Harry Potter

The Next Generation

Chapter 1 -The Second Beginning

August 30

I'm so excited; my brother's going to Hogwarts! Witch (ha ha I mean) which means that I'll get to go too, soon! I hope anyway… oh no! Here he comes! Why'd I write that (or this!) anyway? Oops!

Ten year old Rose quickly shoved her diary under her bed and grabbed the Witches Weekly magazine, flipping to the end pages. Her brother walked in right in time to see her giggling over the stupid jokes in the magazine.

"They're here," he said and ran back down the stairs.

"Yeah!" she shouted and ran to join her brother.

"Uncle Harry! Auntie Ginny!"

She gave her relatives big hugs.

"Hiya Rose, hey Hugo" her uncle said.

She turned to Lily and she asked, "Wanna come see my new cat?"

"Sure do Rose!"

And they ran back up the stairs. At dinner that night after enjoying a nicely cooked roast (and a few stray cat hairs) Lily's second oldest brother, Albus, was given a blue party hat and a cake was brought out.

"You didn't give me a party when I started school!" complained James.

"You forget it's his birthday James?" teased his father, Harry.

"N-no, I was just uh…"

"Don't worry 'bout it," said his uncle, "I don't even know when Hermione's birthday is!"

James looked at his uncle, appalled, "But she's your wife!"

"Ron, stop teasing him," Hermione snapped.

"Well it's true!" Ron said defensively. The next morning Ginny and Hermione got everyone up at 6:30 (so everyone slept in according to Hermione) and they were out of the house by 7:00. At King's Cross Station they collected trolleys and headed for the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 where, to everyone's surprise, stood a tall, shabby muggle man smoking a cigar and looking as if he wouldn't budge even if a hurricane blew over him.

"Uh oh," exclaimed Ron and Harry at the same time.

"How we gonna get through dad?" asked Albus.

"Stand back" said Ron, throwing back his head and thrusting his chest out, he strolled over to man and said

"Excuse me sir but I am here to inspect this barrier for signs of termites and the like, so if you wouldn't mind-"

"No" grunted the man staring at a passing lady.

Ron walked back to the waiting group and started to say

"If there weren't so many muggles here-"

Hermione held up her hand.

"Shh" she whispered "not so loud. Here,"

Doing her best to hide it, Hermione flicked her wand and the man stood straight up and walked to another platform in small jerky movements. When everyone stopped staring, the group crossed through the barrier to Platform 9 ¾ without being noticed.

Okay this is my first ever story, not necessarily just on Fanfiction either. I'm not asking for sympathy, only acknowledging/admitting that this isn't my best work; I've gotten better in three years (I think anyway). So, enjoy...or not...it's up to you...