A/N: Wew the 13th chapter yehey! SO tired, it's already midnight but I finished it for everyone so enjoy!

Disclaimer: I will never own the manga or the anime.

Have a happy vacation~

Chapter 13 - Wavering emotions

If my memory served me right then I wish the lightning bolt would just strike me now, why? Die whoever asked that question. Anyway, even though that thing that happened last night was not more of a GAME, I can sense some weird aura coming from no one else but the black evil pyon, that's right, I gave him a new name. This is the right thing to do.

You were the one who took the initiative, you know you could've just brushed off his threat.

No one asked for your freaking opinion conscience! Shut up I don' t need any distractions.

"Hey, Are you done with that invention of yours??", a demanding tone arose from that someone I don't need to see as of today.

"If only you'd get out of my life right now.", I muttered under breath but the Ruka guy heard it, not that I care.

He pulled my arm so that he could see my face and he exclaimed, "Hey! What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing." I coldly remarked as I continued on with my invention.

Then he just blabbered something crazy, "Sometimes I think you have a multiple personality disorder."


"And how will you know that?"

"Isn't it obvious? First you become aggressive then after that you want to pretend nothing happened!"

Shhh. I don't need his opinion to rule out what I want to decide upon. At any rate, I acted as cold as possible, the slightest actions that I do may affect whatever thinking that guy does, IF the guy ever thinks.

My eyes glared unto his, "Aggressive? That's one of the most foolish things you've ever said."

All of a sudden our little conversation turned into an all out war of our alices.

First I hit him with my baka gun and unsurprisingly I hit him, but the next thing I know a bunch of animals begin to chase me but of course, none of them really harmed me but I had the grand opportunity of reviving the hobby I always treasured.


I took pictures of him and the other animals, and each time I see through the lenses of my camera the more I realize how much..


We actually reached the road from all the petty arguments we had, the road was quiet and all I could see was a rabbit guy and a bunch of trees. I took out my punching gun and I slowly aim at him but someone unexpectedly blocked my shot.

Tsk. What a waste, what a pity that it didn't hit him but in any circumstance I discovered who was the one responsible for blocking my perfect aim.

Narumi-sensei. Great how did he get here all of a sudden?

"Narumi gay sensei, how did you find us?", My eyes looked into his with not much soul in it. Narumi-sensei smiled in a creepy way that it gave me goosebumps.
He then went on with an even creepier move, he hugged me and Ruka tightly like we were lost in oblivion.

"Are you guys okay?", he asked and although I'm not much of a fan of his insanity at times I can put up with the amount of concern that he gives us.

Ruka almost choked from the hug he received from Narumi but I laughed inside my mind about it. Hahaha.

He says, "Please let go of us."

Oh yes, the freaky teacher released us.

After that I saw Mikan and the black cat appear from nowhere, why are the bakas here? Also yes expect from the baka a running Mikan.

Mikan ran so fast that I had this natural reaction of shooting her and so her body darted towards the ground but Natsume caught her. Aww, How CUTE.

"Hotaru-chan, I was so worried!", her eyes were all teary and she was actually frantic about it.

I just simply remarked, "Get angry at that blond guy beside me for getting me lost." Then I looked at him with sparkly eyes.

He mouthed, "I'll get you if Sakura-chan gets angry at me."

Ohh I see lingering feelings ehh? Cool, this might be pretty interesting.

You just want to make sure if that's the truth or not.

How many times do I have to tell me conscience to shut up? Fine, no one bother answering.

I ran towards the car immediately after that then those 4 followed after. I'm so irritated, and when did I ever get irritated? Yes, it was since HE revealed his true nature to me.

Am I cursed when it comes to seating arrangements? Because this is the craziest position I've been in. First the Black Pyon is at the right side then at my left side, there's a black cat who is busy frolicking with Mikan's hair. How could he just go on and play with her hair? For some reason, it seemed like an eye sore to me.

"Stop playing with her hair." , I coolly said as I pretend to read a book, an uninvited guy just butts in saying, "Why do you want me to play with your hair like what he does?"

What does he want?

Besides, my hair's short, wait, do I actually want someone to PLAY with my hair? No, bloody no.

But under any reasons he just did an action on his own and honestly, I don't understand him anymore. He brushed my bangs with his fingers and my hair slowly fell back to its place, what the? Ruka guy leaned to my ears as I continued to pretend not to hear or see anything.

"Let's do that game again some time." , he whispered softly to my ears. My hair was standing after that, now that's what you call CREEPY.

As soon as he went back to his position I glared long and hard at him, I kicked him in his leg while we were seated. At first he seemed to flinch but then he kicked me back. This guy is testing my patience again oh great.

A gun came out from my pocket and I pointed it in the lower part of his body, "I'm going to aim this to where you'll remember it the most, I'll shoot it so you won't have children anymore."

The Black blondie pyon pyon looked at me saying, "How are we going to have children if you act like that?"

Oh Please give back the embarrassed Ruka.

I almost forgot that Mikan, Natsume and Narumi were in the car as well, was I that well adjusted ti being alone with him? NO, erase those unforgivable thoughts, Mikan's eyes widened in what she heard, Natsume looked dull and Narumi was in his own world.

My stare at him can melt anything now if I had the power to do that.

In the middle of our trip back I told him, "How about I shoot it now?"

Am I PMS-ing? Why am I so short-tempered today?

A/N: LOL just when I thought I'll finally be writing a longer chapter. xD anyway, I beg your pardon for corrupting your brains with my no sense of humor haha xD.

Love you all!

Aishiteru~ Hope you enjoyed and understood something xD.

Ja ne!