- Chapter 6 -
The pitiful ending
The crowd of kids finished with the congratulations to the best couple (Zim and Gaz) after ten minutes of compliments. After that, everybody's attention was focused again on their own couples. Gaz celebrated it in her own way, eating the largest slice of pizza from the only table not visited by Gir. Zim was at her side, but refused to eat.
-Yeargh... you and your *filthy* human food. I can not digest that junk -Zim protested.
-Thoo bahd -Gaz said, chewing.
-Ah, whatever... -Zim turned-. At least everything ended well. This is another victory for *Zim*! I proved I can be human enough...
-Tha blondy thook off, rhunnin'...
-Yeah... -Zim smiled, then turned at Gaz-. Let me tell you I had never meet such an inhuman character like you, never since the first time I stepped on this dusty rock of painful... pain.
Music was heard again... A slow love song.
-Ick... -Zim said, looking at the loudspeakers-. You, humans, have a strange taste with music.
-I theenk so...
Zim noticed all the kids beginning to dance again, holding their dates close. Dib, still stunned because of the last blow against a wall, went by, being forced to dance with the nerdy girl. Even Gir was slowly dancing with its rubber piggy close to it. Zim and Gaz glanced at the scene.
-How... pathetic -Zim commented.
Gaz nodded. A *CLICK!* was heard. It startled both Zim and Gaz, who hurried to look down. Their boots where blinking again.
-The dancing boots! -Zim gasped-. I forgot we still have...!
Before Zim could finish that sentence, the boots, following the slow tune, forced Zim and Gaz to dance again, this time, facing each other very close.
-Zim, stop this! -Gaz whispered, trying to control her feet. Zim hurried to hold her with his hands, one on her back, and the other grasping her hand-. What are you doing?? -the girl scowled.
-Pretend you're dancing! -the alien whispered, worried-. The boots won't stop until the music does!
-Grrr... fine... -Gaz protested. She also held him.
To Zim and Gaz's disgust, the boots slowly brought them to the center of the dance hall.
-How brilliant of you -Gaz whispered-. "Use these boots", you told me. "They'll start dancing about thirty seconds after the music begins, so they'll learn the music patterns", you said... How witty of you.
-Okay, fine! I admit I forgot to turn them off! -Zim whispered back-. It's just a slow dance, that's all! After it, I'm turning them off for good. I don't want to be dancing, anyway.
-Neither do I... -Gaz scowled.
The boots kept them dancing, while some other couples went to their sides. Some greeted them; some also congratulated them for their steps... but one couple meant trouble.
The brace-girl, still holding a really stunned Dib, approached, dancing.
-Heh, heh, you two are a nice couple -she said.
-Yeah, sure, whatever -Gaz murmured.
-Heh, how lucky of you. I should have chosen Zim when he asked me to.
Gaz raised her head a little. Zim didn't noticed this.
-What do you... mean -Gaz hissed, turning her head at the nerdy girl.
-Well, he asked me to be his dance date, which nobody else had ever done, heh, heh, but your brother also wanted to ask me out. So, you're lucky having him.
The nerdy girl resumed her dance, not really realizing what she had just done. Gaz turned her scowling eyes to Zim.
-What? -Zim asked, not worried, when he noticed his date was scowling.
-So... -she hissed-, THAT is why Dib actually got a date, eh? -Zim blinked-. He just beat you at getting that dorky girl.
-Yes, so? -Zim just said.
-And then... you chose *me* because I was the last girl in the city without a darn date... isn't that right, *Zim*??
Zim realized Gaz was not exactly "pleased" about it. She was almost crushing his hand with hers.
-What's so wrong about it? -Zim defended-. You beat "valenines" Day. You achieved your goal. Why are you making such a big deal?
-Because -Gaz slowly, painfully said-. *I* am HUMAN... Zim. Maybe I can be dark, or cold... or whatever you or any of the *pathetic*, dumb, idiotic other kids think... but *I* also have feelings.
Gaz found it hard to say the few last words. Her voice sounded drowned.
-Big deal -Zim muttered-. I'm here *only* because I was forced. I was planning to use a robot as a date, but Dib said he would discover it, so, I had to use a *human* instead.
He did it. Gaz took a huge, deep sigh... held it for a while... and released it, heavily. A tear appeared from one of her eyes.
-I haven't beaten Valentines Day at all... -Gaz hissed-. It will always be a dark day for me. Nothing good will really happen... *You* have just proven it.
Zim didn't want to reply, although he realized his date was not happy at all, and he was supposed to keep her happy.
-As soon as the music stops -she warned him-, as soon as this... *painful* and horrible dance is over... I will release you, maybe PUSH you... and then I'll ran away, crying... feeling miserable... feeling like the most meaningless human ever...
There was a bright flash.
-STOP IT!! -a younger Gaz screamed-. STOP IT!! I AM NOT A LOSER!! I AM NOT!!
The semi-circle of kids approached her, screaming "LOSER!" at the top of their lungs. Gaz, kneeling and holding her head with both hands, suddenly stood up and ran away, dropping bright tears of fear and pain in the path, making her way among the crowd of kids yelling the "L" word at her. She ran out the cafeteria and out skool too, but she tripped when going down the stoop and, with a short scream, she met the floor.
She stayed there, motionless, whimpering, not really wanting to stand up again. The echoes of the kids, still yelling the "L" word, came at her ears from the cafeteria.
-I hate Valentines Day! -she cried, pounding the solid ground with a tight, closed, little fist-. I hate it! I hate it!! I HATE IT!!!
A new bright flash.
-... just as it happened... the last time I dared coming to a darn Valentines Day Dance -Gaz, shivering, whispered.
Zim didn't reply. Somehow, he didn't feel he should. Gaz was trembling, he could tell by his hands on her back and hand; her breath was deep and strong, also cut; and she had tears in her eyes, so many bright, tiny tears of sadness. For a girl who didn't show emotions, this was shocking to see, even for Zim.
The slow love song ended... the kids (and the boots) stopped dancing... but Zim didn't release Gaz.
-Let me go- Gaz whispered.
Zim doubted, but obeyed. His hands went back to both sides of his body. Gaz glanced at him for a few seconds, like she were waiting him to do something... like she were waiting him to STOP her, before she left. Zim didn't move. Gaz sniffed loudly, turned, and walked to the cafeteria's door, Zim's eyes following her. Gaz pushed the door... she stopped. The girl glanced over her shoulder, but Zim was still in the same place.
She broke down and went out, running and crying.
-I wonder -Zim whispered- if this unexpected reaction could influence my mission tonight.
He looked around. All the kids were with their dates. Nobody really noticed Gaz exiting. Zim was the only one alone. That couldn't be normal.
Zim spotted Gir (without its disguise), bringing another dish with food under a table. He went there and hid under it, meeting his fellow mate.
-Gir! I...
-Kiss the piggy!
Gir sent the rubber nose of the piggy to its master's lips, but Zim was quicker and stopped it with a hand. He scowled.
-This is SERIOUS, Gir... -he hissed-. I believe I've made some mistake with my human... but I do not realize what. What does your recorded data say?
Gir's eyes turned red. It seemed as if it was submerged in a deep thought. The robot finally answered.
-I don't know, sir! Please, be more specific!
Zim growled.
-She heard I chose her as a last chance option and she freaked out, okay?? -the alien almost screamed.
To his surprise, Gir's eyes become cyan, but the robot did not smile. It sent both metal hands to its head, dropping the rubber piggy.
-How... could... you??? -it squeaked, curiously horrified.
-Huh? -Zim raised an eyebrow.
-Humans do not like to feel they're second in anything, master! -the robot gasped-. Specially Valentine DATES!! They want to feel as if they are all their date thinks about! They want to feel they're special!! What you just did was incorrect!!
-What?! -Zim spat-. You mean all a person can do to make someone else happy can be RUINED just by a single, senseless quotation?!
-Yes! -the robot squeaked.
Zim turned, lost in a thought.
-This is not good! Not good at all! The success of our mission this night is based on keeping my date happy! -he gulped-. And I just failed!
Zim raised the tablecloth and peeked to the cafeteria's door... then at Gir.
-I'll try to find her and... I don't know... do something to fix all this!
Zim came out from under the table, heading the door. Gir took the rubber piggy and glanced at it.
-Whaaat? ... Oh, yes! My master will need help! Good idea, piggy!
Gir jumped into its pup suit, and went after its master.
Zim came out of the cafeteria, looking everywhere. He spotted something, next to a gateway. It was one of the dancing boots Gaz had. Zim crouched and picked it up, examining it carefully. Gir appeared next to him.
-Gir! Use your electric wave detector and find the matching frequency for the other boot! -the alien ordered.
-Yes, sir! -Gir obeyed.
The green pup turned and dashed at top speed... colliding against the wall behind it. Gir fell backwards to the floor.
-I'm okay! -the robot squeaked-. I'm on the way!!
Gir stood up in a jump, grabbed its rubber piggy and dashed away again, following the hallway. Zim ran after it.
-Go! Go, my searching robot! -he yelled-. Find my date!
Gir reached a fork. It stopped and glanced at the many entrances.
-There! -it pointed at one of the halls-. I can sense the missing boot! It is that way! Yaaay, follow meeeeee!!!
Gir resumed the search, running hastily. Zim went after it.
The small robot lead Zim down several hallways, turning at various corners and forks, going up by a couple of staircases... and, finally...
-There it is!! Wheeee, I found it!!
Gir stopped in front of the second boot. Zim approached and examined it.
-The cords were wildly cut -Zim observed-. I think she had problems to take this off, so she CUT the cords.
He raised his sight. In front of the boot there was a semi-opened door, with a sign on it which read "ROOF". Zim opened the door. There was a dark staircase, going up to the outside, as the blinking stars of the black sky made Zim realize.
-Gaz? -he asked. Nobody replied-. Human date?
No answer. Zim climbed the stairs. He appeared on the skool's roof.
The alien slowly scanned the surroundings... until his disguised eyes found his date. Gaz was sitting on the border of the roof, her back to Zim. She didn't seem to notice the alien had reached the roof.
Zim walked to her. Gir appeared by the roof door as its master began to walk. The alien gave unsure steps in total silence. He heard something... a soft sobbing, also a few sniffs.
-Stop right there -Gaz hissed, not turning at Zim.
Zim froze. He was still far away from her.
-Go away -she whispered.
-I am here to make you feel happy -Zim said in a strange tone.
Gaz didn't move, neither she replied in that same moment.
-If you want to make me happy -she said, seconds later-, then GO AWAY!
Zim smiled.
-Okay, human couple!
He turned, and headed to the staircases, wrongly thinking that was all he needed to do... but he stopped when spotting Gir, guarding the door. It was scowling and shaking its puppy head, embracing its piggy.
Zim raised an eyebrow at it in confusion. Gir pointed at Gaz with a puppy hand. Zim glanced at her over his shoulder. She was still sobbing, not turning at him. Zim's exit wasn't making her happy at all.
Zim glanced again at Gir. His fellow robot repeated the indication with its paw. Zim understood; it was advising him to go at her. Zim nodded, turned, and walked at the lone girl.
-Excuse me... -Zim said when stopping right after her.
-I told you to go away -she hissed with drowned voice, not turning at him-. Why can't you follow such a simple order?
-Because my current mission is to make my human date happy -he explained, scowling a little.
Gaz, once more, didn't reply or turn.
-You did enough, tonight -she finally said-. Leave me alone, before you do something stupider. I had enough Valentines havoc for my entire life... this night in particular.
Zim didn't reply. Gaz continued.
-Dad never seemed to care... my *friends* ignored me... and tonight, even an ALIEN admitted he had to choose me as a last chance -she hissed, and finally turned her head at him-. Don't make this worse.
Zim saw her tears. Gaz turned again, glancing at the city at the other side of the street. The alien sat next to her, but she didn't seemed to notice.
-The human race is…rather hard to understand -he said finally-. You all have so many unexpected reactions that it becomes hard, even for an Invader of my knowledge, to keep track of every possible attitude.
-Great, I'm going through a Valentines Day crisis and *YOU* are giving me alien history classes -she whispered-. Don't you know how to make a girl happy? -she turned at him.
Zim didn't reply. Gaz sighed, turning again at the city.
-Why don't you try saying something nice? -she scowled-. I wouldn't really mind, you know?
Zim looked aside. Gir was at his side. The alien glanced at it, confused. The tiny robot was acting strange, pointing at Zim and kissing its rubber piggy several times in its pink, rubber nose. Zim preferred to ignore that strange behavior and ask...
-Like what?
Gaz glanced at the sky, and saw the magnificent white full moon, shining behind a couple clouds.
-The moon... -she whispered- ... Look at it... What do you think of it?
Zim glanced at the moon... but scowled.
-That? Ha! Just a useless piece of rock, orbiting around this even more useless, dusty planet of... *dust*.
Gaz glanced at him.
-Gee, you know how to be romantic, don't you? -she growled.
Zim shrugged. Gaz returned her sight to the city. The alien heard a "Psstt!" and turned. Gir was pointing at him, again, and kissing the piggy several times. Zim raised an eyebrow and wondered if his robot needed a new Common Sense chip.
-How about... the stars? -Gaz said, looking up at the infinite black-. What do you think of them?
-Ah, the stars! -Zim said, looking away from Gir and focusing on the many blinking dots over their heads-. I love them!
Gaz turned at him, smiling a little.
-Do you?
-Yes... The Irken Empire will one day *RULE* all those suns and their planetary systems! -he smiled evilly-. And *I* will be part of it, as soon as I conquer this planet!
Gaz's smile went away.
-I'm wasting my time with you -she whispered, turning her lowered head-. I'm condemned to a life of Valentines Nightmares...
Zim glanced at her, worried. He wasn't making her any happier, even after his speeches, he thought. What was he doing wrong??
-... no matter how hard I try -she resumed, dropping a few tears-, nobody will *ever* realize I do have... feelings.
She got quiet. Zim examined her, carefully, not knowing what to do next. Something pulled his sleeve. Zim turned and found Gir, scowling and grabbing him by his arm with a black paw. The pup released him and repeated the mimics. It pointed at Zim... and then it began to KISS the rubber piggy.
Zim was fed up of that stupid actions. Without Gaz noticing it, he snatched the rubber piggy from Gir's hands in a quick movement. Gir got sad and Zim muttered a quick "Stop bothering!".
Zim, scowling, turned his attention to the city... and then at the piggy in his hands. He didn't want it.
-Here, take it... -he said, numbly, extending a hand with the piggy right under Gaz's eyes... a couple of eyes which suddenly widened, showing big, shiny, amber, square pupils.
Two trembling hands slowly touched the rubber surface of the toy animal. Zim released his own hand and folded both over his chest, while his scowling eyes kept focused on the sky, thinking on a solution to his problem.
He didn't realize the solution had been already reached.
-F-For me...?
Zim turned. Gaz was staring at the little piggy with widened eyes. She slowly turned at him. To Zim's astonishment, she actually smiled at him.
-Thanks... -she whispered-. Thanks a lot... I... Nobody... Nobody ever...
She had problems talking, but Zim recognized her current feelings as...
-Happiness??? -the alien said-. You seem happy!
-I am -Gaz whispered, holding the rubber piggy closer-. This is the... the best... Valentines present I ever had... -her eyes shone-. Thanks.
-I did it! -Zim cheered, raising both hands to the infinite black-. I made my date happy! I proved I can be human enough! I...!
He stopped. There was something wrong. Gaz had slid a little, getting closer to him.
-Hey, what's wrong with you? -the alien said, glancing at her shining eyes.
Gaz's smile kept tiny, but visible. Her eyes were totally opened and shiny. Her hands held the piggy close to her chest... to her *heart*. She was staring at Zim, and he could feel some kind of odd aura around. He wasn't comfortable for that sight, so he looked down, but he noticed her naked feet, hanging from the roof, were being swung in joy. He gulped and turned at Gir.
-Gir! -he whispered, worried-. I believe the human next to me is having some kind of diseaseful disease, or something! She's acting really strange! What is it??
The small pup smiled.
-I think it's *loooooove*... -it said, almost singing the words.
-What? -Zim asked... but something called his attention.
He felt something holding his shoulder... a hand. He turned (with fear) and found Gaz, still smiling at him with both wide eyes fixed on his. She left the rubber piggy at a side, so she could hold his remaining shoulder with her newly free hand.
-Don't you worry! -Zim exclaimed as Gaz slowly approached her head to his-. I might be able to find a cure for whatever you are going through! I need to keep you happy, so I...!
He wasn't able to keep talking... because Gaz had glued her lips to his.
-So... beautiful... -Gir said, sweeping a tear off.
Gaz kept her eyes closed during the kiss. Zim had his own very open. They finally separated. Gaz opened wide her eyes. Zim seemed paralyzed.
-Thanks for everything, Zim -she just said.
Zim felt something. That strange aura... the closeness... the warmth... He finally reacted.
-AAAAAAHHHHH!!! -he screamed, standing up in a quick jump and waving arms in panic-. I'VE BEEN CONTAMINATED WITH *NASTY* HUMAN BACTERIUM!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!
Zim was so panicked that he began to run around, finally falling off the edge of the roof, right to the grass below. Gir ran after his master, stopped right on the border and turned at Gaz.
-Bye! -the small robot squeaked-. Take care of the piggy!
And with that, it jumped after his master, emitting a loud "Wheeee!" of joy.
-I will... -Gaz said, focusing her amber eyes on the bright moon up there.
Zim walked back home, being helped by Gir because he was dragging a leg (result of the fall).
-Master has a new friend? -the robot smiled.
-Quiet, Gir! -Zim protested, painfully-. This "Valenines" Day thingy was one of the most DANGEROUS experiences of my whole life as the Invader I am... I'm just glad this is finally over.
-She seemed nice to me -the robot squeaked.
-I won't deny she is different -he whispered-. Maybe the only human I've met who doesn't ACT like any of the other stinking, annoying critters around. She even happens to have the common sense of hating all this human party foolishness.
They reached the base. Gir opened the door for its master.
-Thanks Gir...
-You like her? -it said.
-Like *her*?? -Zim shouted-. I *HATE* all the humans! Remember, Gir, Irken Invaders need no friendship! No one!!
The small robot got sad, and went inside the house. Zim dragged his injured leg in, and was about to close the door of his HQ... when she noticed the moon, up in the dark sky.
Zim glanced at it... so big... so white... just like Gaz. For a couple of seconds, the alien imagined it had purple hair and two scowling eyes. The moon surface resembled Gaz's skin color.
The alien gasped, stepping back. The moon had returned to normal. Zim sighed deeply.
-But I'm afraid... this is not just... -and he gulped- ... a *friendship*...
He closed the door of the house, slowly, to go to rest.
Dib seemed injured and angry. He was holding the door open from the inside of the house, so his couple could keep talking to him at the other side of the door.
-Heh, heh, oh, thanks for such a fun night! -the nerdy girl said-. It was one of the best...
-Finally! -Dib whispered at the ceiling, smiling, after having slammed the door on his date's face.
-Thanks for everything! -the giggling voice of his date said from the other side of the wooden surface, while Dib was heading to his room.
He went by Gaz on his way to the room, but he didn't notice her. He was much too tired and injured to think. He only wanted to lie on his bed and forget this night ever happened.
Gaz glanced at him when he went by, scowling as she used to, but also embracing something with both arms. A small pink rubber piggy. She looked aside and spotted something on the floor. The branch of roses Zim had brought to her, that same afternoon. She didn't smile, but went and scooped it up. Then, she headed to the kitchen and filled a jar with water; took the paper of the branch away, and submerged the green cuts of the roses in the fresh liquid.
Gaz took the jar and left it on the small table in the living room.
-That Zim guy -she whispered- is one of the freakiest, odd, and strangest beings I've ever met... -and she smiled- ... just like me...
She walked to her room, but stopped after a few steps, turned, and returned to the jar with roses. She grabbed the entire bunch, taking it out the water and putting them back in, but turned upside-down... just like Zim had given them to her. She smiled again, raising the rubber piggy and glancing at it.
-Let's go to sleep, piggy...
She left the room and went to bed, happy, for the first time in a Valentines Day. She beaten it... she knew it. She knew she would not have nightmares that night...
... not that special Valentines night.
-The End-