Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from this story. I only love them.


My life seems to have no real meaning behind it anymore. My girlfriend since the 8th grade, Tanya Denali, decided that she was no longer "into" me and that she was going to move onto bigger and better things. She said that I was holding her down. That's odd, considering I'm in my second of year of Med school.

So, now I'm on a flight to Hawaii to try and forget about the "Tanya Incident" as my brothers call it. It was all their idea to go on this month long vacation to the Aloha State.

I would've just settled for staying in Washington for the remainder of the summer, but they of course, wouldn't have it.

"Dude. I don't know what the fuck you're so down about. Tanya is a royal bitch." Emmett huffed.

Emmett is my annoying older brother who thinks with his dick rather than his head or his heart. He wouldn't understand why I'm so heartbroken. He'd never been in a real relationship in his life. The longest he'd dated anybody was Jessica Stanley, and that was because she stalked him for three months after he took her on a date.

"Don't listen to him, man. He just wants you to be happy and get over her. He's just bitter toward her for how she did you." Jasper patted my shoulder.

Now, Jasper is the peace maker. He'd dated off and on, usually with Angela Webber. She was a cutie. They really seemed to hit it off until she moved across the country to go to NYU. They tried to make it work, but the whole long distance thing pretty much killed their relationship. He could sympathize with me on this.

"Guys, I appreciate what you're doing for me, really I do. It's hard to just drop somebody that you cared about for the better half of your life." I sighed.

"Passengers, please turn off all electronic devices and fasten your safety belts. Flight 2009 to Honalulu will be arriving shortly. We would like to extend our thanks for traveling with us, and wish that you enjoy your stay in Hawaii. As always, thank you for flying Eclipse Air."


We picked up our luggage after exiting our flight and went to the car rental place.

"Dude, we need a pussy magnet." Emmet boomed.

I rolled my eyes while Jasper gave him a disapproving look.

"What?! Don't give me that fucking look. You two are such girls. What, let me guess, you two want something sensible and boring. Fuck that. That's the car we're getting." He smiled.

It was a sweet ride. I'll give him that. It was a brand new Hummer. Jet black with chrome accents. The top came off, which made sense since we're in such a beautiful place, and as Emmett said, that is definitely a pussy magnet.

I tried to play it off like I didn't really want to ride in it, but who the hell was I kidding? That car was sharp.

"Fine. I suppose it'll do. But, I'm going to drive." I huffed. Inside I was secretly doing a happy dance to get behind the wheel of this beast.

Jasper walked up to the rental counter and we showed our ID's to the clerk, signed some paper work and she handed me the keys.

She was cute enough I suppose. Her name tag said "Lalani" on it. She was definitely from the islands. Emmett gave me a nudge and a smirk.

"She's fuckin' fine. I'd totally hit that." He whispered.

I let out a chuckle. Emmett would hit anything with a hole and a heart beat, and the heart beat is optional.

"I think she's actually checking Jasper out." She winked at Jasper and he turned around with a huge grin on his face.

Emmett glared. "Fuckin' A man. We're on the island for two damn seconds and haven't been fishing yet, and somehow you managed to snag one. How you do that shit, I'll never know."

We laughed and put our stuff in the back of the Hummer.


"Turn left here." Jasper instructed from the passenger seat.

I turned the car down the street and came to a row of houses off of the main shore.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked, suddenly in awe of the sight.

Emmett patted my shoulder and laughed. "We rented a beach house for the month. That's it right there." He pointed to the prettiest one off the shore. It was white with a large deck that wrapped the entire house. The windows were nearly as tall as the walls of the house and it looked inviting.

We parked in the driveway in front and I inhaled the sweet saturated air of the beach. This might not be so bad after all.

"Dude! Check this out!" Emmett ran into the house which was stocked with all of the amenities of home. There was a pool table, a large screen t.v., a fully stocked kitchen, and the list goes on.

I walked out back, hoping there was a grill to cook on. Why waste the opportunity to grill out while we have it? I was surprised to find that, not only did we have a grill, but we also had a fire pit in the middle of the deck. It was also supplied with a bar and comfortable couches and chairs. It was perfect. Just what I needed to get my mind off of things.

Jasper yelled through the house that we needed to go buy some groceries.

So, we loaded our things into our respective rooms, mine having access to the beach, and headed into town to the local grocery store.



Another summer. More tourists. More guys trying to get into our pants.

I've lived in Honalulu since I can remember. My dad moved us out here when I was 6. He claimd that it would be beneficial to my life to broaden my horizons.

I met Rosalie and Alice in school. They were cousins, who's parents came from old money and decided that it would be perfect to live on the island.

"So, how many clients do you have today?" Rosalie asked me while she filed her nails.

I taught children how to surf. I was one of the clumsiest human beings on the planet when it came to dry land, but in the water, I was the most graceful thing coming or going. It's really weird.

"I have a couple. Thank God, because I just don't feel like working today. I know there are going to be so many tourists on the beach. I didn't want to face any of it. Like, at all.

"Hey, I saw a black Hummer pulling into the house next door. I wonder who's moving in there?" Alice squealed. She was convinced that her soul mate was going to find her this summer. I swear, she lives in a fairy tale or something.

"I don't honestly care. It's probably some jerk guys that think with their dicks. Seriously, I could care less if I ever date another guy again." I huffed.

It was true. The last relationship that I had was with James. He was the typical bad boy type. He was tanned, extremely good-looking, and build like a God. He wasted 3 years of my life dragging me around with his stupid head games.

We broke up a few months ago when he said that he found someone else. He said that she understood him or something like that. Victoria was her name.

I see him from time to time, but he never really pays much mind to me. That's probably for the best. My best friend, Jake has tried to make a pass at me whenever we would be drinking on the beach, but other than that, he's been pretty calm toward me. Alice swears that we'll end up together, while Rosalie hates his life.

They didn't get along so well. Especially since he started working with her at the shop. Rosalie was lead mechanic for exotic cars. When he showed up and was instantly hired, he tried to tell her how to do her job. Rosalie may be a blonde bombshell, but she knows her cars like no other.


"Okay, sweetie. Now, I need you to paddle your arms once you get out in the water. I just need you to try to get up on your knees for today. Then we'll be all done." I cooed to the little boy with the black board shorts.

It took a few more attempts, but eventually he was able to climb up to his knees.

I packed up my things and loaded my car up. I realized that we had nothing to eat in the house, so I figured that I should go shopping. Everytime Jake came over with Seth and Embry, they ate us out of house and home.

I grabbed a cart from the group of buggies and proceeded through the aisle. I randomly started throwing things that I knew everybody liked inside and wasn't paying attention when I slammed into a wall of muscle.

"Ow. Shit!" The muscle bound God said.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I'm so accident prone. They really shouldn't let me out of the house." I stammered.

He let out a booming laugh and looked at me. "It's totally okay. I wasn't paying much attention either, little lady."

Normally, I would be disgusted, but I felt the blush fill my face. "Well, all the same, I should've paid better attention to where I was going."

He held his hand out. "My name is Emmett. And you are?"

What the fuck is my name? "Uh." That was my response? You shitting me?

"Well, Uh. It was really great meeting you. I should get back to my brothers." He chuckled.

He turned around to leave and I eventually found my voice. "Bella."

He turned back toward me and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Bell-UH." He laughed.

Great, now he's making fun of me. My luck.

I finished my shopping and headed up to the checkout. I ran over someone's foot.

"Wow. Shit. That hurts." He pulled his foot up and started rubbing it. He was gorgeous, too.

His messy blonde hair was shiny and his body was lean.

"Jesus. This is the second time that I've done this. I apologize." I was in tears.

"Hey. Hey, don't cry, darlin'. I'm good. It only hurt for a second." He grinned at me.

"I ran into some guy earlier and now I just ran over your foot. I swear, I'm accident prone. You should probably go to the other side of the store. I'm sure that the ceiling is going to cave in soon." I sobbed.

He put his hand on my shoulder and I somehow instantly felt better. Calmer. He brushed my tears from my face and smiled warmly at me.

"Accidents happen." He mused.

I snorted. "That's what my tombstone should say."

He busted out laughing which automatically made me feel at ease.

"I'm Jasper. What's your name?"

"Bella. Nice to meet you. I really need to get going, though. Gotta' feed two girls." I laughed.

"Oh? You have kids?"

I laughed. "No. My two roommates. They don't seem to know how to cook for themselves."

He looked relieved. I wonder why.

I paid for my things, loaded my car, and headed home.


We arrived to the rental house and I plopped down on the couch.

"You should've seen the fox that I met at the store, man. She was totally your type." Emmett said, as he cracked open a beer.

"Only you would find potential from a girl at a grocery store." I mused.

Jasper chuckled. "Yeah, I saw quite the beauty, too. Clumsy as hell, but she was really pretty. She'd totally be your type, too."

Emmett raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what did she look like?"

Now I was confused.

Jasper cleared his throat. "Well, she was petite, but not too petite, she had long wavy brown hair, really pretty brown eyes, pouty lips, a cute button nose. She was a little too pale for Hawaii, but she was beautiful."

Emmett cracked up. "Holy shit. What was her name?"

I didn't understand why Jasper describing a beautiful woman was funny.

"Bella." Jasper stated simply.

"That's who I met. She totally ran into me with a grocery cart." He laughed.

Jasper cracked up then. "She ran over my foot."

I had to intervene. "Okay, so she's beautiful and clumsy. Why does she make a good match for me. That makes no sense whatsoever."

"I can just see you liking a girl like her. She isn't stuck up at all, and she has a wicked sense of humor. I wouldn't hate her like Tanya." Emmett chuckled.

I attempted to go out back to grill out but my mind was flooded with Tanya all of a sudden. It was flooded with the night that she left me.

"Edward, I think we need to talk." She whined.

I don't like those words. I had been in class literally all day, and this wasn't the way I wanted to come home.

I sat down on the couch next to her and sighed. "What is it that you want to talk about Tanya?"

She turned toward me and put her hand on mine. "You know that I love you, right?"

This is already starting off wrong.

I steadied my voice and looked at her. "Yes."

Her eyes welled with tears. "Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking. About us."

Shit. She was breaking up with me.

She continued. "We've been with each other for, how long? We haven't experienced anything else. We're each other's first everythings. Don't you wonder what else is out there?"

I hadn't really thought about it. I figured Tanya was it for me. We were the best of friends. She was my first love, who I lost my virginity to, my first kiss, my first girlfriend. Everything.

"Tanya, what are you trying to tell me?" I stammered.

She sniffled. "I just think that we're boring. Our relationship is boring. God, Edward. I want to see the world. I want to know that my options are open."

Was she for real? I gave her everything she wanted and then some.

"Tanya, we could go on trips. We can do anything you want to." I told her.

She sighed. "It's not just that. I don't think I'm meant to be in a relationship. I mean, I love you and everything. Don't get me wrong. The sex is amazing and you do that thing with your tongue... That's beside the point. The point I'm trying to make, is that I am leaving you. Us. I'm leaving us."

I was floored. I didn't see this coming.

"Is there someone else?" I nearly whispered.

She shook her head no. "I just want to live a little. I don't expect you to be waiting for me when I return, but I need to find myself."

Like an idiot, I opened my mouth. "Tanya, I'd wait forever for you. You're the only one I want." I was in tears.

She wiped them off. "I'm not. I want you to find someone who's going to make you happy, Edward. Move on. Live your life. You wrap yourself up in school and being so grown up, that you've forgotten how to have fun."

She gave me a chaste kiss on the lips and walked to the door and grabbed her suitcases. "I'll miss you, Edward."

Then she walked out of my life.

I was broken out of my thoughts when a frisbee hit me in the head.

"Hey, could you throw that back?" The little pixie haired girl shouted.

I picked it up and tossed it back to her.

"Thanks!" She yelled.

I looked over my shoulder to see Jasper staring at her intently. I think my brother has a little crush.


The night didn't come with peaceful sleep. It was pretty much torture. I tossed and turned with visions of Tanya leaving me.

I woke up around 5 a.m. And sat on the deck with a cup of coffee. Jasper and Emmett woke up a little after me and joined me.

"Hey, I saw a different beach just down the street from the grocery store. Maybe we could check it out later? I guess they're supposed to have all kinds of stuff going on there." Emmett took a sip of his coffee.

"Sounds good." Was all I could manage to spit out.

After we woke up a little bit we put on our swimming trunks and headed toward that beach.

When we arrived it was packed full of tourists or locals. Probably a little of both.

We opted to take our shirts off and leave them in the Hummer. When we did a group of girls strolled by whistling.

"Like what you see baby?" Emmett grinned at them.

The girls giggled and kept walking.

"Hey. They're having a surfing contest here in about an hour. We should stick around and watch it. That stuff has always fascinated me." Jasper said, looking at the sign.

We hung around the beach talking about nothing in particular and swam a bit.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to start the tournament now, so if those of you not participating would take a seat on the beach, we'll get this under way." The voice over the speaker told us.

We some how or another managed to get a seat right on shore in the middle of the action.

There were some great surfers. It was also a little hilarious when some of them did a nose dive into the waves.

"Next up, Bella Swan from right here on the island. Bella is also teaches the fundamentals of surfing, so if you guys are in need of lessons, be sure to find her." The announcer stated.

I saw the girl paddle out into the water, waiting for a big swell.

"That's her!" Jasper and Emmett both blurted out at the same time.

They said the girl was clumsy. This girl was anything but. She stood on the board and caught the biggest wave of them all, definitely out doing any of the guys. She rode the wave all the way onto shore.

She was breath taking. Her delicate curves were very evident in that little blue bikini she wore.

Her hair hung down to her ass, and she had the best smile I'd ever seen. She was a wholesome kind o beautiful. The kind that doesn't have to try hard.

"I'm gonna' go say hi to her. What are the odds?" Emmett stood up and ran over to her. They started talking and the most beautiful blush crept across her face.

"I'm telling you, she's perfect for you, man." Jasper nudged me. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I was transfixed and lost in her. I was drawn to her.

Emmett ran back over and flopped down on the blanket. "She's going out with her friends tonight to some club nearby. We should totally go."

Oh, I'm definitely going. If she's there, I'm going.