

"Well, you will be having a new classmate and please welcome him and treat him nicely. You may enter now." the teacher said as he signalled the 'new student' to come inside. The girls, except for Mikan and Hotaru, began to blush when they saw the guy.

"He's handsome"
"He's so cute."
"Ayhiee. . ." the girls said.

"Introduce yourself." the gay teacher said.

"Do I have to do that?" he asked. His cold voice caught Mikan's attention. She really wasn't participating because she was daydreaming again. She was thinking about what Hotaru said the other day and the sign that anna and nonoko gave her. Well, it's not yet complete, but the first sign came true! She looked at the guy who was standing in front and her eyes widen in shock.
It's him?! She thought. She looked at the two girls sitting in front of her and they looked back at her.

"Hey, Mikan-chan. The second sign is. . ." Anna uttered and looked at Nonoko. They smiled at each other, then turned to Mikan, smiling evilly. Mikan was a bit confused on what they were doing.

"What?" she asked in a whisper looking at Anna then to Nonoko and vice versa.

"If ever he'll be your seatmate, then what we said earlier shall come true. He'll BE your true soul mate." Nonoko answered.

"Huh?! What kind of sign is that?!" Mikan asked, standing up from her chair, getting everyone's attention.

"Ehem. . ." Narumi-sensei faked a cough. She grinned and chuckled nervously.

"Sumimasen. . ." Mikan said and her attention drifted to the guy in front. She saw him smirked, she looked away and sat down.

"She's. . .Interesting."

"But, hey! You know what? I kinda heard that he's engaged at someone here at school. And that's the reason why he came here to Japan." Anna said to Mikan and Nonoko.

"Engaged?" Mikan asked.

"Yeah. When he was born, he was already engaged. His parents and the girls parents had an agreement that their child will be together. Well, that's kinda sad though." Anna answered.

"Hm. He won't be able to find his true love. His futures are already planned and he can't do anything to break it off." Nonoko continued.

"You two have watch too much drama series. Where did you get that information anyway, Anna-chan?" Mikan asked.


"Hyuuga Natsume. 17 years old. That would do." he said.

"Okay then, so who wants to be paired up with Natsume?" the teacher asked. Most of the girls raised their hands.

"Ah! What about Mikan-chan then? She's seating at the back and she has no partner. Seat beside her Natsume-kun." the teacher added. The girls turned to look at Mikan and gave her death glares. Natsume went to the back seat, he sat down and he smirked at his seatmate, who was Mikan. Anna and Nonoko smiled at Mikan, but Mikan was irritated.

"Wanna know the third sign?" Anna teased.

"Fine! What is it?" Mikan asked, angrily.

"Let him touch your hands, he'll be your soul mate." Anna said. She and Nonoko looked at Hotaru, and they all smirked at Mikan.

"That's all for today, free-time for you!" the teacher said and walked out of the class.

"What are you doing there, Mr. Arrogant, not to mention, PERVERT?!" Mikan asked.

"Didn't you hear what that gay teacher said?" Natsume asked.

"Well, I wasn't knida listening. Mind to tell me what he said?" she mocked.

"Tch. Shut up!" Natsume said.

"You're seating there because he told you to?! What a day!" Mikan said, standing up. She went near to Hotaru, who just eyed coldly at her.

"I need to tell you something." Mikan said and they went out of the room, heading to the girl's CR. No one was at the CR again, so Mikan said everything about Anna and Nonoko giving signs.

"I know." Hotaru said.

"You know?! All this time, you know what's going on?!" Mikan exclaimed.

"Yeah." Hotaru answered, coldly.

"I asked them to tell you about it. Guess I succeeded again." she added.

"But why Hotaru? I thought you were my best friend!" Mikan whined.

"I never said such a thing." Hotaru smirked.

"Meanie. . .So what if the third sign happens then? What will his fiancée say?" Mikan pouted.

"It's just for fun right? And why are you worried about his fiancée?" Hotaru asked.

"Yeah, why am I worried? I'm getting worried for nothing. Hotaru, I beg you, take back the sign. Please." Mikan begged, literally using her puppy-dog-eyes.

"No will do, Baka Mikan. . .Once I had a weird premonition, and ended up saying it, it will come true, you know." Hotaru said coldly, ignoring Mikan who looks like a real dog with it's tongue out.

"What if you are his true fiancée, Mikan?" Hotaru asked which made Mikan stood up.

"What?! Me?! His fiancée?! You're ill, Hotaru!! How can I be his fiancée?! I--" Mikan uttered, her eyes widen and she looked at Hotaru.

"HOTARU!!! Take that back!!" Mikan screamed, she was at the verge of crying.

"Oops!" Hotaru said, emotionless.

"Break your promise and I'll take it back." she added.

"I don't want to! I won't break the promise!" Mikan said, teary-eyed.

"It's up to you then. I can't do anything about that, though."

"FINE! I'm. . .taking the promise back. . . NOO!! I will never break my promise! And I assure you that premonition of yours that I becoming Natsume's fiancée will never come true." Mikan said in a fast tone. Good thing Hotaru wasn't a baka like her and she understood what Mikan told her.

"You sure? You know me very well, Mikan. Never did I had a mistake on my "premonition" kind of thing." she said to her.

"Could I ask you a question? Why do you want me to break my promise?" Mikan blurted out.

"Come to your senses, Mikan. You know very well that that "promise" of yours has no sense at all. Just because he insulted you, doesn't mean you have to do such a thing." Hotaru answered angrily. Well, she was right. What Mikan had promised makes no sense at all. But the reason why Mikan did that, was because she didn't want to feel the pain she felt before. Hotaru knows that of course, she only didn't want Mikan to regret what she's doing and end up crying again. She wants her to be strong enough to conquer that kind of emotion.

"I'm just wasting my time again." she added and walked out of the CR, leaving Mikan dumbfounded.


Mikan went back to the classroom and she noticed that Hotaru was kind of ignoring her. She went back to her seat. She covered her face with a shonen manga that placed on her table, she pretended that she was reading it. Suddenly, she felt warm hands on her. She looked at whoever did it and to her surprise, it was none other than Natsume Hyuuga.

"Taking someone's property with no permission?" he said coldly as he pulled the manga from her.

"He. . .Touched my hand?!"

"Sorry. . .W-Why d-did you touched m-my hand?" Mikan asked, stuttering.

"Getting too conservative, eh? Doesn't suit you. Simple. To get this." he said as he showed that manga and threw it at the trash bin.

"Hey! Why did you do that?!" Mikan asked.

"Tch. I don't want get infected by your baka germs. It's dirty and besides, it's ONLY $80. I could buy another one." he replied arrogantly.

"$80?! For just one book?!" she asked, stood up and went over to take the manga at the trash bin.

"Why did you took it?" he asked.

" It's too expensive! If you don't want it, then I would have it! Like you said, it's $80! I could imagine how rich you are, no wonder you have bad attitudes!" she said.

"Tch. Whatever." he said and rolled his eyes.

"How rude, arrogant and boastful this guy is! Bloody bastard!" she thought while staring at him.

"Fallen for me, polka?" he smirked.

"-scoff- Don't be so full of yourself, Mr." she said and looked away.

to be continued

xheenie_cailiyu: waaaah!!! how was it? please review!!! i wanna know your POV's kind of stuff!!! hehe...:D