I really really really x INF suck at writing. At least in my opinion. The only thing I bet on is the story plot (which isn't that good either) Aww.. Screw it. maybe I just need to build up some confidence.

Anyway, I've always found it weird that people spell weird wierd. It just.. looks and sounds wrong, don't people notice? I am in no way an expert in the English language (as you have most likely noticed by now) but even I know that it's spelled weird. same goes for they're, their and there. Also definitely (not defenetly, definetly or any other combination. It's Definitely definitely.), and not to mention the It's and its or Your/you're ..anyway I should stop ranting my opinions.

hokage of dragon: I was trying to figure out what $%&%^*&!! meant, and by using my "leet speak" knowledge (which I don't know much of, as I tend to ignore people who write in it) I got it to be SHGHAXG!!. Which didn't make sense to me :'(
britachisbride: I like how you spelled "awe3some". It definitely makes it more personal and more meaningful to me. Thanks :)
Sora Hoshi: yea, kishimoto's started a killing spree it seems. Too bad he had to go kill all my favourite characters, except for Naruto and Sakura though (but for how long will they stay alive?).
batmanfan0214: Yea, it is weird to see Hermione and Naruto in a way like this. I don't know what got into me when I started the story. I guess at the time I felt a connection but I don't at the moment. Also I prefer Hermione with Harry and Naruto with Sakura, but what the heck, it's only a story.. right? ..RIGHT? JUST A STOR.. ok that's enough. Oh yea, I don't think Harry is evil, but We'll see.

Anyway, As for this chapter I had trouble writing down what was going on in Harrys head (and why the hell I wrote these stuff about the forest I have NO Idea, so don't ask.). I wanted to make it seem as if Harry had lost his mind, but don't feel as if I pulled it off. Guess I'll have to rewrite this chappie some day. speaking of rewriting, I don't feel like rewriting chap.7 as I feel now it turned out ok. Still could have written some more about the old memories of Naruto and their reactions, but.. some other time.

Also as a last note (dang, this Authors note is almost longer than the chapter) this chapter is only 1.9k words long, which is the shortest chapter in the story so far (new record! and all I got was a good feeling in my stomach, but that's enough, I was hoping for a proper prize but ah well..)

Chapter 8 - The memory (obviously, what else would this chapter be about)

If you happen to be standing in the forbidden forest late at night, looking up towards the sky, you wouldn't be able to see anything at all. Well, except for the branches and leaves. The forbidden forest is in itself a scary place to be located in. Not only due to the fact that it is almost impossible to navigate through, what with all the vegetation, but also because of the fact that it almost would appear that the forest itself is alive. You may wonder how a forest might have a conscious, and the answer to this is rather simple. Have you ever had the feeling of being watched when walking alone? I would assume so, especially during the night, or close to. This forest is no exception. Heh, you might even go so far as to say that the forest is trying to hurt you. It does not want you to leave. Enter at your own risk, and when you do, don't expect me to try and find you. You are alone. Just like the last leaf on a tree during the beginning of winter. But in this forest there is no winter, or summer. In fact the forest has its own life and its own will. It want to stay dark and secret.

No wind ever blows here, no snow ever falls to the forest floor, no strong sun could ever hope to cast its rays of ultraviolet light down to the ground. The forest doesn't want it, and the forest gets what it wants. Always.

The forest is not amused, for he feeds on fear and at the moment no fear is present. No human has entered his territory in a long while and shown fear. Hagrid, the stupid old caretaker, thinks he can capture and train the animals and creatures that live here. He is the source of all that is good. If only the forest could find a way to kill him, then all will be returned to normal: no caretaker equals fear in the students of the stupid school. And then he can lure the students into the forest and feed on their fear. Yes, the forest has long planned his intentions, but the caretaker is cunning as well. Five years have passed since the forest figured out the problem, and still the caretaker is alive and well.

But at the moment, something has happened and the forest is confused. Something, or should we say someone, has entered. Someone, not so normal, yet not so different. For you see the forest holds shelter for those he see fit, the werewolves (but only during full moon, when they are their true self), the trolls (but only because they are too stupid to realize they are food for the more ..intimidating creatures). Let us not go into detail about what other beasts and evil creatures live here. Let us for the moment say that they are not pleasant to hang around with.

A miniature explosion has caused the many leaves of the nearby trees in the forest to fall down, due to the shock wave. Slowly the leaves burn before they reach the ground, and ashes takes their place, falling ever so slowly. You have to agree it is a most beautiful sight, a red orange-ish light, playing with the trees, and the roots. A show of slowly falling, burning leaves. And the red aura of the beast swaying and playing with the air, screaming for death, pain, and suffering. The forest is finally happy.

"Kitsune. Do you want to die?" Harry whisper not higher than necessarily. There are no sound other than the burning leaves and the heavy breathing and low growling of Naruto. Who at the moment is eying Harry with tears slowly falling down his cheeks.

"Harry. Why did it come to this? Why are you leaving?"

Leaving? For power. Feel it calling. Calling his name, from over there. Far away into the distance. Need to go, want it! Only strong power for Harry, yes, strong power. Not the pitiful magic that are taught at the school. Real power! Calling him, how can one resist the calling? So tempting, so far away, must go.

"..I feel it. It wants me. Need to go where it's calling from." Harry whispered again, his eyes growing larger slowly, as he takes in the surroundings without breaking eye contact with Naruto.

"But where are you going?"

Don't know where, far away is all. But nowhere near Dumbledore, that's for sure. Only fools would choose to be by his side. The power is in the distance, far away where Dumbledore cannot go, calling to Harry. Hissing in parseltounge. Snakes. Voldemort! He will teach Harry! Need to go to him, gives Harry power! Too weak now, need more power. Itching on the forehead, too itchy. But good itchy. Good power from itchy scar.

"There is only one person stronger than Dumbledore. That is where I'm going." Harry's almost too quiet to hear properly, but Naruto with his trained ninja abilities, is able to pick up quiet conversations, should he have to listen for important information during missions.

"I cannot let you do that, Harry."

But Harry must go! Need power! More! No more weaknesses, only strength. Only strong power for Harry.

"And why is that!?"

"Strict orders, Harry. Strict orders. You are under my care, remember?"

"Hah! You think you can stop me?"


"You should know, Kitsune, you are weak. Your ..aura.. chakra.. whatever you call it, it's weaker than mine."

"Harry. Don't do this! What about your friends?!"


What are friends for? Only poking and pointing and talking and bothering. No power from friends. Hate them! Scar, that's all Harry is to them, a scar. Itchy scar. Good scar.

"You mean those two?"

Weaklings! A coward and a bookworm. What good could possibly come out of them? They aren't useful, they cannot give Harry power. Only Harry's fame is what keeps them close. Closer than necessary. Don't need them. Harry needs power.

"Pathetic. The only reason they hang around with me is because I am the bloody boy-who-lived."


Naruto could not help but feel that Harry and himself were quite alike. They both didn't have any parents, they both didn't have any friends until they were eleven, well, twelve on Narutos part. They both had a rash growing-ups, they have both been called names, and treated much the same way. And yet, Harry, who have had friends longer than Naruto, could so easily abandon them over such a thing as power. Power comes from protecting your friends! He had only let his guard down for a split second as all these thoughts ravaged through his head. He did not realize he was bleeding until he had gotten up from where he was laying, on the forest floor. A cutting curse. Harry had attacked, and Naruto had been tossed about.


"Do you see it, Kitsune? Weak."

Harry turned to leave, but was stopped by Naruto who stood in front of him. But not for very long, Harry cast another cutting curse under his breath, and Naruto flew out of the way, bleeding severely only to be replaced by a cloud of smoke.


"Shadow Clone, Harry. We know magic as well, you know."

"Do you, now..."

There was a moment of silence before Harry turned around facing Naruto with his wand raised and pointed towards him. The reaction was instant, a curse flew towards Naruto at lightning speed, but Naruto was too fast. He jumped to the side and landed sideways on a tree, before jumping off and headed towards Harry. The tree slowly cracked and fell from the heavy impact, as Naruto prepared his fist for a strike to Harry's head.

However, Harry assumed the ninja would resort to close combat, as is his specialty, and had already conjured a shield which shattered upon the impact of Naruto's strong hand. He fell down to the floor and raised his feet to try and make Harry loose his balance. If only he could be knocked unconscious, he could take him back.

But Harry jumped back and threw a different curse. Naruto, still on the floor didn't have enough time to react and took it straight to his chest. He flew backwards with such force he broke a small tree in two before slamming into a larger one, causing him to cough blood.

He looked up just in time to see a different curse heading towards him, he didn't catch the name but knew from the red color that it was not something he wanted to be hit by. Rolling to the side he stood up and watched the tree shatter into pieces while thinking he was glad that wasn't his body.

If close combat doesn't work, then he'd resort to ranged combat. He reached his leg pouch for some shuriken when he heard some faint talking.

"Itchy scar, itches, doesn't it now." the voice said, "has to. It's the only way, yes.. for power! Good Harry, harry is such a good boy." It took a moment before he realized it was Harry who was speaking, or rather whispered, loudly, as if he wasn't sure how to speak properly.

"For power." Naruto couldn't help but notice there was a slightly different pitch to that part. "Yes, power. Want it don't you? Harry needs it. To vanquish the dark lord, great power is needed. That's what I will get. Need to do it for power!"


And with that Naruto couldn't think. It was only the pain. It felt as if his whole body was on fire, and it was being twisted in the most awful ways possible, while breaking bone upon bone, tearing the skin off and scraping with a sharp instrument on the flesh, harshly ripping of the tendons and muscles while putting firecrackers inside his skull and blowing them off. There was nothing else but the pain and he couldn't handle it.

"No!" Harry screamed suddenly and canceled the torture spell. Whatever happened to Harry, Naruto wasn't sure of. But it gave him the opportunity to slowly gather himself and barely be able to stand. His arms were limp and his knees were just about to collapse from his body weight. He could almost not see Harry from the way he had to rest his head, but he could swear he saw tears in Harry's eyes and they were large, filled with regret and sadness and betrayal.

"Kitsune I-" Harry started, and Naruto instantly recognized Harry's voice as his normal. But He finished his sentence with another "Crucio!"spoken in the same hoarse whisper and with that his eyes returned to nothing more than two thin lines shining of green evil. And a small smile was on his face. That was the last thing Naruto saw of Harry, and there was a time skip, as the memory could not be processed, most likely due to a blackout.

Naruto was running to the best of his ability while drifting in and out of consciousness, out of the forest, towards the castle, all the while constantly falling over and sometimes puking out stomach acid from the level of stress his body had to endure. It took a while by he got to the Gryffindor common-room where he saw Hermione reading a book on the sofa and he rushed to her.

Her whole face screamed of shock as she realized who it was, and he muttered something that the memory couldn't pick up due to the state his mind was in. Hermione's tear-filled face and all the surroundings started to deteriorate until nothing could be seen and the memory ended.