Hello and welcome to the next chapter is my epic written version of the Bebi Saga I hope you enjoy this epic finale.

Kabito Kai gasp in shock at the explosion no longer able to sense Goku's kai when he suddenly realized he was now alone on the Tuffle planet. Before anyone could notice he teleported back to the kai planet where Old Kai and Sugaro had been.

Bebi watched the yellow energy radiate brightly as it clashed with the rocky surface. A calm smile crossed his face as he knew in mere seconds he could finally declare that it was over. No more saiyans, no more Goku. He was certain of his death as Goku had been laid out on the ground. Incapable of movement he had to be dead. And then the yellow light faded and as it faded Bebi saw a giant hole, but no body. 'He was unable to move so he couldn't have dodged it. I never felt Kabito's presence so perhaps the blast incinerated his whole body. Bebi scanned the area just to make sure and then landed safely. "Yes finally peace at last!" Bebi joyfully shouted at his now absolutely certain victory.

In a flash he arrived causing Old Kai to nearly jump out of his shoes. The moment Old Kai noticed it was Kabito he gave him a stern look and yelled. "You idiot what are you doing here!"

"I uh well. Goku's kai faded elder and I didn't wanna be on the tuffle planet alone" Kabito replied embrassedly. Then he looked down "I'm sorry I couldn't do more for Goku elder..." He said sadly.

"You idiot!" Old Kai shouted. "Goku's not dead!" He pointed to the crystal ball where Goku lay inside the hole Bebi had made after powering up.

Kabito gasp in shock. "Goku is alive."

"Your going to go back there and revive him!" Old Kai yelled.

"But...but Elder you, yourself said I wasn't strong enough to revive a Super Saiyan 4" Kabito responded

"I am well aware. But Goku isn't going to remain in his super saiyan 4 form much longer. That will be your chance to revive him" Old Kai explained.

"But what good can Goku do in his normal form?" Kabito questioned.

"A lot don't you remember that Goku defeated Kid Buu without the use of his super saiyan powers." Old Kai stated.

"That's right Ancestor he used the Spirit Bomb...but Bebi has everyone turned against him and made them into Tuffles. How will he get energy?" Kabitio questioned again.

"The universe! If Goku can connect with the other planets through North Kai. He may be able to collect enough energy to defeat Bebi" Old Kai explained as Kabito's eyes light up.

"You think its possible ancestor?" Kabito asked.

"Of course its possible now go talk to North Kai!" Old Kai yelled as Kabito nodded and teleported away.

Goku''s eyes remained shut as his pointer and middle finger's rest on his forehead, signaling he had used instant transmission, before they fell off his head falling to his side. His super saiyan 4 form faded and his body returned to its young kid form. The thoughts of Pan's death racing through his head. He had been wasting his time on Bebi while his daughter was getting killed by his friends now turned Tuffles. 'I've lost everyone to him. My own sons have turned against me. My childhood friend Bulma has become his Tuffle queen. Chichi and Videl want nothing to do with me.' Goku thought in his mind.

"Goku! Goku!" The familiar voice of North Kai spoke.

"North Kai!" Goku gasp opening his eyes.

"Yes ehm. Now Goku. Supreme Kai is standing with me and he has a plan to use a spirit bomb with all the universes collected energy to defeat this Bebi creature."

"The universe, but can we even get power from everyone in the universe?" Goku asked.

North Kai grunted. "Well...we can't expect everyone to willing give you there energy, but I'm certain the namekians will lend you, there power as will those in the other world."

Goku sighed. "My body is too weak to move North Kai."

Just then Kabito appeared before him. "Relax Goku your in good hands" He said as he began to heal the young Goku.

Bebi had returned to his people now floating above them. "Hear me my Tuffles. The battle is finally over. The tuffles have triumphed over the saiyans. Goku is dead!" Bebi announced.

Everyone began to clap and cheer at Bebi's glorious victory. The joy could be heard in there voices.

"My dad master Bebi-sama finally killed off that evil saiyan!" Bra excitedly said.

"Yes Bebi-sama did." Bulma smiled hugging her daughter as they started chanting.

"All hail Bebi-sama!" Videl and Chi-chi shouted.

"Bebi-sama I can sense energy gathering in the distance my lord!" Gohan said. Everyone gasp as a blue ball of energy began to form in the distance.

Bebi turned around seeing energy gathering in the distance. 'It can't be Goku. I...I killed him I know I did' He growled.

"Relax my people I will check out this energy source at once!" Bebi declared as he flew off towards it.

The closer he came the bigger the energy got. 'What is happening it can't be Goku I am certain I killed him!'

When he reached it his eyes widen in horror and shock at Goku in his young child form floating above the planet, both hands raised above his head a large light blue energy ball was gathering energy before him.

"How did you...Your supposed to be dead!" Bebi gasp in shock and horror.

"Bebi I'm not going to die until you and everyone else on this planet is punished and killed for their unforgivable actions!" Goku announced in a loud and determined voice.

"Your going to blow up this planet and everyone on it even your own friends!" Bebi yelled back.

"I hate you Tuffles every last one of you for turning against me and killing my daughter. I lost my granddaughter to you monsters and now I will end is with the power of my ultimate spirit bomb. The Universal Spirit Bomb!" Goku was slightly bluffing about it being a full fledged universal spirit bomb as he had alittle less than half the support of the universe excluding the people of Earth.

"Hear me Tuffles the Saiyan is still alive and plans to not only kill me, but blow up the entire planet with a Universal Spirit Bomb" Bebi announced as people in the city began to gasp and panic.

"No if dad does this he'll destroy everything!" Gohan shouted.

"Why is Goku doing this?" Chichi asked worriedly.

"Because we killed my traitorous daughter Pan." Videl explained.

"But she was trying to hurt us and Bebi-sama!" Bra exclaimed.

"Its okay sweety you did the right thing" Bulma assured her hugging her tuffle daughter.

"Bebi this ends now!" Goku yelled as his spirit bombs energy got even stronger, just alittle bit longer and Goku's Spirit Bomb would have enough energy to not only kill Bebi, but the entire Tuffle planet with him.

"No! Tuffles give me your energy send me your power so we can final gain are revenge and finish off the last pure blooded saiyan." Bebi raised his hands into the air.

At this Bebi's faithful tuffle followers began to raise there hands as they sent there energy to Bebi.

Gohan, Goten, Videl Chichi, Bra and Bulma even gave there energy to Bebi a large black energy ball appearing above Bebi though it still wasn't as big as Goku's ever growing Spirit Bomb.

"Bebi your Tuffle's combined energy can't stop my Universal Spirit Bomb.

'Rrrr...this isn't enough I still need more energy. I must reach out the Tuffles still on Earth'

"Tuffles of Earth hear me now. It is your Supreme Ruler Bebi. Our home planet Tuffle and myself have been placed in extreme danger. I stand before the last of the saiyan race and I require your energy to finish him off." Bebi declared as they too gave up there the likes of Android 18 and Krillin.

The energy from the Tuffles on planet Earth began to travel to Bebi and empower his black energy ball as it grew even bigger in size.

Bebi chuckled joyful as the energy rose even higher and higher. The black energy of Bebi's Tuffle empowered giant ball now surpassed the Universal Spirit Bomb. The scene playing out in the sky for all on the Tuffle planet to see showed a gigantic light blue energy bomb covering the sky being wielded by a small boy. Below that an even bigger large black energy ball wielded by the Supreme Tuffle Ruler Bebi.

"Goku taste this. The collected pain from all of the Tuffles. The energy from the sons you hurt Goten and Gohan. The energy from Gohan's wife Videl...Even the energy from your own wife Chichi and your first true friend Bulma. This is for all the pain and suffering you and your kind has caused the Tuffles not just of the past, but the Tuffles of the future! This is my ultimate attack Revenge Death Ball!" Bebi sent his incredibly gigantic black energy ball straight at Goku.

As it came near Goku he suddenly yelled. "Bebi your finished Universal Spirit Bomb!" His light blue energy bomb suddenly expanded becoming even bigger it now surpassed the black energy ball and Goku sent his Universal Spirit Bomb which clashed colliding into Bebi's revenge death ball. This caused light blue and black energy to radiate from the two energy balls lighting the sky up in light blue and black.

'Damnit my Revenge Death Ball is still weaker than his Spirit Bomb. I have to do something before he blows up my planet...Wait I know!' Bebi using his extreme intelligence quickly thought on his feet spreading his arms apart sparks of energy began to shoot from his hands as Bebi gathered purple energy into his hands.

However as Bebi did this the light blue energy ball began to slowly push back the black energy ball. Bebi's eyes widen as he knew he had to collect this energy quick before his body was consumed by the enormous energy balls. Bebi absorbed even more energy then brought his hands cupped together thrust outward. The energy sparks started to intensify as they sparked off violently. Bebi began to cackle as he now was feeling an intense energy forming in his cupped hands. "Final..." The purple energy formed into a powerful purple energy. "Flash..." Just before he unleashed the purple energy he added. "X10!" The beam launching then suddenly multiplying by x10 a incredibly powerful purple energy beam hit the black energy ball halting its movement.

Goku gasp in surprise and shock. 'He...hes combining his Final Flash with his Revenge Death Ball.'

The purple energy beam of Final Flash empowered the Black energy ball sending it and the spirit bomb towards Goku.

"This is your end Saiyan! The end of your destructive chaos and the ushering of a new era of peace gone of the flith of you Saiyans!" Bebi shouted as his Final Flash beam continued to push forward.

'I...I can't believe Bebi was able to counter the Universal Spirit Bomb. That was are only hope to stop Bebi and now hes overpowering it.' Kabito Ksi thought.

"I'm not finished yet Bebi!" Goku's energy began to spike as he pulled his hands back cupping them. "Kame..." The energy began to form. "Hame..." The energy became even stronger. "HA!" Goku poured all off his energy into a Kamehameha that hit the Universal Spirit Bomb. "I told you Bebi for Pan I won't stop until you and this planet is dead!" Goku shouted back.

"Alright Goku's fired a super fantastic energy beam" Sugaro said excitedly watching from the glass ball.

"It doesn't matter." Elder Kai responded.

"Huh?" Sugaro questioned.

"There energy levels are at to great a difference. Goku's Universal Spirit Bomb has about half the Universes Support behind it and Bebi's Revenge Death Bal has the full support of his tuffles. Add in his Final Flash x10 its overwhelming the Universal Spirit Bomb. Even Goku's normal kamehameha can't stop Bebi's Final Flash x10 the power difference is just too great." The Elder responded.

Sugaro began to shake in fear.

"We've done all we can. I'm afraid its all over..." The Elder frowned as he watched Goku struggle to fend off Bebi's awesome power.

Bebi felt a slight struggle from the kamehameha, but knew he was still in firm control. "Goku your kamehameha is useless against me. My power is too great and now its time to die!" Bebi's purple beam grew even stronger as Goku struggled with the combination of energy moving ever closer.

"No!...No!" Goku yelled as his energy suddenly exploded and his hair turned gold then it began growing long as he achieved his super saiyan 3 form. His energy having spiked he tripled the power in his kamehameha as the beam became even stronger and now pushed the energy combination towards Bebi.

'What he has become a Super Saiyan 3!' Bebi gasp as the energy neared him.

"Bebi your the dead one!" Goku yelled.

"Am I now Goku.." Bebi's worried look turned to a grin. "Your emotional rage has indeed excelled you to Super Saiyan 3, but I have achieved a power even greater beyond!" A silver aura surrounded Bebi as his energy spiked even higher. "Now die!" His purple beam was flooded with power as the massive energy poured into the beam pushing the combined energy straight at Goku and on this day. The day many across the Universe called the darkest day Earth's young Saiyan hero had been killed. Consumed by the energy it ripped apart his flesh until nothing was left of him, but ashes.

Kabito was in utter stunned shock at Goku's death. 'How could Goku-' "Ahh!' Kabito screamed as a large ball of Bebi's purple energy consumed the Kai leading to his unfortunate death. Bebi's energy completely expended he fell to the ground out cold as he was drained of all his energy.

When Bebi woke up he found himself in a capsule with wires hooked up to his body. He suddenly shot up glancing around at the wires attached to him. "Where am I?" Bebi asked himself mostly.

Bulma was typing away at her large computer in the same room as Bebi when she heard his voice. She turned to him. "My Lord!"

"B-Bulma...What is this place?" Bebi asked

"Its the infirmary. After we found you unconscious on the ground. We rushed you straight here. My intelligence has allowed me to heal you quickly with are new advanced technology." She explained.

"Goku..that rotten saiyan. Please tell me he is dead?" Bebi asked.

"Yes the combined energy consumed his body and burned it to ashes. Thanks to you Lord Bebi-sama he is dead forever!" She smiled excitedly as she pressed a button on the keyboard behind her and the wires detached from Bebi and the capsule opened. Bebi stood up taking in the air from this room. He smiled towards Bulma.

"Come here my dear Tuffle Queen" he said as she got up and walked towards him. At that moment he planted a kiss on her lips. She grinned at Bebi's kiss.

"Thank you Bebi-sama" Bulma said sweetly.

"I love you my Queen" Bebi said as he played with her turquoise hair.

She smiled happily at her master's gentle touch and leaned in kissing him back. "I love you too Lord Bebi-sama"

He grinned back at her soft kiss. "I would like to address my people my Queen." He grasp her hand.

"Of course Bebi-sama" She smiled walking hand in hand with her master Bebi-sama.

When he reached the balcony view he saw the massive crowd of people waiting outside. They all bowed in his presence.

"My dear Tuffles the day has finally come! The day of the last full blooded Saiyan's death. No longer exists in this galaxy another pure blooded saiyan. The last of there race has been crushed and burnt to ashes. The saiyan's filthy stench will no longer rot are perfect kingdom! And as we celebrate Goku's death we must also celebrate the birh of a new age. An age of peace and prosperity across our planet and the universe. Further more the dawn of a new era. The era of the Tuffles!" He stated proudly as everyone began to chant and cheer. "Now as we mark the dawn of a near era we shall celebrate our victory and plan for our coming plans of dominating the Galaxy under the Tuffle's peace."

Every clapped and cheered chanting "Bebi! Bebi! Bebi! Bebi! Bebi!" They chanted.

"My Lord" Bulma whispered into his ear. "I am receiving word that Gohan and Goten have captured your treacherous son and have prepared him to be hung by our own glorious daughter."

Bebi smirked. "Excellent my dear. How perfect for her to be the one to kill him." Bebi whispered back.

Just then the crowd began to gasp as Trunk's was brought out on a brown board being hung from a brown pole his neck tied up by a rope.

Bebi just smirked. "This is the last virus to are perfect kingdom. One who turned his back on his new Tuffle heritage and worked to bring down our kingdom. He shall die before us in honor of the Tuffles" Bebi stated. Gohan and Goku stepped aside as a young female wearing an executioners mask appeared. She was dressed in a black dress with black spiked gloves. "Kill him. Kill the traitor!" Some of the Tuffles shouted. "Take his treachorous head!" Another shouted.

She walked towards Trunks and when she reached him. She instantly jabbed him in the gut with her spiked glove. Pulling it out she jabbed it in again then switched to her other hand jabbing it in. Trunk's eyes were shut, but he winced moaning slightly with each hit. The female suddenly removed her mask revealing Bra underneath the mask. "Dear brother allow me to be the one to mark the beginning of your end and the dawn of a new perfect era!" She jumped into the air and with her right hand she sent a chop straight at his neck. When she landed the dead was done and Trunk's was dead. Everyone cheered loudly at Trunk's death. As bebi laughed joyfully knowing with Trunk's death the universe was at last his!

And that folks is the ending. I'm certain some of you expected Goku to save the day and defeat Bebi, but as the title suggests this is a Twisted Tale. One where Bebi wins. From the beginning I had fully planned for Bebi to win. The question was just simply how and what would occure inbetween. I wanted to personally thank each and everyone one of you who reviewed my story and sent me your comments and thoughts. I have truely enjoyed writing this story and hope you have enjoyed reading it so with that.

Arigatou gozaimasu and Sayounara!