Whooo! New Story. I've had this idea for ages! And finally got around to writing it. So i hope you like it. I got the first four chapters all worked out and then I'll see what people have to say about it:]
Btw i am a TERRIBLE updater. But i do try:] Plus i got 2 weeks holidays[although i should use it for revising but shhhh!] so it shouldnt be a problem. This is my first Twilight story so please be nice:] Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Dont own anything. Not even a strand on EddieBoys head:[
Chapter 1
I woke to the sound of my alarm clock. God, I hated that thing. It always woke me up when I really didn't want to get up! I sprang out of bed, grabbing a pair of jeans and a logo top. I showered, brushed my teeth and applied the basic make-up. I'd changed my style a little since I'd left Forks. I still wore 'boring' clothes as my old friend Alice would call them but I now dressed them up a little. I brushed my hair and let it fall naturally; it always looked best when I did it that way.
"Rosalie!!" I called out, no doubt I would have to go in and wake her. The place was a mess. I desperately began cleaning up, we were expecting a new roommate any day now and I don't think she would really appreciate the state our living room – all of our rooms - were in right now. I grabbed a bunch of paper cups and plates [Rose likes to hold a few parties here and there and every night] and placed them in the trashcan. "Rose!" I yelled again, knocking on her door a couple of times. I heard a few mumbles but knew she no doubt let her head fall back on the pillow. Once I had got the living room to a suitable standard just in case the newbie decided to jump in to the room any seconds [Years of having Alice as a friend gets you prepared]. Thinking of Alice always made me depressed. She was my best friend, along with Rosalie, up until I left Forks. Thinking of Alice always made me think of Edward. And thinking of Edward? Always made me want to cry my eyes out and spend days eating nothing but chocolate and ice-cream. Lucky for me, I like ice-cream.
I walked back past Rosalie's room after I had got myself a glass of orange juice and a bowl of frosties without milk. I knocked again knowing it was pointless. She didn't even mumble this time. I shook my head. Pathetic…I thought. Can't even get up at a decent time…
I looked around the living room; it wasn't the cleanest it had been but not the messiest either. I'd shoved the paper plates and cups in a black bin bag, I looked over at the phone and then back at Rose's door. I smirked to myself.
"Oh, Rose!?" I sing-songed out to her. I was so conniving sometimes.
"What?" I heard her muffle out from what I presumed was her pillow. I looked down at out coffee table and picked up a piece of ripped notepad paper with scrawny handwriting written on it.
John Nichols.
I'll Call You Tomorrow.
"…Some guy called John is on the phone for you!" I called out again, my voice getting louder, knowing that she was probably sitting up in bed right now with a gob smacked look raked on her face. "He says he met you last night-" I was cut off when Rosalie's bedroom door was banged open and she was standing there, dressed head to toe in designer jeans and what not. She looked like she belonged in a fashion magazine. Her make up, her hair, everything was …immaculate. In the space of not even three minutes. I stared at her in awe.
"Really? Calling? Wow, well I didn't expect that…" She gushed, a grin on her face. "Wait, why is the phone still connected to the….BELLA! YOU BITCH!"
I laughed, okay so Rose scared me and all but she wasn't half funny when she got pissed. I shrugged my shoulders in a 'I don't know what you're talking about manor' and headed into the kitchen. She quickly followed.
"I can't believe you did that, Bella!" She sighed. "So cruel…I would never do anything like that to you-" I scoffed.
"That's total bollocks, Rose! Lets not count how many times you've poured water on me, to wake me up when you want to go on one of 'fabulous' and 'extravagant' shopping sprees! And lets not mention the time you put custard on my head!!!! While I was sleeping!" Throughout my whole yelling session, Rose appeared to have a smirk plastered on her face and she was silently giggling to herself. I scoffed.
"Screw you Rose!" And stuck my tongue out. Rosalie began spooning ice-cream out of the tub and straight into her mouth. I pulled a face. "Rose, its not even nine and your eating…ice-cream?" She stopped for a second and looked at me, she opened her mouth but I quickly interrupted. "It was a rhetorical question, Rose." She shrugged her shoulders and flipped her hair back.
"So, what's your day today then?" I sighed and looked towards the ceiling, trying to remember what classes I had for today.
"I've got work first ten till three and then I got English Lit at four for an hour."
"Oh, how exciting!" Rosalie replied, her voice dripped with sarcasm.
"Uh huh, sure. Anyways we get to find out whom my new teacher is. They finally found a replacement."
"Took them long enough. It's been months!" I nodded my head in agreement, messing around with paper files and documents that were strewn all over the place.
"So what are you up to today anyway?" I asked, not all that bothered. Rosalie's day consisted of shopping, manicure, massage, pick up a hot guy, bring him back here… You get the picture.
"Erm…actually I'm meeting an old friend…" She muttered so low that I had to lean in to hear it.
"Oh, how interesting. Who?" There was a pause of silence.
"Oh…I erm…I'm not really actually sure…" I looked up at her and stilled my movements.
"You're not sure who you are meeting today?" She began to shook her head, avoiding my gaze, I noticed.
"What aren't you telling me?"
"Nothing! Anyway I have got to go. So I'll call you later, see you later, maybe later… Bye!" She had been walking towards the door all this time, I had tried to chase her to the door before she escaped but I tripped over my foot.
"Bitch…" I muttered under my breath.
"Have a nice day." I grinned. I hated grinning when I wasn't in a good mood. Luckily for that woman I was in an okay mood. More confused. Like what the hell was going on with Rose? She's only ever secretive around me if she thinks I wont approve. Like that time when she slept with two people at the same time. I don't know why she thought I would freak out though. I mean I would probably never do it myself but I'm no virgin either! No, Edward saw to that…
I shook my head, there I was…thinking about Edward again. For fucks sake, even when the guy is hours away from me, he still manages to insert himself into my brain. Dickhead.
I loved my job, it was only a few hours everyday but I still loved it. Who wouldn't love working in a shop that was CD and DVD galore? It also sold the odd book too! Heaven!
I lifted up the box of all the latest DVDs and began putting them on the shelf. I could not wait for this weekend. Rose and me were planning on crashing driving up to Bel Air to have Medi-Pedis and facials. Okay, usually I don't like this kind of thing but I'm in the mood to be pampered and I am beginning to get real tired of clothes. They're so hideous and cover me up way too much for my liking.
"Bella." I looked up to see my co-worker Jacob standing next to one of the stands, stacking some DVDs. I smiled.
"Hey, what's up Jacob?" He had been my friend ever since I had moved to Berkeley, which was a year. He made his way over to me and leaned against the till.
"What are you doing tonight?" He asked. I was a little taken back. Sure, we were friends but we never really hung out and Jacob certainly never asked me what I was doing.
"Erm…I'm not really sure. Something with Rose I guess." I remembered what Rose had said this morning. It was really starting to irk me that I didn't know what she was up to. Rose told me everything, just like I did her.
"There's a party tonight. At my dorm with Mike. We need to fill up the space. Interested in coming?" Ah, so that was why he asked me. Don't get me wrong. I don't fancy Jacob or anything – No way! Not my type. He was too much of a womaniser for me. Plus I'd never go near him after what he did to his ex, Nessie. Plus, I tried many a times to move on from Edward. The Outcome? I'm still single.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe. I'll check with Rose. Thanks for inviting me anyway." I gave him a small smile and went back to my work. Jacob stalked off a few minutes after and I served another customer. After the store had died down and I was left to my own devices, I got out a piece of paper out my jean pocket. I had kept this piece of paper for three years. I read it almost everyday and my heart broke still now, every time I read it.
Dear Bella,
I don't know how to tell you this. I guess, I'm a coward. Taking the easy way out. I just couldn't face you. I can't tell you this to your face. When we met it was the best day of my life. Or at least I thought it was. But in the last six or seven months, I haven't been feeling the love I felt for you when we were first together. I can't pretend anymore just to make you happy.
You are not who I want, anymore. I know we planned a life together but I just can't stand the thought of being tied down to you. I need to concentrate on my academics and I can't be around you in order to become the doctor I always wanted to be.
I should have broken this off when I first started having these kinds of feelings but I felt that I couldn't. Every time you saw me you'd grin your perfect smile and I would feel a twinge of guilt in my heart knowing that I didn't love you anymore. I am sorry but I can no longer pretend. I can't concentrate on my classes or my studies because I spend all my time with you. And If I'm not spending all my time with you then I am thinking about not wanting to be with you any longer. You're making my life difficult and I feel like I want to take a knife and stab myself in the chest so I can no longer feel this pain.
I know it's selfish of me to ask you this but please…I need you to leave. I need you leave Forks and never come back. I don't want any contact with you. Don't call me, don't write to me, nothing. You have no idea how hard it is to write this to you, Bella. Knowing that you are crying right now. I will never forgive myself for making you think that I loved you.
I am begging you to just leave me in peace.
I'm sorry.
I felt a tear drop down my cheek and onto the already worn out paper. I'm surprised I could still read it after the amount of times I had cried and the amount of tears that had fallen. I didn't understand it. We were so happy. Or at least I thought we were… He told me he loved me everyday. Multiple times a day. So why did he say he did? I had so many questions…and I wondered if I was ever going to get answers.
"Hey, you took your time getting here!" Rose said as I took a seat next to her. I shrugged my shoulders and got out my pen and notebook.
"Sorry, my shift ran over late."
"Oh, well anyway. Mr. Fellows isn't here…again." I rolled my eyes at this statement.
"Jeez, they might as well just replace him." She went quiet and looked at the floor.
"Yeah, might as well." I looked at her with a weird expression.
"You okay?"
"What? Yeah, fine!"
"Okay…where did you go earlier anyway?"
"Oh that? I erm…" She was cut off by the substitute entering the classroom. Rose looked at the front and completely avoided my eye gaze. What is wrong with her? She's my best friend…so why is she keeping this from me? I wondered if maybe it had something to do with Emmett. She calls him weekly and recently they've been having a few fights over something Rose refused to make clear to me. The sub set up all her stuff on the desk and turned to face the class.
"Hello everyone. I will be officially replacing your teacher Mr. Fellows as he is not expected to return anytime soon." Finally, a stable teacher… I took a bottle of cola out of my bag and took a sip. "My name is Esme Cullen and I am originally from Forks. I just moved here and I can't wait to meet you all and see what a talented class I have." I spat out my drink, the girl in front of me squealed and stood up.
"I'm so sorry!" I quickly said putting my drink away. "Really, I…" I stopped when I noticed the glares she was giving me. She flicked her hair, picked up her stuff and stormed out of the class. "Shit…" I muttered beneath my breath.
"Wait to go, Bella." Rosalie murmured next to me. I turned to look at her, a wide-eyed expression on my face. She knew…
When the lecture was over, Rosalie headed out of the class almost straight away, I practically ran right after her. I grabbed her hand and she span around to face me.
"Rose…You knew? Why didn't you say anything?" She sighed.
"I'm sorry. Bells, I didn't know how to tell you. I knew you'd freak out." Erm…yeah! "Look, that's why I've been so distant I've known of her arrival for a while. Emmett's been wanting to see me and I…" That would explain the arguments with Em then. I wanted to continue listening but there was only one thought on my mind.
"Is he with her? Are they all here? Is…did Edward come too?" Rose didn't say anything, just nodded. "Great…just… fan-fucking-tastic." I muttered to no one in particular. I began heading towards my dorm when Rose laid her hand on my arm and stopped me.
"I am really sorry Bella. I just didn't know how'd you react." Her voice sounded sincere enough so I shrugged and made my way to my dorm. Rose in tow.
Once I had gotten to my dorm, I flicked my laptop on and set up my printer in order to print of my essay. I was majoring in Journalism and English Lit was the lesson that Esme was taking me now.
"Who's that for?" I looked down at my paper as it came out of the printer, quickly scanning the words, I sighed.
"English Lit." Of all classes. Its final date was today which meant I had to go back to Esme and hand it in. With any luck she won't recognise me. The question was did I want her to recognise me? Did I want to reconcile with a woman I had considered my second mother, in fact she was more like a mother to me considering my mother was never in my life much, even before I moved to live with my father. I missed Esme; I missed all the Cullen's. I would give anything to see them again, ALL of them again. I just wasn't sure if now was the right time.
"Are we going to hand it in now?" I nodded and stood up, my paper in my hands and we made our way to Esme's room. I knocked on the door and heard the murmurings of a 'come in'. Rosalie followed me in, her heels clicking and clacking behind me. I turned to look at her and gave her a small smile. She grinned back and we turned to face Esme, who was grinning at us. She looked so beautiful. I really didn't think she looked like an almost-forty year old woman. She looked so youthful and poise.
"Hi, can I help you?" I was dazed for a few seconds; I was hearing the voice of someone I hadn't heard from in three years! It would freak anyone out!
"Oh, I erm…came to hand this in." I held out my paper to her and she took it gracefully.
"Oh, well thank you." It was then that I realised the whole family was there. What was once an engaged conversation, they were now all looking at us.
"Rosie?" Ah, shit it was Emmett. And man had he buffed up? It didn't take long for Rose to click who was calling her the 'dreaded' nickname.
"Emmie?" She squealed and ran to him, jumping into his arms. I rolled my eyes, they might as well of taken their clothes of there and then. I turned to go but I heard Esme's voice once again.
"I'm sorry but I'm going to need your name." What? I turned back around to face her.
"Your name. I'm asking all the students so that I can get to know them a little bit more." She grinned, obviously completely unaware as to whom she was talking to. I looked at the family surrounding her. Well except Rose and Emmett who were…a little to busy right now…if you know what I mean? Carlisle was standing behind his wife's neck, gently running a hand through her hair. That couple could survive anything. Alice was cuddled into Jasper, slightly giggling but still the pair's of eyes were now fixed on me. And then of course, my eyes laid on Edward's. He had become even more handsome then the last time I saw him. So beautiful and yet a pained look remained in his eyes. He looked at me, his eyes searching and roaming all over my body and face. As if he knew me from somewhere. Oh boy did he? Esme coughed to get my attention. "Your name. Sweetie."
"Oh erm…" I leaned forward towards her and muttered real quiet, so that she could only hear me. "Bella. Bella Swan." And as if by chance had it…
"I'm sorry what? I didn't hear that." No, of course you flaming well didn't.
"Bella Swan." I said it quietly again. She grimaced but still managed a smile.
"Little louder?" She asked, questioningly. Her usual rosy cheeks and gone a colour darker, she was obviously a little embarrassed by me. I looked at her, to Carlisle, to Alice and Jasper, to Emmett. I saved Edward till last. My eyes resting on his only a moment longer then they did on anybody else. Fuck it, I thought. You were bound to come into contact with them sooner or later.
"My name is…Bella Swan." I said loudly and clear. Despite feeling like a huge weight had somehow been lifted of my shoulder it didn't stop me from wanting to run away and cry. Which is what I did, especially when I saw Alice's eyes go wide, Esme gasp and Edward just kind of stand there. His pained eye expression deeper now then ever.
How the fuck was I going to get out of this one?
So what do you think? Should i continue? Do you like it? :/
Review Please :]