Note: sorry for the delay. But I'm out of ideas and the real world interferes. Im on night shift now, so i sleep all day. new chapters are gonna be long and in between. Thanks for you Patients.


Chapter 15: Rescue Me

"I'm looking for Father Alexander Anderson."

That's how my search began. And since I didn't know where he was, only that he was catholic, I went searching every Catholic church in England. However, the answer was always the same.

"I'm sorry, miss. There is no one here by that name."

Then one day, I got lucky. I think.


"You're looking for Father Alexander Anderson?"

Her voice was so soft and sweet. I was like the voice of an angel. I looked up from my knees, from where I had been praying at the altar, and saw this beautiful smiling nun. She was dressed as a nun in black and white, but her smile was as bright as the sun. Her glasses were the oddest thing and looked too big for her face. She looked like an owl.

"Yes," I said, getting up off my knees to face her. "I need his help. I'm cursed and only he can cure me."

"Cursed?" she laughed lightly.

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"I've been in the company ...of a vampire."

I heard her gasp and stepped back to see her face. It had changed. It wasn't so sweet and angelic anymore. In fact, it looked like a demon hiding in nun's clothes.

"Father Anderson is away on mission. But you'd had better come with me Father Maxwell will want to talk to you."

Now I was on the defensive. I didn't exactly trust her anymore, but I did come here to find him. And maybe Father Maxwell could help me.

"OK. Lead on."

I followed her out of the church.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Yumi." she answered curtly and then she spoke again. "Yumiko."

"So which is it? Yumi or Yumiko?"

She turned and looked at me. The sweet angel had returned.

"Its Yumiko." she smiled.

It wasn't a long walk, but it was a very secretive one. We passed through one church, down to its basement and then into a secret room beyond that. But instead of being a stone room antique furniture and equipment; she brought me into a room as high tech as the 22nd century. People were rushing about with information, the click and beep of electronic equipment buzzed all around, and Yumiko led me to Father Maxwell.

"And what is this you've brought me, Sister Yumiko." wondered Father Maxwell, looking up from his papers.

"This is Jessie Coven. A lost soul and she is looking for Father Anderson."

"Father Anderson. How do you know Father Anderson?"

Now I was really on the defensive and the hairs on the back of my head kept standing up. Every fiber of my being was screaming for me to get out of here. But I knew it wouldn't be that easy. Besides I had come here for help.

"We...ah...sort of ran into each other." I said with a cheesy grin.

"And he told you about us?"

"Not exactly."

"She said she had been in the company of a vampire." told Yumiko, in her own helpful manner.

"Really?" he smiled at me with a wolfish grin.

Now I was really scared.

"OK, look here's the deal. My grandfather was Korban Coven the first and my father was Korban Coven the second. I was "bitten" I wasn't bitten. But he did share his blood with me. That doesn't make sense does it. Anyway, now my blood is cursed and I want to be cured. Since I was never bitten, you should be able to cure me, right?"

Father Maxwell didn't say anything he just looked at me like I was a babbling idiot. Face it, after all that banter I was. Then he just tilted his chin down and started thinking. Then he stood up, walked over to me, and started circling me.

"You say you're a Korban. That is interesting."

Then suddenly, he went to the cabinet and opened it. He pulled out a long sword and handed it to me.

"Here hold this."

I took it. The Sword glowed, but it also burned my hands. I dropped it and it clanged to the ground.

"Well well, that is interesting. Seems your story is true. That sword belonged to your grandfather. He was an Iscariot Paladin like Father Anderson. That's why the sword glowed when you touched it. It recognized your bloodline."

"Then why did it burn my hands?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"Because your blood has been tainted by a vampire." he told me, as he pulled down my collar and inspected my neck.

I was a little worried that he would see where Alucard had been drinking from me. But Alucard, as many times as he had drank my blood, never left a permanent scar.

"How is it that you have vampire's blood in your veins and yet no bite mark to show for it? Did you drink freely from his blood?"

"Hell no!" I protested, as I pulled from his grip.

"Do you know what I think?"

'I'm afraid to ask.'


"I think Alucard tried to make you his and failed."

He must have known how my face would look. My expression dropped and I shut my mouth. I was not going to say another word.

"Don't look so surprised. We have our spies and they have theirs. I wouldn't be surprised if I got a phone call right now from Integra ordering your release. But you did come here from your own free will, didn't you."

He walked over to his desk and pushed a button. Shortly, two male priests arrived and they didn't look friendly.

"Take her to the Regenerator program."

"What?! Wait a minute." I growled, as the two priests grabbed my arms and subdued me.

"What's wrong? I thought you wanted to be cured." he smiled at me, with that wolfish grin of his. "This is really most advantageous for us. We've never converted a vampire before. I can't wait to see what will happen to you. And as that you are a Korban, you can take your rightful place on the side of good and help us vanquish evil from this world. Of course, if anything does go wrong, we can just blame the Hellsing Organization."

"NO! you can't do this! Let me go!" I struggled and fought against my captors. "How can you do this?! I came to you for Help!"

"And help you we will, my child." he grinned.


"Where is she?" asked Integra, straightening the papers on her desk.

"She is with the Iscariots." informed Walter, handing her a file. "They put her into their regenerator program."

"She'll become like Anderson then." reasoned Integra, as she stood up and went over to her window.

"Unfortunately, yes. What are we to do about this?"

"Nothing." said Integra, looking out the window over her domain.

"Nothing? But Sir..."

"She chose to leave." said Integra, then she looked at Walter with serious eyes. "So let her go." Then she called for Alucard.

He appeared. He smiled at her and then bowed to her in his usual manner.

"Good evening, master."

"Alucard, your "toy" has run away from home."


Alucard's expression changed in an instance from playful to deadly in O.2 seconds.

"She has betrayed us and joined the Iscariot Organization."

"No. She wouldn't."

Alucard looked at Walter.

"It's true Sir Alucard. She was put into their regenerator program this morning." told Walter.

"They'll kill her." protested Alucard.

"If they don't, then you will." said Integra, looking directly at Alucard. "I warned you about this. And now she is our enemy. The next time you two meet, you will kill her. Do I make myself clear?"

Alucard just stood there. How could this happen...twice?

"Do you understand, Alucard?"

"Yes, my master." he bowed to her.


In the meantime, I was being erased...reprogrammed and rebuilt. The pain was unbearable like having a sharp fork scrapped across your bare muscles and it felt like my very DNA was being rewritten. Whatever the doctors were saying as they walked about my table, I couldn't hear over my own screaming. The one thing I did notice was that it felt like something was being ripped from my body...ripped from my very being. Suddenly, a memory of a man in red was drifting further and further from me. I tried to reach out to it, to pull it back to me, but something restrained me, tied me down, and bound me up. I cried out to him for help, but he didn't seem to hear me. I growled in pain as something jabbed my arm and then all went black.

Hours later, I awoke. And guess who was standing there.

"How do you feel now, Jessie Coven?" asked Father Maxwell.

I took mental inventory of myself. Nothing was in pain and it really didn't matter.

"Irrelevant sir. I am ready to do God's will." I said.

"I din na think you would make her an Iscariot." told a Scottish accent.

I looked toward the voice. I vaguely remembered his face, but did not remember him at all.

"This is Father Anderson. He will be training you." introduced Father Maxwell. "Why shouldn't I? She is a Korban and she did come here to be "cured"."

"Father Anderson." I nodded in acknowledgement.

"She does nea remember me?"

"Small side effect. I doubt you remember who you used to be." smirked Father Maxwell, as he looked at me.

Father Anderson looked as if that statement caused him some pain. But then he seemed to get over it and he smiled at me.

"Welcome to the Iscariot Organization Jessie. Come on, wee one, let's get you geared up."

"Speaking of gear." said Father Maxwell, handing me a long sword. "This belongs to you."

I took the sword. This time it glowed bright white and didn't burn my hands.

"Thank you, Father Maxwell. I will serve you well."

"Yes, you will." he smiled.