Bella walked into her dorm room for the last time this school year. She was headed home for the summer, and was making her last round to make sure that she would not to leave anything behind. She was about to leave when her best friend appeared at her door.
"You headed out?" Angela asked as Bella began to leave.
"Yeah, I am headed home."
"Things will defiantly be a lot different in the country than they are here." Bella smirked at what her friend had said. She loved her family's home, but city life did have its advantages. It is kind of hard to go clubbing in a town with less than five thousand people, seventy five percent of which are over the age of fifty. Yeah, city life had its perks.
"I'll live. Don't forget you have to come visit me." Bella said as she and Angela walked toward the parking lot.
"Why would I go to the country? Will there even be anything to do?"
"Between the two of us, I am sure we will find something to do." The pair laughed knowing that they would stir up some trouble.
"Don't forget to call me. Anytime you get tired of country life come stay with me at my dad's condo."
"I will." Bella smiled and bid her friend a good summer.
Now Bella was almost home. Her family owned a small ranch about an hour and a half outside Houston. The ranch was on the outskirts of town, with no neighbors for miles. That was one of the best things about the home, the seclusion. Bella and her brother would be out clowning around till the wee hours of the morning without a care in the world. The pair would ride four wheelers, dirt bikes, and horses. Their parent's worked hard to make sure they had everything they wanted or needed, although lately the family was having some money issues.
Bella drove through town with her music blaring. It was only five, but she was beginning to get tired and the music was helping her stay awake. She had been driving all day. As she pulled down the road to her home she became excited to see everyone. She pulled up her drive way and saw her mom and dad standing there. As soon as she was out of the car her mother had her wrapped in a hug.
"Isabella, my baby," her mother cooed as she hugged her.
"Hey mom," Bella said smiling as her mother released her. Her dad stepped up next.
"Hey princess," He said as he embraced her.
"Daddy," she mumbled as she was wrapped in her father's arms. The three walked into the house, with her dad carrying her bags.
"Where is Matt?" Bella asked looking around for any sign of her brother.
"He is out at the club house with Cody. Why don't you walk out there and say hello," her mother said. Bella said that she would and began the long walk out to the club house. Her dad had built it when she was younger, and now her brother had taken it over. It was in the middle of the woods, a place where one could be alone, away from everyone and everything.
"Bella," Her brother Matt yelled as he raced toward her.
"Hey Matt, hey Cody." She said as she hugged the two boys. Cody was like a brother to her, seeing as he was always at the house or Matt over at his during the summer. She sat and talked to the boys for a while and then started back toward the house. On the way she noticed an old trail that led to the lake. The lake at sunset was always one of Bella's favorite sights, so she decided to take the long way home by the lake. Bella sat by the lake watching the sun set, as soon as it got dark the tempting water became too much and she decided to go skinny dipping. She floated around in the water, relaxing, loving the feel of the cool water on her skin. She had always loved skinny dipping on summer nights. Her parents would flip if they knew that she swam naked, but it didn't matter to her. She was the only one for miles, and it had always made her feel adventurous. Bella floated in the water for a while just looking at the darkening sky when she heard a dog bark. She looked toward the bank and saw a large dog barking at her.
"Hush Beau," she heard a deep voice yell. She turned her head to see a large figure walking from far off with a flash light. The person was a good ways away so she decided to chance it. She swam back to the bank, gathering her cloths and darting into the woods. She ran and ran, never looking back to see if the large man had followed her. She stopped just before the clearing where her home was to put her clothes on.
When she walked into her home she immediately ran up the steps to her room so that she could change out of her now wet clothes. After frantically searching her suitcase for dry clothes she settled for a pair of short pajama bottoms that showed off the bottom of her butt and a tight tank top. After changing she heard her mother call her down for dinner. She quickly towel dried her hair, and pulled it in to a ponytail and went downstairs.
"Dad," Bella asked her father as they sat eating.
"Yeah," her dad said as he watched television, not really listening.
"I went walking and there was a man at the lake," Bella said expecting her dad to be surprised.
"That was probably Mark. He bought the back third of the property." What he lived here?
"Oh, OK. I was just startled."
"Don't worry about him. He is a big guy, but he pretty much keeps to himself." Bella just shrugged; hopefully she wouldn't have to worry about the man she streaked in front of. The three were talking about Bella's plans for the summer when the doorbell rang.
"Who could that be?" Her mother asked before getting up to answer the door. Bella remained in her seat eating until she heard her mother say "Hello Mark." Bella choked on the meat she was eating and told her dad she was going to the bathroom. She got up from the table in such a hurry that she had no time to stop before crashing into the large chest that was now in front of her. Bella was a short girl at five foot four inches, but this man could make anyone feel short. Bella looked up at the large man, panic running through her. He was gorgeous. She said she was sorry and side stepped him on her way to the bathroom. She could feel him staring at her retreating form and got flushed. She closed the bathroom door, and stood there listening to the conversation taking placing in the next room.
"Mark what brings you over, would you like some dinner?" her mother asked.
"No I just ate a little while ago. I was just wondering who I saw down by the lake, but I guess I know now," she heard the large man say. What a deep voice he had, it sent chills down her spine. Just imagining him made her blush. He was defiantly the definition of fine if she ever saw one, but how could she face him after tonight?
"Yeah that was Isabella she just came home from college for the summer. She mentioned seeing someone, she seemed startled. I hadn't gotten a chance to tell her that I had sold the back portion of the property to anyone. "
"Yeah I could tell she wasn't expecting to see someone out there." Bella could hear the smirk in his voice. Bella froze when she heard footsteps and a knocking on the door.
"Bella honey come out and meet Mark," her mother whispered. Grunting Bella opened the door and followed her mother. This man was positively the largest man she had ever seen. He had to be seven feet tall.
"Mark this is Isabella. Isabella this is our new neighbor Mark Calaway." Bella held her breath as the large tree like man turned around. He extended his hand with an undeniable smirk planted firmly on his lips that irritated Bella.
"It is nice to properly meet you Isabella, I hope I didn't scare you earlier. You left in a hurry," Mark said with a small chuckle.
"I was just startled," with obvious irritation mixed with embarrassment.
"Well I didn't mean to interrupt your supper. I just wanted to know who was at the lake and make sure I hadn't frightened the young lady." Mark said before turning around and heading to the door. Her father followed and walked Mark to his truck, the two stood in the driveway talking for what seemed like forever before her father came back in. He sat down and began eating again. I guess Mark didn't mention the whole seeing me naked to him. Bella thought with relief. Having lost her appetite she went to her room for the remainder of the evening, thinking of Mark.