EDIT: 2nd August 2010
Disclaimer: I don't own this manga. Shirodaira Kyou, Kimura Yuri and their respective publishers do.
Manga series: Record of Fallen Vampire
Prompt: #24 first kiss
Timeline: end of chapter 1
Pairing: RenkaxYuki
Words count: 459 (approximately)
Warning: slight necrophilia, slight swearing
Rating: T
He came to when the sky just started to lighten towards the east, everything was blurry and he was in terrible pain. It took Renka a few minutes to gather his memories of the previous night.
'That bastard, Akabara. He said he needs me alive but he almost killed me.' Renka tried to get up but his body felt stiff… he never felt pain like this before. He supposed it came with his body being turned 2/3 into ash.
'Damn. Everything is so quiet… Yuki! Did the battle already end? Who won and where is Yuki? What happened to the seal? Did Akabara succeed…?'
He was assulted with a thousand questions all at once, and finally anger combined with a great deal of fear gave Renka the power to get up and drag himself towards the place where he last parted from Yuki.
He couldn't believe his eyes… Yuki's slim frame, bathed in the first rays of the rising sun, pinned to a tree by his own swords, Koryuu and Kinyou. In an instant, Renka forgot his painful journey, when he struggled along to reach the battlefield, and couldn't help but crumble to the ground and weep… and curse Akabara… and all the fucking vampire race.
Bloody tears streamed down his face staining Yuki's closed eyelids. She was cold and limp in his arms… dead for 12 hours, killed by his sacred swords. It was maddening. He thought he felt himself break.
"Damn you Akabara… The humans who were inhibited won't come back… Yuki won't come back…" he shouted to the empty sky. 'She will never smile at me again… she will never chide me… she will never have the chance to live a normal life again… curse you…'
Renka craddled Yuki's form to him and dragged them both under the shade of the tree. He kept stroking her face and swore to take revenge for her… for himself… for them.
Yuki looked oddly peaceful and she was still as beautiful as ever. He could feel the everpresent scent of her cigarettes, soft pink locks sliding through his fingers, her closed eyes and cheeks stained with his blood and another trickle trailing down her chin. He couldn't help but lean down and kiss the blood. His tongue tasting the dried smear.
Slowly, his mouth covered her soft lips, pried apart her limp jaw and snaked his tongue into her mouth. She tasted metalic from the blood and smokey from the tobacco she loved so much. Yuki didn't respond to the kiss and this drove home the agonizing reality that she will never "exist" again. Not her…
Renka leaned back with a despaired sigh and closed his still teaful eyes. 'I will never have the chance to kiss her again…'