Disclaimer: No own, no sue.

"I don't think I'll ever get it." Ash sighed, resting one of his cheeks on his fist. Pikachu made a cute inquisitive sound at his side; Ash petted Pikachu's head once attentively. Both looked on at the scene with curiosity. Misty, complete with her striped green bikini, frolicked in the Cerulean gym pool accompanied by all of her Pokemon, along with some new friends.

In a rare moment of thoughtfulness, Ash had decided to visit Misty just because he knew she had missed him. As usual, Ash also had a full team of Pokemon on him, which, right now, were all playing in (or around) Misty's gigantic pool.

"You know what, Pikachu? I never get how she does this." Ash sighed again, and Pikachu grinned, finally catching on. The two watched Gliscor and Staraptor soar around Misty in furious circles as she preformed another dive to the applause of Chimchar and Grotle; Buizel and several of her own Pokemon swan up to her excitedly as she resurfaced.

"I go and break my neck a couple hundred times to get your love and trust, but she pets you guys and you chatter at her for a few minutes then, wham! You all fall in love with her!" Ash resigned himself to defeat. "Does she smell better than me or something?"

Pikachu made a cheeky remark in its language.

"Oh, thanks buddy." Ash laughed lightly. "Maybe it's just a girl thing. Say, Pikachu, do Pokemon prefer girls over guys?"

Pikachu shrugged. Misty was climbing the colossal ladder to her diving board again; Chimchar performed several acrobatic moves on the bars around her. She giggled.

"…is it because she's prettier than me?"

Pikachu burst into a full blown laugh. Ash groaned and lay back until his entire back was pressed against the tiled floor next to the pool.

"Okay, I give up. Why do you like her so much?"

Pikachu didn't say anything, just scampered away to nuzzle Misty as she finished another dive. All the Pokemon gathered around her, and she began to teach them a few basics of diving, posing her body in various positions.

"Okay, it's official. It's because she's prettier than me."

Okay, this is the first drabble of my drabble collection. It's probably going to center around Ash and Misty from other people's point of view (Dawn, Brock, Pokemon, etc.) I think drabbles are especially appealing to me because they don't have to be very long--and that really fits into my writing style. ^^