
This is my first attempt at writing a story. I've done some short stories in the past, but they were for school exams and the likes, years ago. Everyone's done that so it's nothing special.

English is my third language, so please excuse any grammar mistakes and the likes. I am really not that fluent. Anyway, I had this idea for a story I wanted to write, seeing as how I couldn't find one on this site I had to write my own. It won't be as good to me though as I'd know all along what will happen and stuff like that. But anyway, the first chapter:

Chapter 1 - The mission

A loud noise could be heard throughout the round room filled with papers and folders. The sleeping form of a beautiful blond woman in her twenties, although she is more like sixty mind you, twitched oh so slightly being reminded where she is and what she is supposed to be doing. It's already seven in the morning and she's been working here all night. Even though drinking warm sake while checking up on ninja profiles is hardly work, it is a necessity for the leader of a hidden ninja village to always be up-to-date with his underlings.

Somehow she must've gotten too much to drink as the room was now a mess. The early morning sun did little to help her mood as she laid eyes on all of the small dust particles floating around, shining brightly in the sun rays from the many windows present. It sure wasn't easy being the Hokage.

If it wasn't for that idiot of a team mate, no, ex-team mate seeing as how he was now dead, convincing her to take on this position; she would be able to enjoy life so much more. Do some gambling, drink sake, gamble some more. OK, maybe being the Hokage isn't such a bad thing. Throughout her years of gambling she got recognized as "The Legendary Sucker" and it was no coincidence either. She had no luck what so ever.
And when in comparison with her current position as the Hokage, the leader of the hidden village of leaf; she is recognized as the strongest ninja in the entire fire-country.

Being the strongest ninja, HA! No, literally she is the strongest ninja with that super strength of hers. However she could quite possibly be rivaled by her own student, which she has taught everything she know. Be it chakra controlled super strength, chakra controlled healing abilities, and chakra control in general. Come to think of it, that person is probably better at these stuff than she is now. Age sure can change someone.

And indeed, age is not the only advantage that girl has, she isn't just the right age, but also more beautiful than the latter. There's just something about that pink hair of hers. Though this is completely normal seeing as a student must overcome his master in order for the teachings to be complete. But still, there's one area where the master still beat the student. Namely the bust.

Every time she greets her student, she makes sure to show off her enormous cleavage just to annoy her, and as well to indicate that she still hasn't "completely" overcome her master! But in reality that isn't entirely true. After all her whole appearance is just an illusion. Being nearly sixty does have some disadvantages.
Being capable of Henge Jutsus isn't.

Bang! Bang!
That damn banging sound sure is annoying. Hopefully whoever causing it will vanish from the surface of the earth, leaving this slug Sannin to her sleep. Surely a woman is in need of her beauty sleep, isn't she? Wanting to speak with her this early in the morning is an insult for crying out loud. Surely she has no memory of summoning anyone to her office, not at this hour. She knew better than to do something like that. Bang! Jeez, that door will probably need to be replaced, being constantly pounded on day in and day out. Not to mention this chair. It is starting to get uncomfortable sitting in, not to mention sleeping in. This should be switched out as well. Sleeping? Why is she sleeping in her office? Usually she sleeps in her own bed. An owl flapped its wings and hooted shyly. Ogling the sleeping form of the blonde.
An OWL?! She snapped up from her chair. Making a rubble of the stacked papers on her desk and tipping the chair over. Owl? That's right, she received a weird letter last night. Something about a mission abroad. The letter was poorly written in Japanese, but enough words were translated correctly to make sense of the contents.

It hit her, the reason why she was consuming bottle upon bottle of sake that night. This was no ordinary mission, and that concerned her. She had just the right people in mind for this mission though, and she had summoned them to her office first thing in the morning, namely now.

Bang! "Oh for Christ sake! Lets just go inside, she's probably sleeping again!"
A voice could be heard slightly angry due to the lack of response from her part. And the door opened revealing four masked people, entering.

Tsunade, who was already on her feet greeted the four ninjas with a warm smile.

"You're here. Tenzou," And she immediately crossed her arms, pushing her breasts together to indicate once more just who her students master is. "Sakura," Her pink hair lost some of its composure upon the slight downwards tilt of its masters head. "Naruto, Sai".

The people nodded in acknowledgement towards their leader and took their positions in front of her desk. "Tsunade-Baachan! You were sleeping again!" The person wearing a mask in the shape of a fox's head spoke while pointing an accused finger towards her.

"No-I.. Was reading your profiles again, I.. must've been so concentrated I didn't
hear you-"
She tried to explain, but the blond hair boys finger remained pointed towards her face.
"Why do you have ink on your cheek then! HUH!? There's also drool on your chin, I can see it clearly! You were sleeping!"

The accused woman threw a fist mere inches from his face and could hear him gulp.

"Seriously Naruto. Being ANBU you should show more respect for your leader or I may strip you off your license". That did it, the blond mask-wearing person shut up and immediately took a stance, indicating that he was now listening.

"Well then!" Tsunade clapped her hands once, displaying her excited mood. This mission could turn out to be interesting for all four of them.

"Last night I received a letter posted from England."

She looked at the four persons, hoping too see a slight exclamation of emotion. But those masks where in the way. Should have guessed.

"The client is the headmaster of a school called Hogwarts. Your objective is to guard the fifth-year students. Your goal in this mission is to prevent a dark lord, called Voldemort to come in contact with a boy named Harry Potter."

She stopped here, indicating that she was now done with the summary and was ready to answer
any questions they may have. And indeed they seem to have a few questions. First of all why the hell do they need ninjas all the way from Japan to protect mere civilians, students at that! The pink haired, slug mask wearing kunoichi raised her question and Tsunade reignited her pose into that of a "look at these" while Sakura tightened her fist and looked away.

Tsunade willingly answered her question after witnessing that she was once again victorious.

"Even though the letter is not written in perfect Japanese, I was still able to make sense of most of it. First of all they are not normal civilians, nor are they ninja or any other form of military. They are what they refer to as Wizards and Witches. Our similarity is that both us and their kin are able to mold and control chakra, the difference is, instead of using hand seals, they use spells. And also a wooden stick, or as they call it: a wand."

She grabbed a breather before continuing.

"Apparently this Voldemort is a master of spells, and has acquired immense knowledge about them as well as an arsenal of thousands of spells. Incidentally, this guy is an evil wizard, as so finely stated in the letter. If I understood this correctly, he tried to kill Harry once, but failed. Instead he lost all of his power, but has regained them, or some of them. Now he's supposedly going to attempt to kill him again, or worse, make Harry join him."

The person with a fox mask, previously addressed to as Naruto had another question. "What do you mean, spells? What are they?".

Tsunade eyed said person and felt pride rise within her due to the fact that the shinobi once thought of as a nuisance and a bother, who didn't have a clue regarding anything technical about ninja terms had grown up so fast during the short amount of time since his masters death, is now a most trusted member of the elite ninja group ANBU and also an exact copy of his father, the fourth Hokage.

Whom she adored in her younger days, even though they were years apart and a student of, like Naruto, her now deceased team mate. The only difference now, is his birthmarks inherited by the demon fox sealed inside his stomach. Other than that, whenever she looked at Narutos back, she was constantly reminded of his father and because of that her respect for the boy increased a little every time.

The reason for his growth is partially because of Jirayas death, and mastering the Sage techniques, earning the name of Sage. But she couldn't help but wonder if there was something else driving this boy.

It could be due to the fact that Sasuke still hasn't returned and they've had no luck in finding him, let alone bringing him back. Her eyes drifted towards the kunoichi wearing a slug mask, her prized student, Sakura.

Could it be her? He's been after her for years but she hasn't made any indication towards even the slightest hint of interest in him. Seriously, that woman have issues. Here is probably one of the most powerful ninja in the whole of Konoha after her heart and she isn't interested. He doesn't look too bad either. Truth be told he doesn't just look nice, he is the warmest person ever imaginable. Why she hasn't recognized Naruto yet is outside Tsunades comprehension.

"Well Naruto, think of spells as Jutsus. It's as simple as that. A Ninja uses his hands to form hand seals in order to organize chakra in a special way to use a jutsu. Say a fire ball. Now, a wizard, or witch," She nodded at Sakura indicating that a witch is female. "would motion his wand to form 'hand seals', and by using the power of the wand he draw chakra out of the users body and turn it into a fire ball, If we should stick to the same example."

Naruto nodded in understanding. And they proceeded to ask questions all the while building up excitement from learning so much about something unknown. Mind you, Tsunade didn't have the answer for everything as the letter didn't come with many details but the most important topics were covered.

After a while the information they had just learned caused their excitement to ooze out of their bodies. Well except for the plain-white mask wearing guy. He didn't really have any graffiti or shape on his mask. After all, according to Naruto over there, one should wear a mask which represent yourself. And Naruto insisted that Sai wear that particular mask, being so weird and emotionless. "Fits you like a charm" he jokingly added when Sai put it on for the first time. "Looks just like how I imagine you when you speak."

The guy with a mask shaped and drawn like a cats face, who was the older one among the group, and had the most experience out of the four didn't seem to care much about this mission, as it probably was just another one of those special ones to him. After all, he'd been on countless strange and dangerous missions being in ANBU for so long.

They had probably talked for about an hour before Tsunade decided it was time for them to prepare themselves for the mission and leave. So she dismissed them and started to write a reply to the client.

The fact that she decided she would send Naruto and Sakura away was pure instinct. They are among the best of the ANBU, and work very well together. But they have a common weakness: They can't see a sad face. After spending so much time together hunting down their previous team mate, Sasuke, they grew attached to each other and increased their bonds and earning the status of best friends. As a result, they can't stand it to see each other sad, or anyone else for that matter. They know that feeling all to well and don't want anyone to experience it. Tsunade herself has lived through many tough days as well, but she didn't have anyone to rely on, the way Naruto and Sakura has. Sometimes she envied them both.

Anyway, seeing as how they have failed to capture and retrieve their lost team mate, this seems like the perfect mission to ease their minds. They get to experience a different country, not constantly being reminded of their old team and the two missing members whenever they go out each day. As a matter of fact, lately they haven't been assigned any missions together due to the absence of their team captain and the last member of Team 7. So this might be a good way to get them together, maybe earn a status more sincere than just best friends. Tsunade could only hope.

As for Sai and Yamato Tenzou, well Tenzou is a dead give-away. As Naruto isn't completely in control of his biju, in other words the demon fox sealed within him, Tenzou has to be there to compress the fox whenever, or if, the fox suddenly makes an appearance. Although Naruto is capable of compressing it himself to some extent, it is safer to have a professional with the right background along.

As for Sai, he's been working with the other three on many missions, and apparently Naruto and Sakura trust him. They also get along well in battle, but maybe not in their social life. Sai really needs to open up more and learn how to react to different social situations. Not only read books but be there and experience it first hand. Yup, that is what he needs to do. And what better way to accomplish this than to send him off to a different culture where he really has to adapt to fit in.

Once she finished writing her reply to the client she rolled the scroll and handed it to the owl, which disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

That bird sure is amazing. In Konoha they don't have birds like that, as they can't live in this climate. But it sure seems useful being able to teleport around like that, and not rely on the wind to move about. Though it may just happen that it was a time-space jutsu seal on that bird's leg which made it possible for him to travel around. If not something else, seeing as how they aren't ninja, but wizards. Seriously this client wants an answer fast.

A few moments later and a strange object materialized itself on her desk. Attached was a note with the same poorly written Japanese as the letter, and she couldn't help but wonder how the four would communicate with the wizards and witches. Neither knows English and it would appear the wizards don't know Japanese very well.

She eagerly read the note. Something about make your selection of ninjas touch this object simultaneously and they will be teleported to my school. This was confusing and she decided not to touch the foreign object until the four returned from their respective homes, in case it would teleport her to that place. No, this object will have to stay here on her desk preventing her from working for a while, just in case she'd accidentally touch it. Sometimes unknown foreign objects weren't such a bad thing. Now where did she put that sake?