Summary: Grimmjow was a vampire to not look down on and who didn't need anybody. So why has he found himself falling for an incubus, Aizen's incubus, and why can't the thing even understand what love is? Damn… immortal life just got so much more complicated. AU GrimmUlqui

Dawn and Dusk

I. Trash

Warnings: Grimmjow and Luppi and Nnoitra's mouths, Nel too actually –snort-

I hated that fucking face.

It's the one that told me about my weaknesses, the one that showed me all the failures in my screwed up life. It stared at me now as I was forced to kneel before it, that smug look of my master, my Lord.

Fuck that. I was Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, not some loyal servant. I saw him as nothing but my captor and always would.

At the moment though, he was my very unpleased captor. I knew it from the things he had been yelling at me for the last hour or so, going on and on and on about how he wasn't 'amused' by my actions… once again. Hell, I didn't know; I had stopped listening to the shitty lecture the second he opened his mouth.

Aizen had round up a group to find and bring me before him before I did anymore 'stupid and rash decisions', as he had called them at some point in his speech. I didn't know what made the stick go up his ass this time, but I didn't really care. I was just happy to see his anger; it was worth it to know I had control over his emotions. But, I was still pissed that I had been brought there, to that fucking room.

The place was a huge and wide area, almost always filled with the higher rank or older vampires' part of Aizen's coven to witness the business he conducted there.

He did all of it from on top of a stage setting, where he sat in his high back chair before his long table and smirked at all his subjects under his control like the fucking bastard he was. They ate all of that up though, worshipping him because of his 'strength' and for being their 'wonderful' leader that had 'blessed' them. They're all just fuckin' idiots.

Our coven was strange, considering usual vampire rings.

Aizen had chosen to surround himself with his own creations instead of remaining around the purebloods and accepting that hierarchy. It was almost unheard of among the vampires to do such a thing. Changed humans were mindless creatures, following and obeying only the one that had changed them if they were able to survive the feeding; to most vampires they were an annoyance.

However, Aizen didn't choose just any humans to follow him; he had went in search of beings in desperate times and those in search of strength, discovering that there were more acceptances to power when it was actually wanted. He also found ways to raise his creations to control their own minds, believing there to be much power hiding in these changed humans that just needed coaxing out.

Now he had almost an army of these changed humans. It was rumored he wanted to rule over the pure bloods. We, as his army, never thought of such things, we knew our roles when the time did come when Aizen let his true plans known.

That was what I've been rebelling against. I'm different however; better than the rest of the weak mindless shits that roam our hell.

Aizen always demanded a wide audience in his life and when he did any little damn thing it was no different. Especially if he was able to show off his power, like punishing those below him, which was what he thought he was doing to me at the moment. Ever since I had been thrown in there the eyes of his many loyalists had glistened at each insult directed at me and my disobedience.

Yeah… I hated that fucking room.

"Grimmjow, are you listening?"

"Yes, Lord Aizen." I managed through clenched teeth.

Aizen smirked at the title, having come from my mouth, showing off his gleaming teeth perhaps as a threat or a reminder to who had the control. I tried to hide the thrill of anger that traveled through my chest.

I would want nothing more to be out of there. Whenever I had my taste of freedom Aizen was always there to reel me back from it and seal me away. He made sure I understood that I belonged to him and his coven, nothing else, and no matter how hard I tried to escape it to find personal fulfillment I would return to him.

My eyes averted away from the bastard's look and I was met with the other reason why I hated that fucking room.

In its usual spot, right beside Aizen, stood my Lord's little incubus.

Among all the strong forces in the coven that Incubus was obviously the lowest of them. I loathed him to the fucking core because of that; I hated weakness in any form.

The black haired, skinny, and short figure was always unchanged, wearing his same set stare on his face in its mix of sadness and wonder. The proof of his being was hard to miss and admire, despite how much I hated him it was something anyone admits. The guy possessed a beauty and presence, one that could make any creature drunk towards.

Being an incubus his appearance was also enhanced in other ways. The black wings on his back hang low from his shoulder blades, white horns stick out from the top of his head, and dark, feathery hair covered the lower part of his body and half his arms. It made him all the more alluring, but those looks were for that purpose. Even the slightest movement was trained to be careful and sensual.

Too bad all of that would forever be wasted on the man sitting next to him; to me that made his beauty sickening and I was the only one willing to say it. Aizen has mastered all control over the thing, taking from him its freedom. That was about all the common ground we stood on, but unlike me he didn't even fight it. I had never even seen restraints on the little shit.

My eyes were briefly met with those large green ones of the incubus; I saw disappointment there as well looking back. I quickly turned back to Aizen, who had been talking again.

"Can you repeat that, sir?" I rolled my eyes to get more of a reaction, "I wasn't listening."

He looked pissed about that, but what the hell kind of response did he expect? Seriously, he was a fuckin' idiot. Tousen reacted more than Aizen, slamming a hand down on the table from where he sat next to him.

"Grimmjow!" he bellowed, "You need to watch your mouth, who do you…"

"Grimmjow..." Aizen interrupted the blind vampire with a hand held out, "We need to discuss this disobedience that you have been showing lately."

Damn, what else has he been talking about this entire time?

"You have shown signs of going out of your way to cause trouble that can be hazardous to our goals. Killing random humans and destroying buildings…

That wasn't fair, that building had just gotten in my way and I barely hit it. The humans had been nothing but food... I didn't see the problem there.

"Grimmjow, tell me, what are your true objectives?"

My objectives… I knew exactly what he wanted to hear. He wanted me to rant to his wide audience about my 'undying' loyalty towards him and how my life was to serve his cause. Yeah… right.

"My objectives are your objectives." I clearly mocked the similar voices of those servants around me, "Aizen-sama."

Aizen's frown deepened at the sarcasm and I grinned at the sight. It really was a great one. The incubus beside the man had started to shift in place, maybe he was a little uncomfortable at being next to the older vampire.

Aizen seemed to roll a thought around in his head for a moment, making it more dramatic then nessassary for those watching.

"What do you think I should do about this, Gin?"

The cocky bastard next to him smiled his creepy ass, toothy smile at me.

"I think a punishment is in order," he responded, "You give the boy too long of a leash."

I could punch the shit head's face in.

"I agree." Aizen sneered.

I narrowed my eyes at the man; he could not be considering doing anything to me, not in that crowd. Maybe to others he would, he certainly has, but not me.

"Actually, I have the perfect thing." He piped up, "There's a very special project I need completed. It involves a very strong loyalty and strength to accomplish, and is an important step in my ideals. I just realized your perfect for the job, Grimmjow."

Oh great, he was challenging me to something. I didn't back down from that kind of shit.

"I can take anything you throw at me." I grinned back at him.

"Great," he continued happily, "Because, it is a task that I will not forget and involves something only a vampire like yourself can accomplish."

…Was that a compliment?

"You see there's a human woman that has captured my interest. She holds some type of power that I am in need of. I want you to go and capture this girl, bring her here, unharmed and not fed upon. Should I repeat that part Grimmjow? Once that is done I will have regained my long trust in you and ignore your rash decisions lately. I'll even clear your list of faults."

I raised an eyebrow. Those around me all shared whispers of how generous our leader was letting me off like that and how they, of course, agreed with his decision. To me it sounded too easy. Way too easy… but oh well. If he wanted to challenge my strength and intelligence then I was going to give him a show of how fucking wonderful and powerful I really was!

"Fine!" I spat, "I'll get you your fuckin' woman and bring her back all in one piece even!"

Right after the agreement I noticed the Incubus's glare on me once more. This time he slowly moved his eyes away from me first. Tousen slumped in his seat and crossed his arms tightly, looking like some pouty little brat who had gotten his favorite toy stolen from him.

I gladly stood back up on my feet and shared a long glare with Aizen. There was his usual evil behind that smiling and fatherly fakeness. I bared my teeth at the expression and snorted, making to turn around.

"Grimmjow…" Tousen's voice warned.

"Am I dismissed, my Lord?" I responded like it was rehearsed, and it was, trust me.

"Yes, you are." Aizen responded, "Good luck, Grimmjow."

I had twisted around before he was finished and stomped away, aware of the many eyes that followed me as I did so. I made sure to be extra dramatic about my exit when I slammed the door open, about taking the large thing off the hinges.

He wanted me to go and get some human girl, what kind of sick shit was he playing at? I was much more useful than such a task. I didn't know what kind of dumb puppet he thought he was dealing with, but I was nothing like those other bastard's of his and I would fucking prove it to him!

I didn't need any fucking leader to tell me what to do, I wasn't a weakness, and I didn't need anything else!



I continued my angry stomping down the long, high ceiling hallway, fists clenched at my sides because I hadn't been able to take my anger out on anything yet. I had very wanted to punch all of those bastards' faces in and would have if it wasn't for that smug fucker holding so much control over me. I would show him true power soon and he was going to regret all the shit he puts me through and...


"What!" I turned around and roared into the small face of the one following on my heels.

She pulled to a stop before she could run into my legs and the two men close behind her had to catch themselves before they fell over her. The little green haired girl was unfazed by my obvious fury.

"Grimmy, are you scared?" she asked innocently, her fangs gleaming in the dark.

I leaned farther down.

"Scared of fuckin' what?" I snarled.

"Your mission! Shit head!" she hissed, fingers twisting in her big shirt, "…humans' are so scary…"

I did not need to listen to her babble at the moment. The kid and I had been with Aizen's coven for almost the same amount of time, before it had grown to what it was now, and I had dealt with the little one's bitching and crying too many times before.

"Fuck off."

I continued my walk down the hall. I heard her feet pick up the pace back on my heels and I fought back the want to bite my lip in annoyance.

"'cause I would be so scared if I were you!" She continued, "It's not good to go after 'dem, human's is stupid, they thinks me a little girl; Nel not little, no!"

Yet, she still prattles on like a human infant…

"Nel, we mustn't talk like that!" the blonde and skinnier vampire named Pesche lectured, "Aizen-sama obviously picked Grimmjow-san for an important task…"

"Besides, Nel." The larger, Dondochakka, whimpered, "You can't be scared of humans, they're our food, don't cha know?"

"That don't make 'em less scary!" She screeched, "You really gonna go, Grimmy?"

"Of course I'm going," I snapped loudly, "I'm not chicken shit like you three!"

Nel walked silently for a moment.

"…I don't know, Grimmy." her voice came out serious.

The tone surprised me. I slightly turned my head to look down at her willing to listen if didn't go on forever, I had managed one shitty lecture already. She was facing the ground.

"I don' think you should go." She muttered, "It's weird. Aizen-sama don't send one of us to go and get the human, that's not what we do… It seems like a…"

The little one's voice trailed and let out squeak. She went into a dead stop; her followers had to quickly scramble to not fall over her again.

"Nnoitra-san!" she cried, her wide eyes focused above me.

I stopped and sent a glare to the taller freak now behind me, wearing his grin.

"Time to go!" Nel announced; her group quickly scurried away in the opposite direction as a collective run.

Nnoitra's smirk widened at the response.

"Yo." He greeted.

"Not now." I snarled, moving on past him.

"Grimmjow," he followed me, of fucking course, "What's this? Are you actually hesitating against a challenge?"

Fuck! What the hell did everyone hear that I hadn't? Did I ever say I was fucking scared of this shit?

"You're fuckin' scared to go against a threat from Aizen-sama, aren't you? Ha, I know it! I'm not surprised a pussy as you would back down from such an easy task!"

"Fuck off, Nnoitra." I yelled, "I said not now!"

I found the door to my room and hurled it open.

"Not like you haven't did anything but go above and eat on any available neck you can reach, just because you're bored and fuckin' useless to do anything else!" He jeered at my doorway when I had entered the room, "Don't know what makes you so god damn special, Aizen'sama saying you're the only one that can do such a tiny thing! If I had the fuckin' challenge to go get a damn human girl I would do it no fuckin' problem!"

That was it! I was not going to listen to Nnoitra's jealousy.

"Get out!"

I threw the closest thing I could grab, turned out to be a chair, over my head at the doorway. Sadly, Nnoitra moved at the last second and let it burst against the hallway wall.

"You're quite the desperate dickhead lately." Nnoitra snickered at me heaving with rage, "Don't screw up too badly on your mission."

"Fuck you!" I screamed.

I wanted the entire coven to hear that and proceeded to punch a hole in the wall next to me. That was just what I needed! I went on to completely destroying my room, every now and then hurling something into the hallway.

Fuck! Everyone thought they knew everything! There was nothing desperate about Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, I was a fucking king! Unstoppable and able to do whatever the hell I wanted! They all took me as some damn mockery, I was anything but!

I didn't need them anyway, not Aizen, not his mindless slaves….nobody!


"What?" I threw a bottle in my hand at the door.

The figure standing in the doorway didn't even flinch when it shattered against the wall next to them. I quickly noticed that the smell now wafting into the room wasn't Nnoitra's, it was enticing and sweet.

"Incubus." I growled.

He stood there with a relaxed posture. His white skin glistened in the hallway's faint light; he always seemed to glow from within from living in the pitch dark of their coven. The Incubus sent a studious look around the mess in my room before coming back to meet my eyes.

"Vampire." He responded.

I scoffed at his emotionless face, always the same.

"What the hell brings you to my damn room?"

"I have been ordered to escort you to the location where you will capture the human girl."

"Escort me?" I walked up closer to the shorter form, "I'm shocked! Is Aizen-sama actually letting you out of his bed?"

The insult didn't have any effect.

"I am to bring you there when you are ready to go."

Realizing I wasn't going to get any other response from the thing I gritted my teeth.

"Fine. Come in." I kicked some broken stuff around, "I was just… cleaning up."

The incubus obeyed and stepped inside.

"Fuck." I groaned, damn since when did I have so much shit to break. I continued searching through the mess, "Oh, there it is."

I reached down and grabbed my Pantera from beneath a pile.

"A sword?" I think the incubus had meant for that to come out as a question though it sounded like a statement; I could never fucking tell with the guy.

"Yes, a sword!" I exclaimed; I had thought he was smarter to understand the situation, "I'm not that suicidal to go bare handed."

To my surprise he responded with a slight rise in his eyebrow. No matter how small it was that was the most emotion I had ever seen on that face.

I grinned at the display, stepping up towards him. The little flash of feelings that had appeared in those big eyes hadn't gone unnoticed and the sickness I felt towards him had disappeared in that same moment. Maybe there was something there not ruined.

"So, Aizen hasn't screwed you up as much as I thought." I mused.

He didn't move as I came closer and he kept a steady gaze up at me.

"You really are beautiful." I breathed, taking in the teasing scent from his skin.

"Am I?" he asked flatly, bringing a hand up to my chin.

I leaned in closer, drawn to the smell and the blood beneath the pale skin. An incubus was a treat to vampires, not a food source we could live off of, but a really good snack that's taste was addicting. They would never be changed or drained either, perfect for vampire entertainment.

I gracefully brushed back the messy, black hair lying over the other's shoulder and leaned my head down towards the bend of his soft neck.

"Why does it have to be fuckin' wasted on Aizen?" My fangs barely brushed over the skin.

"Vampire." The incubus brought my head back up gently up by my chin, "Your eyes are going red."

I smirked.

"You're quite cocky underneath all that loyalty, aren't you?" I received no reaction again, reminding me of our captor once more, "Hm, don't want our fucking Lord to see another bite mark next to these now would we?"

My finger came up to trail over the many scars that lined his chest and neck. He merely watched my face with a steady stare.

"You're disgusting," I spat, "Giving yourself up like that, like a fucking whore."


The moment was lost.

"Speaking of fucking whores…" I growled, dropping my hand, "The fuck do you want, Luppi?"

"Grimmjow!" the little gender confused moron yelled back, "Why the hell did Aizen-sama give you special treatment? Why you!"

I walked around the incubus and shoved Luppi out of my doorway.

"Next time someone asks me that they're getting a fucking fist through their fucking gut!" I called down the hallway in case anybody else felt the need to annoy the shit out of me before I left, "Let's go then incubus!"

The thing had been frozen in place, my eyes narrowed when I noticed his fingers held up on his neck.

"Incubus!" I barked.

It obeyed instantly that time, throwing his hand down to his side and walking out of the room with his regular mask of emotions set.

"Grimmjow!" Luppi yelled again when the Incubus swept past, "I'll be taking your damn place one of these days, asshole!"

"Just try, whore!" I called back down the hallway.

"So, you know where the hell this human is?" I asked the dark form behind me.

"Of course." He droned.

"Perfect." I grinned widely.

There was more to this mission then what had been said and I was smart enough to fully understand that. But, Aizen was in for some fucking head spinning when I showed him who was king here.

That's for damn sure.

Gah, I wanted an Ulquiorra POV at some point in this chapter but it didn't get in.

Okay a few things on my incubi and vampires. I'm doing my own little rules for each of them, kind of picking what I want to use and adding some of my own ideas. I've read alot of versions of incubi where they are another branch of vampires, but in this they're going to be separate species and don't need blood.

This chapter was all foreshadow and set up, things really get going starting next chapter. I have this whole plot planned out completely, surprisingly it only took one day, the Bleach cast and story fit really well into this setting. However, this is the only chapter I have written so far. I usually stay a few ahead, but I'm posting it now just to get it out there, the next chapter might take a couple weeks. There should be around 15-20 when it's done.

Hope you enjoyed!

Please, review!