Their Situation

Chapter 4

It was cold that night, but it couldn't compare to the frigid feeling pitted in Yukino's stomach. She wrapped herself in a blanket and looked outside at the falling snow. The flakes kept on coming, not stopping at all. The soft breathing of her sisters kept Yukino in reality.

Arima-kun…she thought, burying her head in her knees. The last thing she felt before drifting off to sleep was the emptiness inside and the wet tears on her face.

The next morning, Yukino woke up early. A thick layer of snow blanketed the ground and it still did not halt. She rubbed her eyes, wiping away any signs of sleepiness or tears. She got ready for school, brushed her hair, ate a small breakfast alone, and slipped on her boots and coat.

Yukino trudged through the wet snow, heading past the intersection towards his house. It wasn't until she stood in front of the large walls that she realized that she had no purpose of standing there. Taking a deep breath, she opened the iron gate and slowly walked up the steps. Stretching out her hand, she touched the doorbell with her finger, hesitant of whether to press it or not.

Should I? she thought, debating it fiercely in her head. Gah! Why am I so worked up over this? I didn't even do anything!! With the new realization in her head, she lowered her hand and turned around, walking back down the steps and away from the Arima household. He brought it on himself! Yukino huffed before strolling away from the mansion, a haughty look upon her face.

From afar, Souchiro stood by his window, his eyes peering out of the thing curtains. His hands trembled slightly, but was it from the coldness or fear of rejection? He didn't know.  Almost regretfully, he pulled his hand away and sprawled himself on his bed, embracing the darkness.

It didn't take long for Yukino to reach school after that. She was the first one there. She walked into the empty classroom, and sat down gently at her desk. Her eyes wandered outside to the snow. She wanted to sink down and disappear into her seat. Why was it so hard for her to stop thinking of him? Yukino slammed her fist down onto the table and buried her head, still thinking of the answer.

"That idiot!" she yelled out loud.

Anger lashed out and left her body slowly. School was almost going to start and Arima still wasn't here. He was always there before the school bell rang, always. Was he sick or something?? The bell chimed and footsteps were noticeable in the halls. Students flooded the doorway, rushing to their seats. Some dawdlers were still outside in the snow, some even on the ground, making snow angels.

"Ohaiyo, Yukino-chan!" a voice pipped from behind.

"Oh! Ohaiyo, Tsubaki," she greeted, trying to smile at her friend.

"All right class. Sit down and let me take attendance!" a teacher said, rushing inside with his briefcase and cup of coffee.

Tsubaki sat down in the front, where her seat was and left Yukino to mope. Souichiro Arima wasn't coming. It was all her fault too. The day drifted on like the snow did, except the day was far more murderous than the soft flakes. By the end of the day, a few more inches were added onto the ground. The last bell rang, and everyone grabbed their things and ran outside, dancing in the flurry.

"Ah, Miyazawa. Would you mind bringing Arima his homework?" the teacher asked her.

Yukino felt hysteria rising. "Su…sure," she mumbled, accepting the few sheets of homework.

Sulkily, she marched out into the snow. The flurry was to be no more, but instead, a blizzard was coming. Yukino clutched her scarf and jacket, forcing her way against the wind and blinding snow. All this for Arima-kun. After what seemed like an eternity, she found herself in front of a familiar mansion. It was dark inside, no lights were lit. Maybe no one was home. That would be a good thing…but she just braved hell frozen over to get her. She jammed her finger into the doorbell and waited for the door to open. She tapped her foot impatiently.

Guess no one is home afterall…she thought, turning around.

The door cracked open and Yukino looked back. Souichiro stood there, his eyes locked with hers, his face almost porcelain like.

"Uh – here's your homework, Arima-kun," she stuttered out, handing it over to him.

He accepted the homework sheepishly and opened the door wider. "You'll catch a cold."

Yukino stumbled in and welcomed the shelter. "Arigatou."

She slipped off her shoes and followed Arima into the den. There was a fire in the fireplace burning, emitting a warm heat. She stretched out her hand and tried to warm herself. He hair was damp, as well as her socks and shirt. Arima had gone off somewhere. To where, she did not know. Yukino shivered, even with the heat. Souichiro had returned, blanket in hand and spare attire as well.

"Here. You can go change into these," he said to her, handing her a sweater and pants. They were probably his.

"Hai," she thanked quietly, heading towards the bathroom. She quickly changed and tucked her damp clothes into her bookbag. She then walked back into the den, where Arima sat on the loveseat, staring at the flames.

"I feel much better now," she began.

"I'm glad," he responded monotonously.

"Umm – where are your parents?" she asked, wrapping the blanket around herself.

"Work. They'll be late, with all the snow."

"Oh…" she trailed off. He didn't seem to be in the mood for conversation.

"Why didn't you come to school today?" Yukino asked him, breaking the silence.

He cocked his head up, his eyes still locked with the floor. "I didn't feel well."

Yukino sat down next to him on the couch. He shifted uncomfortably as she looked at him.

"Arima-kun!" she cried suddenly, making him jump out of his wits. He stared at her, eyes big. "Stop moping around!! It's not like you at all! And I don't like it either!"

He sighed and placed his hands slowly on hers. She was crying – but she didn't know if it was from sadness or frustration.

"Yukino," he began. "It's not you. It's absolutely not you."

She pressed her palms to her eyes, wiping away her tears. "Then…what is it?" she managed to ask.

He froze and hung his head. "I don't know."

Yukino was utterly confused. Why was he so depressed if he had nothing to be sad about? She began to chuckle lightly, catching the attention of Arima. She then leaned forward and kissed him on the check.

"You fool," she mumbled into his neck. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her back. "You know that I'll always be here for you. But if you ever pull this on me again, I am leaving you."

"I know…" he breathed, half conscious. "I'm just…not myself lately."

He was happy for this one moment in time. Just to be with his love made him content, and he didn't want anything to change. She leaned back and rested her head against his shoulder, dozing off. They shared a blanket. She rested herself, preparing for the trip back home. Him? He just continued to stare at the crimson flames.

Okay – so it's summer! Big whoop! :3 Please r/r!! And by the way, there are 2 more weeks of school for me T_T After that, it's time for me to whip out my pen and write!! XD