Disclaimer: You guys already know I don't own Fairy Tail nor it's awesome characters!

AN: I am so sorry with the long awaited updates, but gosh with work and school its been hard. So luckily I have some free time over the week so I've been starting on updates for this one and a few others. So please bear with me guys, and I hope you like the update! Oh, please read and review!

Chapter Two


Mirajane bounced around happily serving drinks to the whole guild. Levi was reading Lucy's half finished book for the umpteenth time. In the background you could hear the usual ruckus going on. Gray, Natsu, and Gazille arguing over something insignificant. Lluvia threatening Natsu and Gazille if they did anything to harm Gray. It was just another usual day at the Fairy Tail Guild. Lucy stood in front of the job board with furrowed brows. 'That Loki! I mean what an ass! I'll show him whose weak!' Her eyes shifted to the second floor balcony.

"What's wrong with you Lucy-San?~" Bixlow asked while his tongue rolled out of his mouth. "Did you and Loki not get it on last night?" He chuckled as his tiki heads giggled along with him.

"Bixlow we're not a couple." Lucy said with a blush.

"I know we're not a couple, but I was referring to you, and Loki-San of course." Lucy growled as she stormed off to the second floor. "See you later Lucy!" Bixlow and his tiki heads said.

All Lucy had to do was not look too suspicious. She just had to act normal. At that precise moment a puffy face Natsu with a pack of ice pressed to his cheek walked by. "What are you looking at?" Natsu glared at her. "He-He just got lucky that's all." He huffed as Happy patted his head.

"Aye!" The cat chimed. "Just a lucky shot! Nothing speci--"

"What did you say, cat?" Gazille said in an ominous growl.

"It was Natsu!" Happy said as he ran out the Mess Hall.

"Happy, what the he--" Natsu furrowed his brows at Gazille. "Bring it Metal-Head!"

"What a couple of idiots, ne?" Gray grinned at Lucy.

"Yes! I totally agree with you Gray-Kun!" Gray raised a brow at the Stellar Spirit Mage.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern in his voice and eyes.

"I am perfectly fine!" Lucy yelled again. "I have to go to the bathroom. That is right over there!" She was sweating bullets as she got up like a mechanical toy.

Natsu and Gazille looked at Lucy with a hint of uneasiness. "Pfft, and they say the guys of Fairy Tail is crazy." Everyone watched as she made her way to the bathroom, and turned around slowly as she smiled at everyone before closing the door. She quickly locked the door as she looked at the mirror. "C'mon Lucy Heartfilia. Think of something. How can I get to the balcony without looking suspicious..." A clap sound was made as she face-palmed. "After that spectacle I made of myself everyone is going to be watching me...Who..." A grin spread across her pinkish lips. "Or what..." Lucy eyes fell to her keys. Without a second thought Lucy thrust one of her keys in front of her, and turned it.

"Open a door to Canis the dog!" Lucy said. Within a poof of smoke Plue was gazing up at her with his cheerful smile upon his face.

"Puuun!~" Plue said as he greeted hello.

"Hi Plue." She said with a smile. "Plue, I need you to go to the second floor, and swipe a mission off of the S-Rank board..." Plue turned pale if possible. The dog like thing ran around in a circle squealing pun over and over. Lucy figured that he was trying to talk her out of it. "C'mon Plue I really need this." She said with a puppy like expression.

"Puuun!~" Plue said defeated.

"Thank you so much!" Lucy smiled as she hugged her Stellar Spirit. "Oh make sure it's a good one!"



Lucy trotted out the bathroom with an extra bounce to her step. With the most breath-taking bear hug she could muster she hugged Erza and Lluvia. The Blue-Haired girl burst into little water-droplets. The water-droplets then reformed together with a very not so happy Lluvia. Erza was still being hugged by Lucy. 'Is this some kind of challenge?...I'll be rude if I don't accept!' Erza wrapped her arms around Lucy and hugged her with all her might. "I accept your challenge!"

"Erza-Sempai, even though I'll like to slightly crush my rival. It would sadden Gray-Sama. So please let her go. She's turning blue." Erza let go of Lucy and watched as the Stellar Mage gasped for air.

"I--A-All I wanted was to ask you to-to sing with me!~" She wheezed out.

"I shall do my best!" Lluvia said with determination. "Gray-Sama will notice Lluvia!"

"Hmm...Sure I'm up for something interesting."

"Good now c'mon!" Lucy said as she dragged the two girls away,


"Yo, Fairy Tail! Look at the stage or I'll make you pay!" Erza said calmly into the microphone. Everyone gulped as they turned their heads towards the stage. Their eyes met the sight of Erza, Lucy, and Lluvia wearing Gothic Lolita styled jumper-dresses. Cheers erupted from every direction. "We're going to sing. So no noise!"

Erza set up two Then Lucy and herself strapped their electric guitars on, as Lluvia sat behind a drum set, and put on her mic-head set. Lluvia clicked her sticks together as she shouted, "1 2 3! Lets rock!"

Erza: (1)Bring it, bring it, baby!

Lluvia: Oh my God! Oh my God!

Lucy: Yesterday's failures left you crushed?

Much apreesh! Much apreesh!

You got sauce all over your new clothes! Wow!

Erza: Don't mind, don't mind, the tears in my eyes

No matter how hungry and angry I get

I'm dashin' for some some donburi like a jet!

Lluvia: We're always gonna be brother, yo!

Headwinds, gales, or hurricanes, we got this! C'mon!

Even if we're apart, we're all under the same sky

So smile, stand firm

Erza, Lucy, and Lluvia: Let's do it! Do it, do it, do it!

Erza: Let's bring it, bring it, baby!

Lucy: Even if the sun doesn't say, "yeah yeah!"

Lluvia: Let's bring it, bring it, baby!

Erza: We'll dream a dream together, yeah yeah!

Lucy: Let's bring it, bring it, baby!

Lluvia: No matter what happens, stay in the fight, yeah yeah!

Erza: Let's bring it, bring it, baby!

Lucy: No matter how dark the night, morning will bring the light, yeah yeah!

Lluvia: Na-nana-nana-na-nana! Hey!

Erza: Nanana-na-nana-nana-na-nana! Hey!

Lucy: Na-nana-nana-na-nana! Hey!

Lluvia: Nanana-na-nana-nana-na-nana!

Erza, Lucy, and Lluvia: Bring it!

Everyone stood up and applaud as some blew whistles. The two idiots of the guild Natsu and Gazille stood on the table, and yelled, "Booo!~ You guys stink!~ Whatcha gonna do about tha--" In a blink of an eye Erza was in her Black Wing Armor. "Ruuuuuuuuuuuun!~" The two Dragon Slayers yelled as they ran out of the Mess Hall while a pissed off Erza was hot on their trail.

"Wow. You guys were just awesome." Gray said as he gave the two girls his charming smile. "I didn't know you could sing Lluvia."

"O-Oh yes. Lluvia has been singing since Lluvia was a baby!" Her eyes were glistening as she continued. "Yes. Yes. They said Lluvia came out of her mother's womb singing the joys of life!"

"Right..." Gray said as he turned his attention to Lucy. His smile then faded when he notice that Lucy had disappeared.


"Oh, Plue thank you so much!" Lucy chimed as she hugged her Stellar Spirit. She was walking down the dirt covered road as she read over the job flyer again. "It looks like we're heading off to the Land of the Wild..." Lucy furrowed her brows together. "I never heard of that place before." Plue looked up at her as he made his usual sound. "Don't worry Plue. This just mean we'll get to venture off somewhere new!" Her nose crinkled in disgust. "Plus I couldn't stand Natsu's stench anymore." She sweat-dropped. "What normal person doesn't take showers on a daily basis?"


"What are you doing you fuckin' idiot?!" Loki yelled as he pounded on the huge crystal ball that was in the center of the Stellar Spirit Grand Hall.

"Umu...Loki-Sama," Aries whimpered as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "You might break it..."

"Leave me alone Aries." Loki growled as his nails seemed to grow longer.

"L-Loki-Sama please," She stammered. "Please we're worried about you!" Loki turned his head slightly to catch a glimpse of the other zodiac members. "Please d-don't turn your back on us..."

"Turn my back on?..." Loki's eye twitched. "Oh that's just so fuckin' hilarious!" He roared with laughter. "Who here stood up for me when I was casted out?" No one spoke. "Who here asked for the Great Spirit King to have mercy on me, that I was only trying to protect all the other Stellar Spirits she had?!" Again no one spoke. Loki's eyes shifted towards Aries. "I gave up everything to save you, you were knocking on deaths door, and I fuckin' saved you, and you did nothing to try and save me!"

"L-Loki-Sama please don't," Aries' tears were sliding down her face. "Please don't," She covered her ears with her hands. "Please..."

"Please don't what?" Loki hissed.

"Don't push me away." She began to sniffle. "Loki-Sama I love you! I always have!" Loki's felt his heart skip a beat as he saw Aries trembling body. "I-I know I-I should of done something, but I didn't know what to do--I'm sorry Loki-Sama. Please don't hate me!" The Stellar Spirit Ram walked slowly towards Loki, and wrapped her arms around him.

Loki tensed as he felt her body against his back. The words Aquarius spoke in his palace played over and over in his head. 'Leo be careful, for you are a Stellar Spirit, and we are forever. Humans only last for so long.' His head was beginning to throb as his mind battle with the fact that no matter what, that he could live on for eons, and Lucy would grow old and die, while he live on with nothing, but a far off memory. "Thank you..." Loki said in a defeated tone.

"Moooooo-ell! Looks like Lucy-Sama is back on the market, and it's time for me to make a moooooooove!" Taurus said with pink hearts in his eyes.

"You idiot!" Aquarius yelled as she smashed her vase of water.

"Mooooouch!~" The Golden Bull said dizzily.


"Master, Master!" A short stubby man hobbled his way to the thrown of his master. "I have great news!"

"What is it Horus?"

"My spell on the request has been activated!" The man cackled. "Someone is on his or her way!" Horus let out a lecherous chuckle. "Hopefully it'd be a girl."

"My plan is now being set into motion, Horus you will be treated nicely...Now off with you..."

"Yes of course Master Souichiro!" Horus said quickly as he did a fast paced hobble.

"Mmm," said Souichiro. "this could get interesting."


AN:Thank you for reading and I hope you review as well. Sorry it wasn't that long, but I'll try and make the next chapter longer. I hope everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving! For those of you who live in Canada I hope your Thanksgiving was great. For people that doesn't know Canada's Thanksgiving is like at the end of October. So yup! Bye-Bye everyone!