I does not own Death Note. Or even a Death Note, for that matter.
The tray was examined carefully, each detail of both the platter and its contents receiving the utmost scrutiny. A mistake in this moment would not be too much of a setback, but any error was still to be avoided. With his formidable experience, L was certain that his choice would be at least 90...no, 95 percent accurate, considering the total number of choices before him.
Finally, L reached out his hand. His selection secured in the steady grip of thumb and index finger, L brought the chosen piece closer for a final inspection. The shape, the scent...this was it. L popped the chocolate into his mouth, letting the sweet rest on his tongue for a moment before he cracked it open with his teeth to release the sweetness inside.
As he'd suspected! Strawberry. One of his favorite kinds of fillings. L let the flavor soak through his tongue as he turned to the next page in the police file. Hidden from L's gaze by the sheaf of notes, the rest of the chocolate assortment rested on the tray, awaiting the detective's next selection.
Hmm...perhaps, mused L, he would try the one with the coconut filling next.