An: I was just called fat, so this popped into my head. Honestly, I'm 12 pounds overweight, that's all.
The beginnings of hot, shame filled tears were filling up the Gryffindor's eyes quickly and in just a few seconds they were already slipping down round cheeks and over the curve of a chin going plop plop plop onto the carpet in the dormitory.
Tears often dripped onto this particular spot.
Neville stood in front of the mirror in the dorm dissecting and breaking down every single flaw in his body. In the end, he was only breaking down himself.
Ever since he was small, Neville heard all sorts of insults fly his way. How Gran would be disappointed in him, how his family thought he was a good for nothing squib in a pureblood family. Neville hoped beyond hope, when he received his Hogwarts letter, everything would change. His family was so proud of him; his uncle actually gave him a toad!
But pride quickly evolved to disappointment when letters of his abysmal grades and potions accidents went home. Gran wanted him to be like his Dad. She even gave him Dad's old wand.
It didn't take long for his family to change their minds.
And everything just went downhill for him when he arrived at Hogwarts. He didn't make friends and insults were often whispered around the corner, behind his back and in front of his face. Fat ass, crybaby, lard, squib. Disappointment.
Plop, plop, plop faster and with a higher frequency, salty drops left the corners of his eyes. Neville could taste them on his mouth.
And Neville felt a small, slightly bony hand on his back rubbing soothing circles. Blinking red puffy eyes, he looked and saw warm green eyes and he couldn't help but cry harder. Full on sobs and he was shaking now, choking on hot snot as he got the shorter boy's robe all nasty.
Harry mainly kept quiet, sometimes murmuring soft words Neville couldn't hear, while he blubbered about how no one liked him and how he tried, he tried hard, and he still couldn't do anything.
When he was done spilling his woes to the boy-who-lived, Neville raised his head from Harry's shoulder and gave a watery, slightly sheepish smile and turned a rather pink shade. Harry just offered a smile in return and sat Neville down on his bed.
He got rid of his robes, and the door busted open and Hermione and Ron came tumbling in. Ron was about to open his mouth and offer a rather loud comment but Hermione gave a pained grin and dug her heel into his toe. Ron had to bite his lip to keep in the yelp that was threatening to escape his mouth. He was finally catching on.
Hermione smiled and lured Neville into a discussion of Herbology and its uses in potions which quickly turned into a conversation about wizarding gardens when Ron mentioned his Mum needed to have some of plants checked out and since Neville was so good, would he like to come over during the summer and take a peek? You could stay for a visit of course. Mum was a fantastic cook.
Harry had left somewhere in the middle of the conversation to rummage around in his trunk and Neville missed the relaxing hand that was still rubbing circles on his back. But the smallest teen quickly came back and had dumped his horde of pumpkin pasties and chocolate frogs.
Neville gave a larger smile, no longer as teary as he was before and relaxed back into the hand that was still petting him as he bit into a chocolate frog.
It was nice to know Harry knew his favorites were pumpkin pasties and chocolate frogs.