Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.

The quality of her video phone was deteriorating, the Saffron City Nurse Joy thought unexpectedly, her hands fidgeting impatiently with the machines cables under the table she was sitting at. But it probably wasn't, she reminded herself, just the quick, flighty actions of her second cousin, the Joy of Viridian. The Saffron City Joy didn't usually socialize with the rest of her extended family except for the annual reunion; however, Viridian Joy was young, just recently inheriting the center from her aunt, and, like all teens her age, a horrible gossip.

"So have you seen them yet?" the Viridian Joy eagerly sputtered out. She was jumping around in her seat; which, to Saffron Joy's irritation, screwed up the quality of her screen.

"Yes, I have seen them." Saffron Joy said, after a short pause where she nearly yanked out the cords of the phone. "But I don't get what you're so excited about."

Viridian Joy waved her hand dismissively. "You can't tell me you've seen them and don't feel the friction between the two! I mean, it's so totally obvious; I'm surprised Brock hasn't pulled his hair out yet."

Saffron Joy wrinkled her nose. Ah, yes, Brock. The trio, infamous among Joys since the day they blew up the Viridian Center, had recently stopped by Saffron. To her masochistic humor (and horror), Brock was every bit the ladies man her cousins claimed he would be—aka, not suave in the least. After an embarrassing scene where he attempted the serenade her with some instrument he managed to pull out of nowhere, the Saffron Joy had finally gotten away from him and a chance to see what her Viridian City cousin had recently been buzzing about.

Ash and Misty, the acclaimed 'cutest couple in the history of history'.

"I think he's too young for her." Saffron Joy abruptly interjected into the conversation, sending Viridian Joy into a frantic titter.

"No he's not! Love transcends age; if one of them finally came out and said it, the two wouldn't let a thing like age stop them!"

The Saffron Joy snorted, albeit as politely as she could. "Don't you think it's kind of weird you're pairing up two little kids? They have most of their lives to go; chances are, both of them are probably going to end up meeting someone else."

Viridian Joy shook her head, waving away all the doubts her cousin had started tossing around. "Don't be such a downer, Joy; the two of them still have time. Besides, when it comes to Pokemon trainers, it takes a lot to pull groups like that apart."

The Saffron Joy was still cynical of her cousins reasoning. It almost sounded like one of those bad movie romances where those best friends forever find themselves slowly falling in love and end up triumphing over obstacles to find the perfect relationship—giving her even more of a reason to doubt her cousin.

"But they're still only ten years old! Joy, you can't go around being matchmaker to little kids. It's not just weird, it's downright creepy." Saffron Joy argued back, finally sitting up straight and concentrating on the conversation.

On her end, Viridian Joy breathed a heavy sigh. "How can you not see the tension between those two?" Her tone changed from resigned to mildly teasing. "Is this why you can never get a date, Joy?"

Saffron Joy narrowed her eyes and turned away, biting back retorts tipping on the edge of her tongue. On the other end, Viridian Joy giggled and waved her hands up jokingly.

"Don't kill me, coz, don't kill me!"

Saffron Joy cracked her lips into a smile. Viridian Joy smiled back, then launched straight into their previous conversation.

"So, any bets on how long it's going to take them to get together? I'd say after he gets into the league—where your sister at Indigo is." Viridian Joy nodded, as if confirming what she just said. Saffron Joy repressed an amused sigh, and then smirked.

"Okay, and I'll take before he gets to Indigo. But we're going to bet something real this time, cousin. How about…" Saffron Joy trailed off, racking her brain for a horrendously boring task she figured she would have to do in the near feature. Suddenly, she had an idea. "How about you take both my shifts at Indigo if I win, and I take yours if you win?"

Viridian Joy grinned. "It's a done deal." With one last laugh, Viridian Joy flicked off the switch connecting their phones, and Saffron Joy, content with their deal, swung her chair around until she was face-to-face with the Center's computer.

Joy grinned. Her cousin never said she couldn't intervene, right? Accessing the computer's files at light-speed, Joy laughed with the knowledge was only a few clicks away from being duty-less at Indigo.

Because, really, when you have a guy and girl buzzing with tension sleeping in a room with only one bed, something was bound to happen.


Gossipy!Nurse Joy ftw. She's probably the awesomest thing since sliced bread--and seriously, you can't deny the Joy's don't have a betting pool going.

But the Jennies are probably just betting on who's going to get arrested first. ^^