Yeah, so this story is crap. I wrote this in like twenty minutes. I just got the idea, and then wrote it. And somehow, I ended up posting it here. I know, I should know better than that. But I going through a writing high that is making me do things. I'll regret it tomorrow. Oh well, sucks for me.

Disclaimer: Nope, sorry. Maybe next time.

Chad Dylan Cooper was no mechanic.

He couldn't fix his gorgeous new car.

Though he told people he could.

He couldn't fix a computer.

He just pressed random buttons until something happened.

He couldn't fix his new digital camera.

When it turns out it just needed a couple more batteries.

He couldn't fix the frozen yogurt machine.

He just hit it until it started working again.

So why was he given the one thing he knew no amount of luck could fix?

Which was just about all he had.

Hitting it wouldn't help.

It would just make it worse.

It didn't run on batteries.

And trying to shove batteries into it would result in chaos.

It wouldn't fix itself.

So no amount of button pushing would help.

He most definitely could not fix it.

So why did she come to him, giving him her shattered pieces, expecting him to magically fix it?

He may get computers, cameras, and yogurt machines to work, but this was one thing he couldn't restore.

He couldn't give it back, though, without breaking it even more.

And even the worst mechanic knows you don't destroy a car when someone brings it in for a tune up.

He tried explaining this to her, telling her that there was nothing he could do.

She never believed him.

And, finally, he realized that all he had to do was try, and fixing it would be easy.

Much easier than poking his car engine until it did something.

And when it was finally fixed, he realized that he didn't want to give it back.

So he stole it from her.

She didn't mind, though. She had wanted him to keep it all along.

He was more than happy to oblige.

Chad Dylan Cooper was no mechanic.

But you didn't need a mechanic to fix Sonny Munroe's broken heart.

Yeah, there it is. I get my super inspired writing highs out of the blue, and then I just have to write. It sucks that I keep getting them around midnight, though.

You see that cool little colored button there? Yeah, the one right below this? Click it. I dare you.