
Omi as always
The BTN8rs - with apologies
The BTN Chatters - for their support


"A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend" - Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I do not own any Numb3rs characters nor do I have any rights to
anything related to the TV show Numb3rs. I plead fair use and claim
only my own writing and characters.

Marshall slid into the booth opposite Charlie, a distasteful sneer on his face.

"You didn't tell me we were meeting in a dive bar, Eppsie." He picked his hands up off the wooden tabletop, grimacing as if it was too filthy to touch. "I suppose the landfill's closed at this hour though."

"Well, the ice cream parlor's closed," Charlie retorted. "So I had to drag you somewhere actual adults hang out." He gestured to the waitress who approached with a smile.

"Hi there! What can I get you?"

Charlie gave her his best charming grin. "Which do you suggest of this month's specials? The Honey Wheat or the India Pale Ale?"

"They're both good, but the people I've been serving have really been raving over the Honey Wheat," she told him, balancing her tray on her hip as she put coasters down in front of them.

"I'll take it then!" Charlie said cheerfully.

Marshall peered at the microbrew menu at the end of the table.

"I'll take a Porter."

"Sure, can I just see your ID?"

Marshall frowned at her. "What, you're IDing me, but not him?"

The waitress looked at Charlie then back at Marshall. "Yup. Pretty much."

"Well, that's just..." Marshall gaped, flummoxed, unable to get words out in his outrage.

"That's okay," Charlie said, barely hiding a smug grin, as he nodded to the waitress. "Just bring him a root beer."